Explaining Hitler

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Explaining Hitler Page 73

by Ron Rosenbaum

  bigamy arrest of, 33–34

  newspaper article by, 183

  Hitler, Bridget (sister-in-law), 19, 32–35

  memoir of, 195–96

  Hitler, Klara (mother), xxxii, 5, 13–14, 142, 148, 150

  Dr. Bloch’s treatment of, 243–49

  Hitler, Paula (sister), 74, 110–15, 117

  Hitler, William Patrick (nephew), 19–20, 24, 196

  in attempt to blackmail Hitler, 32–36, 183

  Hitler Among the Germans (Binion), 240

  Lanzmann’s critique of, 255–56

  Hitler and Geli (Hayman), 192

  Hitler and Stalin (Bullock), 80, 89

  “Hitler and the Holocaust” (Bullock), 95

  Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (Bullock), 68–69, 81–83, 96

  Hitler: Correction of a Biography (Joachimsthaler), 123

  “Hitler Diary” hoax, 63, 72, 73, 75, 76, 223

  “Hitlerism as a Sex Problem” (Collin), 105–6

  Hitler Nobody Knows, The (Hoffmann), xvii, 168–70

  Hitler of History, The (Lukacs), xxv, xxxvi

  Hitler’s Counterfeit Reich, 58

  “Hitler’s Encephalitis: A Footnote to History,” xxxiii

  Hitler’s Guns, Girls and Gangsters (Gross), 182–83

  “Hitler Sourcebook” (OSS), 140, 180–83, 189, 191

  Hitler-Göring relationship in, 185–86

  Princess Stephanie Hohenlohe anecdotes in, 183–86

  Raubal rumors in, 182–83

  Hitler’s Psychopathology (Bromberg and Small), 29, 137–38

  Hitler’s Secret Book (Hitler), 138–39

  Hitler-Stalin pact, 375

  Hitler’s Third Reich: A Documentary History (Snyder), 326

  Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power (Turner), 366

  Hitler’s War (Irving), 94, 222–23, 233, 236

  Hitlers Wien (Hamann), xxxvi–xxxvii

  Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), xxxviii–xxxix, 337–38, 340

  German translation of, 346–47, 358–60

  mainstream popularity of, 365–66

  Hitler’s Youth (Jetzinger), 11

  Hitler: The Führer and the People (Stern), 289

  Hitler Years, The (documentary), 110

  Hoch, Anton, 228

  Hoffmann, Heinrich, xvii, 111, 126, 168–69, 170, 187, 192, 193

  Hoffmann, Henrietta, 126, 127

  “Hoffmann on Hitler” (Hoffmann), 111

  Hohenlohe, Princess Stephanie von, 183–86, 191

  Höhne, Heinz, 293

  Holocaust, xiii, xxi, xxii, xxvii, xxxi, 30, 83, 136, 197, 203, 281, 367

  blame-the-Jews approach to, 310–11, 313–15, 330

  Christianity as responsible for, 319–21, 329, 330, 335, 336

  creation of Israel and, 313

  decision question and, 363–65, 369–86

  denial of, 73, 94–95, 96, 215, 224–25, 232–33, 234, 262, 263

  despair in understanding of, xv–xvi

  Dr. Bloch episode as root of, 147–49, 239, 241–50

  Eichmann’s extermination statement and, 222–26, 234

  God and, 93, 282–85, 291, 295–96, 298–99, 334

  Hitler’s role in, xli, 90–91, 94–95, 219, 281–82, 389–90

  human nature and, 281

  Irving’s euphemism for, 234–35

  Jewish passivity in, 334–35

  Judas story and, 324–26, 328–29

  Kafka as source of, 304–5, 315

  lack of written order for, 222–26, 233, 234

  as moral lesson, 284

  mystification of, 261–64, 281–82

  as product of Western civilization, 259–60, 262, 365–66

  remembrance of, 357–58

  revenge thesis of, 357–58, 360–61, 367–68

  smoothness of execution of, 344

  theodicy problem and, 283–85, 298

  see also anti-Semitism; Final Solution

  Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 280, 281, 352

  “Holocaust as a Challenge to Belief, The,” 284–85

  Holocaust in Historical Perspective, The (Baker), 280

  Holocaust Memorial Museum, U.S., xiii, 337, 338, 344

  “Holocaust Memory and Revenge” (Lang), 357

  Hook, Sidney, 314, 315–16

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 184

  Horvath, Hans, 122

  Höss, Rudolf, 288

  Howard, Michael, xxvii

  Human, All Too Human (Nietzsche), 88

  “ideological” school of explanation, 288

  Imagining Hitler (Rosenfeld), xxv, 66–67

  Incompleteness concept, 78, 83, 85, 93–94

  “innocenticide” concept, 235

  Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 54, 58

  International Jew, The (Ford), xxxix, 55

  International Research Project on Genocide, 347

  “Interview with Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe” (OSS), 184

  “In the Penal Colony” (Kafka), 240, 305

  In the Shadow of the Reich (Frank), 25, 159

  Iran, 176

  Irving, David, xxvi, 82, 94, 220, 221–36, 287

  background of, 227–28

  Bullock’s view of, 222–23

  diaries hoax and, 224–25

  Eichmann’s memoir and, 222, 223–25

  Hitler’s Magic Circle and, 226–30, 232

  Hitler’s “spell” and, 227, 229

  “innocenticide” concept of, 235

  Schroeder and, 228, 230–31

  “stone cleaning” image of, 232

  two-Hitlers argument of, 230

  wash-the-blood-off-Hitler image of, 231–32, 235–36

  Irving, Suzie, 228

  Islam, 333

  Israel, 283, 287, 297, 329

  Holocaust and creation of, 313

  Israel, Wilhelm ben (pseudonym), 66

  “Is the Holocaust Explicable?” (Bauer), 281

  J’Accuse (attrib. Gerlich), 195–96

  Jäckel, Eberhard, 75, 245–46, 247, 249, 288

  Jackson, Jesse, 326

  James, Henry, xxx

  Jesus Christ, xxiv–xxv, xxviii–xxix, xxxv–xxxvi, xxxviii, 93, 309, 313, 314, 316, 325, 333, 339

  Christianity’s worship of, 329–30

  Jetzinger, Franz, 11, 16, 85

  “Jew and Adolf Hitler, The” (Kurth), 147, 242

  Jewish Emergence from Powerlessness, The (Bauer), 280

  Jewish Press, 30

  Jewish Social Studies, 357

  Jews, xxix, xxxviii, 88, 91, 95–96, 139, 189

  Chosen People concept of, 312, 316, 332–33

  Christianity vs., 320–21

  German, 334–35

  “germ theory” of, 211–12

  Hitler as savior of, 309–10

  “poisoners” epithet for, 38

  name change required of, 383

  World War II as war against, 363

  see also anti-Semitism; Final Solution; Holocaust

  Joachimsthaler, Anton, 123–24

  Joshua, Book of, 312

  Journal of Operational Psychiatry, xxxiii

  Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 284

  Judas, 93, 322, 324–26, 328–29, 334

  and Field of Blood, 325

  Jesus’s curse of, 325, 328

  Judenräte, 344

  Kafka, Franz, xliv, 147, 239, 245, 250, 294

  Hitler linkages and, 218, 240–41

  as source of Holocaust, 304–5, 315

  Steiner on language of, 304–5

  Kafka, John, 147, 239

  Binion and, 245–46, 247–50

  Kafka (tenant), 239, 241

  Kahr, Gustav Ritter von, 160

  Kant, Immanuel, 209

  Kazin, Alfred, 158

  Keats, John, xl

  Keitel, Wilhelm, 228

  Kershaw, Ian, xxv, xli–xlii

  Kersten, Felix, 294

  KGB, 141

  Kissinger, Henry, 339

  Klarsfeld, Serge, 262–63, 357
  Knightley, Philip, 76

  Koch, Ilse, 360

  Koch, Robert, 212

  Koehler, Hans Jurgen, 27

  Kozodoy, Neal, 382

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 134

  Kraus, Karl, 305

  Kren, George, 249–50

  Kren, Gertrude Bloch, 146, 249

  “Kriminalitaet der Encephalitiker, Zur,” xxxiii

  Kristallnacht, 39, 285–86, 292, 294

  alleged absence of verbal order for, 383–84

  Dawidowicz’s view of, 383

  Goebbels and, 191, 384

  Hitler’s role in, 191, 383–84

  Kristol, Irving, xxvii–xxviii, 392

  Kronor, Karl, 106–7

  Kubizek (Hitler friend), 244

  Kurth, Gertrud, xxvi, 145–50, 151, 242

  Kushner, Harold S., 283

  Kweit, Konrad, 342

  Lacan, Jacques, 252

  Lang, Berel, xiii, xxvi, 85, 190, 198, 208–10, 357, 389

  evil as art concept of, 214–19

  on Heidegger, 220

  on Holocaust revisionists, 219–20

  revenge thesis of, 358, 360–61

  Langer, Lawrence, 241, 305, 338–39, 345–46

  Langer, Walter C., 27, 28–29, 106, 110, 128, 146, 147, 150, 151, 181

  Language and Silence (Steiner), 304, 305

  Lanzmann, Claude, xv, xvi, xvii–xviii, xxxi–xxxii, xxxviii, 85, 241, 250, 251–66, 267, 281, 390

  acolyte’s description of, 252

  anti-explanation campaign of, 251–53, 255, 257, 258–59, 275

  Binion attacked by, 242, 255–57, 264

  codes contretemps with, 257–58

  cult of, 254

  Micheels publicly attacked by, 254, 269–75

  Pressac criticized by, 263

  Spielberg attacked by, 253

  on “why” story, 265–66

  Last Days of Hitler, The (Trevor-Roper), 63–67, 74, 79

  Rosenfeld’s critique of, 66–67

  Laub, Dori, 269, 273, 275

  “Leda and the Swan” (Yeats), xxx–xxxi

  Legacy of Genghis Khan, The, 174

  Leibniz, G. W., 284

  Leo Baeck Institute, 319, 321

  Leo Baeck Yearbook, 335

  Leuchter, Fred, 232

  Levi, Primo, 209, 215, 265, 266

  “no why here” story of, 252, 265–66, 275–76

  Levine, Ilse, 292, 294

  Levine, Kurt, 292

  Levy, Richard S., 353, 354, 356–57

  Ley, Inge, 110

  Liebenfels, Lanz von, xxxvii

  Life, 169

  Lifton, Robert, 269

  Linge, Heinz, 80

  Linzer Fliegende Blätter, xxxvi, 327

  Liptauer, Suzi, 110

  Loewenberg, Dr. Peter, xxiii, 86

  London Observer, 301

  London Review of Books, 123, 279

  Love Beyond Death (Binion), 240

  Ludendorff, Erich, 41

  Luethy, Herbert, 295

  Lukacs, John, xxi, xxv, xxxvi–xxxviii, 152

  Luther, Martin, 303

  Maccoby, Hyam, xxvi, 93, 310, 318, 319–36, 339, 340, 352

  background of, 320

  on Chosen People concept, 332–33

  on Christmas holiday, 319–20

  Steiner’s clash with, 320–21, 330–31

  Tannenbaum’s clash with, 329

  on Wandering Jew image, 330–32

  see also Christianity, Christians

  McCowen, Alec, 311

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 92, 377

  McLuhan, Marshall, 303

  Madagascar Plan, 302, 364, 377

  “Magic Circle.” 82

  Mahler, Gustav, 305–6

  Male Fantasies (Theweleit), 106

  Mann, Thomas, 217

  Manson, Charles, 190

  Marx, Karl, xxxviii, 309, 313, 328, 333

  Maser, Werner, 5, 9, 11–12, 21, 25, 123

  Mauriac, François, 361

  Maurice, Emil, 113, 125–26

  Mayer, Arno, 345

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), xxxv–xxxvi, 23, 54, 69, 139, 150, 288, 327, 376

  big lie of, 289

  decision for final solution and, 376–77

  Menendez, Erik, 69–70

  Menendez, Lyle, 69–70

  Menninger, Karl, 150

  Metamorphosis (Kafka), 304–5

  Meyer, Dr., 46–48

  Micheels, Louis, 251–52, 266, 267–76

  Lanzmann’s public attack on, 254, 269–75

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 295

  Miller, Alice, xxxi–xxxii, xl, 17, 29, 258

  Milton, John, 214, 310, 311

  Mind of Adolf Hitler, The (Langer), 181

  “Mind of Adolf Hitler, The” (Trevor-Roper), 72, 75, 106

  Miriam (Herr H.’s companion), 201, 205

  missing night theory, 194–97

  MI6, 64

  Modest Proposal, A (Swift), 157

  Mohammed (prophet), 329

  Moment, 360

  Morgenthau, Henry, 357

  Moses (prophet), 309, 313, 329, 333

  Mosse, George, 345

  Mueller, Renate, 110

  Multiple Realities in Clinical Practice (Kafka), 246

  Munch, Hans, 268–69

  Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 160, 162

  Munder, Gauleiter, 127

  Munich Agreement, 383

  Munich Illustrated News, 105, 169

  Munich Post, xviii–xx, 18, 37–59, 77, 88, 96, 157, 193, 194, 218, 362

  altered address of, 58–59

  Blomberg blackmail case in, 50

  Cell G exposé by, 40, 42, 48

  counterfeiting of history exposed by, 51, 54–57

  Final Solution in, 42–43

  Hentsch case and, 52

  Hitler’s libel suit against, 39–40, 119–20

  Nazi Party scandals covered by, 42–43, 100

  Nazis’ blackmail culture exposed by, 45–51

  November Criminals articles of, 54

  Poison Kitchen epithet and, 38

  political murders reported by, 40, 44–45, 52–53

  Raubal affair in, 41, 107–8

  Roehm blackmail case in, 46–48

  stab-in-the-back swindle trial and, 54–56

  Murdoch, Rupert, 76

  Mysterious Stranger, The (Twain), 6

  Namier, Louis, 68–69

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 7

  Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 57, 68–69

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 297

  National Archives, U.S., 179–81, 242, 243

  “Nature of Charismatic Domination, The” (Weber), 350

  Nazi Doctors, The (Lifton), 269

  Nazi Party, German, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xlii, xlv, 18, 100, 339, 341, 351, 382, 383–84

  “Adolf Hitler, Traitor” polemic of, 39–40

  blackmail culture of, 45–51

  and counterfeiting of history, 51–52, 54–57

  criminality of, 43–44

  “Heil Hitler” incantation of, 165–66

  Hitler-Strasser split in, 133

  in Munich Post, 40–43, 45, 100

  Raubal death cover up by, 100–101, 119, 121

  stab-in-the-back myth and, 53–55

  neo-Nazi movement, 264

  Netanyahu, Benzion, 315

  Neue Wiener Tageblatt, 108–9

  Neumann, Therese, 161–67

  New Republic, 362

  New Testament, 324, 325

  New York American, 34, 183

  New Yorker, xlii, 145

  New York Review of Books, 240

  New York Sun, 186

  New York Times, 132, 262–63

  Heiden obituary in, 130–31

  New York Times Book Review, 240

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 88, 95, 342

  Night (Wiesel), 296

  “revenge” references excised from, 360–61

  Night and Fog (film), 253

sp; Night of the Long Knives (1934), xix, xx, 133, 230–31

  “No Hitler, No Holocaust” (Himmelfarb), xiii, xlii, 281, 292, 340, 349, 351, 391, 393

  Nolte, Ernst, 176

  Nora (Micheels’s fiancée), 268, 275

  Nouvelle Observateur, Le, 263

  “November Criminals,” 14, 380

  stab-in-the-back myth and, 53–55, 263

  “no why here” story, 252, 265–66, 275–76

  Nuremberg trials, 81

  “Obscenity of Understanding, The,” 258–59

  Oechsner, Frederick, 183, 186–87, 189

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 24, 27, 32–34, 35, 36, 105, 110, 128, 133, 134, 146, 150, 153

  “Hitler Sourcebook” of, 140, 180–83, 185–86, 189, 191

  Okrana, 56

  Olden, Rudolf, xix, 10–11, 42

  One for Many (Kurth), 145–46

  “On the Place of the Holocaust in History” (Bauer), 264

  Ordinary Men (Browning), 94, 362

  Origins of the Second World War, The (Taylor), 384

  Ossietzky, Carl von, 158

  Ostara, xxxvii, 282, 333

  Ottenstein castle, 12–13

  Ozick, Cynthia, 209, 335

  Pant, Father, 203

  Papen, Franz von, 51, 367

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 310, 311

  Paris, archbishop of, 272

  Pasteur, Louis, 211, 212

  Patient, The (Binion), 240

  Patient Hitler (Schenck), 249

  Paul, Saint, 324–25

  Peis, Günter, 110, 111, 112, 114–15, 116, 117

  Pelagius, 329

  Petrova, Ada, 80

  Pfeffercorn, Eli, 361

  Philby, Kim, 141

  Picture Post, 227

  Pictures at an Exhibition (Thomas), 218

  Plantinga, Alvin, xxii, 284

  Plato, 377

  Podhoretz, Norman, 314

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 90

  Poison Kitchen, see Munich Post

  Poland, 18, 81, 316, 345, 363

  Dawidowicz’s visit to, 374–75

  German invasion of, 57, 175, 386

  Police Gazette, xi

  Politics (Aristotle), 83

  Portage to San Cristóbal of A.H., The (Steiner), xi, xxv–xxvi, xxxviii, 300

  alleged blaming-the-Jews, 310–11, 313–15

  criticism of, 310–11

  Hitler character’s speech in, 308–10, 312, 321, 330–31

  stage production of, 300–301

  summation of, 307–10

  Powers, Thomas, 180

  “Pragmatism, Function and Belief in Nazi

  Anti-Semitism” (E. Goldhagen), 351

  Predarovich, Nikolaus, 24–25

  Pressac, Jean Claude, 262–63

  Prokhoris, Sabine, 256, 257

  Protagoras (Socrates), 210, 214

  Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 55–57, 347

  as manual for anti-Semites, 57

  “Psychiatric Study of Jesus, The” (Schweitzer), xxviii–xxix

  Psychoanalytic Review, 147, 150

  “psychohistorical” school of explanation, 288

  Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), 134


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