Tequila & Lace

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Tequila & Lace Page 19

by Kimberly Knight

  Balls deep in my girl, her screaming my name and her pussy clenching down on my now over sensitive dick, I pumped a couple more times before filling the rubber.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. “We’re gonna take a little break, and then we’re going to do that again. Us taking a break killed me and I couldn’t last as long as I wanted to.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “I love you, Joselyn.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek. “I love you too, Paul.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She started to cry a little more. “I’ve been waiting a long time for you to call me Joselyn and to hear you say that you love me.”

  I wiped her tears. “Knowing your real name doesn’t change how I feel about you, gorgeous.”

  She nodded. “I know, but it’s still nice to finally hear.”

  “What’s your middle name?”


  “Joselyn Olivia Marquez, I fucking love you!”

  She blushed and kissed me quickly.

  “And if you want you can call me PJ.” When we met, she knew me as Paul. It was weird to correct her after all this time. Now since she had a new name, it felt as though she could call me by a new name as well. After all, my close friends and the ones I loved and cared for all called me PJ.

  She laughed. “Oh yeah?” I nodded. “Well, you can call me Joss.”

  “I’ll stick to gorgeous.”

  “I’ll stick with sexy.”

  I kissed her again, finally pulling out of her and carrying her to the bed. I went to clean up before crawling into bed with her.

  I needed a few more minutes to build my stamina up for round two.

  We lie wrapped in each other, my fingers lightly caressing her arm as she twirled the ring I’d finally put on her finger after we were done showing each other how much we’d missed one another.

  I caught a glimpse of her tattoo on her side and it finally clicked:

  she always had a way

  with her brokenness

  she would take her pieces

  and make them beautiful

  “Is your tattoo about that night?”

  She stopped fidgeting with the ring. “For so long I felt used. I was broken.” She turned over, placing her chin on my chest and peered into my eyes. “I never felt beautiful until you. I got that tattoo hoping that one day I would find my missing piece—and I have.”

  We kissed briefly again. There were no more words spoken. I knew what it was like to be broken and to find the missing piece. She was mine. Joss returned to staring at the ring; the afternoon sun shined through the window, reflecting the diamond against the wall.

  “Can I live here?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so,” she replied.


  “We’ll figure it out. Maybe the case won’t take that long. Can you stay with Gabe and Autumn?”

  “I will until I buy us a house. Wait … after the case is over, will you live here or D.C.?”

  She thought for a moment. “I wasn’t planning on it, but I guess here since you have Gabe and Autumn living here and they’re your best friends.”

  I kissed her lips. “Then yes, I’ll live with them until I buy us a house. I’m sure they’ll let me and if not, rent’s cheap here.” I laughed.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me going back undercover?”

  “Do I have a choice?” She shook her head. “Then I have to be. Can I be your bodyguard?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Well, actually—”

  Before she could finish, the doorbell rang.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  She smiled brightly and jumped out of bed. “That’s who I thought was going to be here when I answered the door and it was you.”

  I scrunched my eyebrows at her as she hurried and threw on clothes.

  “You’ll probably want to get dressed to meet him.”

  “Him?” I asked.

  “Yep,” she yelled as she ran out of the room.

  I hurried and pulled on my jeans. As I walked down the stairs, I put my T-shirt back on. I could hear her laughing the closer I got, and when I turned to go into the living room, I met the eyes of a man I’d never seen before.

  “Paul, this is Seth. Seth this is—”

  “Her fiancé,” I clarified.

  He turned to her. “Fiancé?”

  I pulled her to me and kissed the top of her head.

  “A lot has happened since I moved to Vegas.” She smiled up at me.

  “Apparently.” He laughed. “Well, let’s pop the champagne and you two can tell me all about it before we dive into why I’m here.”

  The End … for now.

  Seth’s story will continue in Champagne & Handcuffs and will be released in 2016!

  To stay up-to-date on release information, join Kimberly’s newsletter!

  Note from the Author

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you’ve enjoyed Tequila & Lace as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Getting in the mind of Paul and Joss was interesting to say the least! I’m not sure when Champagne & Handcuffs will be released, but please subscribe to either my blog, newsletter or both to stay up-to-date on all of my releases.

  You can find the links on my website at www.authorkimberlyknight.com. You can also follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AuthorKKnight.

  Thank you again, and I hope these two have captured a place in your heart! You can really help me out a lot by leaving a review at your favorite retailer and Goodreads. Your love and support means everything to me and I cherish you all!


  Books by Kimberly Knight

  Where I Need to Be (Club 24 Series, #1)

  Finding Spencer (Club 24 Series, #1.5)

  Wanted (Club 24 Series, #2)

  Wanting Spencer (Club 24 Series, #2.5)

  Anything Like Me (Club 24 Series, #3)

  Forever Spencer (Club Series, #3.5)

  Perfect Together – The Club 24 Series Box Set (Books 1-3.5)

  Tattooed Dots (The Halo Series, #1)

  The One (The Halo Series, #2)

  Never Stop (The Halo Series, #3) Release date: December 15, 2015

  My One (The Halo Series, #4) Release date: TBD

  Angels & Whiskey (Saddles & Racks, #1)

  Tequila & Lace (Saddles & Racks, #2)

  Champagne & Handcuffs (Saddles & Racks, #3) Release date: 2016

  And more …


  First and foremost, I always need to thank my husband. For some reason, I always set a deadline and then it gets here before we know it and I’m scrambling to get my books finished. This time was no different. Thank you for being awesome and taking care of me when I was starving and needing to eat but didn’t have time to cook for us. One day I’ll get ahead of the game and this won’t happen. I love you, you know?

  To my editor, Jennifer Roberts-Hall: We’re getting better! I’m so happy you’re my editor and that you work with me despite my damn medical issues. You’re a rockstar and without you, I would still be capitalizing babe and baby. I’m also happy to call you my friend. You’re an amazing person, mother and wife and an amazing editor. I know some days you don’t think you have your shit together, but we all feel that way. Pretty sure that’s called life. Love you!

  Renee Reigles: I don’t even know where to begin. You fucking saved my ass big time with this one! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I owe you so much. Words can’t even explain how much I owe you. For all the hours you helped me and brainstormed with me … I’m pretty sure I owe you my first born. Okay, maybe not my first born, but thank you, thank you, thank you! One day I hope to have my shoulder fixed, my mojo back and to hug the ever living shit out of you! I love you, girl!

  Lea Cabalar: What a crazy few months. We went from seeing each other almost every month to like never. This sucks! Thank you for always keeping up with my social media and I can’t wait to hug you in LA. Actually by
the time you read this, that will have already passed, but then we will have to wait until Sacramento … so, damn! When you read this, think about coming to visit before Sacramento okay? I love you! #NoFilter

  To my betas: Diane Robson, Heidi Eich Woodring, Jessica Griffith, Keri Anderson, Stacy Nickelson, Tiffany Chavis-Smith and Wendy O-Hara-Perry, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy lives to get engulfed in the lives of these characters. I know beta reading is time consuming and I appreciate every minute you spent helping me to make this story what it is.

  To all the bloggers who participated in my cover reveal, release day blitz and review tour, thank you! Without bloggers, I have no idea where I would be. You’ve all taken a chance on me and my books time and time again, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I never thought I would be an author, especially one with a fan base, and I owe a lot to y’all.

  To Liz Christensen of E. Marie Photography: Well … I’m pretty sure that everyone has said this is my best cover to date. You rocked it!

  Emmy Hamilton: Thank you for your eyes once again. You’re an awesome proof-reader!

  And finally, thank you readers for believing in me and taking a chance on my books again and again. Without you guys I wouldn’t still be writing and living my dream!


  Liz Christensen


  [email protected]

  Male Cover Model:

  Ryan Kurek


  Female Cover Model:

  Allie Renee


  About the Author

  Kimberly Knight is a USA Today Bestselling Author that lives in the mountains near a lake with her loving husband and spoiled cat, Precious. In her spare time, she enjoys watching her favorite reality TV shows, watching the San Francisco Giants win World Series and the San Jose Sharks kick butt. She’s also a two time desmoid tumor/cancer fighter that’s made her stronger and an inspiration to her fans. Now that she lives near a lake, she plans on working on her tan and doing more outdoor stuff like watching hot guys waterski. However, the bulk of her time is dedicated to writing and reading romance and erotic fiction.





  Follow her on Instagram: KimBrulee10




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