Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie

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Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie Page 12

by Doctor MC

  From behind me, I heard Jorje Rodriguez say, “Hey, ‘Sissy Harold,’ you look very sissy today. If you came over to do Marvin, will you do me too?”

  I glanced back. “Jorje, no trash-talking Harold, got it?”

  “Sorry, Marvin,” Jorje said contritely.

  As soon as I faced forward and made eye contact with Harold, he asked, “Is it true? Anna Kay asked to be ... in your harem?”

  “Yes, it’s true,” I said.

  “And you—and you—and you told her, ‘Yes,’ of course.”

  I shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “You haven’t? You haven’t decided about Anna Kay?”

  I feared for my instep then, so I changed the subject. “Why are you dressed like this?”

  “Because Natasha told me to.”

  I gave him a look that said If Natasha told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too? But what I said aloud was, “The whole school is talking about you today.”

  “So what? Natasha said she liked me looking like this. She even kissed me on the cheek before school.” Harold’s face showed the joy of a small child on Christmas morning.

  The Tardy Bell rang then, and Harold moved back to his seat as fast as he could go.

  Which wasn’t very fast. Harold wasn’t used to walking in those shoes.


  When I walked into trig class, I discovered that Mr. Quincy wasn’t there, and we had a substitute teacher instead. The substitute’s name, according to the blackboard, was “Miss French.” Miss French was a blonde with a pretty face.

  A set-up movie screen at the front of the class, and a 16-mm projector at the back of the class, promised an hour of time-wasted boredom. “Jeez,” I said, “I do not want to see Trigonometry In Your World again!”

  Miss French said, “Sorry, sir, but that’s what’s in the lesson plan.”

  “ ‘Sir’?” Anna Kay echoed.

  I’d been just spouting off. But as soon as the Tardy Bell rang, Miss French shot out of her seat behind the teacher’s desk, and hurried down the aisle to stand by my school desk. Now I could see that the pretty-faced blonde was tall and thin, with shapely legs. Really, she could be a model.

  Miss French, the model-couldbe, stood in front of me contritely. “Please tell me what to do this hour instead of show the movie, sir.”

  I said, “Call me ‘Marvin.’ What is your name, Miss French?”

  “It’s Felicia, Marvin sir.”

  Anna Kay said, “ ‘Felicia French’? For real? You always could tell her to suck your cock all period, and then claim her as one of your women, ‘sir.’ ”

  I said, “Congratulations, Anna Kay, you’ve just dissed both Miss French and myself. Apologize now, or I’ll make you date Harold Miller.”

  “Ewww,” the whole class said.

  Anna Kay apologized instantly.

  I turned back to Felicia and asked, “What do you do when you’re not substitute-teaching?”

  “I’m a model, Marvin sir.”

  The whole class oohed at that.

  Felicia continued, “But I don’t get many calls because I’m fat”—meaning, she was only slightly anorexic—“and I’m twenty-two.” At my puzzled look, she explained, “My looks are fading, Marvin sir.”

  I smiled at her and shook my head. Then I said, “Now, what to do with you? Hm, I think Anna Kay has the right idea.” I grabbed my book bag off the floor and extracted a wrapped condom. “On your knees, Felicia.”

  I exposed my cock to the fluorescent lights overhead, then condomized my dick. Felicia leaned forward to mouth me, but I told her, “Hold up.”

  I looked at Anna Kay and said, “Come kneel to the right of my chair.”

  Then I raised my voice and said, “To the other girls in the class: You have three choices. You can spend the rest of the period studying and doing homework—”

  “Yuck,” I heard many girls say.

  “—or you can pick out a guy here in class, and spend the rest of the period sucking his cock. I—”

  “Yes!” I heard many boys say.

  “—have plenty of condoms in my book bag, for anyone who wants one. Girls, your third choice is to jill yourself at your desk all period. Let’s get started.”

  As Felicia started mouthing me, I called out to the class again, “Oh yeah, one more thing, people. You boys getting sucked off, and you girls jilling yourselves, don’t be loud. We shouldn’t disturb other classes.”

  Within seconds, the classroom was filled with gasps and moans, and the sounds of slurping. Some of that slurping noise was coming from Miss French frenching my cock.

  I turned to Anna Kay and said, “Your assignment is to kiss me, all the rest of this period. Melt the plastic tips on my shoelaces.”

  Anna Kay looked offended. “While the substitute is sucking you off?”

  I said, “So you want to be my woman only when it suits you? I see. Go back to your desk and start your homework.” My eyes and my tone of voice said It’s “game over” for you, Anna Kay.

  You see, Reader, I had read something about the school that the Navy uses to train people to be SEALs. Part of that training is one full week of absolute hell, in which you’re screamed at, you’re given contradictory orders, you’re sleep-deprived, you’re insulted—it’s 168 hours of sheer brutality. Meanwhile, the school has this brass bell—and if you decide that the treatment’s too rough, that you want out, all you have to do is walk over and ring the bell. Yes, there’s paperwork required to actually get you out of the school, but once you ring that bell, the paperwork is just a formality. Why does the SEALs school operate this way? Because they need a certain type of human being; and if you’re not that kind of person, the Navy would rather find out now, rather than when your being a fuckup really hurts the mission.

  I was mind-fucking Anna Kay because of logic similar to the Navy’s. Anna Kay was not a touch-slave, and never would be a touch-slave; she alone could say I refuse to do that. But just because she could say those words, would she? Would she be a true submissive with me, or would she fall back on expecting to be treated like a princess? Better to find out now, than after I’d committed myself.

  All this explains why I was acting so arrogant and nasty to Anna Kay today, when I’d been a pussycat around her up till now.

  Anyway, after I dismissively told Anna Kay to go back to her desk and start studying, she didn’t go there. Instead, she threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me hard.

  A girl to my left, her voice ragged with sexual excitement, said, “God, I wish it was me kissing him.”

  I heard those words, and I know that Anna Kay heard them too—because she immediately had an orgasm.

  I let myself enjoy the moment for the next few minutes. A braless and panty-less cheerleader was making out with me, a blond model was sucking me and, thanks to me, many of my classmates were getting their jollies. Life was good.

  After several minutes, I pulled my face away from Anna Kay’s. Raising my voice again, I said, “Show of hands, ladies. Right now I’m making out with Anna Kay. But how many of you would choose to come over here and kiss me if I let you?”

  Every female hand went up, including Felicia French’s.

  I turned to Anna Kay and said, “See that? They all want to kiss me, but you’re the one I’m letting do it. What do you think of that?”

  Anna Kay “replied” with moans and a shuddering, spasming orgasm.

  Meanwhile, Felicia had been sucking me all this time. I looked down and said to her, “Please do me a favor. Anna Kay here just had two powerful orgasms. She’s probably aching to touch her own clit. But she’s correctly guessed that she’s not to touch herself without my permission. Would you please reach under her skirt and stroke her clit to multiple climax? Her clit’s easy to find, since she’s not wearing panties.”

  I turned my head back to Anna Kay and started kissing her again. A second later, Anna Kay gasped, then started kissing me harder.


sp; Four minutes before the Dismissal Bell rang, I called out, “Cocksuckers, one-minute warning.” I don’t know how the other girls in class responded, but Felicia’s response was to go into warp drive. She’d already popped me once, and odds looked better and better that she’d pop me a second time.

  Yet I exerted superhuman self-control, sixty seconds later. “Cocksuckers, mouths up and back away from the cocks!” How I could say this even as I was spurting into my condom, I don’t know.

  Then I told Anna Kay, “Go around the room with a trashcan, and collect the used condoms.” Anna Kay did not look happy, but she did as she was told.

  Meanwhile, Felicia French was sitting on her heels, looking up at me.

  I said, “That was excellent, Felicia. I am pleased.” She beamed. Then I asked, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Um, Marvin sir? Does it count if he’s married?”

  “Depends. Has he filed for divorce? Or has his wife?”

  “Not yet, Marvin sir, but he says it’s complicated—”

  “Uh-huh. Has he moved out of his house? Or has she?”

  “No, Marvin sir, but he’s got a big project at work, and he doesn’t have the time—”

  “What’s his name?”

  “It’s Frank.”

  “Too bad for Frank. He snoozed, he losed. I claim you, Felicia French.”

  She leaned forward and kissed my by-now-uncondomed dick. “I thank you, Marvin sir.”

  “There’s a meeting of my women after school. I’ll meet you here and escort you to the office to sign out, then I’ll escort you to the meeting.”

  By now, Anna Kay had returned to my side. I turned to her and said, “We still have a minute before the bell. Kiss Felicia on the mouth, to thank her for giving your clit a party.”

  Anna Kay hesitated only a second before giving Felicia a long, hot kiss. Two different guys in the class said, “Yeah!”

  Chapter 20

  Classroom Orgy

  Seventh period’s Dismissal Bell rang, ending the school day. I hurried to Mr. Quincy’s classroom, to pick up Felicia and escort her to the school office. While Felicia was signing her substitute-teacher sheet, I was getting the lowdown on Janice Wesley’s attendance. As I’d suspected, Janice had missed all classes Friday, as well as Thursday and Wednesday.

  Once Felicia and I had finished in the school office, I told her to write down her contact information for me, while I stepped outside to make a phone call.

  The news was good. Mr. Dodd had received a fax from Cassandra Farnetti, stating that Aunt Esther had dropped her challenge to the will. Once Mr. Dodd had received that fax, he filed Uncle Warren’s will, and the actual transfer of stuff from Uncle Warren to me wasn’t expected to take long.

  Mr. Dodd told me that the probate judge was amazed how orderly the submitted paperwork was. There was no “We’re waiting to find out X, Y, and Z.” Why, it was almost as if all the paperwork was prepared in advance! Uncle Warren’s estate was appraised at $31,862,673,129.86, but Mr. Dodd thought that it all could be completely probated in two weeks.

  Mr. Dodd then said, “In fact, you can come pick up the house keys right now. Alas, you’re not legal to drive any of the cars yet, sorry.”

  I replied, “I have some things to do after school today. I can’t say when I’ll get to your office. But if it’s after hours, please ask Bridget to stay after.”

  “No problem, Mr. Harper.”

  I sent Mom a text message: “I RUNNG ERRANDS TONIGHT. GET OWN DINNER. M”


  As Felicia and I were walking down a Plato Smith hallway toward Bellina Mott’s room, I gave her my harem-slave dress code, adding that she was never to get thinner than she was now. I repeated my command that her affair with Frank now was over. Then I asked, “Questions, Felicia?”

  “Will you fuck me sometime soon? Since the moment I put my mouth on your cock, all I’ve thought about this afternoon is you taking me completely.”

  “I’m working on that. Sometime Sunday.”


  I walked into Bellina Mott’s classroom with Felicia. Upon seeing her, Elena and Kristin high-fived each other.

  “We have a new sister!” Elena said.

  “And she’s gorgeous,” Kristin said.

  Besides Elena and Kristin, also waiting for me was my teacher-slave, Bellina; my two other student-slaves, Stephanie and Diane; and my harem-slave-on-probation, Anna Kay. Both Anna Kay and Felicia looked nervous, though for different reasons.

  I said, “Women, this is Felicia French, substitute teacher and professional model. Welcome her; she is indeed your newest sister.”

  Anna Kay asked, “Am I the second-newest sister?”

  “We’ll know soon,” I said.

  I raised my voice then, and said, “Women, I’m moving into a new place. So all my women are ordered to attend a party to my place, Sunday at one in the afternoon. I don’t know yet whether the pool is clean, but bring swimsuits anyway—the racier the better. We’ll talk, eat, and fuck.”

  Everyone was glad to hear this news—except Anna Kay, who looked wistful.

  Now I clapped my hands and said, “Bellina, you have Anna Kay’s bra and panties?” Bellina pulled them out of a drawer and raised an eyebrow. But I shook my head, and Bellina put Anna Kay’s underwear back in her drawer.

  Then I turned to Anna Kay and said, “You’re already missing your bra and panties—take your blouse off too.”

  Seconds later, I said to Anna Kay, “Right now you’re bare to the waist; and below the waist you’re wearing only a skirt, thigh-high stockings, and shoes. You must really want to be one of my women.”

  “I do.”


  She looked my eyes and said, “Because I love you. You are gentle; you are kind. And sexually, you’re my heart’s desire.”

  “I’m gentle and kind? I made you get nearly naked this morning, right here in school. I ordered you to kiss me while another woman sucked my cock.”

  “You were testing me.”

  “And now you have one more test. Are you ready?”


  “You don’t even know what the test is.”

  “I’m ready.”

  I nodded. Then I raised my voice and said, “Women, I’m headed to the Home Ec Lab to get my Captain America costume fitted, and—”

  “Ooh,” said Diane, “can we watch?”

  “No. In order to avoid another circus, the only people there will be Ilyana, Mrs. Williams, and I. And since I’ve never been fitted for a skintight superhero costume, I don’t know whether it’ll take ten minutes or two hours.”

  “It’s probably like a bridal gown,” Felicia said.

  I smiled. “I’ve never been fitted for one of those either.”

  Stephanie said, “I’ll bet ‘Sissy Harold’ has! Or wants to be.”

  Kristin started to say something angry. But I raised my hand to stop her, then said, “Stephanie, no more of that.”

  “Sorry, Marvin,” Stephanie said.

  I said, “They’re waiting for me; I need to go. Anna Kay, here is your test: Until I return, you are to lick pussy. It’s up to you, whom you lick and how long. But when I walk through this door again, I expect to find your face between someone’s legs, and everyone vouching for you.”

  Diane said, “Um, Marvin? What if we, um, don’t want—”

  I said, “Diane, Diane, Diane, that is exactly the wrong attitude. Women, anytime I want, I want that I can point to any two of you and say, ‘You, get your pussy naked; and you, go over there and eat her out.’ And then I want the first woman to be responsive, and I want the second woman to be eager and generous. Got it?”

  “Sorry, Marvin,” Diane said. Her lip was trembling.

  I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. “I’m not mad at you, Diane. Your reaction is natural. But it’s not what I want.”

  Then I pulled away from Diane. “Women, just so I’m clear: If Anna Kay chooses you, then I expect you to off
er your crotch; and I want you to climax if Anna Kay licks you halfway decently. Anna Kay, I want you to do your damnedest to give dozens of orgasms to whomever you lick. Everyone got me?”

  Everyone nodded her head. Kristin was trying to look blasé, but wasn’t succeeding. You might as well ask a small child to look blasé on Christmas morning.

  I walked to the classroom door, then said, “Anna Kay, you have anything to say before I leave?”

  Anna Kay looked unhappy but also determined, like a private marching into his first battle. Anna Kay said, “The only thing I have to say is: Felicia, panties off.”


  In the Home Ec Lab, the magic of “let’s just be friends” held; neither Ilyana nor Mrs. Williams raped me, and nobody asked me for sex.

  Another kind of magic held as well. I had been five inches shorter when Ilyana had taken her measurements, and yet the Captain America costume fit (more or less) when I tried it on.

  Felicia had been a little wrong: In one big way, my costume-fitting was nothing like that for a wedding gown. My costume was “sewn together” with straight pins, and we discovered the hard way that when I flexed muscles, either I got pinpricks or I sent pins flying.

  Brides generally do not cause this problem for their seamstresses. (Except for Dolly Parton, when she inhaled.)

  Mrs. Williams and I finally declared the fitting as “done” when I could do three different kata without once getting pricked or creating pin-shrapnel.

  (Yes, Reader, isn’t it amazing that someone who never studied martial arts at all, suddenly knows three different kata, and the martial art that each kata represents? Gosh, I wonder how that happened?)


  I was gone from Bellina Mott’s classroom for an hour and a half. Walking back to that English classroom from the Home Ec Lab, I noticed the smell from a hundred feet away.

  This entire part of the school reeked of happy girl. And was I hearing women’s sexual moans?

  I walked in the door, and saw—

  On the teacher’s desk were seven neat piles of clothing. Everyone except Anna Kay was naked below the waist; and Elena, Kristin, Stephanie, and Felicia were completely naked.


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