A Love We Deserve

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A Love We Deserve Page 12

by Betsy Anne

  I take the coward’s approach, and do nothing. I let the text linger in cyberspace. I never hear back from him, so I think he gets the message.

  Chapter 13

  Katie, Jill and I, along with our small staff, have been furiously trying to get the first shelter open by October. Chicago winters have been known to blow in early, and to get as many women and children off the streets by then is what motivates us. We’ve joined up with a local grassroots organization that offers free health screenings from a medical van. We hope to have the van come twice a month, so anyone new can be seen in a timely manner. It’s fulfilling to know that you can help at least one person in the world have a better life. Most days, I’m so consumed with my job that I don’t obsess over Brian. Most days. Well, some days. A few days?

  Truth is, I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s gotten under my skin. True, he’s drop-dead gorgeous with a body, one assumes, to die for, but that’s not it. I feel badly ignoring his text when he was trying to reach out and clear the air. I know he probably doesn’t think twice about it, but I certainly do. I’ve held my phone in my hand, staring blankly at the screen, talking myself in and out of texting him back. His face has re-appeared in my dreams and fantasies, which have become more frequent. I’ve also found that I’m not skipping the sports pages in the newspaper anymore. I scour the articles about the Bears for his name. The season starts this weekend, and I know I’ll be glued to the TV. I’m even looking forward to Sunday.

  Jason is usually on the sidelines for the games. He is there in an unofficial capacity; since everyone on the team goes to him after injuries, they like having him there. Maybe I can finagle a sideline visit sometime. Of course, I think he’s still angry with me over my behavior. I’ll have to make him something tasty as a peace offering. I talk Kat into coming over to watch the game using the excuse that we may see some of the people from our fundraiser.

  “What? OK, but don’t expect me to know the game. Football baffles me. I’ll make something to bring over. Maybe I’ll see Jason on the sidelines. People tell me all the time that they catch glimpses of him. I sort of feel badly I’ve never bothered to watch. He’ll be thrilled.”

  Great. I’ve got her on board. I really just want an excuse for her to talk more about Brian. She’s kept her mouth shut since the whole debacle; I think she thinks I don’t want to talk about him anymore. She was right, too. He’s really not the type of guy that I usually go for. Of course, with all my relationship success in the past, maybe I should re-think my “type.”

  Katie arrives right at kick-off. She truly could not care less about the game. I’m propped in front of the TV.

  “Grab yourself something to drink, and bring that grub over here. I have beer and wine, and there’s tea in the fridge.”

  Katie’s not a big drinker, so she grabs a water bottle. I, on the other hand, have gone through two and a half beers, with plenty in reserve. I’m nervous for some strange reason. It’s not like I’m going to see him or speak to him, but the anticipation of seeing his face is thrilling. Katie is babbling on about different people she recognizes on the sideline. Only when I hear her scream, “Look!” do I really listen.

  “Mel, look! It’s Jason!”

  She’s waving at the screen; it’s too adorable. She always reminds me of a sweet, innocent kid. I see Jason, he’s inches taller than almost everyone so he’s easy to spot, and then I notice who he’s talking to. It’s him. Oh Jesus, he’s so hot. His hair is mussed, and his eyes are smiling. They’re sharing something funny, because they’re both laughing. Those are two fine-looking specimens. I wonder how many women are seeing the same image and thinking the same thing? Brian is number eighty-six. Mental note: Pay attention to eighty-six.

  “Mel, look! It’s Brian, too! What could possibly be that funny? Jason’s not funny. I’ll have to ask him later what they were talking about. By the way, you never told me if you texted him back with an apology. Did you?”

  She goes straight for the gut.

  “The game’s about to start, Kat. We’ll talk about it later.”

  “Mel, there’s not much to talk about. Either you did or you didn’t. Please tell me you did. He’s such a nice guy.”

  She’s staring at the side of my head waiting for an answer.

  “No, I didn’t, OK? Yes, I’m a complete bitch. Now can I watch the game?”

  She looks like I slapped her. She sits back on the couch and doesn’t say another word. Crap, this isn’t what I wanted.

  “Katie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just felt so badly about what happened, I was too embarrassed, OK? I just wanted the whole situation to be over.”

  She moves closer to me, and gives me a hug.

  “I’m sorry, Mel. I know. I’ll let you watch the game now.”

  Wow, he’s really good. I’ve kept my eye on him the entire game. Not only is he big and strong, but he’s a fast runner. He’s had quite a few great catches, and some impressive tackles. My mind wanders to him tackling me, and lying on top and not getting up. Me, trapped under his beautiful body. Whoa. Back up, Mel. My crotch is heating up. I think I may have conditioned my body to react a certain way when I think about him. Like a horny Pavlov’s dog.

  The Bears are up by the middle of the fourth quarter. They put in the back-up quarterback so he can get playing time. He lobs the ball up too high for Brian; he jumps up, and comes down weirdly on his left leg. He’s not getting up.


  Katie was asleep on the couch next to me, and she jumps.

  “What? What?”

  She’s rubbing her eyes, trying to understand what’s going on.

  “Brian’s down! I think he hurt his leg. Jason’s out there on the field, look!”

  She and I both stare at the screen while the medical staff evaluates him. He gets up on his own, and limps with one arm around Jason who’s helping him. Katie and I are stunned into silence. Man, am I just the worst luck for this guy. If he only knew I was watching the game, he’d put a restraining order against me for too much bad karma. After he leaves the field, they resume the game. No mention of his condition. Katie must see how worried I am, because she places her hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s OK Mel, Jason’s with him. I’ll text him and see if he can give us an update.”

  “Oh, I know. I always get upset when guys get hurt. You know, their careers and all.”

  She sees right through my weak attempt at hiding how worried I am. I feel as if since this guy met me, I’ve been nothing but a black cat, walking under a ladder while smashing mirrors on Thirteenth Street. She’s furiously texting Jason, and her phone buzzes with a new text almost in the same instant she sent hers.

  We’re pretty sure he has a tear in his Achilles tendon. Good thing he stopped playing before the whole thing snapped. We’ll know more tomorrow after some tests. So impressed you’re watching the game! Tell Mel thanks from me.

  “Well, I’m not really sure how bad it is, but Jason thinks he did something to his Achilles. Is that bad, long-term?”

  “It just depends on the severity of it. Thank God it didn’t tear all the way.”

  I turn off the television. I feel ill. Katie goes home. I don’t think I’m much fun to be around since I haven’t said a word in a while.

  * * *

  The sports section on Monday was kind to Brian. The article listed his stats for the game, pretty impressive I guess, and that the Bears can’t afford to lose him to an injury. I’ve obviously not been paying enough attention to Chicago sports if this guy has gone under my radar. There’s a picture of him landing on his ankle, which was turned in the other direction. It’s nothing short of a miracle that he didn’t break it. I’m so worried, and need to find out more. I call Kat to see if she has more news.

  “Good morning, girl, you ready to work today?”

  “I know why you’re calling, Mel. Don’t play me.”

  She giggles.

  “You’re calling to get some inside informatio
n on our friend, Mr. Eyre. Isn’t that right?”

  I hear Jason say something in the background but I couldn’t hear it clearly.

  “What did your husband say? Don’t tell him I want to know. That’s embarrassing!”

  “He just suggested that you call Brian yourself if you’re worried.”

  Not happening. Why is he making such a big deal? I’m just asking about his friend.

  “Come on, Kat. Tell him I’d ask about anyone on the team, it’s just that I know he’s good friends with him.”

  “Jason heard that and he said you’ve never asked about anyone else, and there’ve been plenty of injuries over the years. Now he’s making a crude gesture, I’m thinking it’s meant to be you and Brian doing the nasty.”

  She is laughing now, and Jason is too. It sounds like she dropped the phone. Screw both of them; I hang up. I don’t even know why I bothered. I have work to do.

  I decide to keep ESPN on in the background this morning while I’m on my laptop. I like the noise. Never mind the fact that they keep bringing up Brian and showing him every thirty minutes. Nope, don’t care about that at all. They are discussing his injury, though, and the players in the past who have suffered from the same type. For some, the injury stopped their career, others returned, but with reduced playing time and functionality. Oh God. Please don’t let his be that severe. As if she were reading my mind, Katie calls.

  “I’m sorry about before hon. Jason was excited that you cared so much. They’re evaluating Brian this morning. Jason said that if it is his tendon, he’ll be out for the rest of the season, most likely. Every person and injury is different, but you can’t rush that one. Jason left a little while ago, and he said he’d keep me posted.”

  “OK, thanks, Kat. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She calls me a few hours later; I had my head buried in paperwork, to let me know his status.

  “It is his Achilles. He’s out for the season, but the good news is that it wasn’t ruptured, just a bad strain. Takes a while to get it back to normal, though. Poor guy. At least he signed a good contract last year so he’s safe. I don’t know what he’ll do with himself if he’s not playing. He’s like a big kid and with nothing to do he’ll go stir crazy.”

  Out for the season. My first Bears game in years I actually cared about and watched, and this happens. I’m staying clear of this poor guy, he’s had enough of Hurricane Melanie.

  Chapter 14


  “I’m so happy to hear the good news. You make sure and listen to your hot therapist and he’ll have you better than ever in no time!”

  Brian called for Jason, but I just had to congratulate him. Jason said with proper rehab, his leg should heal well. Next season shouldn’t be a problem. No one works harder than Brian, they’ve all been saying. Melanie’s been trying so hard to find out about him being as subtle as she knows how. I see right through it. I still can’t tell if she likes him or just feels badly, but I don’t care. I’m making this happen. I couldn’t dream of two people more suited for one another; they just have to see it for themselves.

  Brian has been like a caged animal. He’s been with Jason everyday either doing his exercises or just hanging around. He desperately needs something to do. An idea popped into my head when he was at our house the other night.

  “Brian, I have a proposal. If you’re looking for something to do, we could use some help around the shelter. I know you can’t lift anything, nor would I want that responsibility on my head, but we could use someone there for the building supervisors. We have a great crew of guys working on it, but sometimes they have questions that we just can’t or don’t have time to answer. It all needs to be wrapped up in time for the opening on October 3rd. What do you think? You can come and go as needed, and it would be an enormous weight off our shoulders.”

  He lights up like a Christmas tree.

  “I would be honored! I’ve been so impressed with all the work you guys have done, and I can’t think of a better cause to help with. Just tell me where and when, and I’m there.”

  I didn’t run this past Jill or Melanie. I know Jill will think it’s a great idea, and I didn’t want to give Melanie a chance to kill it. I know being around him will be uncomfortable initially, but she’ll have to get over it. We do need his help.

  On Monday morning, we gather with the staff for our weekly meeting. Oh, crap. She’s really going to kill me now. She looks like hell. Her hair is tied haphazardly on her head, no make-up of any kind, and it would seem she worked out in that outfit, or slept in it, and didn’t change or shower. She slams her laptop and notebook on the table. She’s in a mood, and shoots us all a deadly look.

  “Sorry for the gorgeous appearance, but I was busting my ass all weekend trying to get all of this together. You realize I have been doubling as the crew chief supervisor for our construction crew, too? I have a life, guys, not much of one, but I do. I have permits still pending, and we can’t move forward until they are taken care of.”

  She’s shuffling papers around and Jill and I give each other a quick glance.

  “Well, we do have good news, Melanie. Brian Eyre…”

  She cuts me off.

  “Kat, I don’t give a shit about your precious Brian! Do you read me loud and clear? I knew if I asked about him, you were going to continue to throw it in my face. I’m sorry he got hurt, but I’m done. No setups, thank you very much.”

  Her timing couldn’t be worse. Brian is standing right behind her. I asked him to come and meet everyone at the meeting, and then he could take over the permit paperwork and meetings she had today. He doesn’t seem surprised at her outburst since this is the third time he’s seen one.

  “Good morning, everyone! I hope I’m not late. I’m still having a little trouble driving with this stupid thing.”

  He points down to his soft cast on his leg.

  “No excuses, though. Next time I’ll leave earlier. I know we have a lot to do, and some of you seem a little anxious. That’s what I’m here for, to help ease your anxiety and get this project to the finish line. I want to personally thank Katie for including me. It means a lot to me in a number of ways. I won’t let you down.”

  Everyone is stunned into silence, each for their own reasons. The office staff, due to his looks; Jill, because I hadn’t yet told her; and Mel, well, Melanie for her own obviously mortifying reasons. He walks to Mel’s side of the table, and picks up the notebook she slammed down.

  “Do you have a moment to go through this with me? I promise, just five minutes and you won’t have to speak to me again. I’m a quick learner.”

  I give him credit. He could have handled the situation differently, but he chose to remain a gentleman. She clears her throat, and waves a loose piece of wild hair out of her face. She follows him out of the room like a punished dog: head down, tail between legs.

  He holds the door for her, and slowly closes it after she enters. I sneak over and peek through the open window so I can hear the conversation. He pulls up one of the office chairs and spins it around to sit on it backwards. He places the notebook quietly on the nearby table, and waits. Melanie is trying to act like nothing has happened, but she can’t quite pull off cool nonchalance. She looks down and he’s staring at her with hurt eyes.

  “What? Look, I can’t apologize enough for how many times I’ve put my foot in my mouth. I’m embarrassed, and thoroughly humiliated. There, are you happy?”

  She stands with her hand on her hip.

  “I don’t know what I’ve ever done to you. I know you don’t treat everyone this way. I talked to Katie, and she defended you to hell and back. I had hoped when I texted you, you would respond so we could get together and talk about it. I did have a reputation at Georgia. I was quiet, and when you’re quiet people like to fill in the blanks. I was labeled an asshole, and I didn’t stand up to change that perception. Truth was, it kept me out of the limelight and I was able to focus better. Some things just follow you no matter how fast
you run, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t deserve an explanation. I was rude, period. You have nothing to apologize for. I guess I just haven’t been myself lately.”

  “OK, it’s over. Now, can you bring me up to date so I can get started?”

  * * *

  “You’re dead!”

  Oh shit. She’s running at me from the room where she and Brian were talking. I bolt into her office and hide under her desk. I’m tiny enough to fit in the space for her chair. She sees me and starts to laugh uncontrollably.

  “You suck! Today? Of all days?”

  She grabs her shirt and points to her hair.

  “What did you talk about? Did you apologize to him finally?” I ask as I crawl slowly out from under the desk. I still don’t fully trust she won’t rip my hair out.

  “He tried to apologize to me, kind of. I did say I was sorry. I can’t fucking believe my luck. I don’t say one word about him for weeks, and then, boom! He hears me talking shit right in front of him. He seemed less than interested to hear anymore though. He was all work. Has he said anything to you about me?”

  “Well, yes, he has. He asked me if you were always like that, and I said no. I’ve apologized to him for you enough for two lifetimes. I think that’s why he’s curious. Why him? Why just be a bitch to him?”

  She turns around to look and see if we’re alone. She’s not making any more mistakes.

  “Because I like him, OK? I don’t know when it happened, but I’m really attracted to him. I guess my bitch brain switched on when I saw him talking to that girl at your dinner party. I was alone, and it was never more obvious to me that at that moment. I was jealous that they were talking. It’s still no excuse, but I think I was a little angry with myself about it. I have no business liking a guy like that who would never go for me. I think I was also a little hurt that you and Jason didn’t think I was a good match for a nice guy.”


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