A Love We Deserve

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A Love We Deserve Page 23

by Betsy Anne

  I tell Chris about the wedding. He knew from the boys who I was seeing, and he acts less than impressed. He’s made a few disparaging remarks about Brian, the boys have told me. Asshole. The boys know better so they just let him talk. I’ve managed to be careful so that their paths haven’t crossed. Chris had the boys all weekend, and is dropping them off tonight. Easter is next weekend, and it may be the last visit for a while since the wedding is around the corner.

  Brian stayed with me all weekend, and it was bliss. He has been so sweet. He’s been afraid to touch me sexually; worried that something might happen to the baby. I’ve been feeling better, and more than a little horny. That’s one of the secrets of pregnancy no one shares. The surge of hormones makes you want to have sex a lot, the way Chris feels all the time, I imagine.

  Friday night Brian sleeps in the guest room; he didn’t want to be tempted. Saturday night I lure him into my bedroom by walking in front of him with nothing on but thigh-high stockings and gorgeous red pumps while he watches TV. Like a fly to flypaper, he follows me blindly. I let him take his time and run his hands slowly all over my body. I want to make sure he is comfortable touching me. One hurdle passed. Because he’s more gifted than other men, he is concerned that it would do damage.

  “Here’s the wonderful thing about that. My body is very pliable when pregnant, and my ligaments and muscles are flexible. I can fit more than usual, so you should take advantage.”

  His face has a combined look of concern and arousal; it’s hot.

  “Are you positive?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  I lead him over to the bed and pushed him down on his back. I climb on top of him, as he unzips his pants and pushes them down to his ankles. He looks worried, but his cock doesn’t seem to care. It is fully erect, raring to go. I ease down slowly onto it, for his sake, until he is fully engulfed by my body.

  “Oh, fuck.” He spits those words when he feels my softness around him. At first he is careful not to move too much, or grab me too hard. I use my excess energy to move up and down, hard, on his cock. I am able to take him fully, up to his balls. He’s in heaven. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabs my hips forcefully and begins to help me work his body. He grunts and moans louder than I’ve ever heard from him before.

  “Jesus Christ, Mel, you feel fucking amazing!”

  Oh yes, my man is pleased. We stop and start quite a few times to make it last. Just when he gets close, he pulls out and I squeeze the head of his dick enough to stop the orgasm. Then we start back up again. I have at least two orgasms, before he comes hard inside me. One of the great things about sex while pregnant is not worrying about getting pregnant.

  I knew I would have to lead the way on this one. Had it been up to him, we would have abstained the entire nine months.

  We have sex again in the middle of the night, and the next morning. He’s hooked. No more worrying.

  Chapter 23

  Chris is supposed to drop the boys off on Sunday night at dinnertime. He’s nothing if not punctual. I guess even assholes have a few good attributes. That’s why I’m shocked when I hear the front door swing open, and the boys run into the house at 11:30 a.m. Thank God Brian is in the shower, and not naked in my bed. I am wearing my yoga pants with a baggy T-shirt, loading the dishwasher.

  “Hey, guys! What’s up? Where’s your dad?”

  “I’m right here, Mel.”

  He waltzes into the kitchen like he still owns the place.

  “Why didn’t you call, Chris? You can’t just come and go as you please. What if I wasn’t here when you came by?”

  “Well, you are, Melanie,” I hate the way he says my name. “I got a little tired of hearing our kids talk about your jock boyfriend. Once he’s tired of you, he’ll be on his way and I won’t have to hear it anymore. You’re looking a bit chunky, too, so it’ll probably be sooner rather than later.”

  Before I can even process the shit that Chris is saying to me, a large arm with a giant fist attached to it comes out of nowhere and punches Chris square in the face. I hear his nose, and possibly a few bones in his face and jaw, crunch as if he ran into a brick wall. Blood spews from his nose down the front of his shirt.


  He’s screaming and crying in the same breath. What a little bitch. He clutches his face and runs to the bathroom. My brain registers Brian standing there, panting like an animal after the chase, blood all over his hand. Logic kicks in quickly, and I grab the phone to call Jason.

  “Jason, I have no time to explain. Please come over, and bring a few towels for your car. I need you to take Chris to the hospital.”

  Jason doesn’t say anything except a quick, “You got it,” and hangs up. They’ve probably had bets going for how soon this would happen. They all know Chris, and his mouth, and knew it was just a matter of time. In a flash, I see Jason come in the front door, I point to the bathroom, and soon he’s back out with Chris. Jason’s car speeds down the street, and it’s quiet once again. The boys must be playing their games with headphones on, because there’s no way they would have missed that otherwise. Thank goodness for distractions when you need them.

  Brian walks over to me, and I lead him to the sink. He offers me his hands, and I gently wash them. I know he’s worried. He’s embarrassed and angry, and needs to know everything is OK.

  “Thank you for doing that,” I say. “I know I shouldn’t enjoy violence, but I’ve dreamt of that moment so many times. Unfortunately, I never had anyone come to my defense before. Everything you heard him say was par for the course for him. He’s hurtful and hateful, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen him jealous. He’s jealous of how much our boys love you.”

  “I warned you to never let me near him. When I heard the way he was speaking to you, it made me sick. I could have easily killed him. The thought of the two of you together makes it worse.”

  “Trust me, it does me too. Please don’t let your head go there. He and I never came close to having anything like you and I do. Don’t think it was the same with him. I adore you, Brian.”

  I dry his hands, and kiss the one that’s already swelling from breaking Chris’ face. I hear Katie texting over and over. I don’t have to look at my phone; I just know it’s her. She needs answers, but she’ll just have to wait. I have to take care of my knight in shining armor.

  Chapter 24

  Our wedding is perfect. After the drama with Chris, we came clean to everyone about the baby. There is no way I could make it to May without it being obvious. Everyone is thrilled, especially the boys. They are surprisingly excited, and already talking about names.

  My parents and sister, Rebecca, are here, as well as Jason, Katie, Jill and her husband, Colleen and Tim, and all the kids. It’s small, but that’s what we wanted. The weather is beautiful, and we set up a small white archway in the backyard. The ceremony lasts only a few short minutes, and we became husband and wife. After we kiss, he whispers, “Happy Mother’s Day,” and gives me the sweetest smile imaginable. We go inside for champagne and food. Katie found a good caterer, and the food is incredible. We have a beautiful cake, and plenty to drink. Not for me of course, but everyone else can enjoy it.

  Brian steps up to make a toast.

  “This time last year, I was not in a great place. My mother was ill, dying, and I had shut myself off to everything. I couldn’t understand how she could suffer so much in one short lifetime and not be bitter. I certainly was. I hated the world for abandoning my mother in her time of need, and then I hated God for taking her from me. But today I look around and know that she is watching out for me, and that she and God have been working together to give me a better life. She told me not to worry when she was sick, and she could tell I had met someone special and knew I would be in good hands. I was able to tell her about my beautiful Melanie; I just wish she could have met her. She deserved to have a beautiful daughter and grandsons to love as much as I do. I love you, Melanie, more than you’ll ever know, even tho
ugh I tell you every chance I get. Thank you for marrying me, and giving me a family to call my own. I love you, baby.”

  We all raise our glasses, and through my tears I lean in for a kiss.

  “Thank you for loving me. I had gotten to a bad place myself; I didn’t feel worthy of being loved. You’ve changed my life, Brian. I love you,” I whisper in his ear, so that only the two of us can hear. He smiles back at me, and hugs me tightly. He leans down, and kisses my growing belly. Life is good. Katie sees her opportunity, and she starts the music. It’s our song. He must have planned this with her. The first few words bring me to tears as he clasps my hand tightly for our first dance. The song feels like it was written just for us.

  People fall in love in mysterious ways

  Maybe just the touch of a hand

  Well, me I fall in love with you every single day

  And I just wanna tell you I am

  We look up and there's not a dry eye in the group, including the boys. They look so happy for us. My heart is so full today that it feels like it will burst, and there's more of our day to come.

  After we eat, I motion to Jason to meet me in the other room while everyone is talking and relaxing outside. We chat for a few minutes, and he leaves to fulfill the mission I have for him. Brian walks in as Jason leaves the house.

  “Hey, where’s he off to?”

  Oh crap. I’ll distract him the best way I know.

  “He had to go check something at home. He’ll be right back. Can I steal my husband for a minute?”

  Whew, that was close. He instantly forgets about Jason, and focuses on me. I drag him to the laundry room, and plant my lips on his. I’ve caught him staring at me all day. Every time I look in his direction, he’s ogling me with a different expression. I pray he never stops doing that. I swear on my life, I’ll never take it for granted. I would love nothing more than to rush upstairs and rip his clothes off, but we have guests and the rest of our wedding day to get through first. I can’t wait to show him his wedding gift. I hope Jason will hurry.

  Katie catches us while we’re hot and heavy in the laundry room.

  “There you are! We’ve been looking for you two. No sneaking off, you have the rest of your lives to kiss. Right now you have to entertain us.”

  She smiles, and drags me out of the room. Brian lets out a little groan and follows like a scolded child. Half an hour passes, and Jason finally sends me a text: Be there in five.

  I’m so nervous. I’m praying he is OK with my surprise. I’m wracked with mixed feelings about it, but it’s too late now. He’ll just have to accept it.

  “Sweetheart? Can you bring everyone inside?” I call out the back door, and Brian herds everyone into the house. He probably assumes we’re cutting the cake.

  “OK, Brian, I know you’re not fond of surprises, except one or two…” I look down at my belly and everyone laughs. I need that now. “But I’ve been working on your wedding gift for quite a while. Jason should be here with it any minute.”

  He looks like he’s swallowed a bug. He’s never asked for anything material, ever, so I’m sure he’s wondering what in the world it could be. Timing is everything. As soon as I finish speaking, the front door opens and I hear Jason’s heavy feet, along with a second set of footsteps. Brian looks over at me quizzically.

  Jason walks in with a striking older man behind him wearing an impressive military uniform.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Sergeant Major Brian Mason.”

  There’s an audible gasp in the room. Other than the color of his eyes, which he got from his mother, Brian is the spitting image of this man. I look at him, and he’s staring, they’re staring at each other. I did this; I have to break the tension.

  “Brian, this is your father. I’ve been looking for quite a while now, and I found him. Turns out he’s been searching for you for a very long time. Please don’t be mad at me, I just couldn’t stand knowing your father was out there, somewhere, without you knowing him. Please, say something!”

  He continues to stare, as does the elder Brian. My Brian walks over to him, staring at his face. It’s like he’s seeing an older version of himself, like some freaky Twilight Zone episode. He reaches out his hand, the older man takes it and they exchange a handshake. Brian leads him to the sitting room at the front of the house. I turn back to our small crowd, and they look like a herd of deer caught in headlights. To say they’re shocked is putting it mildly. This was all Jason and me. Neither of us wanted to involve Katie; she tends to get a bit emotional. Plus, the fewer people who know, the less the chance of the surprise being revealed. I reached out to Jason first to see if he thought it was a good idea. We talked for a long time. He expressed how much he felt he still owed me for everything that happened before with him and Katie. I told him that was ridiculous, but he wanted to do it for Brian as well.

  Brian’s dad was never given the chance to raise him or know him. His parents did a good job of diverting information about Brian and his mother from him. He’d been told that the baby died, and that Brian’s mother ran away. When I found him and we talked, he told me the whole story. He loved Brian’s mother so much. Even though the pregnancy was unplanned, they wanted to get married and have a life together. Her fanatical parents would hear no such thing. They wanted to run away together, but her mother overheard the plan, and threw her out instead. She told his family that she ran away because she wanted to abort the baby and didn’t want anything to do with him.

  He knew better, but his parents insisted he go into the military. Two years of service then he could look for her. While he was overseas, they told him the baby died, and that she had left for good. There was no Internet to track anyone back then, and since she didn’t give birth in a hospital, there were no records except for the ones she made up. He never married or had kids; he dove headfirst into his job and was promoted to a high rank for an enlisted man. Listening to him speak reminded me so much of Brian. I feel as if his mother imparted pieces of his father into raising him. He was excited to meet Brian, but I asked that he wait until our wedding. We had enough craziness going on without adding that to the mix.

  Outside we all share small talk while waiting for them to reappear. After about an hour and a half, Brian pokes his head outside and asks me to join them. He grabs my hand tightly, and we head to the sitting room. My heart is pounding. Mr. Mason stands as I enter, from years of good training, and sits only after I do. My Brian speaks first.

  “Melanie, I’d like to formally introduce you to my father, Sergeant Major Mason. Dad, this is my wife, Melanie.”

  My heart melts a thousand times over. He’s being formal, but is obviously excited to introduce us. It’s also the first time I’ve been introduced as his wife. I’m nervous; I don’t know what to say. His dad politely interjects.

  “Mrs. Eyre, it’s so very nice to finally meet you in person. Of course, I feel like I already know you from our conversations.”

  He rises slightly, and nods his head as he shakes my hand.

  “Sergeant Major, Mr. Mason, I’m not sure how to properly address you, sir.”

  “Sweetie, you can call me dad.”

  How do they both have the ability to make me lose my normal sensibilities? He even smiles just like my husband! I look over at Brian, and he’s smiling from ear to ear. He’s so happy. I was so worried. He could have been furious that I interfered in his life like this. We all stand at the same time, and I give his dad the biggest hug I can give. This poor man has been heartbroken for many years, and now he instantly has a family. He hugs Brian, and leaves the two of us to join the group. I hear the buzzing of voices as Jason introduces him one by one to everyone.

  Brian takes my hands, and pulls me close.

  “I would have said no, you know, if you’d talked to me about your plan.”

  “I know you would have, because you’re stubborn but also in respect for your mother. I’ve been awake at night thinking about having a child out there somewhere, not ever kn
owing him. I can’t imagine how he did it all these years. You’re such a loving person, Brian, I knew you would accept him.”

  “He’s an amazing man. He adored my mother, and told me things about her I never knew. It’s like she was here with us. I really feel like she was. I told him about our life, and he cried. He was heartbroken that he couldn’t help us. I also told him about the shelters, and he wants to visit them while he’s here. He noticed your necklace, too. It made him feel proud to see it on you.”

  He pauses for a moment to catch his breath.

  “Do you know I pray, Melanie? I pray every day to say thank you for you. I don’t deserve all this, but I got it just the same. Now I have to earn it. Thank you, baby.”

  He pulls me in for a long, loving kiss. I thank his mother for giving me her boy. I’ll keep him safe and happy for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 25

  September 25

  Brian has had an unprecedented comeback from his injury last season. He’s stronger and more powerful than he’s ever been before. His training camp went well, and so far the Bears are undefeated. Ending the season the way they did last year was beneficial in that they were able to draft some top-round players.

  Brian merged seamlessly into our lives. The boys adore him, and the feeling is mutual. He’s loving and kind, and puts me first no matter what. The boys know he always has my back. Chris put up a big stink at first after the punch, but backed down when I threatened to take him to court for custody. He’s been on good behavior, and avoids Brian as if his life depends on it, which, in a way, it does.

  We couldn’t have chosen a worse time to have a baby in the life of an NFL player. Late September is important to the season’s success. When we calculated my due date, it seemed that I must have gotten pregnant on New Year’s Eve. The night he proposed. I couldn’t make up a more romantic scenario. Today is a home game, which is good news, but the bad news is that my water broke around midnight. Brian and the boys were sound asleep, and I didn’t dare wake him. This isn’t my first time at the rodeo, and I know labor can take forever or even stop after the water breaks, so I don’t want him to be distracted. He leaves early for the stadium; I haven’t had a regular contraction yet, so I kiss him goodbye and tell him I’ll see him at the game. I have a sneaky suspicion I won’t make it.


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