Queen in Lingerie: Lingerie #4

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Queen in Lingerie: Lingerie #4 Page 14

by Penelope Sky

  “Yes. I’ve got to go, Con.”

  We were both running out of time. I blurted the first thing that came to mind. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry about all this.”

  “I’m gonna get your sister back. And that’s a promise.”

  “Con, what’s going on?” Muse followed me to the front door.

  I was carrying two semiautomatic rifles with a pistol on each hip. I was strapped with enough ammo for a war. “Knuckles called me. He has Vanessa, and if I don’t trade you for her…he’s going to kill her.”

  Muse halted and covered her mouth with both hands. Tears sprung to her eyes immediately, her reaction quicker than anything I’d ever seen. “No…”

  “My father is meeting me in Milan. Carter and I are leaving now. We think she’s still there.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “No. But we’ll figure it out.” Once Vanessa was safe, I’d put a bullet in each of his eyes. He’d tortured Muse long enough, and now he was going to pay the ultimate sacrifice for laying a hand on my sister. He’d unleashed the ferocity of the Barsetti family.

  “Con, just trade me,” she begged. “Please.”

  I turned back around, shooting her an incredulous look.

  “Please,” she repeated. “Vanessa doesn’t deserve this. She did nothing wrong. This is all my fault…he wants me. If anything happens to her—”

  “I’m not trading you.”


  “I’ll get her back.”

  Tears poured from her eyes down her cheeks. “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to her.”

  “Neither can I. Which is why I’m going to get her back.” I grabbed the back of Muse’s head and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was hard and quick, conveying the affection I wished I had more time to show her. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I might die in the fight. Maybe I wouldn’t make it back, and I would never meet the little person living inside her. “If I don’t come back, you’ll be taken care of.”

  “Don’t talk like that…”

  I pressed my forehead to hers and closed my eyes. “I’ll do everything I can to come back. But I’ll also do everything I can to save my sister. My family will take care of you.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of us,” she whispered through her tears. “We just need you to love us.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I will. No matter what happens, I always will.” I couldn’t bear the sadness on her face any longer, so I turned around and walked out the front door. Carter was there with his men, and my men were ready to go too. I got into the passenger seat of one of the SUVs, while Carter got behind the wheel.

  Carter drove off, ignoring the speed limit and sprinting down the country road.

  I didn’t look back to see if Muse was watching us.

  I couldn’t bear to watch her cry anymore.

  Carter drove with one hand on the steering wheel, some of his crew sitting behind us in the second row. “Anything new?”

  I stared out the window, feeling utterly helpless. I had to sit still for thirty minutes when my heart was racing inside my chest. There was so much adrenaline, so much anxiety. “No.”

  “Are you sure he’s in Milan? That’s exactly where we’ll guess he is. This guy can’t be that stupid.”

  “Milan is a big place. Besides, there’s nowhere else to go. It’s just the countryside once you’re past it.”

  “I would just hate to come all the way out here and be wrong.”

  “Trust me, Carter. I would too…”

  “We’ve gotta put this guy down for good. His whole crew too. No survivors.”

  “Agreed.” I knew how to handle a weapon, but I’d never killed anyone. But that didn’t mean I would hesitate to pull the trigger. The second I laid eyes on Knuckles, he was dead. There would be no surrender.

  “As much as you may want to torture him, let it go.”

  Torture wouldn’t give me as much satisfaction as seeing his dead body on the ground. I’d probably throw it in a dumpster where it could be fed upon by rats and other critters from the gutters.

  That was more than what he deserved.

  We arrived in Milan and parked in the garage at the bottom of my building. It was private property, making it easy to hide. The cops would turn the other way if they saw us, but having two cars with armed men would still turn a lot of heads.

  My father called me.

  “Hey, we’re in Milan.”

  My father responded. “We’re about ten minutes out. Where do you want to meet?”

  I didn’t ask how he got there so quickly. “Garage of my building.”

  “Alright,” he answered. “Has he called?”

  Just then, the phone started to beep with the other line. I glanced at it and recognized the number. “He’s calling me now.”

  “Connect it. I’ll listen.”

  I turned it into a conference call. “You said you would give me a few hours.” It’d been less than one.

  “Changed my mind.” I had no idea how he looked on the other line, but his arrogance made me think he was smiling. “What’s it going to be?”

  “Is she alright?” I demanded.

  “Tip-top shape.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  “If she’s dead, I have nothing to barter with. And you know how much I want Sapphire’s pussy.”

  I almost slammed my fist into the dashboard. Carter looked at me from the passenger seat, knowing that was going to set me off. But my sister’s life was on the line, so the insult wasn’t important in comparison. “I need some reassurance first.”

  “Does that mean you want to make the trade?” he asked hopefully. “Poor Sapphire…guess you never really loved her.”

  “Prove Vanessa is alive, and I’ll answer.”

  He growled over the line, then there was a pause. He seemed to be moving around somewhere. His voice returned, and he spoke directly to my sister. “Your brother wants to make sure you’re alive. And remember what we talked about…” He was warning her not to give away her position.

  And I didn’t want to know what the punishment was.

  Vanessa’s strong voice sounded from the background. “Con, kill this fat lady and—”

  “Enough.” Knuckles walked away, her voice fading into the background as he kept moving. “There. You heard it with your own ears. Your sister is alive and well…for now. Hand Sapphire over, and your sister is yours. Vanessa is a very pretty woman…she might be prettier than your girl. But you know I’ve wanted Sapphire longer.”

  I hated knowing my father had to listen to this. “How do we make the trade?”

  “We meet in the countryside. You can bring your boys, and I’ll bring mine. If we cross each other, none of us will get out of this alive.”

  I didn’t know what else to do but agree to the terms. If I said no, I might not get a hold of him again. Vanessa didn’t give any helpful information, so we were stuck. “Let’s meet at two. There shouldn’t be anyone out at that time.”

  “Sounds good to me. Wait for further instruction.” Click.

  Now it was just my father and me. “I agreed because I didn’t know what else to do. If we have no idea where he is, we have no choice but to meet him.”

  “You did the right thing.”

  Now my heart was beating faster, the terror getting to me. What if I didn’t find Vanessa?

  “Fat lady…” My father spoke under his breath, talking to himself more than to me.


  “She told us to kill the fat lady…it’s a strange insult.”

  He was right. I’d never heard her say anything like that in my life. “You’re right.”

  “Hold on.” My father took a break from the phone as he considered her words more carefully.

  Carter had been listening to the entire conversation. “The only thing I can think of is until the fat lady sings…and fat ladies—”

  “Are opera singers.
” I turned back to the phone. “The opera house. La Scala.”

  “You’re right, Con,” my father said in agreement. “It’s one of the biggest landmarks in this city. It’s unmistakable. Vanessa must have seen it before they pulled her inside.”

  “There’re a few restaurants around the area,” I said. “But also a few apartment complexes.”

  “At least we have an area now,” my father said. “Let’s meet there, one block over.”

  “Alright.” I watched Carter start the engine. “We’ll meet you there.”


  “Yeah?” I said.

  “I know you’ve got beef with this guy, but he’s mine. Do you understand?”

  I wanted to kill Knuckles for everything he’d done to the woman who was now mine. He’d stalked her, terrorized her. I wanted the assurance that he would never harm her again by putting two bullets in his brain. But I understood that my father’s only daughter had been taken, and despite how calmly he spoke, he was furious. His bloodlust couldn’t be satisfied until he slit the man’s throat. “Yes, I understand.”



  I was placed in a bedroom inside the apartment. When Knuckles transferred me, he put a blindfold over my eyes. But I knew this city like the back of my hand, and every time we turned, I knew what street we were on.

  When I turned my face slightly, I managed to get a peek of La Scala out of the corner of my eyes. I was exactly where I thought we were, and then the car drove into an underground garage of a building.

  As my father taught me a long time ago, I was supposed to identify my surroundings and convey them in code. When my father told me all this initially, I brushed it off and called him paranoid.

  Guess he wasn’t so paranoid, after all.

  The man who had me didn’t seem that interested in me. He only wanted Sapphire, which worked in my favor. But his henchmen were creeps. Constantly touching my thigh in the back seat of the car or smelling my neck, they were totally repulsive.

  When my brother was on the phone, I gave them the one bit of information I had at my disposal. I played it off as an insult, and I hoped my family was able to figure out what I was saying.

  My life depended on it.

  Now I sat on the small twin bed with my back against the wall. The room had nothing in it, like it only existed to house prisoners like me. I had a small window that overlooked the fire escape, but there were bars placed over it.

  I didn’t see any way out.

  My father promised me he would always come get me if this ever happened, but my mother taught me something else. She told me I should never wait to be rescued. The only person I could really rely on was myself. I had to find a way out—at any cost.

  Now I was trying to plan an exit strategy.

  Knuckles had two men with him, both armed with pistols. He seemed like the kind of thug that had a lot of men at his disposal, but perhaps kidnapping me seemed like such an amateur plan he didn’t need more than two men.

  I could take down two men.

  I would just have to do it one at a time.

  I went to the door and knocked. “Hey, assholes!”

  Footsteps sounded before the door opened. One of the lackeys stared at me, his gun in his holster and the annoyance in his eyes. He obviously didn’t care about his babysitting gig, but his eyes roamed over my body without any shame. “What?”

  “What do you mean, what?” I placed both hands on my hips. “I’m locked in this room without water. Even a dog gets a water bowl.”

  “And you sound like a dog…”

  I let the insult slide because I had bigger fish to fry. “Get me a glass of water.”


  “Now,” I pressed, crossing my arms over my chest. I turned around and shut the door in his face.

  He sighed from the other side of the wood then walked away.

  I was trying to get under his skin, trying to anger him so he wouldn’t think logically. Then I would be able to make my move when he was distracted.

  He returned a moment later with the water.

  “Took you long enough.” I took the glass then kicked the door shut with my foot.

  He sighed again, this time louder.

  I drank the entire glass and waited an appropriate amount of time before I made my move. Just when I stood up to knock on the door, the lock turned and Knuckles presented himself. A beefy man with a malicious gaze, he was terrifying.

  I did my best to pretend he wasn’t.

  “Good, you’re here.” I tossed the cup at him. “More water.” I was the victim in this situation, but I had to exert my power as much as possible. I had to remind him I was a human being, not a punching bag.

  He caught it with one hand, his lip curling into a smile. “Your brother has agreed to make the trade. Looks like you’re going home.” He approached the bed and took a seat, his eyes examining my neck. “If I hadn’t wanted Sapphire for so long, I would just keep you instead. We’d be in the Cayman Islands by now, and I’d be breaking you in.”

  I forced my body not to shiver in disgust. I’d rather die than let this man get on top of me. I’d even slit my own throat if I had to. I was relieved I would be free soon, but I was repulsed that my friend would take my place. I didn’t want her to be his victim, to be subjected to the torture he had in mind. “You should keep me. I’m a lot more valuable than she is.”

  “Yeah?” he asked with interest. “How so?”

  “I’m a Barsetti. I come from an honorable family. I’m not the kind of woman who just gives up.”

  “Sounds like you’re giving up to me, by taking her place.”

  “No. That’s me still fighting.”

  His eyes roamed over my body, particularly my legs. “I’ve seen very few women who have your kind of beauty. The color of your skin…your hair…your curves.” He didn’t touch me, but the way his eyes roamed over my body was enough to make me feel sick. “But with Sapphire, it’s personal.”

  “What did she do?”

  “Her brother stole from me. So taking her is his way of repaying his debt.”

  “Why don’t you just ask him for the money?”

  He grinned. “Because I already killed him.”

  My body turned to ice.

  “So I have to make this trade. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the Cayman Islands.”

  “And you think I won’t tell Conway where you’re taking her?”

  “I hope you do,” he said. “He’ll come to my turf and be outnumbered. I’ll kill him and the rest of his family. And then I’ll come after you.” He winked then walked out of the bedroom.

  I told myself not to be scared, that fear would only shatter my resolve. If I let it get to me, I might lose the strength to try to escape. Right now, running was my only option. If I could get away, I could save both Sapphire and myself in the process.

  But that was easier said than done.

  I knocked on the door.

  The same man who gave me the water answered. “What?”

  “I’ve got to take a piss.”

  He remained in my way. “Then go.”

  “I’m not peeing my pants. Gross.”

  “I’m not letting you out of there.” He kept one hand on the door, blocking my path with his size. “So pee in that empty cup.”

  “I don’t have a dick like you do.”

  His eyes moved down. “I’m going to need proof.”

  I didn’t hesitate before I kicked him in the shin.

  He groaned then flinched, his torso jerking down as he moved to grab his leg.

  This wasn’t part of the plan, but I had to take advantage of the opportunity and go for it. I yanked the gun out of his holster, clicked off the safety, and shot him in the head.

  It was the first time I’d ever killed anyone.

  I didn’t have time to think about what just happened. I didn’t have time to process the consequences of my actions. I’d shot a gun before, but I’d never aimed at a pers
on. The man collapsed to the floor, dead instantly.

  There was no time for regret. I was doing this to save my life—and Sapphire’s.

  The gunshot was loud and filled the apartment with the sound of an explosion.

  I ran to the front room, looking for the exit so I could dart out of there.

  “Knuckles, she has a gun!” The second henchman hid behind the couch and pointed his gun at me. He pulled the trigger, but the shot missed me by less than an inch.

  Knuckles came from the other way and snatched my ankle. He yanked me until I tripped and hit the ground.

  I kicked as hard as I could, then pointed the gun in his face.

  He smacked it out of the way and tugged on my ankle again.

  I turned hard, making my foot come loose. Then I kicked him hard in the nose, hearing it crack loudly.

  I snatched the gun and sprinted for the door again.

  This time, the lackey shot me—and hit me.

  The bullet went into my arm, making my body jerk with the momentum. I’d never been shot, and I had no idea how it would feel. The thing that surprised me most was how painless it was. I didn’t feel anything. Completely numb, all I felt was the heat from the bullet. I wanted to fall down and lie still, but I had to keep going.

  I might die if I didn’t.

  I made it out the front door and sprinted down the hallway. I had to push my body to the limit, to keep going no matter how much I wanted to stop. A bullet could enter the back of my skull at any moment.

  And this could all be over.



  Our SUVs were parked right against the curb, looking conspicuous with their blacked-out windows and bulletproof glass. There were at least twenty men with us, half of them with Carter and me and the other half with my father and Uncle Cane.

  My father got out of the SUV and walked toward me, his leather jacket over his shoulders. His black t-shirt underneath looked a little puffy, and I knew that was because he was wearing a bulletproof vest underneath. “We should start on foot. Vehicles are more obvious. And if he’s inside one of these apartments, we don’t want him to notice us until the last minute.”


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