Her Wolf's Guarded Heart

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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart Page 14

by Vella Day

  Connor rubbed a thumb over her wrist. “You know I’ll help you any way I can.”

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “Let’s get you unpacked.”

  EmmaLee didn’t have many possessions, and what clothes she had were stuffed into garbage bags. The rest fit into two boxes. Someday, he’d make sure she lived in a house that was full of love and had everything she ever needed and desired.

  “Just set them in the bedroom,” she said. “I’m not in the mood to unpack.”

  Connor had never seen her so listless, and that worried him. “Why don’t you take a hot bath? That might perk you up.”

  Her eyes shone. “That sounds wonderful, but what about you?”

  “I’ll clean up later. I’ll watch TV or something while you soak in the tub.”

  EmmaLee stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I just wish this place had a tub built for two.”

  His wolf howled. “So do I,” he said as he tapped her on the butt. “Go. I’ll be waiting.”

  Connor grabbed a beer from the fridge and returned to the living room. He’d have to thank his mom for sneaking in and refreshing the drink supply. More than ever, he realized how lucky he had been to grow up with such loving parents.

  He sank down onto the sofa and enjoyed listening to EmmaLee run the water, imagining doing this for years to come. As much as he wanted to sneak in and watch her, she needed this time. She had a lot to process: first the break-in and then the death of the one man who could have helped her understand what she’d seen the day her parents died.

  These next few weeks would be critical for her. He’d ask his dad for suggestions for a good shifter therapist, and then try to convince EmmaLee to go. Hopefully, Slater Coghill would be found and brought to justice, and the Billard police would have some answers as to who might have broken into EmmaLee’s house. He doubted the cops would figure out who killed Dr. Crenely in that time, but he could hope.

  While he waited for EmmaLee to finish her bath, he watched a little television, but the show held little interest, so he called his father. Even when his dad stayed home, he seemed to know things.

  “How was your trip?” his father asked.

  “It was cut short.” Connor explained about the break in and the death of the man EmmaLee wanted to speak with.

  “I’m sorry. Any ideas on either event?”

  “EmmaLee said the only person she’d shown the talon to, other than me, was her ex-boyfriend.”

  “I thought he was in New York City.”

  “He was, but we don’t know when the break-in occurred. Hell, he could have been waiting for us to leave the first time and then broken in.”

  “That’s depressing.”

  “As for whether he could be involved in Dr. Crenely’s murder, I’m hoping I can get a hold of the autopsy report to see the time of death.”

  “Do you know how he died?”

  “You mean was the good doctor shot to death, beaten, or attacked by an animal?”

  “That covers the bases, yes, but if it had been the later, it would narrow down the suspect pool.”

  “Agreed.” The soft padding of feet approached. “EmmaLee just finished her bath. I have to go, Dad.” Darn. He’d have to ask his father for suggestions for a therapist later.

  “I’ll put out some feelers.”

  That was what he’d hoped his father would say. “Thanks.”

  Connor disconnected, and when he looked at EmmaLee, his body went wild. Her wet hair, freshly scrubbed face, and creamy skin excited his wolf too much. Wrapped in a soft pink bathrobe, he wanted to make love with her so badly he could taste it.

  “Would you like to take a shower?” she asked. “My bath was divine.”

  Was that a hint that he needed to wash off the road dirt? He had a spare set of clothes in the car. “I’d like that if you don’t mind waiting.”

  “Not at all.”

  Connor slipped out to his car and gathered the emergency set of clothes he kept there, which consisted of a pair of track pants and a t-shirt. Once inside, he headed into the bathroom. Not wanting EmmaLee to be by herself for long, he quickly showered. As he dried off, he debated walking out with just a towel around his waist like he had the last time but then decided she needed to rest. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t sure he could last another few days without making love to her. Connor couldn’t afford to rush her. His future mate had a lot on her mind.

  Once he dressed and returned to the living room, he found her stretched out on the sofa, sipping a glass of wine. “I couldn’t wait,” she said.

  “No problem. I already had my beer.”

  Connor lifted her legs, sat down, and placed them on his lap. He wanted her to talk him. Her mind had to be spinning.

  She set down her glass and sat up, curling her legs underneath her. “Thank you for everything,” she said.

  He hadn’t expected that comment. “I didn’t do much.”

  “You drove me to Billard when you were worried Slater might have been there.”

  “Ronan had spotted him in New York, remember?”

  “I know, but still. I wouldn’t put anything past that man.”

  Connor stroked her arm. “He can’t hurt you—not when I’m here. I won’t let him.”

  Her glance shot down to the side. “And I appreciate that.”

  “If you must know, I took you to Billard because meeting the archaeologist was important to you. I didn’t want you to wonder whether what you’d seen that day was a dragon or something else.”

  “Now I’ll never know.”

  Her pain tore at his heart. “I’m sorry. So what are your plans now?” He’d thought about asking James, their resident immortal, to look at the claw, but even if he knew what it was, he probably wouldn’t tell. While Connor didn’t interact with him and the goddess Naliana very often, he knew their philosophy regarding humans and shifters. They wanted those on Earth to figure out their own problems and would only interfere if someone were in serious danger.

  “I plan to finish my thesis, but this time I’ll be omitting all of the dragon parts. I need to move on. I have to accept that I might never know if they exist.”

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “I’m glad. Personally, I don’t want to meet one.”

  That got a smile out of her. “Me neither—at least not up close and personal.” She yawned.

  “You’ve had a long and stressful day. Why don’t you head to bed?” he suggested.

  “I will if you join me.”

  If he joined her, they’d be making love, and he didn’t know if she was emotionally ready for that. “Are you sure?”

  “More than sure.” She picked up his hand. “I came back to Silver Lake to be with you. Even if Slater is tossed in jail and they throw away the key, there isn’t anything in Billard for me now.”

  Connor couldn’t help but smile. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  EmmaLee couldn’t believe she’d blurted out her feelings, but she was tired of being afraid and timid. Yes, the theft at her house had her reeling, but Dr. Crenely’s death had hit her ten times harder. She kept telling herself that maybe it was for the best that she never find out what she’d seen in the sky the evening of the fire, but somehow it was hard to convince herself of that. As for getting help with her tormented past, she didn’t have the energy to think through her issues right now. For Connor’s sake, she would soon.

  And while she could spend hours discussing who might have killed the good doctor and who had motive to ransack her house that discussion would have to wait too. Right now, she wanted to lose herself in the man she was falling in love with. He was a good person, one that she could trust. She eased herself up from the sofa and held out her hand. “Why don’t you come with me?”

  Connor grabbed her hand and stood. “Lead the way.”

  She loved when his eyes turned amber and the growth on his face darken
ed right before her eyes. “You won’t shift on me, will you?”

  That had been really scary but super cool at the same time. Sure Vinea had told her how some people could transform from human to animal in a few seconds, but never in a million years did she think she’d actually witness it.

  “That all depends on how much you tease me.” His eyes twinkled.

  She chuckled. “So it’s my fault you shifted the last time?”

  He grinned. “It was definitely your fault. If you hadn’t enticed me so much, my wolf wouldn’t have appeared.”

  “You normally don’t have the urge to change into your animal form?” EmmaLee had so many questions, but she’d ask them later.

  “I do, but I decide when to shift. The other night, I had no control over my wolf. He wanted you too badly.”

  She grinned. “I like your wolf.”

  Connor swooped her up into his arms. “Keep that up and you might see him again all too soon.”

  “I’ll be good.”

  EmmaLee hugged him. Connor was warm and strong and oh so sexy. As soon as he entered the bedroom he set her down. “Don’t move,” he commanded.


  “Because I said so.”

  The bedside lamp was off, but the ambient light from the hallway filtered in enough for her to see his outline and some of his features. He stepped behind her. If this had been Slater, she might have been afraid, but with Connor she wasn’t.

  He leaned closer. She could smell the minty zest of his soap and feel his breath on her neck. “Close your eyes.”

  His whisper set her body on fire, and EmmaLee did as he asked. “What are you going to do?”

  Connor swiped her hair to one side and then nuzzled her neck. “I’m going to make love to you until you can think of nothing else.”

  EmmaLee instantly closed her eyes and locked her knees, fearing she might swoon at his romantic words. “I would really like that.”

  Connor pressed his chest against her back and ran a tongue along the shell of her ear, igniting her insides once more. He wrapped his hands around her waist and deftly undid the bathrobe tie. As soon as the belt dropped to the ground, cool air rushed in, puckering her nipples. Wearing nothing underneath her robe had been chancy, but it had paid off.

  “Christ Em, what you do to the beast in me.” He growled out his words.

  “Mmm, tell me.”

  “You’ve made me feel alive for the first time in my life.”

  She smiled. No man had ever said anything so wonderful.

  She reached back and gave his erection a squeeze through his pants. “I bet I can really make you feel alive if you let me. She tucked her fingers into his waistband and tried to cop a better feel.

  He lightly swatted her butt. “You’ll have to wait your turn.” Connor dragged the chenille over her shoulders, and the robe joined her belt on the floor.

  When his hands found her breasts, he gently massaged them. Even though she wasn’t supposed to move, she wiggled her hips and rubbed her ass against his crotch.

  He spun her around, and she opened her eyes. “Just what do you think you are doing, missy? Didn’t I say not to move?” EmmaLee could tell by his teasing tone he wasn’t upset.

  When she giggled, he gave her a fake frown. While it was too dark to see the true color of his eyes, she’d bet they were a deeper amber by now.

  EmmaLee dragged a finger down his chest. “Since I’ve upset you, let me make it up to you.” Before he could protest, she undid the drawstring on his track pants, and when she started to pull them over his erection, he stepped back.

  “Let me. You’re taking too long.”

  EmmaLee swallowed a laugh. Faster than he could shift, Connor dropped his pants, whipped off the t-shirt, and then tossed them next to her robe on the floor.

  Connor grinned at her. “Now where were we?”

  Wow. He was such a magnificent man. EmmaLee moved forward and grabbed his thick shaft then pumped her fist up and down his length. “I was about to do that.”

  Connor groaned. “Fuck Em, that feels so good but you have to stop.”

  “Do I? What are you going to do if I don’t?”

  “This.” Next thing EmmaLee knew, Connor pulled her hand away and then ducked his shoulder, lifting her in a fireman’s hold. EmmaLee squealed in delight at his he-man antics. She reached down to give his ass a squeeze and then ran her finger in the crack of his ass. A second later, she went flying, landing on the bed with a huge bounce. EmmaLee laughed so hard, tears fell.

  Connor straddled her and then tickled her. “You think that’s funny?”

  She grabbed his hands. “No, not funny.” Yes, it totally was.

  “Let’s see if you laugh when I do this.”

  He spread her legs wide and crawled between them. Anticipation soared. When Connor leaned over and swiped his tongue across her wet slit, all thoughts of laughter disappeared, replaced by pure ecstasy. Her man had the ability to take her from amusement to total lust in one second flat. She grasped the sheets and held on as he sucked and licked, forcing all other thoughts from her mind just as he’d promised.

  Needing to touch him, she reached out and clamped a hand on his head. He in turn reached up and teased her nipple, but the combination proved to be too much. She wanted more. Wanted him. In her. Plunging. Pounding. Loving.

  “Connor, please!”

  Ignoring her request, he raised his right hand and massaged her left breast while he flicked her clit back and forth with his tongue. EmmaLee bucked her hips to signal she needed his cock.

  He grunted and huffed, as if he too were clawing for control. When she opened her mouth and gulped in air, he must have sensed how close she was to a climax because he crawled on top and kissed her deeply. Their tongues entwined as their breathing turned ragged. She could taste a hint of herself but mostly the flavor was all Connor. She loved how he seemed to need her to breathe.

  As much as she was thrilled with the way he was loving her, it was only fair she return the favor. EmmaLee broke the kiss. “I need to taste you too.”

  “Hmm, all right,” he said with slight hesitancy.

  His giving her control was a true sign of respect. “Get on your back,” she ordered as politely as she could, considering her heart was pounding against her ribs.

  Once Connor obliged, she rose to her knees and slipped between his legs. She bent over and ran her tongue up the full length of his cock and then gave a little flick under the head.

  Connor groaned. “Be careful, dragon lady; you’re playing with fire.”

  EmmaLee chuckled. “Don’t worry—I’m not aiming for an explosion just yet.” Then she gave him a saucy wink.

  Connor gathered her hair and held it in one hand. EmmaLee drew him deep into her mouth and marveled at his thickness. She swirled her tongue around his thick shaft then sucked just on the head.

  “Easy there,” he said with a grunt.

  It was fun to be with a man who seemed to appreciate her every touch. Keeping his length upright, she nibbled her way around the tip of his cock. Connor growled then tugged on her hair.

  When she sucked on him once more, a drop of cum surfaced. Not wanting him to go off too soon, she released him. Now for the real fun. Without asking permission, EmmaLee straddled him.

  He reached up and clasped her hips. “Fuck Em, I’m so close, and my wolf is going crazy.”

  EmmaLee was super excited too, and she wasn’t sure she could control herself either once she began. Connor drew her in like no one she’d ever known had. While she’d never read about male sirens, he seemed to be one—reeling her in hard and fast.

  Taking a hold of him, she placed the tip at her entrance. Even though they’d made love before, this time he seemed bigger and thicker. Widening her knees, she dropped down but was forced to stop halfway. As if he understood what had prevented her from taking in all of him, Connor pulled himself up into a near sitting position and placed a hand on her back. When he leaned in to suck on a nippl
e, explosions of need slammed into her. He then reached down and rubbed her clit while encouraging her to rock against him.

  With all the different sensations happening to her body at once, along with the change in angle, it didn’t take long for EmmaLee to scream out in ecstasy. With her orgasm cresting, he was able to fill her to the hilt. Holy hell. Sparks of desire shot up her spine, and her body went wild.

  “Be mine,” he whispered.

  Those words resonated deep within her, bringing her joy and love. Needing to experience all of him, she swooped down and kissed him. His teeth had sharpened, forcing her to use caution with her tongue at all times. Even though his feral control excited her, she wanted to test the boundaries. Not that she desired him to shift, but she was curious how far she could push him.

  She dragged her hands up his face and pressed her breasts against his chest. Pumping her hips up and down, EmmaLee soared higher and higher. Connor was everything she wanted in a man—or rather a shifter-man. He worked hard all day long to protect others, yet he managed to love even harder.

  Connor broke the kiss and grabbed her ass, making her feel totally feminine and truly desired. He then dragged his lips down to her neck and her breath caught, thinking he might sink his teeth into her.

  A trickle of fear shot through her—not at the pain that might occur—but at what this would mean to her future. Vinea gave her the lowdown, but could a formerly dark goddess be trusted? He kissed her throat and then flipped them over, managing to stay deep inside her.

  “I want you so much,” Connor said as he closed his eyes and pummeled into her once more.

  EmmaLee hung on for the ride of her life. She arched her back and pressed her head against the pillow. Stars burst on the back of her lids as heat ripped up her body, wrapping her in total bliss.

  When Connor changed the angle of entry again, another climax took hold. She dug her nails into his shoulders and hung on tight, enjoying the sensual ride to erotic bliss as her inner walls gripped his cock hard. It was an orgasm that eclipsed all others.

  When Connor lifted his head and opened his mouth, what sounded like a howl escaped. The next moment his hot cum exploded and seared her insides, causing her vision to flicker.


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