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Robert Louis Stevenson

Page 56

by Claire Harman

  9 Flora Masson recalling ‘Louis Stevenson in Edinburgh’, ICR, pp.135–6

  10 ‘Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin’, Vailima, vol. 11, pp.526–7

  11 Literary Papers, Vailima, vol. 4, p.472

  12 ICR, p.53

  13 Ibid., p.52

  14 ‘Lay Morals’, Vailima, vol. 24, p.186

  15 J.A. Symonds, Walt Whitman: A Study (1893), p.40

  16 ‘Walt Whitman’, Vailima, vol. 4, p.114

  17 Though it was never completed; see Swearingen, p.11

  18 ICR, p.58

  19 Ibid., p.95

  20 Flora Masson, Victorians All (Edinburgh, 1931), p.93

  21 ICR, p.46

  22 ‘Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin’, Vailima, vol. 11, p.519

  23 Flora Masson, Victorians All (Edinburgh, 1931), pp.100, 101

  24 Balfour, vol. 1, p.109

  25 Ibid., p.11

  26 Ibid.

  27 ‘Talk and Talkers’, 1st paper, Vailima, vol. 12, p.121

  28 Ibid., pp.112–13

  29 Portrait, p.5

  30 Letters, vol. 1, p.273

  31 Ibid.

  32 Ibid., p.274

  33 Ibid., p.296

  34 Colvin, p.104

  35 ICR, p.88

  36 Lucas, p.64

  37 Ibid., pp.338–9

  38 ‘HB’ [Cotter Morrison] to FJS, MS Yale, vault 805, folder M; ‘X’ [Sidney Colvin], Her Infinite Variety, ed. E.V. Lucas (London, 1908), p.71; Letters, vol. 1, p.303

  39 ‘X’ [Sidney Colvin], Her Infinite Variety, ed. E.V. Lucas (London, 1908), p.71

  40 ICR, p.88

  41 Colvin, p.103

  42 Ibid., p.101

  43 See the very thorough investigation of the available ‘Claire’ material in Furnas, pp.394–9

  44 Letters, vol. 1, p.319

  45 Ibid., pp.293, 292

  46 ICR, p.88

  47 ‘X’ [Sidney Colvin], Her Infinite Variety, ed. E.V. Lucas (London, 1908), pp.71–2

  48 E.V. Lucas, Reading, Writing and Remembering: A Literary Record (London, 1932), p.61

  49 ‘At the Land’s End of France’ was reproduced in the last chapter of Colvin’s Memories and Notes

  50 Ernest Mehew sees Mrs Sitwell and Colvin as a pair from the start, mutually concerned in these years for their young friend. Furnas sees the possibility of Mrs Sitwell having ‘slipped into carnal congress with Louis or any other disciple’ as ‘most unlikely’; Furnas, p.84

  51 Quoted in Letters, vol. 1, p.477n

  52 NLS Balfour, 9894, f233

  53 FS to GB, November 1899, NLS Balfour, 9894, f274

  54 Letters, vol. 1, p.288

  55 Ibid.

  56 Ibid., pp.320–1

  57 Ibid., p.369

  58 Ibid., pp.336–7

  59 Ibid., p.294

  60 Ibid., p.295

  61 Ibid.

  62 Ibid., p.294

  63 Ibid., p.312

  64 Ibid.

  65 Ibid., p.325

  66 Ibid., p.331

  67 ‘Notes from his Mother’s Diary’, Vailima, vol. 26, p.325

  68 Letters, vol. 1, p.354


  1 Letters, vol. 1, p.352

  2 ‘Ordered South’, Vailima, vol. 2, p.104

  3 Ibid., pp.110–11

  4 Letters, vol. 1, p.375

  5 Ibid., p.395

  6 Ibid., p.402

  7 Ibid., p.401

  8 See ibid., p.422

  9 Vailima, vol. 24, p.320

  10 Letters, vol. 1, p.506

  11 Ibid., p.430

  12 Letters, vol. 2, p.317

  13 Letters, vol. 6, p.269

  14 Colvin, p.114

  15 Letters, vol. 1, p.457

  16 Ibid., pp.437, 42–9

  17 SC, fragmentary recollections, not included in Memories and Notes, MS Yale, vault 805, box 2, folder G

  18 Letters, vol. 1, pp.464–5. (The conjectural reading of two or three inked-out words is by Ernest Mehew)

  19 Ibid., p.501

  20 Ibid.

  21 Ibid., p.504

  22 Ibid.

  23 Letters, vol. 2, p.10

  24 Andrew Lang, Adventures Among Books (London, 1903), p.43

  25 Letters, vol. 2, p.3

  26 Ibid., p.1

  27 Furnas, p.96

  28 Letters, vol. 2, p.25

  29 Ibid., p.26

  30 Gosse, p.281

  31 Ibid., p.282

  32 Ibid., pp.279–80

  33 Balfour, vol. 1, p.176

  34 E.V. Lucas, Reading, Writing and Remembering (London, 1932), p.60

  35 Letters, vol. 2, p.33

  36 Ibid., p.32

  37 Ibid., p.43

  38 Vailima, vol. 5, p.xx

  39 Letters, vol. 2, p.74

  40 ‘On Lord Lytton’s Fables in Song’, Vailima, vol. 24, p.54

  41 Fables, Vailima, vol. 25, p.249

  42 Jorge Luis Borges, Conversations, ed. Richard Burgin (Jackson, 1998). Daniel Balderston, in his PhD thesis, ‘Borges’s Frame of Reference: The Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson’ (Princeton University, 1981), records Borges’s interjections during a reading of ‘The Song of the Morrow’, showing the great writer’s delight at Stevenson’s phraseology

  43 Vailima, vol. 24, p.50

  44 Miscellanea, Vailima, vol. 26

  45 Letters, vol. 2, p.41

  46 Vailima, vol. 26, p.104

  47 Letters, vol. 2, p.41 n3

  48 J.A. MacCulloch, Robert Louis Stevenson and the Bridge of Allan (1927), p.151

  49 Letters, vol. 2, p.4

  50 Ibid., p.145

  51 Ibid., p.95

  52 Ibid., p.97

  53 Ibid., pp.97–8

  54 Ibid., p.98

  55 Letters, vol. 1, p.385

  56 Letters, vol. 2, p.94 and n

  57 Ibid., pp.96–7, 108

  58 Ibid., p.104

  59 Ibid., p.198

  60 Ibid., pp.76–7

  61 Ibid., p.124

  62 Ibid., p.114

  63 ‘A Summer Night’, reprinted in Appendix to ibid., p.334

  64 Ibid., p.117

  65 Ibid., pp.120, 124

  66 In a letter to FJS, ?8 May 1875, ibid., p.135

  67 ‘In Hospital’, The Works of W.E. Henley (London, 1908), vol. 1

  68 Ibid.

  69 Letters, vol. 2, p.132

  70 Ibid., p.123

  71 Ibid., p.123 n1

  72 ‘Forest Notes’, Vailima, vol. 24, pp.391–2

  73 Ibid., pp.392–3

  74 Portrait, p.3

  75 Details from Margaret B. Wright, ‘Bohemian Days’, Scribner’s Monthly, vol. 16 (May 1878), pp.121–9

  76 The Wrecker, Chapter 2, Vailima, vol. 17, p.63

  77 Letters, vol. 2, p.130

  78 Ibid., p.125

  79 ICR, p.114

  80 Ibid., p.96

  81 Ibid., p.295

  82 NLS Balfour, 9897, f107

  83 ICR, p.162

  84 Ibid., p.65

  85 Letters, vol. 2, p. 166

  86 ICR, p.65

  87 Graham Balfour’s notes, taken from conversations with RLS; NLS Balfour, 9897, ff109, 110

  88 Eve Blantyre Simpson, Robert Louis Stevenson (Boston and London, 1906), p.42


  1 FS to Timothy Rearden, Paris, June 1876, MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 32

  2 Margaret Mackay, The Violent Friend (London, 1969), p.4

  3 Daily Territorial Enterprise, 1862–63, quoted in Mark Twain, Roughing It (Mark Twain Library edition, Berkeley, 1995), p.176

  4 Alexandra Lapierre, Fanny Stevenson (London, 1995), does not specify the sources

  5 Field, p. 17

  6 Quoted in Alexandra Lapierre, Fanny Stevenson (London, 1995), p.33

  7 Field, p.17

  8 Ibid., p.18

  9 Alexandra Lapierre, Fanny Stevenson (London, 1995), p.40

  10 Mark Twain, Roughing It (Mark Twain Library edition, Berkeley, 1995), pp.281–2

  11 Ibid.
, p.282

  12 Quoted in Alexandra Lapierre, Fanny Stevenson (London, 1995), p.57

  13 Nellie Vandegrift Sanchez, The Life of Mrs Robert Louis Stevenson (1920), pp.30–1

  14 Field, p.45

  15 FS to Timothy Rearden, n.d., ?1864, MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 3

  16 Ibid., letter 35

  17 Ibid., letter 25

  18 Field, p.82

  19 Ibid., p.80

  20 Ibid., p.81

  21 FS to Dora Williams, 25 August 1875, MS Yale, vault Stevenson, 3834

  22 Ibid.

  23 FS to Timothy Rearden, 31 October 1875, MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 24

  24 MS Yale, vault Stevenson, 3834

  25 FS to Timothy Rearden, 18 April 1876, MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 31

  26 Field, p.104

  27 Perhaps this was something like the incident in ‘The Misadventures of John Nicolson’ when John goes briefly on the run to escape duns. The cryptic references to RLS’s ‘trouble’ are in Letters, vol. 2, pp.178 and n6, 181 and n2

  28 Ibid., p.176

  29 ‘Virginibus Puerisque’, Vailima, vol. 2, p.11

  30 Ibid., p.20

  31 Ibid., pp.25, 16, 25

  32 Vailima, vol. 1, pp.53–4

  33 Ibid., p.104

  34 Colvin, p.109

  35 Vailima, vol. 1, p.137

  36 Ibid., p.96

  37 Ibid., p.131

  38 Ibid., pp.131–2

  39 Quoted in Maixner, p.56

  40 Ibid., p.8

  41 Mehew shows in Letters, vol. 2, p.191 nI that RLS was in Paris on 20 September 1876, and again in mid-October on his way back to Edinburgh (which he reached on 16 October). I am therefore guessing that RLS went from Pontoise to Paris briefly (he says in his letter he was buying books there), then on to Grez, where Simpson would have preceded him by a few days

  42 ICR, p.173

  43 Margaret B. Wright, ‘Bohemian Days’, Scribner’s Monthly, vol. 16 (May 1878)

  44 Ibid.

  45 FS to Timothy Rearden, April 1877, MS Silverado

  46 FS to Timothy Rearden, 25 July 1876, MS Silverado

  47 ‘A Ball at Mr Elsinare’s’, The Lantern-Bearers and Other Essays (ed. Jeremy Treglown; London, 1988), p.52

  48 Vailima, vol. 2, p.43

  49 Letters, vol. 2, p.193

  50 FS to Timothy Rearden, 13 December 1876, MS Silverado

  51 FS to Timothy Rearden, ‘p.m. Feb 1877 Paris’, MS Yale

  52 FS to Timothy Rearden, 13 December 1876, MS Silverado

  53 The Lantern-Bearers and Other Essays (ed. Jeremy Treglown; London, 1988), p.52

  54 Letters, vol. 2, p.199

  55 Ibid., p.205

  56 Ibid., p.208

  57 Vailima, vol. 3, p.348

  58 See Letters, vol. 2, p.145 n3

  59 Ibid., p.236

  60 Ibid., pp.218, 219

  61 Quoted in ibid., p.225 n1

  62 Colvin, p.130

  63 Vailima, vol. 1, p.440

  64 Letters, vol. 2, p.227

  65 Ibid., pp.241–2

  66 Ibid., pp.244, 240

  67 Maixner, p.54

  68 Hammerton, pp.35–6

  69 Related by Birge Harrison in ICR, p.179

  70 Field, p.111

  71 Balfour, vol. 1, p.188

  72 Portrait, p.13


  1 Letters, vol. 2, p.268

  2 Vailima, vol. 1, p.210

  3 Ibid., p.216

  4 Ibid., p.217

  5 Ibid., p.220

  6 Ibid., p.249

  7 Letters, vol. 2, p.313

  8 Vailima, vol. 1, p.277

  9 Ibid., p.230

  10 Ibid., pp.297–8

  11 Richard Holmes, Footsteps (London, 1985), p.54

  12 RLS, The Cévennes Journal: Notes on a Journey Through the French Highlands, ed. Gordon Golding et al. (Edinburgh, 1978), p.81

  13 Letters, vol. 2, pp.280–1

  14 ‘Echoes’ no. xxiv, The Works of W.E. Henley (London, 1908), vol. 1

  15 Gosse, p.282

  16 Letters, vol. 2, pp.297–8

  17 Ibid., p.300

  18 See Malcolm Elwin, The Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson (London, 1950), p.2, and Swearingen, p.41

  19 ‘Lay Morals’, Vailima, vol. 24, p.202

  20 Colvin provided this information; see Letters, vol. 2, p. 314 n7

  21 Philip Gosse, My Pirate Library (London, 1926), pp.9–10

  22 Quoted in Letters, vol. 2, p.330 n6

  23 Ibid., p.330

  24 SC to WEH, quoted in Lucas, p.113

  25 Letters, vol. 2, p.315

  26 MS Yale; see Letters, vol. 3, p.7 n2 and Baxter Letters, p.66 n11

  27 See and follow ‘biographical links’ to ‘The Blue Pills’

  28 See RLS to FS, Letters, vol. 2, p.312

  29 Ibid., p.315

  30 Ibid.

  31 26 February 1900, quoted in ibid., p.320 n2

  32 Ibid., p.328

  33 Letters, vol. 3, p.6

  34 Ibid., pp.2–3

  35 Vailima, vol. 2, pp.279–80

  36 Ibid., p.255

  37 Scribner’s Magazine, May 1888, quoted in Balfour, vol. 1, pp.196–7

  38 Vailima, vol. 2, pp.283–4

  39 Vailima, vol. 3, pp.498–9

  40 ‘Across the Plains’, Vailima, vol. 2, P.372

  41 Letters, vol. 3, p.10

  42 Ibid.

  43 Vailima, vol. 2, pp.364–5

  44 Ibid., p.350

  45 Ibid., p.283

  46 Ibid., p.387

  47 Ibid., p.380

  48 ‘The Old Pacific Capital’, ibid., p.413

  49 Portrait, pp.16–17

  50 Elsie Noble Caldwell, Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson (Norman, Oklahoma, 1960), p.10

  51 Letters, vol. 3, p.13

  52 FS to Timothy Rearden, n.d., MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 54

  53 FS to Timothy Rearden, Davos, n.d., MS Silverado, notebook 1, letter 58

  54 Letters, vol. 3, p.12

  55 Ibid., p.16

  56 Ibid.

  57 Ibid., pp.13–14

  58 Ibid., p.13

  59 Collected Poems, p.88

  60 Letters, vol. 3, p.16

  61 Elsie Noble Caldwell, Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson (Norman, Oklahoma, 1960), p.10

  62 James D. Hart (ed.), From Scotland to Silverado (Cambridge, Mass., 1966), pp.172–8

  63 Ibid.

  64 Ibid.

  65 Letters, vol. 3, p.5

  66 Ibid., p.41

  67 Ibid., p.12

  68 Ibid., pp.23–4

  69 SC to CB, ibid., p.38

  70 Ibid., p.41

  71 Ibid., p.27

  72 See Edward Berwick’s ‘Reminiscences of Robert Louis Stevenson’, MS Bancroft, C-H 107

  73 See Roy Nickerson, Robert Louis Stevenson in California: A Remarkable Courtship (San Francisco, 1982), pp.57–8

  74 WEH to SC, Letters, vol. 3, p.41

  75 Ibid., p.38

  76 Ibid.

  77 Ibid., p.21

  78 ‘Simoneau’s at Monterey’, James D. Hart (ed.), From Scotland to Silverado (Cambridge, Mass., 1966)

  79 Letters, vol. 3, pp.41, 42

  80 See Furnas, Appendix, ‘Controversy’, p.399. See also RLS to WEH, Letters, vol. 3, p.55, and Mehew’s footnote

  81 ‘The Old Pacific Capital’, Vailima, vol. 2, pp.403–4

  82 George R. Stewart Jr, ‘Glimpses of Stevenson’, NLS Balfour, 9897, ff176–87

  83 ‘The Old Pacific Capital’, Vailima, vol. 2, p.410

  84 Letters, vol. 3, p.45

  85 Ibid., p.46

  86 See the letter from Ferrier to his sister Elizabeth (‘Coggie’), 1 June 1880, quoted in ibid., p.74

  87 Ibid., p.44

  88 Ibid., p.60

  89 Ibid., p.61

  90 ‘San Francisco’, James D. Hart (ed.), From Scotland to Silverado (Cambridge, Mass., 1966)

  91 Ibid.

  92 ‘Dora Williams: reminiscence of RLS for the Century Club of San Francisco in aid of the Robert Louis Stevenson memorial’ (n.d.), MS Bancroft

  93 Letters, vol. 3, p.42

  94 Ibid., p.43

  95 SC, quoting to WEH part of a letter from FS; see ibid., p.71

  96 Ibid.

  97 Letters, vol. 1, p.502

  98 Letters, vol. 3, p.76

  99 RLS to P.G. Hammerton, July 1881, ibid., p.203


  1 Letters, vol. 3, p.83

  2 The Silverado Squatters, Vailima, vol. 2, p.489

  3 Ibid., p.565

  4 Letters, vol. 3, p.86

  5 Ibid., p.87

  6 Field, p. 126

  7 Lucas, pp.127–8

  8 Quoted in Margaret Mackay, The Violent Friend (London, 1969), p.119

  9 Letters, vol. 8, p.45

  10 Letters, vol. 3, p.104n

  11 Ibid., p.105

  12 Ibid.

  13 Ibid.

  14 Ibid., p.96

  15 The Silverado Squatters, Vailima, vol. 2, pp.471–2

  16 J. Weber, Davos (Zürich and London, c.1880), p.28

  17 Ibid., p.27

  18 Letters, vol. 3, p.111 n2, and FSTo MIS, 13 October 1880,mS Silverado

  19 Portrait, p.25

  20 WEH to CB, 18 May 1881, Letters, vol. 3, p.182

  21 Ibid., p.184

  22 Ibid., p.118

  23 Ibid., p.120

  24 Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor (London, 1991), p.12

  25 W.G. Lockett, Robert Louis Stevenson at Davos (London, 1934), pp.81–2

  26 J. Weber, Davos (Zürich and London, c.1880), p.73

  27 ‘On Some Ghastly Companions at a Spa’, Collected Poems, p.327

  28 Letters, vol. 3, p.126

  29 ‘Davos in Winter’, Vailima, vol. 24, p.467

  30 Letters, vol. 3, p.123

  31 Harold Vailings, quoted in W.G. Lockett, Robert Louis Stevenson at Davos (London, 1934), p.72

  32 Vailima, vol. 12, pp.126–7

  33 John Addington Symonds to H.F. Brown, 17 November 1880, Herbert M. Schueller and Robert L. Peters, The Letters of J.A. Symonds (Detroit, 1967–69), vol. 2, p.659

  34 Ibid., p.664

  35 Phyllis Grosskurth(ed.), The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds (London, 1984), p.260

  36 Letters, vol. 3, p.162

  37 W.G. Lockett, Robert Louis Stevenson at Davos (London, 1934). p.245

  38 Walt Whitman to J.A. Symonds, 19 August 1890

  39 All quotations in Phyllis Grosskurth (ed.), The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds (London, 1984), Appendix 1, p.287

  40 Ibid., p.188

  41 W.G. Lockett, Robert Louis Stevenson at Davos (London, 1934), p.50

  42 Graham Robb, Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century (London, 2003), p.144

  43 Hammerton, p.77


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