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Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux

Page 23

by Randy Blackwell

  Sasha’s dress was made from light blue silk, rich gold satin, satin with floral design and trimmed in a deep burgundy braid. It was also laced in front with thin, light blue ribbon and in back with a sheer cream ribbon. The outfit was topped with a floral wreath on her head made of various red and blue flowers.

  They finished showing Ischus and Queen Elizabeth in their wedding garb. Then they returned to Caelsis. They found that Duchess Butterfly was waiting for them in Omar’s quarters. She was known to be the only Nepsah that was not a queen to have as ornate wings as the Queen. There was rumor that she was somehow linked to the royal lineage. Seux had been courting her for several months. This was Omar’s first time meeting her and she seemed very much in charge of the wedding which Omar didn’t mind. She had beautiful butterfly wings that had purple and green markings with a black trim to them. She wore a long purple flowing dress that was longer than her legs trailing off as she floated about in the air.

  She looked to Omar and smiled, “Good you are back. Come. Hurry. There is much to do and little time!” She motioned for Omar and Sasha to join her in another room. They followed and found Queen Elizabeth seated with a large canvas in front of her. Queen Elizabeth turned and smiled as they entered. “As your wedding gift I am going to paint a picture of you two on the night of your wedding.”

  Omar smiled, “Thank you so much.” He turned to Sasha to explain, “Queen Elizabeth is one of the best artists on Soterion. Her art is priceless here.”

  Sasha smiled, “Thank you, your Grace. This is a wonderful gift.” They stood still while Queen Elizabeth started the painting. In the background Omar saw Prince Seux dashing in and out of the room bringing equipment that would be needed. Seux had several Nepsah servants trailing behind him carrying things too. As Seux darted to another room Omar turned his head slightly so he could see what Seux was doing.

  “Now, Omar, we only have a certain amount of time to get a lot done. I need you to remain still,” said Duchess Butterfly who was hovering over Queen Elizabeth’s shoulder.

  As Queen Elizabeth painted them Duchess Butterfly pointed out a few minor flaws which Queen Elizabeth thanked her for. Duchess Butterfly continually had to tell Omar to stand still or instructing him to get back to his original position. Queen Elizabeth had to stifle a laugh almost every time. Then Queen Elizabeth said, “It is so hard to find people in my Kingdom who will tell me where they see anything wrong with my work. It makes it very hard to improve.”

  Duchess Butterfly smiled, “I am so very glad to help now please turn back around and stop looking at me while you talk.” Queen Elizabeth stifled a laugh as she turned around and continued her work. The duchess had to tell Omar to be still several more times while the painting was finished. After an hour of standing still the majority was done and Queen Elizabeth dismissed them.

  Throughout the day the Duchess took them through Caelsis to buy flower arrangements, decorations, and pick food. After much debate with the Duchess, Omar convinced her to have the location of the wedding as the Tower of the Magi. It would be the first and only time non-Magi were allowed inside the tower. The ground floor was large enough to fit several hundred people and tall enough to allow a Raphad to stand.

  When they got back to the tower they were separated and sent to different rooms while the Duchess gave the tower a complete overhaul. Omar snuck out of his room to see that large chandeliers were being hung from the ceilings and white lace was being strategically placed in various places.

  When Omar returned to his room he found Thanatos waiting for him. He looked different… almost less powerful. Thanatos had a wicked grin on his face.

  Omar paused. Fear overcame him. Flashing memories of the crash and the dream after of the beast raged through his mind. Omar backed away as he had a stabbing pain in his chest and his neck felt tight. He couldn’t swallow. “What… are you doing here?” asked Omar dryly.

  Thanatos sighed. “I had some trouble on my world. A few friends of yours have caused me to be an outcast from my own world. I cannot return there and because of your friend Kasey I can’t stay in Musterion. So here I am, and you did say that I could stay here.”

  Omar felt weak. No, I can’t let this happen. He must die. I cannot be weak. Omar grabbed a knife from his desk and teleported behind Thanatos but Thanatos teleported away. He pulled up the sleeve of his arm to reveal a teleportation devise. “That was made especially for me by the Gauntmen. Yes, they are allies of mine here.”

  Thanatos paced back and forth as he spoke. Omar could not move from his position. Something was stopping him from moving but he could not tell what. “Is that really any way to treat the best man at your wedding? Or have you not wondered why you have yet to declare one? With my blood coursing through your veins I have complete control over you. You are worse than one of those who has taken from the blood but once. They are not conscious of themselves. But you… you are mine and you know that you are mine. You are aware of everything when I take control of you.”

  No. No! I need control. I must have control of myself. Get out. Go away. “I feel you resisting me. It’s such an insignificant effort. You are very weak, like Tyree was when I took control of him. But Jack did too good of a job resisting me. It was almost effortless for him. He didn’t even realize that I was trying to take control of him. So, you will have to pay for what he has done on my world. I have started by giving doses of my blood to various and numerous members of the Magi,” he said and then laughed, “I have an entire order of super-scientists at my disposal.”

  I will kill you for this. I swear I will kill you for this.

  “But look at me. How rude of me to keep you from your big day. Let’s go down and join your bride,” he said. THEY LEFT FOR THE WEDDING neither of them realizing that Queen Elizabeth had been in the back room where she was putting the finishing touches on her painting. She heard everything and poked her head out to make sure they were gone once they shut the door behind them. But what time would she have to do anything about all of this.

  OMAR AND THANATOS WALKED out as the elevator doors opened. There were at least five hundred people here including the Elder who was the first Monarch of Soterion.

  “Who is this?” asked Duchess Butterfly as she darted up to them. “My best man,” said Omar. And though the words came out of his mouth, they were Thanatos’ words. “Oh,” said Duchess Butterfly. The music began to play so she rushed them up toward the center of the crowd where Prince Seux stood. Sasha had given Prince Seux the format for a traditional earthen marriage so he began in the traditional style.

  At the center of the room the acoustics were set up so that all would hear even if a tiny Nepsah spoke. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of a man and a woman in marriage. These two who once worked with each other for years on end were separated worlds apart. They have found each other and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife.”

  Omar was listening to the words said. He wanted to remember this moment but the dark creature just in his view was a distraction. Why can’t you leave me alone? Why can’t I live in peace for once in my life?

  And in his mind he heard Thanatos’ voice. Because, Omar, there is no rest for the wicked. Omar saw a smile creep across Thanatos’ face.

  A deeper fear came over Omar as he realized that Thanatos could read his thoughts. He will never let me go. Prince Seux continued, "To all present I say: We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Omar and Sasha the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today."

  He had Omar and Sasha face each other and continued, "Omar and Sasha, today you are surrounded by your friends, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out
before you. The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people, a love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of marriage."

  Sasha looked at him with such hope and admiration. A tear ran down Omar’s cheek but those looking on only assumed it was a tear of joy. Prince Seux continued, “The institute of marriage is one that has been around since the beginning. It was something given to us by the Creator and it is glorified in the Shepherd. May the Shepherd guide you both in your greatest hours of need.”

  How dare you mention the Shepherd and a Creator? Where is your Shepherd now? Where was he when I was dying in that wreckage? Thanatos laughed in his mind and then he said something that shocked Omar to his core. You are a fool. This is your downfall. The Shepherd and the Creator are real. They have many names but they are the same as the Father and the Son mentioned in the Bible. I guess that was the reason why I could not take control of Jack… he already belonged to someone else. But I am an arch-demon and I have possessed you. You are mine.

  Is it true or another one of his lies? What did Kasey do to get rid of him? If I followed the Shepherd could I get rid of him?

  You are mine. Said Thanatos’ voice in his mind.

  I can’t. I just don’t believe it. It’s too impossible. It’s not logical. “Before we continue I must ask if anyone can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, please speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  There was silence for a moment.

  Omar shook more. He wanted to object. He wanted to show his just cause but Thanatos wouldn’t let him.

  But then there came a familiar voice from the back of the crowd of people. “I do.”

  The crowd parted to show Myles with a female Yaarma beside him dressed in white robes and wearing a crown.

  Omar took a deeper look at her and he recognized her facial features. Who is that?

  “I, the Empress, known to this man Omar as Misaki object that I am not part of this ceremony,” she said. Tears flooded Omar’s face. Thanatos allowed him control enough to react. He ran down and hugged her twirling her in the air. He hugged her tight with eyes closed. “I love you and have missed you so much my sister,” he said.

  She pulled herself away looking him in the eyes. “You are sweating, Omar. And shaking. What is wrong?”

  He shook his head. “No. Let us not discuss such things. I am getting married.”

  Thanatos showed a smile of approval at the fact that he did not try to resist and tell Misaki.

  She smiled, “Yes, please. Get back to your wedding.”

  Myles was wearing the same hat and long coats as he was when they met. He hugged Myles and ran back up to the altar.

  This is all wrong. It’s tainted by the presence of that thing. He looked back to Thanatos who was grinning. He turned toward Sasha. It was time to speak the vows. Omar froze. He couldn’t speak. Thanatos was trying to make him speak but Omar was fighting it. Omar started to sweat again. His entire body was shaking. Omar didn’t know what to say and he would not allow Thanatos to say these words for him. I can’t do this now.

  But the crowd took it as nerves and so did Sasha.

  Seux laughed, “Omar seems to be caught in the moment.” He turned to Omar and said, "Do you Omar Metzger, take Sasha Romanov to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

  “I do,” stuttered Omar. At least they are my words. He turned to Sasha and said, "Do you Sasha Romanov, take Omar Metzger to be your lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

  “I do,” she said with a smile and adoring eyes. If you only knew, you would not adore me. "Omar and Sasha - Today you enter as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife, blending your lives, and embarking upon the grandest adventure of companionship. The story of your life together is still yours to write. All those present have come to witness and celebrate your love and commitment this day - eager to be a part of the story not yet told."

  Prince Seux paused and looked to Sebastian, “Do you have the rings?”

  Sebastian handed the rings to Sasha and Omar. Then Prince Seux said to Omar repeat after me, “With this ring, I thee wed." Omar trembled as he put the ring on her finger. At this point he was sweating all over from fighting so hard against Thanatos to speak to say something other than what he had to say to get through the ceremony, but the only words he could speak were those. Though Thanatos tried to force him to say them Omar held back a millisecond long enough to be able to make them his words. “With this ring, I thee wed,” said Omar. Sasha gave him a concerned look.

  Seux turned to Sasha and said, “Repeat after me, with this ring, I thee wed.”

  Sasha held his hand and whispered to him very lightly as she put the ring on, “We can wait if you need to.”

  “No. I love you,” whispered Omar. It was the first time he had ever said it to her but he meant it with all of his heart.

  Then Sasha still looking concerned repeated the words, “With this ring, I thee wed.” No sooner than Prince Seux said, “I pronounce you man and wife,” had Omar felt Thanatos take full control of his body. His body jolted as if trying to reject the fact that two people were occupying it. Omar’s hand reached for the knife he had tried to kill Thanatos with. He had me put it in my pocket! Omar’s arm shot up as if in public display that he was going to kill his new spouse. Omar fought with everything he was but Thanatos’ sick and twisted will was too powerful. Several people flew into action. An arrow streamed from a balcony and shot straight through his hand that was holding the knife forcing the knife to fall to the ground to make a clanging sound.

  Thanatos let go of control of Omar’s body and he began to fall to the ground exhausted from the fight for control, but several people caught him including Sasha. He saw the look of love on her face. At least she still loves me.

  SO MANY EMOTIONS WENT THROUGH KASEY as she first saw Myles. She was one of the maids of honor so she could not tackle him with a hug as she wanted.

  Something odd was going on with Omar. He had acted anxious from the time the ceremony started but that was to be expected at a wedding. After he had seen Misaki it seemed to escalate though. He wasn’t anxious, he was worried.

  A bright light flashed in her face. She looked to where it came from and Myles was using a mirror to bounce a reflection of light from above in her face. She looked over at him and he whispered. The weird thing was that there was a draft that carried his words straight to her ears. “Misaki says that Omar is in distress. It’s not just the wedding. Something is very wrong with him. Just be vigilant and ready to act.”

  She nodded in response. She watched Omar and the crowd. Myles seemed to be strategically placing people at all of the exits. There was a Katken he sent near the entrance. By the elevator was a young Yaarma with a dinosaur hidden behind him. A dinosaur? And there was a Daqad who had the marks of having come from Musterion on him (he had rock formations on his knuckles and joints). Myles was either preparing for a battle or waiting for someone to flee. What does he know?

  She studied Myles, he had a different look about him. He was very calculating and purposed. He was less… chaotic.

  Then she turned her attention back to Omar who was trembling and sweating all over while whispering to Sasha. MYLES WAS HOPING this would go differently. He was returning Omar’s long lost sister to him. Misaki had told him something was very wrong with Omar. On a day that Omar should be happy or maybe a little nervous, he was afraid. Myles had never seen Omar afraid. He had always seemed very courageou
s to Myles.

  He had set his team at all of the exits and he was ready. He had even warned Kasey. But the most dangerous person in this room was Misaki. She was the Empress of an entire continent and through his journey bringing her back she was able to show him what a Dreamer who was a follower of the Shepherd was capable of. She had no limitation. Myles took confidence in having accepted the Shepherd but it did feel good to have the Misaki on his side. Myles was finally on the winning team and in the right place. No matter what happened Myles knew he was in the right hands.

  Omar drew his hand up in a stabbing motion with a knife in his hand. What? Then a shaft, an arrow shot straight through Omar’s hand sending the knife to the ground. Myles looked back to see Queen Elizabeth on a balcony shooting another arrow. He traced it to its destination. There was a man on the groom’s side of the ceremony that stood in the best man’s spot. The arrow clipped his shoulder. The man reached out and a shadow tentacle grabbed at Queen Elizabeth.

  Myles had brought Charli. She pinned the man down to the ground. Shadow tentacles started to grow out from him. And for a moment darkness filled the room. Myles tried to cancel it out but was not successful then Misaki yelled out and the light returned. She molds this world in ways I can’t.

  Kasey looked to Myles who was drawing close to the man that he was almost sure was Thanatos. She unsheathed a sword with a blue glow and tossed it to Myles. He caught it and immediately knew what it was. Thanatos screamed out as Myles approached with sword in hand.

  “No, not that. It will kill me. I see you Myles, you are no murderer. You follow the Shepherd. You can’t hit me with that, it will kill me or at least this form. I don’t really know what it will do and neither do you so put it down and just banish me,” said Thanatos.

  Myles stood over Thanatos and put a hand on his head. He was going to pray him away as Kasey had in Musterion. He took his hand away and took another look at the man. Myles shook his head and stood up with sword in hand. Kasey stood by him looking down at Thanatos.


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