The Record of the Saints Caliber

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The Record of the Saints Caliber Page 8

by M. David White

  Nuriel’s grip on her sword tightened.

  “Ah, there’s the fire.” said Ramiel. “Did that strike a chord with you, love?”

  “Enough.” said Isley.

  Ramiel ignored him, his one good topaz eye was still fixed on Nuriel. “You think she’s happy right now? Think she loves shoveling that shit? You should probably be back there with her, shouldn’t you, love? Probably feel a little guilty about it?”

  Nuriel couldn’t help but scowl at him.

  He laughed. “The only difference between you and her love, is that you are far more powerful and Admael does like to play with fire, doesn’t he?”

  “Enough,” barked Isley.

  “Oh no,” said Ramiel. “You should be thanking me. I’m just trying to make it easier for your apprentice there to fight me. She’s the type that falls. So powerful, but so unwilling to take what she wants.”

  Nuriel looked him square in his eyes.

  He returned a scowl. “I could see the moment you stepped from that cave that you had no desire to fight me,” said Ramiel. “That’s the problem with you soft ones; the reason you never make Saints Caliber. Tell me, love, have they had you put any children to the sword yet?”

  Ramiel smiled wickedly and chuckled at her. “What, you thought you were going to just go out and slay some demons? Thought you were going to fight your way to the gates of Hell and face down Apollyon?” Ramiel shook his head and eyed Nuriel with a cruel mocking. “You see love, they want to be sure you’ll do their dirty work first. Tell me, Nuriel, do you think we Saints are the heroes the little children all pretend to be, or are we the monsters they set off to slay with their wooden swords?”

  Nuriel shook her head and scowled. She bit her lip and flourished her star-metal claymore in one hand. Those burning faces flashed in her mind again. That little boy’s hand that reached out to her through the fire. The mother’s screams. The baby’s mewlings choked off by the raging inferno. She wiped at her nose. She felt a type of rage starting to well up inside her and an unbidden tear ran down her cheek.

  Ramiel spit and eyed her with a cruel smile. He chuckled. “How many you kill, love? How many babes and their mothers?”

  Nuriel couldn’t help that her lip began to tremble. Ramiel’s voice was but an echo before the screams coming from the fires. Her lips furled in anger and she only saw Ramiel through the blurry lens of tear covered eyes.

  Ramiel laughed deeply and cruelly. “Don’t get me wrong, love. If you prove you’re willing to do the bidding of psychotic kings, eventually Sanctuary will send you off to fight the Unbound. After all, the world can’t be ruled by two forces of demons.”

  “That’s enough, Ramiel.” said Isley.

  Ramiel smirked. He winked at Nuriel. “Oh, you’ve done their dirty work, haven’t you, love? You’ve cut down children and burned babes, haven’t you? But you won’t sell your soul to a demon. You thought you had ransomed your soul when you sold it to whatever thing that women is.”

  “No,” Nuriel said through clenched teeth, her eyes barely open against the welling tears. She felt Isley’s gentle hand fall upon her shoulder but she shook it off. “No!” she screamed.

  Ramiel shook his head as if disappointed with her and then spit. “No going back to Sanctuary now, love, is there? Besides, you’ve killed women and children now. What’s killing a fellow Saint to someone like you?” Ramiel laughed and held his arms out, urging her to attack.

  “Nuriel no!” cried Isley, but it was too late.

  Nuriel was on him in a second, her giant, black claymore a blur as she worked it in quick and fluid motions, putting Ramiel on the defensive.

  “That’s more like it!” growled Ramiel, his hammer raised and lowered as he used it to deflect each of Nuriel’s blows in turn, the star-metal weapons cracking together like thunder with every strike. Ramiel spun, whipping his hammer around, and Nuriel had to leap back to avoid the blow. “Not bad, love.” said Ramiel, standing with his heavily armored side facing Nuriel and smiling at her wickedly. “But it’s not good enough.”

  Ramiel leapt forward, his hammer whirling with uncanny speed. Nuriel deflected the first blow and then spun low, her large claymore extended for a strike, but Ramiel was much too fast and with just a simple twist of his leg, blocked the blow upon his heavily armored thigh. Against most Saints a strike that powerful, even deflected as it was, would have been enough to knock them down. Unfortunately Ramiel was too powerful to be taken so easily and not only stood his ground, but spun out with his right hand extended, delivering a nasty backhand to Nuriel’s face. Her Caliber flared brightly against the force of the blow, deadening the impact of the unforgiving star-metal gauntlet against her soft cheek, but even still it was enough to send her flying back. Before she had a chance to register the taste of blood in her mouth a flurry of strikes erupted as Isley shot in for the attack.

  Nuriel kicked herself back to her feet and launched herself into the fray. She tried to flank Ramiel as Isley confronted him head-on, but Ramiel was so quick that he was able to parry each of Isley’s attacks while ducking or spinning from Nuriel’s own. Back at Sanctuary Nuriel had often faced off against multiple opponents in sparring matches. Still, that hadn’t prepared her for Ramiel’s might. The man was just too quick and too strong. And truth be told, Isley was just getting in her way.

  Nuriel snarled as she struck in again, flaring her Caliber, trying to siphon every ounce of speed and strength she could. Ramiel shifted to the side, narrowly avoiding her blow, but simultaneously catching Isley on the shoulder with his hammer. The impact was tremendous, and Isley faltered for just a second as the blow shifted him on his feet. That brief moment was all the time Ramiel needed to spin and deliver a swift strike dead-center to Isley’s breastplate. His hammer impacted Isley’s chest with thunderous force and Isley was sent flying back some twenty feet where he landed on his back. Nuriel thought she caught a glimpse of blood spraying from his mouth as he landed. Star-metal was unbreakable, but the body of a Saint was not. Even protected within that obsidian shell Nuriel knew a blow that powerful could shatter bones or even kill. Isley didn’t move, his body was limp upon the ground.

  Nuriel had little time to contemplate the fate of her mentor. Ramiel spun around, his hammer whirling, putting her on the defensive. Nuriel brought her sword in close, moving it in swift, deft motions against Ramiel’s blows. Each strike was tremendous, and with every parry Nuriel could feel her footing and her sword motions getting ever so slightly away from her.

  Ramiel came in at her, his hammer falling quickly toward her head. She ducked right, letting her own momentum raise her left leg as she brought her star-metal boot right into his side. Ramiel fell back a step from the impact, giving Nuriel the second she needed to spin herself back up to her feet, her sword up and ready for a swift thrust. Unfortunately Ramiel was already ahead of her, and before she could react, he flared his Caliber a brilliant gold as he brought his hammer down upon the ground.

  Rock and stone were thrown into the air as a tremendous shockwave sundered the earth in a straight line right toward her. She back-flipped to gain some ground and then extended her sword in front of her defensively. She shined her Caliber brilliantly against the concussive wave that washed over her, spraying her with sundered earth. She had to turn her head slightly to avoid getting hit in the eyes with dirt. By the time she was looking ahead Ramiel was already upon her, his warhammer coming right for her face.

  She ducked quickly, avoiding the blow. As the hammer swung past her she stood back up and landed a solid punch directly into the center of Ramiel’s breastplate. Although Nuriel didn’t wear gauntlets, her fist was protected by an aura of shining Caliber energy that created a powerful impact and Ramiel stumbled backward. Nuriel wasn’t finished however, and she spun, delivering a kick right to his neck. Ramiel used the force of the blow to throw himself over in a flip, and landing on his feet, dashed in with his hammer extended.

  Nuriel flared her Caliber and with a sweeping
arm gesture sent a wave of torn earth and rock washing over Ramiel. Ramiel cursed as he raised his arms defensively, flaring his Caliber a brilliant gold, causing the wave of sundered earth to break upon him like waves over a rocky shore.

  Nuriel stood staring Ramiel down. He returned her gaze with his one molten-topaz eye. He tilted his head, cracking his neck. “Nice one, love. Seems you’re starting to get the taste for real battle. But you just standing there makes me question whether you got what it takes to kill me.”

  Nuriel’s golden eyes narrowed into slits and she flourished her claymore. From the corner of her eyes she noticed that the formation of knights down below were slowly starting to make their way up the path. It wouldn’t be long before the first of them were within striking range of bolt-throwers.

  Ramiel scowled. “So, you’re just going to stand there and make me come to you?” He chuckled and spit. “I don’t usually chase after women, but for you I’ll make an exception.”

  Ramiel sent a burst of Caliber energy forth, exploding the debris around his feet toward Nuriel. She extended her left hand, golden Caliber energy encompassing it and deflecting the debris. But now Ramiel was on her. Nuriel flourished her claymore, deflecting the hammer, just as Ramiel jumped and spun with a kick. Nuriel was forced to flip herself backward to avoid the blow, and when she landed she immediately spun outward with her sword, the sharp black tip of the star-metal blade slicing Ramiel’s chin open. She twisted the opposite direction, spinning her foot around and bringing her heavy star-metal boot square into his chest. It impacted like thunder and Ramiel fell backwards, rolling upon the ground before springing back to his feet.

  Ramiel cursed as he took a hand and wiped the thickening pool of blood from his chin. Nuriel held her offensive stance, crouched upon the ground with her sword at the ready, her golden eyes trained on her target. Ramiel looked at her, his lips upturned in anger of the indignity of being hit. Twice.

  “You’re giving me quite the problem, love.” he said. He spat upon the ground. “I ain’t gonna hold back any more.”

  Nuriel flourished her sword, her molten eyes not flinching despite the growing problem behind Ramiel. A battalion of knights was now forming and more than a few bolt-throwers were trained on her.

  Ramiel seemed to sense them and held up a gauntleted hand as he spat on the ground, not taking his burning eyes off Nuriel. “You all stand down until I’m done here.” He winked at Nuriel.

  She flourished her blade.

  Ramiel shot in with a roar, his hammer whirling in controlled circles. Again Nuriel found herself having to work her sword in quick motions to deflect the blows as they were delivered in blinding speed and uncanny force. Even deflected Ramiel’s blows came like sledgehammers, threatening to knock her off balance. It took all her skill and Caliber to withstand the impacts and keep on her feet. Just as she thought she was getting ahead of the game, almost ready to get back on the offensive, Isley was back in the fray.

  Silently Nuriel cursed. She was glad her mentor had not been badly injured or worse, but she could face Ramiel better alone. Isley was quick. Blinding even. His sword strokes were fast and true, but they were also predictable. Isley was a good warrior; not great. Unfortunately, against Ramiel, Nuriel only needed great and anything less was just going to hinder her own abilities. Already she found herself having to withdraw slightly to avoid clashing with Isley.

  With a scowl Nuriel ducked beneath a hammer swing just as Isley came in with a sword swing. Ramiel quickly spun, letting the blade clash against his heavily armored left pauldron. At that moment Nuriel seized her chance and shot forward with her sword. Unfortunately Isley spun back in at the same time and she had to quickly duck and roll left to avoid accidentally hitting him.

  This was all the blunder Ramiel needed to finish the battle. With a quick dodge Ramiel caught Isley’s arm under his left. He twisted slightly, causing Isley to fall backward. Ramiel spun around, delivering a swift kick right to Isley’s face, then with a quick spin in the opposite direction delivered a well-placed hammer blow across Isley’s back that sent him flying and landing unconscious nearby.

  By the time Nuriel had rolled back to her feet Ramiel was already on her. She felt the heel of his boot catch behind her own, throwing her off balance. She impacted upon the ground, her back flat against the stone earth. She looked up and saw Ramiel’s gauntleted fist coming straight down at her like a wrecking ball. Her Caliber flared as she threw her arms up to her face, but the impact came right at her chest with a tremendous crack, as if a sledgehammer had hit her.

  Although her star-metal armor did not give way, the powerful blow resonated right through it and into her flesh, knocking the wind from her lungs. Her eyes went wide as the air tried to tear its way back into her chest. But down came another blow, and another, Ramiel’s fist like a wrecking ball upon her. She was vaguely aware of the ground cracking beneath her, and as the stars of unconsciousness began to pop before her eyes she could feel her body being driven into the earth.

  The sound of Ramiel’s fist upon her chest was now tinny and sharp, the pain dulling as consciousness faded from her, the jolt and spasm of her body more real than the pain caused by each blow. Her eyes rolled up, briefly catching Ramiel’s face. It was twisted in anger, blood dripping from his torn chin, his one topaz eye and the other ruined one looking at her with a type of hatred she had never before seen directed at her. Her eyes continued their journey up and she became aware of Isley’s body laying upon the ground, but the vision was in a strange, obscure, duality and upside-down. The only thing that now seemed real was the voice in her mind telling her ‘just one hit to your face and it will all be over’.

  But as that thought rolled in her head she became aware that the pounding upon her chest had stopped. There were voices. Ramiel was barking something, orders maybe? She was surrounded by gleaming metal and she felt her body being jerked around.

  Presently Nuriel became aware of a buzzing pain in her wrists. Her arms were behind her. She tried to move them, but her wrists were bound. A vague notion that she was cuffed with runic bindings floated through her mind. She looked around, her eyes rolling in their sockets. There were bolt-throwers pointed down at her.

  Suddenly she was jerked and she felt her legs being dragged. She managed to turn her eyes up. Ramiel had her around the collar of her breastplate. He had Isley in his other hand and he was dragging them both toward the tunnel. Nuriel moaned and tried to touch her face but realized once again that she was cuffed. Isley seemed to stir as well. “I…Isley…” she managed.

  “Good morning, love,” said Ramiel as he dragged them by their collars. “Time for me to deal with this Celacia of yours.”

  Nuriel closed her eyes and groaned. Her Star-Armor felt like a million pounds. She was winded and dizzy and fairly certain that could she remove her breastplate, her chest would be bruised up pretty badly. She concentrated on shining her Caliber, for that would hasten her healing. She was fully aware, however, that had Ramiel wanted to, he could have killed her. He didn’t have to land his blows upon her star-metal breastplate; they could just as easily been placed upon her face.

  Nuriel closed her eyes and focused on shining her Caliber. When she opened them again they were in the tunnel, and a long line of knights marched behind Ramiel. The few that were at the head of the legion looked down at Nuriel with disdain on their faces. One scowled and furled his lip. Nuriel looked over at Isley. He was awash in the glow of his Caliber as well. He took notice of her stare and looked over at her, his lips pursed before he managed a faint smile. Nuriel turned her head down.

  Ramiel continued to drag them through the tunnel and it soon opened up into the volcanic chamber. He whipped her and Isley around, nearly tossing them into the wall as a number of knights with bolt-throwers broke off and stood guard over them.

  “You’re all under arrest!” barked Ramiel as he strode into the chamber. Celacia was standing with her back to him before the giant skull, and the Jerusan knights w
ho had been milling about it all stopped and drew out their swords.

  The cavern was strangely dark. Nuriel seemed to recall the churning, volcanic bowels having filled the entire, massive cavern with its ruddy light. Now, however, only an eerie red radiated from the pit, but only enough to discern its perimeter. Many of Celacia’s soldiers even had torches lit. The skull sat cold and encrusted with black ash, an eerie monstrosity in the shadows. However, from its mouth a hot, radiant light emitted and Nuriel realized that from its jaws molten earth still churned as bright and hot as ever.

  Celacia turned around to face Ramiel as his knights flooded into the chamber, weapons drawn. Nuriel could tell that many of them were taken aback by the sight of the monstrous skull, but Ramiel alone seemed unfazed by its presence. The Jerusan soldiers began taking up spots behind Celacia with their swords drawn, but Celacia raised a hand and they began to fall back. Way back. At her side Nuriel noticed Isley motioning for her with small jerks of his head. She looked at him and he motioned with his eyes at Celacia. She knew what he was trying to tell her. Celacia would put a real quick end to the standoff.

  “Saint Ramiel,” chirped Celacia. “So glad you could make it.” She turned her emerald eyes to Nuriel and Isley, then looked back at Ramiel. “Oh good, you didn’t kill them. I’ll go easy on you, but I can’t say the same for all these knights. I really have all the help I need right now.”

  “Enough of your arrogance,” barked Ramiel. “Your little tricks might scare men, but not me. I spared your friends for you because you freed me from that pompous prick, Golden Cockerel.” He spat on the ground and then flourished his warhammer. There were a couple dozen knights with bolt-throwers all kneeling in a line with their guns trained on Celacia. The rest were forming up their ranks with their swords at the ready. “Your soldiers are all under arrest, and you, my deadly little love, are coming with me back to Sanctuary with your two little Saints to face justice.”


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