Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5

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Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 Page 14

by Samantha A. Cole

  After paying Jenn for their lunch, he stood while Harper bundled the baby back up. The temperatures had dropped back to normal for this time of year. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone approaching, and after seeing who it was, he inwardly sighed and gave McCabe a subtle signal that everything was fine. He pasted on a thin, polite smile for the newcomer. “Hi, Paula. How are you?”

  The former Trident secretary beamed as she stopped in front of him. “Hi, Marco. I didn’t expect to see you here. I’m good. Just meeting some friends for lunch, but it looks like I’m the first one here.” She turned toward Harper. “Hi. I’m sorry. I remember you were a friend of Marco’s sister, but I can’t recall your name.”

  Harper stood and held out her hand, which Paula shook. “Hi. It’s Harper.”

  Recognition dawned on the shorter woman’s face. “Harper. That’s it. And who’s this?” She pointed to the car seat which Harper reached over to pick up. The baby was now wide awake, and would probably want a bottle as soon as they got back to the compound.

  Getting more and more accustomed with calling her his child, Marco chose to answer. “This is our daughter, Mara.”

  Paula’s eyes opened wide in shock. “Your daughter? Oh my gosh. Congratulations, but I didn’t know you were a couple and I thought you didn’t want children, Marco.”

  It was obvious the former secretary had been more meddlesome than he remembered. He recalled a few times she’d overheard personal conversations at the office and interrupted with her own opinions, which hadn’t been asked for. “Yeah, well, things change, don’t they? Sometimes life gives you what you didn’t even know you wanted.”

  The woman laughed. “Isn’t that the truth? Well, it was nice seeing you. Tell everyone I said hello.”

  She stepped out of the way to let them pass and Marco took the baby from Harper. “I will. And it was nice seeing you, too.”

  As they walked to the car with McCabe and Foster flanking them, Marco couldn’t help but think that, all in all, their first date had been really nice. Now he couldn’t wait for their second date this evening at the club.


  Standing outside the entrance to the women’s lounge, Marco waited impatiently for Harper to change into appropriate club wear. They had stopped by her house earlier to check on things and let her pack a duffel bag. She couldn’t exactly get dressed in something skimpy back in the apartment with her mother there, so she’d put on a black skirt, comfortable top, and a pair of killer high heeled shoes. He still had no idea what she was changing into, but knowing Harper, he was certain she’d rock whatever she put on.

  As for him, it hadn’t taken him long to swap his jeans for a pair of black club leathers to go with his black boots. He’d kept his shirt simple, opting for a heather grey T-shirt, which showed off his muscular physique. Cassie, one of the submissive waitresses, walked by and he grabbed two plastic bottles of water from her tray. She would add them to his monthly tab when she went back to the bar and the computer they had there. In addition to keeping track of members’ bar tabs, the system was used to make sure no one who had more than two alcoholic drinks entered the play area downstairs. It also alerted if a member had missed a six-month medical clearance needed to maintain their privileges. Security was posted at the grand staircase leading down into the pit, and everyone had to present their membership card so it could be swiped and approved.

  “Hi, Master Marco.” He spun around to see Shelby walk out of the door which led to the stairs going down into the lounges. “Harper will be up in a minute.”

  “Hey, Shelby. Thanks.” He glanced around before turning back to her. After temporarily losing her hair during two battles with cancer, which she’d beaten both times, the little pixie was now known to wear different colored wigs to go with her equally colorful outfits. Tonight’s hue was bright orange, with white accents on her bra and short skirt, which made her look like a delicious Creamsicle. “Where’s Parker?”

  “He’ll be here in a bit. There was a problem on one of his job sites and he dropped me off so I could chat with the subs for a bit. I think this is the first time I’ve been here without him since we signed our contract, so it does feel a little odd.”

  Marco smiled at the woman he’d played with often in the past, sometimes in a ménage with Brody. He was really happy she’d fallen in love after resisting it for so long. Shelby’s bubbly personality had made her a club favorite and a social butterfly. However, Master Parker had finally lassoed her in and not only put a beautiful, multi-gem collar around her neck, but the Dom had also put a matching engagement ring on her finger. “I’m sure you’ll get over it two minutes into the gossip, so don’t let me stand in the way of you catching up on it.”

  She gave him a girly wave of her fingers before heading to the bar where a few of her girlfriends were gathered. As Marco glanced at his watch, the door leading to the locker rooms opened again, and out stepped Harper. His mouth went dry, and for a split second, he thought his heart stopped. But then it started pumping double time, sending blood to his cock, which chose that moment to grow hard as granite. Holy shit, the woman was the definition of sin.

  He dropped his gaze to the stilettos he’d insisted she keep on, instead of going barefoot like some of the submissives. Slowly, he followed the upward line of her long legs encased in sheer, black, thigh-high stockings attached to a garter belt. A skimpy bikini bottom, which he prayed was a thong, covered what he knew was a waxed bare pussy—at least, he hoped it still was after all this time. Her trim waist was snug in a black corset which was laced down the front. The cups of the garment pushed her lush breasts together and up into two perfect orbs which he was literally drooling over. Some women were lucky to have their bodies quickly bounce back almost to where they’d been before they’d gotten pregnant, and Harper was one of them. However, he could tell her hips were wider than they had been, her breasts were fuller, and she still had a small baby pooch in her abdomen. Knowing it was all the result of his child she’d carried tugged at his heart and made her even more beautiful in his eyes. She’d pulled her hair up into some sort of twist, but left a few strands to fall over her right temple, giving her an air of mystique.

  His eyes finally reached her face and found her gaze was submissively focused on his feet. Marco took a step forward and used all his strength not to haul her up against his body. “Look at me.” He waited until her eyes met his. “You’re gorgeous, and my fantasy woman come true. Every other woman will always pale in comparison to you.” Holding out his hand, he was pleased when she didn’t hesitate to take it and he brought her hand to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. “To have you offer me your submission humbles me. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir.”

  His nostrils flared at that one word—Sir—and hardcore desire flashed through him, but he swallowed his impatience. He’d promised her an evening away from the baby, her mother, her job, and the threat against her, and it was a promise he intended to keep, even though he was horny as hell after seeing her outfit. “Are you ready? Do you want to have a glass of wine first or walk around in the pit for a while? I know you didn’t get much of a chance to see the place yesterday afternoon.”

  Harper gave him a sexy grin. “I think I’d like a glass of wine. I don’t get to have one often nowadays.”

  Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, he led her over to the bar. “A glass of wine it is, then.” When the bartender approached, Marco introduced the two. “Master Dennis, this is my submissive, Harper Williams. Harper, Master Dennis.”

  The stocky man nodded at her. “Harper, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our club and I hear congratulations are in order for both of you.”

  She took the stool, which Marco had gestured for her to sit on, briefly showing him her back. He was stunned to see a butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder blade with ‘BFF~Nina~RIP’ written in scrolled lettering underneath it. Her lyrical voice brought him back to the conversation. “Thank
you, Sir. And it’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”

  After ordering a wine for Harper and a beer for himself, Marco stepped inside her personal space, leaned forward, and put his mouth to her ear. His voice was low and seductive. “I was hoping that was a thong, but even though it’s a bikini, you still rock it like a Victoria’s Secret model.” He nuzzled her neck. “I read your limit list earlier and we’re very compatible, though I had little doubt about it. Just thought you’d like to know.”

  A shiver passed through her and he eased away, pleased to see the desire in her eyes. She reached for the wine glass, which had been set in front of her, and took a sip. “Have you decided on a scene, Sir…and where it will take place since we can’t play here.”

  “Oh, yes, my little butterfly. But you’ll have to wait to find out.”

  A spark of recognition appeared on her face at his endearment. “You saw my tattoo.”

  He nodded and then pushed up the left sleeve of his shirt to reveal his own tattoo, twisting his torso slightly so she could get the full effect. After much deliberation of what he wanted to get in his sister’s memory, he’d asked the artist to design one especially for him. It was a raven-haired, haloed angel with colorful butterfly wings, instead of traditional white, and ‘Nina’ written in a similar style as Harper had used on hers. “Great minds think alike.”

  Giggling, Harper traced his tattoo with her fingers. “It’s beautiful. She would have loved it.”

  Damn, just the touch of her hand on his arm had his libido shooting through the roof again. This woman was going to be the death of him or, at least, give him another case of serious blue balls, like he’d had numerous times since she’d come back into his life. Hopefully, tonight he would be falling asleep completely sated, as would she. Shifting his hips, he tried to furtively adjust himself.

  Their conversation was interrupted as the music volume was lowered dramatically, and they heard Devon bellow above the crowd gathered in the pit, trying to quiet everyone. Joining others in the balcony gathered along the railing, they looked down to see the co-owner and his wife standing on the round stage in the center of the room. Behind them was a St. Andrew’s cross which was seldom used except for special scenes. The stage itself tended to be where commitment ceremonies were held. Devon raised his hands. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”

  A few sharp whistles sounded from some of the Doms, causing the loud chatter of the crowd to drop to mere murmurs. Members, who’d been in the middle of scenes, paused and turned their attention to the couple. Devon held up a glass which Marco knew was filled with soda and not booze since the man didn’t drink alcohol at all. “I have an announcement to make. For those of you who haven’t heard yet, my beautiful wife will be making me a father in about seven months. And we couldn’t be any happier.”

  Clapping ensued, along with cheers of congratulations and a few mazel tovs, before the wolf-whistles followed as Devon grabbed Kristen around the waist and kissed her senseless. Even though there had been a similar celebration the day before, yet on a smaller scale, Marco’s gut twisted a little. He’d missed out on this with Harper and Mara—making a huge announcement to their friends. Hell, he’d almost missed out on realizing he wanted to be a father to Mara. If only he could figure out who had fucked with the phones and sent that letter to Harper fifteen months ago, preventing him from knowing she was pregnant.

  Holy shit! A sudden thought occurred to him and he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten about an incident which had occurred a week before Harper was assaulted. At the time, it hadn’t meant a thing to him, but now…now he wasn’t sure. His eyes scanned the crowd below and then the one in the balcony. Ian was downstairs with Angie, but Brody, Boomer, and Kat were on the second floor walking toward Harper and him. Boomer’s shirt and pants were similar to Marco’s, while Brody was wearing his usual jeans and cowboy boots, topped off with a leather vest. Kat had donned an emerald green teddy with matching bikini underwear, and like many of the submissives, she was barefoot.

  Before any of the trio could greet them, he pointed at the geek. “We’re missing something. Something I hadn’t thought of until now. Unfortunately, it doesn’t solve the puzzle.”

  Brody’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  The others were just as lost as he paced in front of them, trying to gather his thoughts. “We got side tracked with Harper’s assault and then the damn bomb. We weren’t sure if the person who fucked with our phones and sent Harper that letter, supposedly from me, had anything to do with the assault and bomb, right? There was nothing to connect them, but what if there is?”

  “I’m still lost. What difference does it make?”

  He stopped in front of his teammates, hoping they would follow his jumbled line of thinking. “There weren’t any attempts on her life until recently. The phones and letter happened over a year ago. Someone didn’t want me to know Harper was pregnant with my child. Someone who knew Mara was my child. That list has to be damn small, because I didn’t even know. Someone made sure I wouldn’t find out, then nothing else happens…absolutely nothing, until after Mara is born.” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I forgot all about this, but at the time I just thought it was a prank, or someone had the wrong address, and I ignored it. About a week before Harper’s assault, I came out of my house one morning and there was a rose tucked under the windshield wiper with a note. There was only one word on it—Soon.”

  The four of them stared at him, but it was Boomer who eventually broke the silence. “You mean Harper’s stalker is really your stalker?”

  “I don’t fucking know—a stalker or someone bent on revenge. But if it is all connected, someone waited until after Mara was born to try to kill Harper. Me stepping on the bomb was pure coincidence and if Harper had stepped on it instead…God, I hate that thought.” He reached for her hand and pulled her to his side, needing to keep her close. “If Harper had been killed, what were the killer’s intentions about Mara? I get the feeling that someone wants Harper dead, but Mara and I alive. Or am I crazy, and making this shit up as I go along? Maybe the phones, the rose, and the attempts on her life have nothing to do with each other. Fuck, I have no idea and it’s driving me fucking nuts.”

  He could almost see the wheels spinning in Brody and Boomer’s minds as they tried to piece everything together. Hopefully one of them would figure out the final piece to this puzzle…and fast.

  Brody crossed his arms and leaned against the railing. “Okay, so there’s a really long list of people who have a grudge against you…and any one of us as well. It comes with the territory. We have a few scenarios here. One—all these things happening are just a coincidence and, as we’ve established many times in the past, none of us believe in coincidences. So that’s out. Two—someone is after Harper and it’s because they have a grudge against her for some reason—whether it’s because of Friends of Patty, one of her court cases, or some other fucked up reason. Three—this is about Polo, and then we have to start compiling that long list, but…if we figure out who the hell knew Harper was pregnant, then we can eliminate ninety-nine percent of it.” He looked back and forth at Boomer and Marco. “Did I miss anything?”

  Both men shook their heads. While they had come up with two out of three viable scenarios, they were still no closer to finding out the who, how, and why. Fuck.

  Slapping his best friend on the back, Brody told him, “Look. Tomorrow, we’ll start fresh. For now, enjoy the evening and this incredibly beautiful woman. And if you’re smart, you’ll walk her over to the shop and get a collar around her neck, because there are a bunch of sharks giving her the eye.”

  Glancing over at the bar, Marco saw that, sure enough, the single Doms had detected fresh blood, and he snorted. “Fuck. I meant to do that earlier, but got sidetracked.” He looked Harper up and down in appreciation, then smirked. “And distracted. Yeah, a collar is definitely something we are going to go pick out right now. Come, my li
ttle butterfly. I need to stake my claim, otherwise there’s going to be a brawl.”

  With his arm around her waist, he led her to the club store. It wasn’t huge, but there was enough space for a decent selection of fetish-wear, BDSM toys, and lifestyle jewelry, including collars. Behind the counter was an attractive submissive who bore a striking resemblance to singer/actress Jennifer Hudson, but she swore there was no relation between them. However, there had been numerous occasions when she’d been mistaken for the famous woman and joked that people got over their confusion the second she opened her mouth to sing. Carrying a tune was not something she was blessed with, apparently. Marco stopped in front of the display case of collars. “Good evening, Sasha. This is Harper.”

  The pretty woman was dressed in the uniform of the female staff members—a black skirt and bra, with a red and gold bow tie. Most of the wait staff and store employees worked full or part-time toward their membership fees, and Sasha was one of them. She smiled at them. “Good evening, Master Marco. Hi, Harper, it’s nice to meet you. What can I help you with tonight, Sir?”

  He chuckled. “If I don’t put a collar on my submissive, I’ll be beating in a lot of heads before the night is through.”

  “Well, we can’t have that happening, now can we? Did you have something in mind?”

  Glancing at Harper, he shook his head. “Not really. Something nice, but temporary.” Harper’s astonished gaze would have knocked him on his ass had he not been expecting it. Her eyes were blazing and he could almost feel the heat. He grinned at her. “I’m teasing, Butterfly—I’m liking that nickname for you by the way. We just need something temporary until I can have one designed for you. If that’s all right with you.”


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