by Nancy Pearl
Bowen, Rhys
Bowermaster, Jon
Bowles, Paul
Box, C. J.
Boy Next Door, The
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The
Boyden, Amanda
Boyer, Markley
Boyle,T. C.
Brammer, Billy Lee
Brandt, Anthony
Brass Dolphin, The
Brazilian Adventure
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Brecht at Night
Breen, Christine
Brennert, Alan
Briar Rose
Brideshead Revisited
Bridge of San Luis Rey, The
Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, The
Brilliant Orange
Bring Me My Machine Gun
Brink, André
Brinkley, Douglas
Bristow, Gwen
“Brokeback Mountain,”
Broken Shore, The
Brontë, Emily
Brooks, Geraldine
Broom of the System, The
Brother, I’m Dying
Brothers and Sisters
Bruce Chatwin
Bruen, Ken
Bruised Hibiscus
Brunetti’s Venice
Brush with Death, A
Bryson, Bill
Bubble Reputation, The
Buchan, John
Buchanan, Cathy Marie
Buchanan, Edna
Buchwald, Art
Buenos Aires Quintet, The
Building, The
Bull, Bartle
Bull, Emma
Burdett, John
Burke, James Lee
Burleigh, Nina
Burma Chronicles
Burmese Days
Burmese Lessons
Burnaby, Frederick
Burning the Days
Burns, Edward
Burnt Shadows
Burton, Richard
Burton and Speke
Buruma, Ian
Butcher, Tim
Byron, Robert
Cabin Fever
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo
Cactus Eaters, The
Cadillac Desert
Caesar’s Vast Ghost
Caesar’s Women
Cain, James
Caine Mutiny, The
Cairo Trilogy
Calico Palace
Caliph’s House, The
Callahan, Steven
Calligrapher’s Daughter, The
Camel Bookmobile, The
Cameron, Peter
Camilleri, Andrea
Campbell, Bebe Moore
Campbell, Eddie
Campbell, James
Camus, Albert
Camus: A Romance
Cañón, James
Cantwell, Mary
Cappellani, Ottavio
Captain of the Sleepers
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton
Caputo, Philip
Carey, Peter
Carlson, Ron
Carpineto, Jane
Carr, Philippa
Carringtons of Helston, The
Carrion Death, The
Carroll, Lewis
Carroll, Michael
Carter, Stephen
Carter, W. Hodding
Cartwright, Justin
Cary, Lorene
Casares, Oscar
Case of Exploding Mangoes, A
Case of the Gilded Fly, The
Case of the Missing Servant, The
Caspian Rain
Casting Off
Casting with a Fragile Thread
Castle in the Backyard, A
Castles in the Air
Caswell, Christopher
Cather, Willa
Caudwell, Sarah
Caught Dead in Philadelphia
Cavafy, Constantine
Censoring an Iranian Love Story
Century of the Wind
Cezair-Thompson, Margaret
Chabon, Michael
Chadwick, David
Challenging the Pacific
Chameleon Days
Chandra, Vikram
Chang, Iris
Chang, Leslie T.
Change in Altitude, A
Channer, Colin
Chapman, Maile
Charterhouse of Parma, The
Chasing Che
Chasing Kangaroos
Chasing the Sea
Chasnoff, Joel
Chatwin, Bruce
Cheating at Canasta
Cheating at Solitaire
Chemistry and Other Stories
Cherry Blossom Corpse, The
Chesapeake Bay
Chesterton, G. K.
Chief of Station, Congo
Child, Julia
Child, Lee
Child of All Nations
Child of the Jungle
Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields
Children of Dust
Children’s Bach, The
Childs, Craig
Chimpanzee Travels
Chin Kiss King, The
China Boy
China to Me
China Underground
Chinese Bell Murders, The
Chinese Maze Murders, The
Choirboys, The
Christian, Edward
Christie, Agatha
Chronicle in Stone
Chronicles of My Life
Church, James
Circle of Friends
Citadel, The
Cities of the Imagination (series)
City and the City, The
City Between Worlds
City of Falling Angels, The
City of Gold
City of Light
City of Thieves
City of Your Final Destination, The
City People Notebook
City Primeval
Clandestine in Chile
Clapp, Nicholas
Clare, Horatio
Clark, Eleanor
Clarke, Suzanna
Clavell, James
Cleave, Chris
Cleeves, Ann
Clemens, Paul
Close Range
Cloud Howe
Clumsiest People in Europe, The
Coast Road, The
Coates, Karen
Coburn, Randy Sue
Coel, Margaret
Coetzee, J. M.
Coffee Trader, The
Cohen, Rich
Cold Case
Cold Dish, The
Cold Light of Mourning, The
Cold Red Sunrise, A
Coldest Winter, The
Collaborator of Bethlehem, The
Collector of Worlds, The
Collins, Larry
Collins, Paul
Coloane, Franciso
Colony, The
Color of Lightning, The
Colors of the Mountain
Colquhoun, Archibald (translator)
Come On Shore and We Will Kill and Eat You All
Coming Into the Country
Commoner, The
Complicated Kindness, A
Concrete Blond, The
Condé, Maryse
Confederate Raider in the North Pacific
Confessing a Murder
Congwen, Shen
Connelly, Karen
Connelly, Michael
Conquest of the Incas, The
Conrad, Joseph
Consider This, Señora
Considerable Town, A
Conspiracy and Other Stories, The
Constant Gardener, The
Consul’s File, The
Consul’s Wife, The
Contents Under Pressure
Cookman, Scott
Cooper, Helene
Corbett, Judy
Corfu Banquet
Corner, The
Corner in the Marais, A
Coroner’s Lunch, The
Corpse Had a Familiar Face, The
Corpse in the Koryo, A
Costa, Margaret Jull (translator)
Cotterill, Colin
Council of the Cursed, The
Country Driving
Country in the Moon, A
Country of the Pointed Firs, The
Coupland, Douglas
Cousin Felix Meets the Buddha
Coverdale, Linda (translator)
Covington, Dennis
Cowboy and the Cossack, The
Cowboy Dog, The
Cox, Nigel
Crack in the Edge of the World, A
Cradle of Gold
Craig, Philip R.
Crais, Robert
Crispin, Edmund
Crockett, Rigel
Cronin, A. J.
Crooked River Burning
Cross, The
Crossette, Barbara
Crowl, Phillip Axtell
Crown Journeys (series)
Cruelest Journey, The
Cry, the Beloved Country
Cry of the Kalahari
Crystal Cave, The
Cuba Confidential
Cunningham, Jane E.
Curfewed Night
Curse of the Pogo Stick
Curve of Time, The
Cutting for Stone
Cutting Room, The
Czar’s Madman, The
Da Chen
da word
Daily Coyote, The
Daisy Bates in the Desert
Dalrymple, William
Dana, Richard Henry
Dance and Dream
Dancer and the Thief, The
Dancing to the Precipice
Dancing with Cuba
Dangor, Achmat
Danticat, Edwidge
Dark Horse, The
Dark Star Safari
Darker Domain, A
Darkest England
Darling, The
Darwin, Charles
Dating Dead Men
Daughters of England (series)
Daughters of the Stone
Dave Barry Does Japan
Davenport, Kiana
Davidson, Basil
Davidson, Cathy
Davidson, James West
Davidson, Lionel
Davidson, Robyn
Davies, Robertson
Davis, Kathryn
Davis, Lindsey
Day of the Locust, The
Day the Falls Stood Still, The
De Bellaigue, Christopher
De Botton, Alain
De la Mare, Walter
De Lint, Charles
De Moor, Margriet
De Niro’s Game
De Villiers, Marq
Dead Man in Paradise
Dean, Debra
Dear Exile
Death at La Fenice
Death in Verona
Death in Vienna, A
Deep Rivers
DeFrancis, John
Del Paso, Fernando
Del Vecchio, John
Delaney, Frank
Delisle, Guy
Demick, Barbara
Deng, Alephfonsion
Deng, Benson
Dentzer, Jean-Marie
Depth Takes a Holiday
Descending the Dragon
Description of the World, The
Desert Memories
Desert Queen
Destani, Bejtullah
Detective Inspector Huss
Detours and Riddles in the Lands and History of Spain
Development, The
Devil in a Blue Dress
Devil’s Highway, The
Devils in the Sugar Shop
Devil’s Star, The
Devlin, Larry
Dew, Josie
Dexter, Colin
D’Haem, Jeanne
Diamonds, Gold, and War
Diario de Oaxaca
Diary of an American Au Pair, The
Díaz, Junot
Didion, Joan
Dig Tree, The
Dinesen, Isak
Dining with Al-Qaeda
Dinner with Persephone
Disappeared, The
Disco for the Departed
Discovery of France, The
Diski, Jenny
Distant Neighbors
Divining Pool, The
Divorce, Le
Do Try to Speak as We Do
Dobbs, Michael
Döblin, Alfred
Doctor Dolittle
Doerr, Anthony
Doerr, Harriet
“Dog of Pompeii,The,”
Dog Who Wouldn’t Be, The
Dogs of Riga, The
Dogs of Rome, The
Doig, Ivan
Doiron, Paul
Dolan, Brian
Dolnick, Edward
Dominican Republic
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
Dongala, Emmanuel
Donleavy, J. P.
Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight
Don’t Look Back
Dorfman, Ariel
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Double Blank
Douglas,William O.
Down the Great Unknown
Down the Nile
Down Where the Moon Is Small
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Dragon Apparent, A
Draine, Betsy
Draining Lake, The
Drayson, Nicholas
Dream of a Thousand Lives
Dream Palace of the Arabs, The
Dreams from My Father
Dreams in a Time of War
Drew, Alan
Drinking Arak off an Ayatollah’s Beard
Dry White Season, A
Du Maurier, Daphne
Dud Avocado, The
Dugard, Martin
Dunant, Sarah
Duncan, David Ewing
Duncan, Elizabeth J.
Dundy, Elaine
Dunlop, Fuchsia
Dunlop, Nic
Dunmore, Helen
Dunnett, Dorothy
Durrell, Gerald
Durrell, Lawrence
Eames, Andrew
Early Arrival of Dreams, The
Early Days in the Range of Light
East of the Sun
Eat, Pray, Love
Eat Sleep Sit
Eccentric Neighborhoods
Echlin, Kim
Echo Maker, The
Echoes from the Dead
Education of a British-Protected Child, The
Edward Lear in Albania
Edwards, G. B.
Edwardson, Åke
Egbert, Barbara
Eggers, Dave
Ehrlich, Gretel
Eiger Obsession, The
Eight Feet in the Andes
8:55 to Baghdad, The
Ekman, Kerstin
Elegance of the Hedgehog, The
Elegy for Easterly, An
Eliot, George
Elkin, Stanley
Ellington Boulevard
Elliott, Duong Van Mai
Elliott, Jason
Ellis, Peter Berresford
Elsie, Robert
Embarrassment of Riches, The
Emerson, Gloria
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Empty Mirror, The
Ends of the Earth, The
Enemy Women
Enfield, Edward
England for All Seasons
Enquist, Per Olov
Enright, Anne
Entekhabifard, Camelia
Envoy from Mirror City, The
Epic Wanderer
Erdman, Sarah
Eriksson, Kjell
Estleman, Loren
Estrada, Alfredo José
Eteraz, Ali
Eugenides, Jeffrey
Eurydice Street
Evanovich, Janet
Evans, Polly
Evans Above
Eve Green
Everything but the Squeal
Everything Good Will Come
Everything Is Broken
Evolution of Jane, The
Ewan, Chris
Explorers, The
Eye of the Elephant, The
Eye of the Leopard, The
Eye of the Wolf
Faas, Horst
Faces and Masks
Facey, A. B.
Facing the Congo
Factory Girls
Fagan, Brian M.
Fagerholm, Monika
Fainter, The
Fair and Tender Ladies
Fair Wind and Plenty of It
Falcon Flies, A
Fall of Troy, The
Fallen Giants
Falling Angels
Falls, The
Far Journeys
Farthest North
Fastnet, Force 10
Fatal Journey
Fatal Lies
Fatal Passage
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Trembling
Feiler, Bruce
Fellowship of Ghosts
Ferguson, Will
Fermor, Patrick Leigh
Ferré, Rosario
Fesperman, Dan
Fever and Spear
Few Figs from Thistles, A
Fez of the Heart, A
Fields of Fire
Fifty Miles from Tomorrow
Finch, Charles
Finch, Robert
Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
Finding George Orwell in Burma
Finding Hoseyn
Finding Martha’s Vineyard
Fine Just the Way It Is
Finkelstein, Dave
Finnegans Wake
Fire Escape Is Locked for Your Safety, The
First Man, The
First Man in Rome, The
First They Killed My Father
Fisher, M. F. K.
Fitzgerald, Conor
Flamb oya Tree, The
Flanagan, Martin
Flanagan, Richard
Fleeson, Lucinda
Fleming, Fergus
Fleming, Peter
Fletcher, Susan
Flinn, Kathleen
Flint, Shamini
Flirting with Mermaids
Floating Island
Floor of the Sky, The
Flora’s Suitcase
Florence Nightingale