Payback Is a Given: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 2

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Payback Is a Given: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 2 Page 3

by Sean Benjamin

  “Let’s do the brief for the proposed mission, and we’ll discuss the payment plan afterward if this is convenient.”

  Heads nodded and Rafe began, “We’ll start by telling you something you already know. The series of surprise attacks, which opened this particular stage of the war, were a great success for the OrCons. Just prior to the surprise attacks, the two navies were thought to be roughly equal in size with the Empire holding a slight edge in quality of individual ships. But the attacks showed the OrCon Navy was significantly larger than believed as ship formations unknown and untracked by your intelligence services swept into Empire space and destroyed a large numbers of ships plus a significant portion of your shipbuilding infrastructure with the loss of the shipyards at Boranda. So not only do the OrCons have an advantage in ships in the field but now have a lead in building replacements. We can’t do anything about the ships in the field, but we believe we can do something about the shipbuilding. The additional ships were built at a large secret base and shipyard we have codenamed Murmansk.”

  “I have heard that name somewhere,” Barrett spoke.

  “On old Earth, the old Soviet Union maintained a large naval base at the city of Murmansk for a sizable portion of their northern fleet,” replied Rafe.

  He motioned to Baby Doll. She removed another chip from her belt pouch and stepped out from behind Hawkins. She put the chip in the 3-D projector on the table and with a flick of her hand brought it to life. A single planet occupied the space over the table. The display showed orbiting building docks, large space docks, and several orbiting floating batteries surrounding the planet. On the surface, built up areas appeared on the coasts and along rivers. It was obvious much activity took place there.

  “My name is Beatrice Domengeni but everyone calls me Baby Doll. You may also,” she began in her high elfin voice. “This presentation is representative only and does not accurately portray the Murmansk location or surrounding planets. This secret base was constructed several years ago, and it has steadily grown in size and activity. Currently the base has a large shipbuilding activity and a significant portion of their research and development for weapons and propulsion are now conducted there as well. In the surrounding space, the OrCons have established areas for weapon test firing, space for shakedown cruises, and engine testing. All incoming supplies and raw materials are moved to three waypoints outside this system before being shipped to Murmansk. They use the same supply ships and crews for all their supply runs so there is absolutely no chance of infiltration by spies through the supply chain. A single convoy based at Murmansk picks up the supplies at the three waypoints and brings the stuff to the base. Inbound traffic is limited in number and tightly controlled through scheduling and strict inbound routes.”

  Another flick of the hand and the display expanded in scope as several planets with associated moons, and two suns filled the space over the table. One planet in the middle of the display was highlighted in red and was obviously Murmansk. It was orbited by two moons. Baby Doll continued. “The Murmansk system is located a significant distance inside OrCon controlled space, and there are naval bases between the current frontlines and Murmansk. Although not associated with Murmansk, these defenses must be crossed to attack Murmansk from Empire controlled space.

  “The Murmansk base is layered in defenses and detection systems. There is a sector squadron of four heavies, six lights, and eight destroyers for defense of the base. These ships are used as test beds, so aren’t always available for intruder defense. They are also tasked with patrolling the entire system and four of these ships are always kept combat capable and within easy range of the base. This four-ship force varies in type as tests and patrolling duties will alter the available ships. Ships just out of the yards and on shakedown are also available for defense. There are always ships at this phase so there are a significant number of ships to draw on for defense.”

  Another hand flick and pinpoints of light appeared on the moons. “There are numerous detection systems and defense firing points on the surrounding moons. Quite frankly, we have not found all of them and much of this is based on OrCon doctrine rather than actual visual sightings.”

  At this point Baby Doll stepped back to her position behind Hawkins and Tactical stepped out. Her voice had a flat, almost uninterested tone to it as the brief continued. “In slightly more than four months, we propose to take four ships to Murmansk, attack the base, and orbiting structures, destroy as much of their infrastructure as possible, and return to friendly space. These four ships will be the destroyers Predator, Nemesis, Vindictive, and the corvette Bandit. The timeline is driven by two considerations. First we need time to prepare our ships for this attack and, secondly, the moons at Murmansk will align in such a way as to make such an attack feasible at that time.”

  The display rotated and stopped with the two Murmansk moons, and Murmansk itself, in much the same alignment as the Wanderlust system had been for the pirates’ recent demonstration. “We will approach Murmansk in the same manner as demonstrated today. During the approach and attack phase, the time spent in subspace will be approximately sixteen hours. We will attack at a selected time with the priority of targets to be the shipyards, orbiting docks, equipment supply depots, and then other infrastructure support. The attack will last two minutes. We will expend eighty percent of our munitions. We will withdraw and return to Empire space. Total mission time will be approximately eighteen days. Detailed planning will commence once the plan has been approved.”

  Tactical stepped back behind Hawkins but the display continued to shine over the conference table. Nobody spoke for a moment as the two men regarded Hawkins and he calmly returned their gaze and waited.

  “You really think you can do this?” asked Admiral Barrett.

  “I’m sure we can get in there and attack. Quite frankly I think getting out and then back to friendly space is more problematic,” Rafe replied in a light tone.

  “What do you want in return?” Cunningham bluntly asked.

  “Four things. Three are 'gotta haves,' the fourth is a 'nice to have.’ Money is one hundred fifty million credits…”

  “What?!!” exclaimed Barrett. Even Sky went wide-eyed. She was expecting a big price tag but this was a reach, even for Raferty Hawkins. Lord Cunningham seemed unfazed. He had been in government for years and had been a part of many negotiations regarding big money. “How did you arrive at that nice round figure?” he calmly asked.

  “That’s the cost of a battleship and I assume if you attacked Murmansk on your own and lost only one battleship, you would consider that very acceptable. Payment would be one hundred million upfront, and the remainder to be paid upon destruction of the base. I need the upfront money to pay for ship mods and keep my flotilla going. After all, pirates have to eat too. We have bank accounts to move the money if you agree. Upon our return, we will provide the recordings of the assault to verify the attack. If we are successful in the attack but do not return, I’m sure you have other intel assets to verify the attack and the remaining money will be due then. If we don’t return and no attack is verified, keep the remaining money.”

  “How do we know you won’t take the money and disappear?” asked the Admiral.

  “In reality, if you are prone to think that might happen, I doubt I can change your mind but I would like to point out three things. First, we can’t simply disappear. We live in the Badlands and if we took the money, I’m sure the Empire would free up a destroyer squadron to run us down. You would have to do that as a matter of principle if for no other reason. I have enough enemies; I don’t need to add to the list. We also don’t need more ships chasing us around the Badlands. Second, the Empire is losing this war. I don’t need to read any intel to know that. I can tell because the Goths in the Badlands are getting bolder by the day. They think you’re beaten so you won’t be coming back there. I suspect they have a deal with the OrCons which states any treaty forced on you to end the war will state you will stay out of the Bad
lands among other areas. As I told Captain Mallory a few months back, the Empire is a stabilization force in the Badlands and we need that. I want you in the Badlands, just not chasing me so you have to win this war and I’m willing to help you do it. Third, we have a score to settle with OrCons, they hit one of our houses during their little foray into the Badlands. Payback is a given. That’s part and parcel of being a pirate. We hit this base, and they will record the attack, and realize it is us. Our payback will be on video for all to see. Also, quite frankly, I want the back end payment of the other fifty million.”

  “What is the second ‘gotta have?’” Cunningham calmly asked.

  “Munitions. Approximately six hundred hydra missiles. Exact number to be determined as we will be looking to modify our ships to shoot more missiles and are not sure how the modifications will work out. Whatever the finally tally is, we will go out with full magazines of hydras and our own missiles, and several more of both types stacked throughout our ships for resupply on the run. Warhead mix to be determined. We also want mines that we will dump out during the attack. Should slow up the pursuit for a few critical minutes.

  “The third ‘gotta have’ is your threat database on the OrCons. Ours is incomplete and we need all the available intel for this mission.”

  Cunningham nodded slowly, “Money, munitions, and intel are the three ‘gotta haves.’ What’s the ‘nice to have?’”

  Hawkins reached into his shirt and pulled out a sheet of paper. He looked at it for a second and sighed. Leaning back and looking over his shoulder at Baby Doll, he held up the paper and said apologetically, “I know I’ve asked a dozen times, but how do you pronounce this?” Baby Doll frowned slightly at Hawkins, and then she told Lord Cunningham what her captain wanted as a “nice to have.”

  Chapter 3

  Ensign Lara Bychovskaya tucked her uniform shirt in as she stood in front of the mirror in her quarters. She turned this way and that as she studied her figure. It was a daily ritual after her lunchtime exercise session in the ship’s gym. Despite the hard workouts and light meals, she still had a tendency to put on weight. She had always been on the upper end of the weight allowance and the sedentary lifestyle she was forced to lead while aboard ship was not helping. She sighed and began to tie up the long braids of her blonde hair to the back of her head. Most of the fleet men and women kept their hair short so it was easy to care for, but Lara wouldn’t do it. She loved her hair, and she would not cut it. As she finished dressing, her ear comm chimed. Lara reached up and touched it. “Ensign Bychovskaya.”

  “Ensign, report to the flag briefing room.” Captain Zerbe didn’t identify herself but didn’t need to. Lara was well acquainted with her superior’s voice.

  “The flag briefing room?” she asked. Had she forgotten a briefing or done some serious transgression?

  “Yes, Ensign. At light speed if you will.”

  “On my way, ma’am.”

  Lara hurriedly checked her uniform, found it acceptable, and moved out. In one minute she was outside the flag briefing room and staring at the three Marines on guard. Marines never guarded the flag briefing room. What was going on? Did it have something to do with the pirates the entire ship was talking about? There were nonstandard weapons on a table outside the hatch. Were the pirates under arrest in the flag briefing room? “Ridiculous, of course,” Lara sighed to herself. “Ours is not to reason why,” she thought.

  “Ensign Bychovskaya reporting as ordered,” Lara spoke formally to the Marines.

  One Marine rapped on the hatch, it opened, and he announced, “Ensign Bychowsky… Bychovya…”

  “Close enough,” Lara said to stop the name butchering and moved through the hatch.

  “Come in, Ensign,” waved Lord Cunningham.

  Lara walked in and sized up the room quickly. Lord Cunningham, the Admiral, and the Chief of Staff were behind the long table and three… pirates(?) in front of the table. A briefing no doubt. Lara approached the table and came to attention when she reached Captain Mallory at the end of the table. “Ensign Bychovskaya, reporting as ordered.”

  Lord Cunningham gave his best easy smile, “At ease, Ensign. This is Captain Raferty Hawkins of Predator and his intel and tactical officers. They made the dramatic entrance an hour ago and want to talk to you.” He leaned back in his chair and was obviously passing control of the meeting to the visitors.

  Lara, who had gone to a position of parade rest at the “at ease” order, turned slightly as she shifted her gaze to the pirates.

  Rafe smiled at her and lightly inquired, “How’d you like to be a pirate?”

  Lara wasn’t sure she had heard correctly, “I beg your pardon, sir?”

  “How would you like to be a pirate? Before you say anything, let me go through my sales pitch. And please relax. You’re making me jumpy just watching you.”

  Lara went to a true “at ease” posture and regarded the three pirates. Rafe smiled at her easily, and was completely relaxed despite the formality called for when he was in this compartment. The two women standing behind their captain regarded her stoically, one with an elfin smile, and the other with a crooked face wearing a frank look of appraisal that she did not try to conceal.

  “I’ve proposed we conduct a mission for the Aurora Empire that is being taken under advisement now. We will have a work-up period of close to four standard months, and then we will attack an OrCon base deep within their territory. We want you with us aboard our ship Predator because you did several projects on harmonics and subspace travel while at The Academy and we believe you can help on this. That’s it in a nutshell, but before you decide, let me make you several promises. You will eat the worst food of your life. You will get really dirty. You will be worked to exhaustion. You will visit hellhole planets. You will deal with the scum of the universe. You will ask yourself at least one thousand times ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ You will be absolutely terrified on several occasions. You will…”

  “This is your best sales pitch?” Baby Doll asked not very quietly.

  “I’m working it,” Rafe replied over his shoulder with no concern and turned back to the young ensign. “You will meet people you will absolutely hate. You will be shot at. You will wonder if it is all worth it.” He paused. “You will meet people you’ll come to love. You will do critical work for a vital mission. You will laugh a lot. You will have experiences unlike any other Royal Fleet officer. You will think of this as the most memorable adventure of your life. You will know you helped turn the tide in a war that must be won. You will make a difference.” Rafe leaned toward Lara from his seat and looked at her intently. “And let me make you one last promise. After we return here, drop you off, and depart, you will miss us.” He leaned back now, his sales talk obviously finished.

  A pause of one second followed. “I’m in,” Lara spoke so quickly it surprised even her. Her three superiors at the table were startled at the suddenness of the announcement. They stared at her in surprise. “You should think about this, Ensign,” Admiral Barrett cautioned.

  “With respect, sir, I don’t want to think about it because I’d probably come up with a hundred reasons not to go, and I don’t want to do that. I’m in.”

  The pixie pirate smiled at her, and the other woman with the disfigured face nodded slightly at her. It was obvious the quick decision met with their approval and Lara had passed her first test with them. A good way to start with new shipmates. Rafe smiled at her and rose from his chair to shake her hand. “Welcome aboard, Ensign Boschavich… Bychardeya… ah, hell with it.” Hawkins took a step back and regarded her. He raised his left hand and pointed his index finger at her. “Blondie.”

  “Blondie,” said both women behind him in unison. A pirate is born.

  “This is a bit of a surprise,” Cunningham spoke to Lara. “We told you of this mission now to give you a few days to think about it while the mission is being reviewed by the Government. Fact is, it has not been approved at this time. Ensign, keep everything d
iscussed here strictly to yourself. You are to tell nobody. We’ll handle everyone in your chain of command so there will be no questions for you. If anyone shows more than a casual interest in what went on here, I want to know about it.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  “Thank you for coming in and for volunteering.”

  Lara came to attention, did a smart about face, and departed. As she turned, she realized Captain Mallory was regarding her with a slight smile of approval. Apparently, her quick decision had impressed more than just the pirates.

  After the hatch shut behind the departing ensign, Hawkins spoke to the table, “You can keep the briefing chip for the mission. If you do endorse the mission, we will provide an all-inclusive mission brief just prior to departure on the mission so you will have everything we have compiled. Anything else before we depart?”

  “How long have you been working on this?” asked Admiral Barrett.

  “Admiral, we have been putting together the intel for several weeks. I had known the OrCons were moving raw building materials and supplies via convoys to points in the middle of nowhere and dropping the stuff off. I did not know where the cargo went from there. It didn’t have a high priority with us as we always have more immediate concerns. We found out about the planned surprise attacks on you only two days before the attacks took place. The information had to flow from Confederation territory, across the Aurora Empire, through the various nonaligned systems to us in the Badlands. There simply was not enough time to warn you. It was obvious to us, and I’m sure obvious to you, that several ships used in the attacks came from some place other than established OrCon bases. I had some of our intel sources look into the convoys to the middle of nowhere.

  “My original intention was to compile the intel, sell it to you, and keep you up to date as you put together your own plan of attack. Two things changed that. The OrCon attack on our house demands a response from us. Also, I honestly believe you can’t pull this attack off in the fashion we propose. You don’t do “sneaky” so you would have to fight your way in and back again to your lines. That would call for a large force that you couldn’t muster without stripping your defenses in several sectors. Your losses would be enormous and even if you got there and hit the base, I doubt anyone would get back, and the Aurora Empire would be open to a massive attack in response. In short, an attack on Murmansk would cost you too much. Of course, if you want to do it that way, I’ll sell you the intel and keep you up to date throughout the attack planning, and you can conduct the mission as you see fit.”


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