Payback Is a Given: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 2

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Payback Is a Given: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 2 Page 30

by Sean Benjamin

  “They’re gone,” Maddie announced. “They did a close fly by and continued after Flicker.”

  “Let’s come out,” Rafe ordered. Predator emerged and scanned their surroundings. All clears were reported by Tactical on sensors and Maddie on white phones. Nemesis and Vindictive emerged together.

  Rafe got on his command net. “We’re in the clear. The OrCons will still be in sensor range on the other side of the planet. When we move out we won’t be moving directly away from them so will be in sensor range for hours. We’re going to move out in subspace for the next three hours to get separation with the OrCons as they chase Flicker. Tactical will send the subspace flight profile to you. We move in two minutes.” He clicked off before O’Hare could get in a word again.

  The ships went subspace and headed out. Three hours later the ships emerged. All was clear and they moved at maximum sustainable speed. They departed the Nedril system and entered the Cassandra system. Nedril was the last system considered part of the Orion Confederation. Cassandra was a neutral system, and the far border of the system was also the border with the Aurora Empire. They were almost there. The crossing of the Cassandra system was long and monotonous. It was perfect. The pirates were at battle stations as they crossed into Aurora Empire territory.

  Smiles were exchanged all around. They were not done yet but they could see the finish. Nobody spoke for fear of jinxing the moment. The bridge crew went about their business in a brighter mood. Raferty thought it was probably the same throughout the ship and in the other two ships. The formation would move deeper into Aurora space to get beyond sensor range from the border, and then turn toward Wanderlust.

  Maddie Hopkins broke the silence. “Something on long range sensors. Coming up fast on the starboard side at five o’clock.”

  “What the hell is that?” Baby Doll spoke from her station.

  Everyone clicked over their screens to long range sensors feed. If Baby Doll couldn’t identify a ship, there was cause for concern. The bridge crew looked at it in silence as it slowly gained on the pirates. Sky moved over to Baby Doll’s station to see the return in high resolution with accompanying data.

  Rafe moved up to join them. “The power output wave data is Zeke. Never seen a graph like that though.” He glanced at Sky and got a slight headshake in return.

  “Me neither,” Baby Doll agreed. She glanced at Tactical and got a shrug in return.

  While Baby Doll had narrowed her field to get the best return on the intruder, Maddie announced, “Another on the port at seven o’clock and closing.” A few seconds later, she added, “Another dead astern and closing.”

  Rafe stepped back to his chair and punched his comm screen. “Blondie, need you on the bridge.”

  Thirty seconds later, Blondie entered breathing a little fast. She instinctively knew something was going on so had hurried. Rafe pointed at Tactical’s station so she could avoid the crowd at Baby Doll’s monitor. “Tell me what we’re looking at, please.”

  Blondie looked over Tactical’s shoulder for a long moment. “If I didn’t know better, I would say the new Spinnaker class destroyer, but the name ship of the class is just completing sea trails.” She glanced at Sky to see if she had different information.

  Sky didn’t. “I agree the sensor return could be the new Spinnakers, but they aren’t here yet.”

  Hawkins returned to his chair. “Could Lord Cunningham get Spinnakers for his two squadrons ahead of the fleet?”

  Sky wanted to deny that could happen, but then had an uneasy feeling. “Maybe, just maybe.” She spoke softly. If true, that would be a serious betrayal of trust. The Fleet was just hanging on in some areas, and new ships being routed to a personal Navy did not sit well with her nor would it with any Fleet officer.

  Blondie spoke up. “If they are Spinnakers, we got trouble. They are the same size as a regular destroyer with half the crew so half the living space. The freed up space is given over to fighting capabilities. They are the fastest ships around and are nothing but engines, sensors, and weapons systems. She is a better ship than us, but we have a better captain and crew, so we would win any fight.” Her formal tone showed she was not bragging but merely stating simple facts as she saw them. In the mind of everyone standing there, she was right.

  The two outside ships started to arc around the pirate formation in a giant pincer movement.

  “They don’t seriously think we’re going to fall for that.” Tactical said from her station.

  “What do you mean?” Blondie asked.

  Rafe took up the answer. “The two ships are arcing around with their faster speed to cut us off. We’re supposed to see it and let it develop. As the ships get further out on each side before cutting back in at us, we will actually be closer to the trailing ship than they are. We would see that and then double back on the unsupported rear ship, blow through him, and head back across the border.” He paused and looked directly at Blondie. “Those three destroyers aren’t out here on picket duty for fun. They are the eyes and ears of a larger force. The question is the location of that force. They could be deeper in Zeke space an equal distance from all their pickets so the destroyers could warn them of approaching ships before the main force would appear on enemy sensors. They could also be in subspace right on the border with a picket nearby to give them the word to get out of subspace as needed. The maneuvers they are doing tell us the main force is in subspace in the vicinity of the rear destroyer. If we turn back and try to hit that destroyer, the main force comes out of subspace, and we would be space junk in about ten minutes of fighting.” He paused again as he scanned the sensor returns. “At the speeds we’re going, when it becomes clear we aren’t turning back, the main force is going to have to come out of subspace or get left behind. We’ll continue to run straight and see what develops. I don’t want a shootout with Zekes, but if it comes to that…” He left the sentence unfinished.

  They ran for fifteen minutes at maximum sustained speed with the destroyers arcing around them. The ship readied for combat. Rafe was prepared to redline the engines, hit one of the flank destroyers, and try to blow through the net. Shooting a Zeke destroyer would have far-reaching effects, but he couldn’t think of a way to avoid it. He told O’Hare and Delacruz of the plan.

  “Can we talk to them?” asked Blondie. The doubt as to the effectiveness of that suggestion was in her voice.

  “We have nothing to talk about,” answered Tactical. “They know who we are. That’s why they are after us.” She pointedly looked at Blondie. “And after you two also.”

  Blondie nodded. She was afraid of that. Not only were they after her shipmates, the fact that two Royal Navy officers would also die seemed to have no ramifications for them. She got a little mad thinking about that, and decided she would do her best to win here even if it meant taking on her countrymen.

  “They’re emerging now,” Tactical spoke quietly.

  Everyone looked at the sensor returns as nine ships emerged from subspace behind the trailing destroyer.

  “Two Constellation class battlecruisers, two River class heavies, four Horse class light cruisers, one more Spinnaker,” reported Baby Doll.

  Sky frowned. All the ships were from the latest classes. She knew they were not units of Home Fleet or any other fleet fighting in the war. They should be out on the front lines somewhere. The Empire needed every ship they could lay their hands on.

  “We need to put the engines in the red zone,” Rafe announced. “We’ll hit the lone destroyer on our port when we make our move.” He wasn’t happy to attack Zeke ships but his hand was being forced here.

  “Freighter ahead on the edge of sensors. Coming this way,” reported Maddie.

  Rafe reacted quickly. “We’ll go toward her. Just as we get close, we’ll take a hard port turn and take on the port destroyer. It will be good to have witnesses. Word will get around.”

  The three pirates aimed at the freighter. This would be a race and then a fight. The freighter would have a gr
eat seat for the show. An hour passed. The pirate engines in the red zone had given them space from the rear force although the Spinnakers on each flank kept pace. The destroyers knew the freighter would see all this but didn’t seem to care. Rafe wondered if their pursuers would attack the merchant ship to eliminate witnesses. That was a stretch, but right now, he put nothing past Cunningham.

  “Prepare to come hard to port and engage the Spinnaker destroyer,” Rafe commanded.

  Just before giving the order, something ahead simmered around the freighter.

  “Ships coming out!” Baby Doll cried.

  “We’ll shoot at them, turn to the destroyer, and run for it,” Rafe ordered.

  “Wait!” Mallory overrode every command. “It’s Sirocco!”

  Indeed it was. The battleship and many of its friends were spread out around the freighter. Thirty-six ships floated in a large semicircle around the flagship and came forward at a stately pace. The merchant ship had been the eyes and ears for several squadrons in subspace. Admiral Barrett came up on screen. “Captain Hawkins, what a delight to see you. Since you’re alive I assume your mission went well?” He undoubtedly noticed they were one ship short, but had the good manners not to mention it.

  “Quite well,” Raferty replied quietly, keeping the relief out of his voice.

  “Excellent,” the Admiral smiled. “I also see you’ve made some new friends among the Royal Navy.” He now spoke to the unidentified pursuers. “I suggest you come up on line and identify yourself.”

  The ships did no such thing. The main force at the rear started to turn, and the destroyer on each flank followed suit. Admiral Barrett was having none of it. “Identify yourselves immediately.” He turned to his right and nodded to someone off screen. Immediately two ships on each of the ends of his force put three missiles each downrange. Three missiles passed in front and behind of both flank Spinnakers. Admiral Barrett leaned toward the screen. “I can do nothing about the main force trailing the pirates, but I will turn those two destroyers into space dust.” He paused and then added in a hard voice. “Do not think for one moment I am bluffing.”

  There was a long gap of silence and then a window popped up on all comm screens. A dark haired man smiled insincerely. “Admiral Barrett, how nice to see you.”

  “Admiral Hargrove, what brings you to my area of responsibility… without permission or a flight plan on file?”

  “The Hounds from Hell are out on squadron maneuvers. No flight plan filed? Must be a gum up somewhere. I’ll see to it.” Hargrove did not even attempt to sound contrite.

  “Please do. I wonder about units who cannot even get the basics correct, regardless of the bad-ass names they give themselves.” Hargrove’s face hardened but Barrett ignored it. “Why were you in pursuit of these ships?”

  “We picked them up crossing the border and they were not Royal Navy ships so we set off in pursuit.”

  Barrett was not going to let it go that easily. He had the junior admiral dead to rights, and he was going to get his licks in. “Again, my AOR and you have no responsibilities here. I was well aware these ships would be entering my area. You were chasing friendly ships returning from a difficult mission. They have the prerequisite challenges and IFF codes for safe passage and, yet, I get the distinct idea you were not convinced by such procedures.”

  “Admiral Barrett, I give the enemy credit for devious methods and thought this was an attempt to infiltrate into our space.”

  Barrett shook his head, disregarding the argument. “Once again, it’s not your space. It is mine. You have no responsibilities here and your appearance is no coincidence. You knew these three ships are not enemy infiltrators. Lord Cunningham would have told you that. Your mission was to destroy the three ships. You had your chance and you didn’t make it happen. So you need to get your ass out of my AOR. Now.” He paused now and his eyes flicked to Hawkins’ image.

  “Captain Hawkins, have you anything?” Admiral Barrett was going to let the pirates get in their licks too.

  Killian O’Hare immediately jumped in. “Let’s review here. Admiral Hargrove was supposed to kill us. He failed. Then Admiral Hargrove got a piece of his ass torn off by Admiral Barrett. Now Admiral Hargrove is leaving with his tail between his legs.” Laughter could be heard in the background coming from several screens. O’Hare smiled brightly. “I guess that about sums up our little impromptu meeting so I’m good.” Then her eyes flicked to the corner of her screen and everyone knew she was looking at Hargrove’s window. Her eyes hardened. “Hounds from hell.” She laughed derisively. “Hounds from hell, my ass.” She was gone.

  Shane Delacruz smiled at that. He normally would tune out without a word but, surprisingly, he did not. He put great stock in loyalty, and loyalty had been busted here. He also looked at Hargrove’s window. He spoke slowly with great conviction. “When Cunningham makes his move in the Badlands, I hope he sends you. Bring your puppies from a warm kennel with you when you come out there. Looking forward to doing business with you in the Badlands.” He was gone.

  Rafe smiled and nodded to Admiral Barrett’s image. “I’m good.” He could think of nothing to add.

  Admiral Barrett smiled. “Let us depart then.” He turned to Hargrove’s image. “I look forward to your departure out of my AOR… after you file a flight plan and receive appropriate squawks. I will leave a squadron to help you find your way out.” He did not wait for a reply but tuned out.

  Admiral Hargrove was alone now. His face hard and his eyes narrow as he stared at the blank screen. He would not forget this day. Many debts had been incurred and he vowed to collect them all. He turned to the captain of his flagship. “We go home. See to it. I’ll be in my day cabin.” He stalked off the flag bridge without waiting for a reply.

  Chapter 37

  The three pirate ships and their escort entered Wanderlust controlled space. Everyone on the bridge visibly relaxed. They exchanged worn smiles. The small squadron had won, but it had been a long, hard mission and they had taken irreplaceable losses. Rafe turned his chair to face Blondie at her station. “Blondie, we need a quote here.”

  She nodded and looked around the compartment at the tired bridge watch as she scanned her memory. She then nodded to herself when she hit upon the right one. “Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington.”

  Hawkins smiled and nodded. “That works.” Others on the watch nodded also. The quote captured the mood perfectly.

  Upon arrival at Wanderlust the three vessels went into the repair yards. Mallory transferred back to Sirocco but Blondie did not. Hawkins made a pitch to keep her to help oversee engine maintenance and help in the intel debrief. This was partially valid, but the truth was, Blondie was in no hurry to return to her former duties or life. She welcomed a few more days in Predator.

  Mission debrief was quickly begun. Analysis of the attacks was done by the pirates and the Zekes. Weapon effectiveness and target destruction were reviewed in minute detail. Although Blondie helped in this process, Baby Doll and Tactical did all the liaison with the Zekes. Admiral Barrett ordered Captain Zerbe to put her deputy intel officer in charge of the project so she could remain free to focus on current operations and the “big picture.” The pirates silently thanked the Admiral for the kind gesture.

  Tactics were not analyzed for the simple fact the pirates did not provide any data on their tactics outside the subspace attack profiles. Questions to Captain Mallory and Ensign Bychovskaya were met with shrugs and the replies that they were not on the bridge for extended periods of time so could not provide any insight. Zeke intelligence officers came to the conclusion the pirates deliberately kept the two officers off the bridge and away from sensors at crucial times.

  The repair work did not go smoothly. The workmen went about their work to repair battle damage, but progress was slow and the results indifferent. Pirates assisted and followed up on these jobs, noting where they would have to go back and upgrade
the work. They said nothing. In shipyards, they were used to being overcharged and ending up with less than satisfying results. A least here they were not paying for it. Blondie was not impressed with this behavior. She was embarrassed by her countrymen’s treatment of ships damaged in fighting on their behalf. After two days of this, she had a quiet conversation with Captain Mallory. In turn, Sky had a quiet conversation with Admiral Barrett. He had a conversation with Captain Kirby Ellis, the director of Fleet Repair Facility for Home Fleet. Their conversation was not quiet nor was it really a conversation because it was so one sided. It ended with Admiral Barrett promising to send an inspection team through those three ships after they came out of the yards, and if they failed inspection, the captain would be on the next ship to Zelenka. After that, the repair work improved in quality and speed.

  The next day, Captain Raferty Hawkins disappeared. The crew assumed he was setting up new jobs or making new contacts within the Aurora Empire. Tactical took command of the ship and she and Baby Doll deflected all inquiries about their captain. Blondie had no idea where Hawkins had gone but she did notice Captain Skyler Mallory was absent from Sirocco. Blondie kept the coincidence to herself although she did subscribe to the Hawkins/Mallory theory that there were no such things as coincidences. In one week, both captains returned and quietly took up their duties again.

  On the day of his return, Baby Doll and Tactical brought Hawkins up to speed for the past week. The meeting concluded with Baby Doll asking, “How was Rainbow Falls?”

  Rafe gave a quiet smile. “Everything I hoped it would be.”

  Both women smiled. They knew his feelings for Mallory were much deeper than he let on.

  “Excellent!” proclaimed Tactical. “Maybe you will do some actual work around here now.”

  ~ ~ ~

  It was the last night at Wanderlust for the three Flot 1 ships. The intelligence debrief was complete. The repair work was almost done. Departure would be late tomorrow. Sky Mallory had come over for one last visit. She and Hawkins sat at his day-cabin briefing table with a chessboard between them. Neither was on their game. Finally, Hawkins sat back and declared. “I unilaterally announce this game is a draw.”


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