Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel Page 10

by Lexi Archer

  It occurred to me that getting a view of that action was going to be more difficult if Aiden didn’t know about what we were doing, but that was a bridge we were going to have to cross when we came to it.

  For now all I cared about was Reese hovering over me. Was her pussy bearing down on my cock. Was my world being contained in that bundle of sensations that was my cock moving up inside her warm depths even as I imagined another man making that same journey with his cock.

  I couldn’t wait until we had an opportunity to explore this even more!

  12: Waiting Game

  Once more it was a Friday night. Once more I was sitting at my computer having one hell of a difficult time concentrating on killing the random sons-of-bitches who dared enter into my digital domain and try to take me down a notch.

  A lot of them were taking me down quite a few notches. It was getting to the point that I was going to have to start a new account soon because my win/loss ratio was suffering so severely. I shook my head as the screen went read and I was treated to the view of some kid with a high-pitched voice that nearly split my eardrums gloating over his victory.

  Yeah, this was definitely taking a toll on my gaming career. Not that it mattered that much. Most of it was victories left over from last summer. I had a lot more time for things like video games back then seeing as how I only worked part-time and Reese was a couple of cities away instead of right down the street in another dorm on campus. It was more difficult to see her during the summer than the school year which meant more time for games and a hell of a lot more jerking off.

  Come to think of it, now that I thought about summer break I found myself wondering exactly what went on when she went home. I found myself wondering if she was entirely faithful on those trips home, or if maybe she had a piece on the side who got to enjoy her treasures. Maybe an old boyfriend or a fuck buddy or someone she had fun with back when she was in high school.

  I could certainly sympathize if she felt that way. I knew my right arm tended to get one hell of a workout over the summer, and not from clicking my mouse all the time in a game if you catch my drift.

  I sighed and looked at the phone sitting next to my mouse on my computer desk. On the one hand I was frustrated that it was refusing to ring again. The same as I’d had to deal with over the past couple of weeks. Yet at the same time the frustration was different this time around. This time I was dealing with the frustration of wondering whether the radio silence from Reese was a result of her actually having to work late for the first time in two weeks, what an irony that would be on the week when everything was finally out in the open and we could actually seriously explore this fantasy, or if it was just another case of her taking advantage of that gaping loophole I’d given her to go and have her fun as long as she told me about it later.

  I never should’ve given her a freebie like that. No, I should’ve made it clear that I wanted to watch her with Aiden the first time she went out and tried this fantasy, but I’d been so caught up in the feel of her pussy sliding down my cock that I hadn’t thought about a couple of very good rules until it was too late. Until we were already fucking and I was too consumed with lust to get anything intelligible out.

  I loaded up another round and was preparing to have my ass thoroughly handed to me when there was a knock at my door. I managed to pull out of the round right before it actually got underway and stared at the door with a mixture of anticipation, trepidation, and curiosity.

  Curiosity because I wondered who could possibly be on the other side of the door. Reese almost never came over to my dorm unless I was there to walk her across campus. Sure she could come over during the day if she wanted to, but the problem with that was we were usually busy with classes during the day and there was always the potential for my roommate to be home so it never came up.

  Reese definitely wouldn’t be knocking on my door this late at night. Would she? That brought me to the trepidation. Wondering exactly what was waiting for me on the other side of that door. What if she’d decided to break the rules and she was standing there with Aiden or one of the other guys from her work? What if she wanted to fuck him right here in my dorm room? While it would piss me off that she was breaking the rules like that, at the same time I’d be so fucking turned on by the idea of her fucking another guy in my bed that I was pretty sure I’d go along and let her do whatever the hell she wanted to do.

  I had a feeling after our weekend-spanning fuck session last weekend where we’d only left my dorm room long enough to get food from the cafeteria on the first floor that she was well aware that I’d go along with pretty much anything in the moment because I was so turned on. It worried me that she had that power over me. That this obsession had that power over me. I worried that it would cause me to take things too far. That it would let things get out of control.

  Even then, there was that anticipation. There was a part of me that very much wanted it to be Reese on the other side of the door with a man she was about to fuck silly over the course of the weekend while I watched. It would’ve been breaking the rules, but I think we’ve already covered how little I gave a fuck about the rules once my dick got hard.

  I walked over and threw the door open. I blinked in surprise.


  Angela didn’t wait for permission before coming into my room. No, she moved right past me which also allowed her to brush her body against me and don’t think I didn’t notice that. I was dumbfounded as I turned and looked at her. I was afraid to close the door because suddenly I felt like it might not be entirely appropriate for me to be in the same room as her considering how she looked.

  Which was a ridiculous thought considering what Reese had been up to lately, but there it was.

  “I was hoping you would be home,” she said.

  I looked her up and down and licked my lips. Damn. She’d already been looking good last weekend when she was wearing a T-shirt that showed off the figure she usually hid from the world, but that was nothing compared to what she was wearing tonight. A tank top that was so low cut that I thought I could see half of her tits. Tits that looked very fucking nice on display like that. Once more I reflected on what a goddamn shame it was that she hid them from the world so often by wearing super baggy clothes.

  Down below she had on a pair of shorts with sparkly sequins on the ass that I almost thought I recognized. I told myself that the only reason I was staring so intently at her ass was so I could figure out where I’d seen those before and not because of how hypnotizing the curve of her butt looked. Once more it seemed that Angela had been holding out from the world by wearing baggy pajama pants right along with her baggy shirts. She was a goddess. She was fucking hot. Maybe the equal to Reese in hotness, and that was saying something.

  As I stared and thought of Reese it hit me where I’d seen those shorts before. Reese had a pair just like it. Actually, I was pretty sure that was Reese’s pair that Angela was wearing right now. They must’ve shared clothes at some point. It was the only explanation that made any sense.

  Even the tight fitting clothes that showed off a figure that most men would kill to get with weren’t the biggest surprise though. No, that was reserved for her face which looks like it was done up with makeup. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her actually put makeup on. I didn’t even know that was a skill she had, though obviously she had to learn it somewhere even if it wasn’t a skill she put to use all that often if my experiences dropping into Claire’s dorm room were any indication.

  There were two words that could accurately describe how the whole package looked when put together: Holy shit.

  “Um, can I help you Angela?”

  She crossed her arms together under her breasts which only served to cause them to raise and draw my eyes in. The way her cleavage was on display there definitely got my attention. I suddenly found myself thinking the same thing when I looked at her that I often thought when I looked at Reese: it just wasn’t fair for a girl to look that fucking good
in a pair of tight shorts and a tank top like that. Hell, I never thought I’d find a girl who filled out Reese’s shorts in quite the same way she did, and now here was a girl who was quite literally doing just that.

  “I don’t know? I guess I was wondering if we could help each other out,” she said.

  I blinked. That sounded an awful lot like an offer, though it couldn’t possibly be. It wasn’t possible that we could be going from hating each other just a couple of weeks ago to her showing up at my room looking like that. I found myself staring at her cleavage again and thinking about how nice it would be to run my hands over those tits. Better yet, to run my tongue all around her nipples.

  Damn it. Why did I keep letting myself get distracted like that? That was going to be dangerous. It would run the risk of getting me right in the middle of exactly the sort of scenario Reese found herself in over the past couple of weeks.

  Though when I thought about it, was that really such a bad thing? She’d had a pretty cavalier attitude about cheating on me, come to think of it, and she’d only gotten concessions out of me about me being faithful to her when I was under the influence of her climbing on top of me and giving me the ride of a lifetime. Would it really be so bad, karmically speaking, if I just went ahead and took what I thought Angela was offering? Did Reese really have a leg to stand on if she was the one who’d made the first move?

  I was about to bring all of that up, but before I could make a move Angela plopped down in my computer chair and started clicking at things. A moment later I heard the familiar sound of a game starting up, and after that there was the sound of bullets flying through my computer speakers. She was playing on my account! Sure it wasn’t in the greatest shape these days considering I’d been so distracted by everything going on with Reese lately, but I was still close enough to the top that I might be able to salvage it rather than starting over with a new account. That wasn’t going to happen if she ruined my record though!

  I was over at my computer in a flash, but it was too late. I looked over her shoulder, bracing myself for the worst, and blinked in surprise. She was mowing people down left and right. She was like a one-person terminator moving through the level fragging anything that got between her and victory. As I watched in stunned silence she gave a performance that would definitely give me a run for my money if I was on the wrong side, and I considered myself pretty damn good at this game!

  “Holy shit,” I said when the round ended and the kill count came up. It looked like she’d singlehandedly won the fight considering how good the team I was with had been doing. I blinked and looked down at her as she grinned up at me. I also noticed how standing right over her like this gave me an excellent view right down the front of her tank top. I could see clear down to the spot where her bra came together between her tits, and I was liking everything that was on display in front of me!

  Who was this girl and what had she done with the frumpy girl who eschewed makeup and tight clothes? Where was the girl who’d acted so annoyed with me for most of the year, never saying more than a couple of words and always making it clear that if I was going to get it on with my girlfriend the getting needed to be on somewhere other than her room?

  When I looked back up to her eyes it was clear she’d seen me looking down her shirt and she wasn’t screaming or anything. I figured that was a good sign. More than anything I found myself wondering where this was going, because that urge to throw her down on my bed and have my way with her was getting stronger and stronger with every passing moment, and now that I wasn’t in the moment with Reese on top of me my desire to stay true to her considering everything she’d done was getting smaller and smaller.

  “What, did you think I wouldn’t be good at this sort of game?”

  I licked my lips and wondered what sort of game she was talking about. I didn’t think she’d be very good at a first person shooter any more than I thought she’d be good at coming in looking like a million bucks and throwing those seductive eyes at me. It was obvious there were two games we were talking about here, and I wasn’t sure which one we were talking about. I certainly knew which one I wanted to be playing with her, though!

  “I don’t know. I figured if you were into that JPop crap you wouldn’t be that good at a real game. Something that requires some skill,” I said.

  “Oh? And learning Japanese doesn’t take skill?” she asked.

  “Well not the kind of skill required to frag someone in my kind of game,” I said. I realized I was moving in closer. It was an involuntary thing. I couldn’t help myself. There was sexy in the room and I found myself drawn to it even as I knew it was a terrible idea. Sure Reese was off at work and she hadn’t sent me a text or given a call to let me know that things were a go tonight yet, but I figured it would come at any moment.

  Did I want to go out and enjoy Reese having some fun, or did I want to stay in here with the babe who showed up on my doorstep with a demonstrable ability to kick some serious ass in my favorite video games? A skill that Reese never showed any interest in, I might add.

  “Please,” Angela said. “I could kick your ass in this any day of the week.”

  “That sounds like a challenge.”

  “It’s not a challenge if I know I can take you.”

  “You think you can take me?”

  “I know you want me to take you.”

  The back and forth was too much for me. Being this close to her was too much for me. I’d continued spiraling in, drawn to the sexy like an errant ray of light that suddenly discovered itself inside the event horizon of a black hole. I moved forward and closed my eyes, seizing the moment and pressing my lips against hers which caused a fucking explosion to go off in my head even as my cock very nearly blew in my pants.

  The kiss was brief, but when I pulled away Angela was staring at me with pure lust in her eyes. Goddamn that was sexy. Sexy and wrong. I had a brief moment of lucidity, but I wasn’t sure if it was going to be enough.

  “We really shouldn’t be doing this,” I said.

  Angela cocked an eyebrow. “Oh really? You’re going to turn down Reese’s peace offering?”

  13: War and Peace

  I took a step back. I didn’t know what else to do. I was reeling from what Angela just said. Peace offering? What the hell was she talking about?

  “Did Reese send you over here?”

  Angela pulled herself up and then she was advancing across the dorm room even as I was backing away from her. Even as deep inside my head the more aroused parts of me, not to mention the more pissed off parts that still had an ax to grind against Reese for cheating on me in the first place, were screaming that there was an insanely attractive girl in the dorm room with me who obviously had some pretty naughty things on her mind and what the hell was I doing backing away from her?

  What can I say? I was more than a little confused in the moment, and I needed time to process everything that had just happened. Time that I bought by backing across the dorm room, though admittedly it didn’t buy me all that much time. Soon enough I was up against the door and Angela was still closing in on me. She was still staring at me with those sexy lust-crazed eyes that were an invitation if I’d ever seen one. She was still breathing heavily, and I could see the points of her nipples straining out from her shirt even through her bra.

  Fuck! I wondered if this is how Reese felt when she was trapped in the moment. I wondered if her sending Angela over here was part of some twisted plan to make me realize the temptation she was up against and sympathize with her. I didn’t think Reese could be quite that manipulative, but it was definitely one hell of a side-effect of her throwing her roommate at me.

  Assuming she was throwing her roommate at me. I still hadn’t heard from her this evening, and in a situation like this it seemed best to wait until I had confirmation from the one person who could truly provide it.

  “Does it matter if Reese sent me over here?” Angela asked. “As I recall she was the one who cheated on you so recently. So
what if I did come over here all on my own? Would that matter?”

  And then she was against me and her body was pressing against my own. More particularly it was pressing against my cock which had already been throbbing as I sat at my desk imagining what Reese could be getting up to this evening. Straining in my pants as I thought about everything she’d done over the past two weeks and wondering if I was going to get a chance to finally witness her getting down and dirty. If she followed the rules then it would be one hell of a hot night.

  If she didn’t follow the rules then I’d have one hell of a jerk off fantasy to look back on after I ended the relationship, but that was neither here nor there.

  I licked my lips as I thought about what Angela just said. Did it really matter whether or not Reese sent her here? The fact of the matter was Reese had cheated on me. She’d stepped out with another man and made me feel more than a little humiliated. That definitely wasn’t something I was into. No, I was more into the whole watching my girlfriend get it on within the confines of our relationship and the rules we’d set up for one another kind of guy. I suppose there were guys who might get off on the whole being cheated on and humiliated thing, but I definitely wasn’t that guy.

  And rather than jerking off there was one hell of an opportunity for a little “turnabout is fair play” standing right in front of me pressing her incredible body against mine. An incredible body that I never would have imagined was so incredible, let alone pressed against me in a very forbidden embrace.

  What can I say? I was only a man. I moved my hands around her back and cupped her ass. A surprisingly tight ass that didn’t have any justice done to it in the baggy frumpy sweatpants she usually wore around their dorm room. There wasn’t anything baggy or frumpy about the pair of Reese’s jeans she was in right now, though, and good goddamn did her ass feel nice and tight. I wondered if she actually found time to work out or something.


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