Ben said, “ Have you noticed that a lot of people are getting sick, lately?” She said,” You mean, like, at school ? Yes. Half of my algebra class is never there. And, no one showed for cheer leading practice last night. Did you see Justin's face? He looked like the neighbor lady that chased me. ” She noticed that, Ben looked as worried as she actually felt. Ben cut in, “I want to show you something.”
He took his phone out, and brought up the videos that he, Jose, and Sean had watched. He showed it to her. She watched it for a few minutes. She said, “Ben, I don't want to watch this. I already know about it.” She looked scared. She said, “ Are you hungry?” He said, “ Yeah.” She made them some sandwiches, then handed him a plate with his sandwich, and a bottle of juice. She took her food and a bottle of water. She said, “Come on, I need to show you something.” She went upstairs to her room, while he followed her. She took her laptop and plopped down onto her bed. She kicked her shoes off. She said, “ Listen to this.” She waited for him to sit next her. When he did, she played a video on View Tube. He said, “I didn't know that you watched Rose Fox.” she elbowed him. “Shh. Listen to her.” They watched several Rose Fox show interviews with different people that explained that, there as a new pandemic spreading. They watched the videos that showed what happened to the people who turned. They listened to her most recent video with a man called, Colonel Chen.
When the video ended, they both sat on the bed, in complete silence. Chloe was the first to speak, “I believe it. I believe everything that she said.” Ben quietly, said, “ Me, too.” He called his Father, “ Dad, call me when you get this message. You guys should be careful coming back home. It's crazy out here. Call me. ” He put the phone down onto the bed. He looked worried. Chloe asked, “ When are your parents coming back?” Ben answered, “Today.” She could see that, he was really spooked. Chloe said, “Come here.” She stood up and walked over to her window. She pulled the curtain back. She pointed down into the neighbors back yard. She said, “ Look. Just watch the lady down there.” In the neighbors back yard, behind a privacy fence, there was an old woman walking around in circles. Ben stared down at her. Chloe said, “She has been there for a week. Everyday, she wanders around like that. Look at her face when she walks in this direction. For awhile, her face was bloated and purple. I went over there, and asked her if she needed help. She chased me, Ben. She looked like something out of a horror movie. The only reason that I made it out of the yard, was because she moves so slow.” Ben could see that the woman was not right, from up on the second floor of Chloe's house. She looked hideous. She looked, decayed. Her skin was hanging like it was not attached to her bones. She was emotionless. He blurted out, “ That is freaking creepy. What happened to her?” Chloe said, “ I don't know. I just saw her out there one day. Then, the next day. Then, even when it was raining. So, I went over there, just to see if she was okay. She chased me, and tried to grab me. She looked like a monster. I am glad the fence is there. If I had not run away and slammed the gate closed.... I don't know.. ” Ben said,“Let's go see.” Chloe looked at him wide eyed. Then said, “ No! Ben, you heard what they said on the video's.” He added, “She can't get us through the fence. Come on. I'll protect you. Okay?” Chloe didn't like it. But, she reluctantly, agreed. They went outside and into the back yard. Slowly, they approached the corner of Chloe's back yard. Chloe stopped, around three feet from the fence. Ben said, “ Stay there. “ He pushed a crate up to the fence, so that he could look over, and see where the elder beast was. Once up on top, he leaned over. He saw her standing in the middle of her yard. He said, “Hey!” She turned, and looked him. Her face looked like it was rotting. She staggered when she walked. She snarled and growled like an animal. She looked demonic. She reached up at him. She staggered right into the wooden privacy fence. She clawed at it, but was trying to grab Ben. He held himself there, while trying to keep far enough back so that she could not reach him. He almost fell down on top of the creepy woman. She clawed, and grabbed within inches of his face. In a panic, he pushed himself back, but he pushed too hard. Then, he started to fall backwards. He tried to hold on, but he fell off of the crate. When he hit the ground, he scrambled to try to get back up.
Chloe said, “Come on.” She leaned down, and pulled his shirt up by the collar. As he made it to his feet, they both ran back to the house. Once inside, they locked the door. With their backs to the door, Ben blurted out, “ We have to tell our parents.” Still panting, Chloe said, “ They will never believe us. What about Jose and Sean? Do you think they know?” Ben answered, “ I think so. We were all watching some videos at school. The video's that I showed you. Jose messaged me. They are going to meet us here.” Chloe said, “ Shoot them a text. See if they have seen anything like her.” Ben pulled his phone out of his pocket. He sent texts to Sean and Jose.” As he and Chloe were heading back up to Chloe's room, Ben's phone started to beep and vibrate. He looked at the messages. It was from Jose.
It read; Ben, Sean got jumped after school.
Ben; what?
Jose; yeah, a couple of guys, they started biting him.
Like the videos. His mom took him to the emergency room.
Ben: Were you there?
Jose; No. He called me when they started following him.
After I answered, they jumped him.
Ben; Where did his mom take him?
Jose; Community. I think.
Jose; He texted me before they took his phone.
Ben; Why did they take his phone?
Jose; I don't know.
“What?” Ben asked, out loud. Chloe asked, “ What is going on?” He said, “Sean was jumped.... and they bit him.”
Chloe said, “What? By one of those things?”
Ben answered, “ Not sure. But, I think so.”
He continued to text; Where are you at? Wanna meet up with us?
Jose; Chloe? you guys back together?
Ben; Yep.
Jose; I guess. Going to check on my Mom, first. She is still sick. Are you guys still at Chloe's?
Ben; Yes.
Jose; K. Be there in a while.
Ben; Hey, be careful. Things are getting weird.
Jose; I know. Be there in few.
Ben; K
Ben turned to Chloe, “ Jose is coming over. His Mom is sick. She needs sleep. Sean is at Community. I hope it is not what we are both thinking. They took his phone.”
Chloe asked, “ Why? They can't take his phone. Ben, “ I don't know. But, this is all getting too weird. I don't like it.” A little while later, the door bell rang. They both knew it was Jose. They went down stairs, and Chloe answered the door. Jose bolted through, as soon as she opened it. He said, “ Hurry! Close the blinds!” Before either of them could move, he ran to the picture window and closed blinds, himself. He said, “ Lock the door!”Chloe and Ben stood there, for a moment. They watched him, as he ran to the door and locked it. Then, ran back to the window. Chloe asked, “ Jose, what happened?”
He said, “ I think the same guys who got Sean, followed me.” Chloe and Ben ran to the window, joining Jose. They all peered through the blinds. No one spoke for a long time. Then, Chloe said, “You guys, look..... by the bushes. To the side of the gate.” They all saw him. A creepy looking man. At first glance, he could have passed for a drunk. Then, there was another one. It was Justin. They walked to the fence, and bumped into it. Then, they stumbled around in circles, a little bit. They were emotionless. Chloe pulled out her phone. She dialed 911. It was busy. She thought she did something wrong. She ended the call and started over. It was busy, again. She looked down at her screen. She looked terrified. Ben asked, “ What are you doing?” She replied, “I am trying to call the police. It's busy. I can't believe this!” She tried again, and again. Still, she heard a busy signal. Then, finally, what sounded like, an exhausted operator, answered. She said, “ Hello. This is the emergency line, what is your emergency?”
Frantically, Chloe blurted out, “Yes. My name is Chloe. My friends and I...We are at my house and there are these two creepy guys lurking around. Please send someone.” The voice on the other end of the line, replied, “ Miss, we are very backed up with calls, right now. As soon as we have a cruiser available, I will send one out. Please give me your contact number, and address.” Chloe answered, “Um, 555-...” the voice cut her off, “Hold Miss.” Chloe could hear someone speaking in the back ground. Then, she heard a couple of muffled voices shouting orders. It sounded like the woman was was being ordered not to answer any more calls. Then the voice came back on, “Okay. Sorry Miss. Can I have your address.” Chloe said, “ Yes. It's 2116, Parrish. By Broad, and Parrish. The woman said, “Thank you, Miss. And, Miss....” Chloe said, “ Yes.” The voice on the other end, said, “ Lock your doors. Don't approach anyone that looks sickly.” Chloe said, “Okay. Thank you.” The line went dead. Chloe, stared at the phone. She didn't think that emergency operators sounded so frazzled. She looked out of the window. They all waited. It took and hour, before a police car rolled up. By then, the two had chased a cat down the street. When the three teens saw the policeman pull into Chloe's driveway, they all bolted out the door. They all started yelling to the policeman. “ Over there! Look! They are down the street.” A few houses down the street, they all saw the two strange figures stumbling around. The officer turned. and looked their way. He said to the three friends, “ Stay there, until I come back.” The horrified teens watched the officer approach the two crazies and get mauled by them. As he was trying to fight them off, another one came and helped them attack the officer. Ben ran to the cruiser. He took the radio speaker, pushed the button down and called for help. He yelled, “Officer down!”A voice came over the radio. “Identify yourself.”Ben continued, “This is Ben Reed. We called a while ago. Broad and Parrish street. The officer was just attacked by the crazy people. He needs help. You have to hurry.” The voice replied, “Repeat what you just told me, please.” Ben repeated himself, “I am Ben Reed. An officer has been attacked. You need to send someone A.S.A.P. to help him. Broad and Parrish.” The voice, said, “ Where is the Officer, now? Can you see him? Stay on the radio with me. I am sending back up.” Ben said, “ Yes, Broad and Parrish. They jumped him. He is fighting two people off of him. You need to hurry.”
Chloe, Ben and Jose stood there in shock, and watched as two more police cruisers drove up, and came to an abrupt stop. The Officers ran from their cars to where the other officer was being attacked.
They both grabbed the attackers and pulled them from the injured Officer. The attackers tried to attack the second and third policeman. They pulled out their guns and shot both of them in the head. As an ambulance pulled up to the scene, Chloe's Mother drove up into the driveway
She stepped out of her car and approached the three young people. She was clearly in shock. She stood there, and watched everything that was happening just a few doors down. She blurted out, “ What happened?” She looked tired, and disgusted. Chloe asked, “ Mom. Where is Dad?” Her mother answered, “ They are running some more tests on him. They are saying that something came back negative. He will be home tomorrow.” Chloe said, “Mom. Some weird guys attacked the police.” Ben started to walk down the driveway. Jose followed. As he passed Chloe, he said, “ Tell her. Show her the video's, if you have to. I am going home, now. I'll call you later.” He said, “Bye, Mrs. Gallo. I'll see you later.” Jose said “ Bye.” Chloe's Mom replied, “ Good-bye, Boys. You go straight home, now. A lot of crazies are out tonight.” They both answered, “ Okay.” at the same time. Ben and Jose, now at the end of the driveway, walked around the corner of the bushes, then disappeared out of sight. Renee Gallo, Chloe's mother, was worried about her husband. After he was attacked and bitten by his attacker, his bite had gotten visibly worse by the minute. She didn't want to tell Chloe that there were military at the hospital. Or that, every few blocks, the city was starting to look like a war zone. It seemed like the neighborhood was falling apart. Renee went back to her car to take out some groceries. She said, “Come on, Chloe. Help. I stopped and stocked up on enough stuff for a few days.”
Chloe looked into the car. She blurted out, “ A few days? It looks like you got enough stuff for a month.” Her mother said, “ I still need help getting all of it into the house.” Chloe replied, “Okay.” The two, carried the bags into the house. As they were putting everything away, Renee said, “ Chloe. I am keeping you home from school for a few days. Okay? I don't want you to go too far, for a while. Something is not right. Military vehicles are everywhere. People fighting in the grocery store, at the ATM, in the middle of the street. I don't know what is going on, but I don't like it. Tomorrow, I will go get Dad. Then, we will all talk.” Chloe shrugged. She knows. Good, it will make this easier, she thought. Chloe awkwardly scanned the room, “ Mom. I need to show you something.” She took out her phone and went straight to social media. She started a video. The video that Ben had shown her. Then, she went to Rose Fox's videos. Her mother watched the videos for a few minutes. She spoke in a low voice. “Mom. These videos are all over the net. They come from all over the world. Not just our town. Or even, America. Those people that attacked that cop, looked like these people. Mom, tell me....what happened to Dad?” Renee looked at her daughter. She said, “ The Doctors have him on medicine. They are releasing him tomorrow.” Chloe saw, it in her mother's eyes. She looked, as though, she had just gotten news of a death. She had not seen that look on her mother's face since her brother died. Johnny was only sixteen. She will never forget the looks on her parents' faces, after the police knocked on the door and gave them the news. She said,”Mom. You have to get Dad home tomorrow.” Renee said, “ I will go to the hospital, first thing in the morning, Honey.” She hugged her daughter, then walked out of the room. After she took a shower and got ready for bed, Renee logged onto She typed in a search for video's on diseases spread from human bites. She recognized the woman in a screen shot of one of the video's. She ermembered the name of the woman, Rose Fox. She clicked on Rose Foxes' link. She sat up in bed, and sipped on some tea. She watched video, after video of people being attacked. She watched someone who had been in a fatal car accident be pronounced dead. Then, get up and attack the coroner, and police on the scene. She fell asleep with the laptop turned on. She awoke to what sounded like explosions. Three, one right after the other. And, several sirens. She went to the bedroom window. She could see the sky glowing, from a distant fire. Even though it was dark, she could see rising balls of thick, black, smoke. It smelled terrible. She went back to bed and lay down.
Living Dead 2.0 Page 14