Cecilia's Secret

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Cecilia's Secret Page 5

by Patricia Gallinetti


  Melbourne - 1933

  D uring the voyage Cecilia endeavoured to be polite to everybody, but she didn’t mingle much. Anxious to get home and terribly afraid she may never see her little sister alive again, she was quiet and subdued. Her thoughts were on getting back to Melbourne now, she was worried, but she knew if anything had happened, Mother would have sent a telegraph. No news is good news, she consoled herself. A few days after the ship had sailed from Lourenco Marques, the captain announced over the loudspeaker.

  “This is the captain, I have been advised there is a violent storm up ahead and I have decided to turn around and keep to the outskirts of the disturbance” he paused, “It might get very turbulent, please do not panic, also, if you would please keep to your cabins it would help the crew. Thank you.”

  When the Captain had finished speaking, after an interval of fifteen minutes, there was a weird sensation of the engines stopping and then after an interval the engines started up again, Cecilia and a few other passengers ran up on deck, looking over the side they noticed the sea churning beneath the vessel as it swung around in another direction and then speeded up gradually and continued sedately on its journey.

  That night as Cecilia lay in bed she thought about Helena. She should have had some news by now. Slowly sinking into sleep with the rocking of the ship, she suddenly sat up, realizing it was getting rougher, she jumped up with difficulty, and peered out, the rain was lashing up against the porthole and she couldn’t see anything, it was pitch dark. She settled down on her bunk again and tried to read, but as time wore on the ship’s movement became more violent and Cecilia wished she was sharing the cabin with somebody, feeling nervous, she donned a warm coat and scarf and made her way to the lounge, to her relief she found a few of the passengers had also decided there was consolation in being with others. The windows in the lounge were larger and more could be seen of the rough sea. The waves were very high and slapping over the deck as the ship canted to the side and then with a creak rolled over to the opposite side.

  An elderly woman gave a shriek and her chair toppled backwards the chain that was under her chair, securing it to the deck had snapped and the poor soul was tipped over, cracking her head on the deck. After this incident, more passengers were injured and the Doctor was kept busy. The first officer came to the lounge to reassure the passengers, everything was under control and the captain had managed to miss the worst of the storm.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry I cannot offer you a hot drink because there is the danger the cook may get burned, but as soon as things quieten down, we will bring in some refreshments,” he smiled around at all of them and left the room.

  Cecilia decided to return to her cabin, she bravely and curiously, thought she would go to the top of the stairs and glance outside. Walking towards the stairs to reach the deck proved an uphill climb, literally, she had to hold the railings along the wall and no sooner had she become used to pulling herself up hand over hand the ship would tip and she found herself slipping backwards down a steep incline. She giggled hysterically. There was a loud crash as a chair flew past barely missing her and hit the end of the lounge wall and as the vessel righted itself, more furniture was sliding around. At last she reached the stairs. Nervously and with some difficulty, holding the brass railing she eventually reached the top and was sorry she had taken the chance. Mountainous waves were lashing the ship and peering through the rain she noticed the vessel was about to plunge into a wall of water which was looming above, she froze, closing her eyes and waited for the end. Her hand slipped off the wet railing and she sprawled to the deck, banging her head, she then started to slide towards the edge of the ship as it was pushed over by the gigantic waves and she became terrified that she would be flung overboard, she screamed as her body hit the railing and she clung on desperately, she peered around through the rain hoping somebody had seen her predicament and then she realized - she was not alone, with a gasp she noticed Annie was there and this gave Cecilia the strength to pull herself up, she was afraid that she would be swept overboard with the next wave breaking over the deck.

  The ship was lumbering through the waves like a huge tortoise; the bow pointing upwards with a black wave poised above - a great menacing monster. As it reached the peak the wall of water crashed violently down on the deck, then thankfully, the angry sea rolled back as the vessel righted itself. Once again, the huge ship was tossed around like a toy in the bath; suddenly the sea was calmer than a minute before. Pulling herself slowly along the slippery rails she reached the stairs and plunged down, reaching the bottom with a thump. Cecilia wobbled to her cabin and jumping into the bunk pulled the blankets over her head. The thought entered her mind that when she was in the slightest bit of danger or in a traumatic situation she felt Annie was there by her side. Could it be that this girl was her guardian angel, or maybe they were twin souls? She smiled wryly at her absurd thinking.

  When she awoke in the morning it was to see the sun shining through her porthole, the ship rolling gently, the engines purring.

  There was someone knocking on the door.

  “Yes?” she called out “who is it?”

  A male voice answered “Miss Skye? I have a telegraph for you.”

  “Just a moment.” She answered tremulously.

  Cecilia’s heart skipped a beat, she was afraid it would be bad news. Eventually throwing on her dressing gown she answered the door and accepted the missive, she sat on her bunk, hesitating to read the message, she dreaded terrible news and then steeled herself - she had to know sometime.


  Sydney - Present day

  W aking up with a start - something had disturbed her deep sleep Annie thought blearily. The daylight was just beginning to filter weakly through the blinds and she could feel her heart was thumping. She glanced at the clock, 4.30AM; it was even too early for the Kookaburra’s. The cheeky birds woke her every morning with their mischievous laughter. Peering around the room she gasped, there was somebody in her bedroom. The room was icy and she shivered with cold and fright. She screamed and grabbing her bedside clock, she hurled it at the intruder. It hit the wall under the window and fell to the carpet with a muffled thud, she sheepishly realized, nobody was there. It was all her imagination and she felt foolish. There was a tingling in her ears. A wisp of a thought in her mind,

  The Answer is in Italy Annie. Go to Italy.

  She lay back in bed thinking of her strange dream, it was so clear; she could remember almost every detail. Annie was sure there had been a hand on her arm shaking her to wake her. What had disturbed her? Maybe it was just the blanket brushing against her skin softly; she had never had such a vivid dream. It was almost as if she was there. Annie could still hear the music.

  She hopped out of bed, walked to the kitchen switched the kettle on and popped two pieces of bread in the toaster. It was very early but she couldn’t sleep. While she was sipping her tea on the balcony, just as the sun was rising, she recalled the strange experience of a presence in her bedroom. The figure was not at all menacing. On the contrary Annie thought she had felt rather a sad vibe and the room had been unusually cold. She shivered. Annie had a vague feeling the presence was familiar somehow, she shrugged, that must also be her imagination. As it became lighter she could see the ocean and hear the gentle swashing of the waves as they rolled in with a slap on the shore and raced out again. A cockatoo soared over her head playfully dipping down with a loud cry. Taking her cup inside she dressed for work. Eventually she was running out the door with a piece of toast in her hand, slamming the door after her, she ran down the stairs and out into the bright sunlight.

  Anna Cecilia Brennan was a teacher and this was her first post after graduating. Her small apartment was on the top floor of an old building in Avalon. Annie realized that the weird whisper stuck with her and she could not forget her dream.

  The answer is in Italy Annie. Go to Italy.

  Annie’s mother cal
led her and asked if she would like to pop in for a meal the next night. Annie accepted gladly. She was a pretty, vivacious girl; she wore her dark brown hair in a single thick braid down her back. Her eyes were a clear blue with long dark lashes. Her parents David and Louisa Brennan, were supportive and very loving and she adored them and as they did not live too far away she was able to see them often.

  Annie arrived at her parents’ home next evening and Toto, a golden Labrador, leaped out to greet her, whining with joy. A huge grey cat jumped off the couch and rubbed around her ankles purring loudly.

  “Hi Hamlet, how are you doing?” she bent down to stroke him. Hamlet was her mum’s cat and he had been in Annie’s life forever. That night while they were drinking their coffee, Annie told her parents about her dream.

  “I walked up a wide staircase and glanced into a ballroom, turning left I floated up another flight of stairs, as I reached the top I could see double doors leading to a terrace and I felt terribly afraid and couldn’t go any further. There was another small flight of stairs further back on the same floor but somehow, they were obscure and I couldn’t see where they were leading to. I was suddenly downstairs in the ballroom, there were couples whirling around to a beautiful waltz. An older woman with white hair floated past in the arms of a man with red hair, as she smiled at me she turned into a young beautiful woman in a rose-pink lace dress.”

  Annie’s parents listened fascinated, and Mum said.

  “Well, I wish I could remember my dreams like that, they all seem to fade away the moment I open my eyes. Have you had this dream before Love?” She asked Annie.

  “No Mum,” replied Annie “But I wish I could have it again, somehow I am sure this wasn’t a dream, more of a premonition and I had a feeling that I had seen the woman somewhere before.”

  Annie was always kept busy at the school and didn’t have much of a social life, she occasionally went out with friends for a meal and the movies. Her childhood friend Denise was a great one for setting Annie up with a date, but Annie wasn’t really interested. A few days later Denise phoned her she sounded breathless and excited.

  “Annie, I have some great news, I am going to Italy and I want you to go with me.”

  “What?” replied Annie. A cold shiver went down her spine. Italy again. She thought

  Denise told Annie her father offered to pay their fares and the girls were to pay for their food and accommodation.

  “But Den, I have my job,” said Annie. “I can’t just walk out, I have to give them a chance to replace me, I love it here, and I don’t know if I really want to take time off now.”

  Denise laughed.

  “I don’t mean immediately, there is plenty of time to make arrangements, we can’t go now anyway, it’s midwinter there, we can go when we want to,” she continued excitedly. “I thought we could go in May or June when it’s nearly summer there, that gives your school at least seven months to find a replacement, you have always said you want to travel, well here is your chance.” Denise chuckled.

  “What made your Dad offer you this opportunity?” Annie asked Denise

  “We were watching a documentary on TV about Rome and Florence and I mentioned it would be awesome if you and I could go together and explore Italy,” Denise paused to catch her breath and Annie grinned. Denise was always in a hurry about everything. “We can backpack our way around the country, eat on the go and I am sure it wouldn’t be too expensive,” another breathless pause. “OH, please Annie, say yes, say yes.” screeched Denise.

  Annie didn’t want to disappoint her, but she had to think this over and discuss it with her parents.

  “Denny,” she said. “Let me get back to you about this, how about I call you after I have spoken to my folks?”

  Denise said

  “Well, OK, but don’t you dare say no.”

  Annie laughed ending their conversation. She then phoned her mum.

  “I have something I want to run by you and Dad, can I come and see you two on Saturday?”

  “Of course,” replied Louisa. “I have something I would like to show you as well.”

  Annie woke up suddenly, the room was very cold, she remembered she was having the same dream, with a gasp she saw outlined against the window the image of a woman, but as Annie stared at her she once again disappeared and Annie’s bedroom warmed up.

  Am I imagining all this? She thought.

  Saturday, Annie drove to her parents to get their advice about Italy.

  When she arrived, Louisa called out.

  “I’m in the kitchen Love; we’re going to eat outside on the patio.”

  The double wooden doors leading out opened to a large patio and swimming pool. The house was on the hillside and looked out to sea, the sun was just going down and the sky streaked with pink clouds, the seagulls were screeching and diving into the ocean. During the meal Annie spoke to Louisa and David about Denise’s offer and asked them what they thought she should do.

  “Well, Annie, it’s really your own decision, but I think it’s a chance of a lifetime, I don’t like the idea of you backpacking around though,” said David. “We can pay towards your accommodation and hire a small car,” He turned toward Louisa “What say you Lou?”

  Louisa answered

  “Yea that’s what I was thinking.”

  “Okay,” said Annie. “I must admit I would really love to see Italy and maybe visit the town where Nonno (Grandfather) was born, I’ll think seriously about it and then on Monday if I decide to go I’ll see the Principle and put her in the picture,” She turned to Louisa. “By the way Mum, you said there was something you wanted to show me?”

  “Yes, lets clear the dishes, clean up and then we can go down to the family room.” replied Louisa.

  Annie and Louisa walked downstairs, Annie saw the big box of photos immediately and there were a lot of the photos scattered around on the floor, Louisa sat on the carpet and Annie joined her, Toto plopped herself down near them. Hamlet strolled into the room and looking at them disdainfully jumped up to the couch and settled himself.

  “This is really what I want to show you, it’s a few photos of your Great-gran, Cecilia, my Grandmother, you have her name, she was a beautiful woman, but rather adventurous and from what I have heard she managed to get into a few scrapes in her chequered life” Louisa said with a smile. “She was not known as an affectionate woman, your Nana said she could not remember her mother ever giving her a spontaneous hug or kiss, even when Mum was a child.”

  Louisa picked up a photo and handed it to Annie it was a black and white photo of the head and shoulders of an older woman in her sixties.

  Annie gasped.

  “Yes, she looks like the woman in the dream, I suppose I have seen these photo’s before and just didn’t remember, that is why she looked so familiar. It’s been quite a long time since we went through all these old snaps. Do you have any photos of her when she was much younger Mum?”

  Louisa sighed.

  “No” she replied, “But your Nana has a few” she paused “Yes, I thought it may be your great-grandmother, from your description. There is a mystery surrounding her life before she went to South Africa and married my Grandfather.” She went on to say, “Your Nana was born in South Africa just after the war ended.” She looked at Annie quizzically. “You used to dream about Cecilia when you were small; you were about five or six years old.” She smiled “You don’t remember obviously, we all dismissed it because you just used to say that the lady with white hair had visited you” she smiled again. “It eventually dawned on Mum that it may have been her mother.”

  “Well,” replied Annie “I am glad you have cleared up the mystery maybe I won’t dream about her again, but I doubt it somehow.” she frowned remembering. The answer is in Italy. Putting her finger on her chin pensively she said. “I have a weird feeling that there is something she wants me to know, maybe she has always been trying to contact me,” She paused “I suppose I am just imagining it, why would she want to cont
act me?” she looked at her mother. “Why not contact Nan or even you Mum.” Louisa shrugged

  Annie didn’t tell Louisa that she had seen a presence in her bedroom, she wasn’t sure anyway. Louisa gave the photo to Annie.

  “Would you like to have this?” she continued, “I don’t know too much, but I am sure your Nan knows far more than I do and can fill in a few blanks for you.” She continued. “Your great Nana’s name was Cecilia Maud Skye. I know she was born in Devon in Britain in 1912.”

  “Well” replied Annie “Let me get this decision about Italy all settled and when I come back from the trip, I will investigate her past.”

  “Come on,” said Louisa standing up. “let’s go and have tea, and I’ve baked a chocolate cake, you can take what’s left over, because I suspect, Denise will be at your place at the crack of dawn.” They both laughed.

  When Annie arrived home, she immediately called Denise and told her that she had decided to go with her to Italy, and her parents were willing to help with a few expenses. Denise excitedly, told Annie she would find out about tickets and passports etcetera.

  Louisa called Annie a few days later and Annie told her mother everything had been arranged with the school.

  “Have you had your dream again?” Asked Louisa.

  “Oh gosh, yes!” Annie exclaimed. “Yes, I did dream again and I didn’t tell you last time, but I felt somebody in my room, this time when I woke up I saw her quite clearly, it was Cecilia I am sure, but when I looked around she had vanished.”

  “Oh, Annie what an experience, maybe it was just your imagination, you were most probably still dreaming,” said Louisa and added. “Nana wants you to call her.”

  Annie could hear in her mother’s voice that she thought Annie was hallucinating and making too much of it. Annie phoned her Nan.

  “Hi Nana, how are you and Nonno?”


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