Cecilia's Secret

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Cecilia's Secret Page 9

by Patricia Gallinetti

  Annie felt a tingle of happiness, maybe he did care for her. He was busy in the morning and couldn’t accompany them, he said, but he would like to hear the outcome. He bent forward and gently kissed Annie on the mouth, lingering for a second, it was the sweetest kiss she had ever experienced.

  “Goodnight” he breathed softly and turning to Denise he also wished her goodnight.

  “Annie. Wow.” whispered Denise, “That was so romantic,” she sighed “That was tops, now tell me he doesn’t care,” she smiled wistfully. “Come on to bed to dream sweet dreams, anyway, I am sure you will.” She giggled and they went inside.

  After breakfast, the next morning the two of them left to visit Giancarlo and his folks. As usual Leo accompanied them. Annie took a notebook with her in case she wanted to make notes. They were walking out the gates when a small car drove in and tooted. Ilana waved and called out

  “Caio, how are you two?”

  Annie replied, “Hi Ilana, we are fine thanks just going for a walk.”

  Ilana looked at Annie and then said,

  “I have come to pick up Vincenzo, we are going to Florence for the day - have a nice walk.” She grinned and drove on to the house.

  Annie and Denise continued in silence for a while and then Denise hissed,

  “Bitch, she couldn’t resist telling us that.” Annie didn’t reply.

  Eventually they reached the shop and Giancarlo greeted them.

  “Buongiorno, you look quite hot, let me bring you each a cool glass of water and then we can go and see Mamma and Papa.”

  Annie introduced Denise to Giancarlo. He grinned and turning around took them through a door at the back of the shop into a lovely garden down a path towards a little cottage.

  “Oh, Giancarlo,” breathed Annie “this is so pretty.”

  Giancarlo walked towards two older people sitting in the garden under a Gazebo covered in purple Bougainvillea which was growing up the side of the shelter creating a natural cool haven. He

  introduced the girls to his parents and told Annie and Denise that although his folks could speak a little English, it would be better if he stayed to translate for them if the girls didn’t mind. When they had all settled themselves, Giancarlo put the old photo on the table between them.

  “Now,” he said “Mamma says she knows this woman, her name, was Cecilia and she came from maybe, England, she knows the little boy was born here in Italy, he was about, 4 or 5 years in this photo. She says she remembers him because he had green eyes, different from our children and their big brown eyes.” he smiled. Annie was amazed at what she was learning. Giancarlo’s mother said something and he turned to Annie and said.

  “Cecilia was staying at Riccardo’s farm and she was working here for my Grandparents a few days in the week,” he told the girls. “My mother says she remembers Cecilia because she was kind to her, Mamma was about fifteen years old then,” Giancarlo continued “She says the big tanks came in 1944, Cecilia wasn’t working here that day, she was at the farm, when this area was targeted and there was fighting all around.” he paused for a fraction and then said. “Somehow my Grandparents and my mother escaped, but the shop was uh” he searched for a word. “No more, they had to move away for a while until they could rebuild. They found out after that the farm had also been bombed,” Giancarlo continued “Mamma never heard if any bodies were found in the rubble at the farm,” he sighed. “Mama and her parents tried to find out what had happened to Cecilia, her little boy and the others who were staying there but they could not get any information” Giancarlo’s mother shook her head and looked towards Annie, she continued talking to Giancarlo, “That day many friends lost their lives, a very sad day.” The old folks and Giancarlo were all silent.

  As Giancarlo and his mother did not seem to know anything more Annie and Denise then took their leave and Giancarlo’s Mother kissed Denise on both cheeks, when it was Annie’s turn she ran her thumbs over Annie’s face gently, kissed and hugged her, she said something once more. Giancarlo looked at Annie

  “She says you have a faint likeness to Cecilia.”

  Annie gave a soft gasp of surprise and the old woman’s face became blurred as tears gathered.

  With Leo following behind they made their way home, discussing what Giancarlo’s mother had revealed, they were deep in discussion, strolling along when a car whizzed past them hooting loudly, startled they looked up. Ilana was driving, with Vincenzo sitting in the passenger seat and they were waving, Denise and Annie waved back, the car rapidly disappeared down the road.

  Denise once again hissed “Bitch.” Annie sighed.

  “Denny, we have only been here a couple of weeks, Vincenzo and Ilana most probably have been an item for a while, there is no reason, we should resent her.”

  “Well, I don’t trust her.” said Denise. “I am sure she is trying to make us think just what you are thinking Mate, I really don’t think Vincenzo is interested in her.”

  “Never mind Denny,” Annie said quietly “ I was thinking maybe we should think of moving on. Stick to our plan of going down to Rome and then back up to Venice and all the other places we planned to visit.” Her heart sank to think she would be leaving Vincenzo behind, never see him again.

  “You know Annie,” replied Denise looking at her friend. “The other day I thought I would leave you here and go out on my own,” She looked guilty, “But I know Cecilia is not going to let you leave, and I really think you want to solve this mystery if not for yourself, but for your Nana,” she said, “Let’s not leave yet, it’s getting exciting.”

  When they reached home they had a sandwich and as the clouds were gathering for a storm, Annie decided to email her parents. Denise elected to have a sleep and Annie settled down to answer her mail - there was mail from Louisa.

  Annie answered.

  Mum, I have found out a few things, surprisingly, I think Cecilia was here sometime before the war and I am sure she stayed here at the farm, could you please ask Nana, what name Cecilia put on Nana’s birth certificate? I am still digging for more info. Will let you know more when I can. Love you. Bye.

  Annie decided to cook their supper and started to make a green salad and crumbed chicken breasts. She was busy in the kitchen when somebody knocked on the door, looking up she saw Vincenzo smiling at her through the glass.

  “Hi Vincenzo, hope you enjoyed your day of work.” She said as she opened the door for him, looking out she saw the clouds were even blacker and she had heard a roll of thunder, and saw flashes of lightning. Vincenzo looked at her curiously, he must have noticed her cold attitude.

  “Well, I wouldn’t quite call it enjoy, Ilana and I have managed to pull off a big contract and we had to finalize it today.”

  “Ilana and you?” Queried Annie

  “Yes, Ilana is my assistant, I am at present teaching her all the tricks of the trade” he smiled “Of course, it’s early days yet, but I think she will be a good architect one day,” He continued, “Did you find out anything from Giancarlo’s parents today?”

  Annie was silent and she felt her heart skip a beat, she was pleasantly surprised when he said Ilana was a work mate, maybe Denise was right and Annie’s wires were crossed.

  “Oh.” she said quickly to hide her elation, “Yes, I think quite possibly that photo was Cecilia and her little boy, she disappeared just after Tavarnelle was destroyed and Vincenzo,” she said excitedly. “Cecilia was renting a room here at the farm and she used to leave the little boy with somebody, while she worked at the shop.”

  “Well” he replied, “That is some progress, do you want me to find out more about the people who owned this place before my family?” he looked at Annie “Maybe if we find them or their descendants they will fill in a few of the gaps.”

  “That will be great Vincenzo; I was wondering how to find out who they were.”

  “OK,” he smiled “I’ll ask my father tomorrow, I think he has the deeds in the safe upstairs.”

  As she finished cutting
the tomatoes, and was turning to find a bowl for the salad. She felt him move up behind her and place a light kiss on the back of her neck, she shivered, and then he nibbled her ear. He swung her to face him pulling her slowly into his arms, as her body touched his she could hear his heart beating rapidly, her tingling breasts crushed pleasantly against his hard chest, his arms tightened around her, he lowered his head and took her soft lips. She gave a small moan. Her arms creeping up around his neck, her fingers running through his hair. Eventually they pulled apart and stared into each other’s eyes.

  He breathed “I have never met a girl who could make me feel this way.” He moved back as they heard Denise stirring in the bedroom, but the look he gave Annie made her legs tremble. “Caio” he whispered and put up a finger to touch her lips gently, as he let himself out the door “Have to go, will see you tomorrow morning.” His expressive brown eyes held a promise.

  Annie had not seen or felt Cecilia for a few days, she was hoping her great-grandmother would appear again and reveal more, now that she had found out about the little boy. Annie knew there was still a lot of mystery surrounding this child. Maybe something tragic had happened to him and that was the reason why Cecilia had kept his existence a secret and possibly had left Italy without him.

  The next morning Annie and Denise were having breakfast and discussing what they planned to do. Annie knew she would have to probe further into why Cecilia was in Tavernelle during the war and why none of the family knew about her little boy and what happened to make Cecilia leave him behind when she left Italy.

  “You know Denise,” she said, “I must stay here and see if I can unravel more about Cecilia and her child, but if you want to, please, take the car and continue with the plans we made.” She smiled guiltily at her friend, “I am so sorry I have let you down, and it was your idea, but I didn’t expect things to turn out the way they have.”

  Denise snorted in her usual endearing way.

  “Annie, I told you mate, I’m ready to stay and help you unravel things here,” she said “It was great seeing Cecilia the other night. Although it was a bit spooky,” she continued. “Let’s wait and see what Vincenzo can find out about the former owners and what happened to them and Cecilia’s little boy,”

  She took a sip of her Coke and grinned. “Besides, I want to know what is going to happen between you and Delicious.”

  Annie blushed and answered.

  “Denny, you are just a romantic. It’s most probably just a holiday fling. He would soon forget me if I was to move on.”

  She saw Denise looking past her with a smirk, and had the horrible feeling that Vincenzo was behind her and had heard every word, she swung around and sure enough he was there grinning.

  “No holiday fling,” He said with a snigger “I never have holiday flings. I avoid the guests.”

  Annie found herself blushing once again. “Vincenzo!” She exclaimed. “I am sorry you overheard us discussing you,” She giggled adorably. “Eavesdroppers never hear anything good about themselves.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on her cheek. Poking his finger gently into her side he whispered

  “I don’t mind, I know you have small feelings for me somewhere inside this beautiful body, besides it’s quite nice to hear myself described as Delicious.” He chuckled.

  Vincenzo looked at Annie, he was really getting serious about this lovely girl. He thought back to the kiss they had shared the night before and knew that if Denise had not been there, they might have taken it further. He would have to find ways of keeping her here longer. He wanted her in his bed, sharing in his life. Permanently? Oh, Yes. Maybe it was lust, although he didn’t think so, he enjoyed being in her company. His thoughts turned to the time they had first met, his eyes crinkling in amusement. He pushed these thoughts away and turning to Annie, covering her hand with his he informed her.

  “My Father has found out a bit about the family who lived here before us.” He said “Their name was Raimondi; it was registered to Piero Raimondi, deceased. His wife, Francesca couldn’t be traced, she must also be deceased, and so it reverted to the state. Don’t worry,” Vincenzo said kindly squeezing her hand, when he saw her crestfallen face “We will go on looking. My Father is also interested, now that I have told him that the ghost is your great-grandmother, also that she lived in this house in 1944.”


  Italy – Present Day


  e can look up all the Raimondi’s and hopefully if we find the family they may know what happened here,” Vincenzo smiled. “I won’t see you tomorrow” he said looking at Annie “I have to go into Florence, but maybe Saturday we can spend the day together?” Annie looked towards Denise who nodded. When Vincenzo left saying they could decide what to do later, Denise turned to Annie with a mischievous smile.

  “I’m not saying anything; you look like the cat that just got the cream. What shall we do tomorrow?”

  Annie said “Well, today I am going to see if Mum has mailed me, and what’s news from home. Then maybe we can go for a walk or whatever you want to do.”

  They entered their apartment and Annie opened her mail.

  Hello Ladybird, the name that Cecilia put on Nana’s birth certificate was Cecilia Scott.

  Annie answered. Please tell Nana there was a Cecilia living here in 1944, I think it was great- grandmother, can’t tell you more until I am sure. Bye.

  She leaned forward with her hand cupping her chin and a slight smile on her face, her thoughts flew to Vincenzo, his smile, his sexy eyes. The kiss they had shared had been intoxicating. He looked at her as if she was the most important person in the world. She had fallen for him in a big way, but had to keep her feelings under wraps. What could she do? Was it just a passing interlude? Or did he also have that frisson of excitement she felt when he touched her. Denise called out.

  “Are you finished? Shall we take a ride through to Tavarnelle?”

  Annie grabbed her hat and ran to the patio where Denise was waiting, as usual Leo was there, tail wagging, also ready to go with them, she didn’t have the heart to stop him, so they let him into the back of the small car. He was so huge he took up the back seat.

  They both laughed at him sitting straight up as if he owned the car.

  “I wonder what would happen if we stopped to pick up a hitch hiker?” said Denise. “The poor hiker wouldn’t have anywhere to sit in the first place, and most probably almost die from the fright.”

  As if he understood everything the girls were saying Leo opened his mouth, panting loudly.

  The town centre was very busy, it was Thursday and obviously market day, they realized that they should have come earlier. The caravans parked in the piazza were doing a brisk trade. As the two girls strolled around, the delightful smells of cooking coming from the different food vans made their mouths water, one gentleman was handing out pork ribs and chips.

  “Come on, Denny,” said Annie grabbing Denise by the arm “Lets order some food and watch all the activities.” She pointed to a section where there were a few chairs and tables, people eating and drinking, music was coming from loudspeakers situated around the square. At another table, there were two gentlemen engrossed in a game of chess, they seemed to be oblivious of the noise around them. Further behind in an open area a group of friends were engaged in a game of bocce. Annie and Denise joined the queue and gave their order, the vendor who was taking the money and handing out the completed orders noticed Leo standing with the girls and gave Annie a piece of meat to give to the dog. The man obviously knew Leo, because he called him by name “Ciao Leo.” He shouted. “Manje, Manje.” They received their delicious meal and moved over to the eating section, the chairs were all occupied so the girls sat on a small wall running around the edge of the area, and were soon eating, licking the grease off their fingers and tearing the meat off the ribs. The chips were delicious too.

  Friday, they decided to walk down to see Giancarlo at the shop, have a Panini and coffee and An
nie wanted to tell him that Cecilia was her great-grandmother, as they walked in, Giancarlo greeted them with a grin.

  “Caio Annie and Denise “he beamed “Have you found out anything more about the photo?”

  “Well,” Annie hesitated. “Yes, thank you Giancarlo, I think she was my great-grandmother.”

  His eyes grew wider “Dio.” (God) he breathed. “She was not killed that day then?”

  He beckoned them “Come with me, let’s go to the house and tell Mama.”

  When they reached the cottage, Giancarlo went inside to call his Mother, the girls heard a babble of voices and Giancarlo’s mother came rushing out, she grabbed Annie and hugged and kissed her, crying and exclaiming. Giancarlo laughed.

  “When I told Mama about Cecilia being related to you, she said she knew it all along, you look a lot like her.”

  The old woman brought out the coffee and biscuits, and Annie proceeded to tell them all she knew about Cecilia. the woman nodded her head and turned to Giancarlo, saying something.

  “Mama is asking what happened to Cecilia that day, and did the little boy also live?” he cleared his throat. “Cecilia must have had other children?”

  Annie was silent, then she said

  “Well, Cecilia passed away in 1974, but we don’t know about the boy, that’s also a mystery Giancarlo, we don’t know if the boy died, that day in 1944 here in Italy,” she drew a deep breath. “My Grandmother Catherine, Cecilia’s daughter, didn’t know about another sibling, she thought she was an only child.”

  Giancarlo told his mother what Annie had just said, she threw up her arms in a typical Italian gesture

  “Mama Mia.” She exclaimed. Giancarlo then said

  “You said Cecilia did not ever tell her daughter about her time here in Italy?” Annie nodded.


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