Mountain Rescue

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Mountain Rescue Page 20

by Hope White

  “What’s the hurry?” Detective Issacs asked.

  “I want to get home,” she shot over her shoulder.

  “You mean back to Quinn Donovan?”

  “And my nice, peaceful life.”


  She slowed down to allow him to keep pace with her. “I had finally found peace after Rick’s death. It took a year, but I made it, and then that bearded guy showed up on the trail.”

  “Did I hear my name?”

  Billie whipped around and found herself staring into the eyes of the bearded guy.

  “What are you doing here?” Issacs said, grabbing Billie and pulling her behind him.

  “I made bail. You knew that.” The guy smiled.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Why not? You’ve got my bearer bonds.”

  “Everything’s at the cabin,” Issacs said.

  She wondered why Issacs didn’t pull out his gun and shoot the guy.

  “Maybe.” The bearded guy stalked toward them. “Maybe not. Either way, I can’t depend on you to do your job.”

  The guy charged Issacs and they both went down. Billie took off in the opposite direction, racing uphill. Here she thought she was safe, that she could put this all behind her yet Rick’s criminal boss had tracked her down. How was that possible?

  She wanted to pull out her phone and call for help, but couldn’t risk slowing herself down.

  A shot rang out. She stumbled and kept running, tears forming in her eyes. She hadn’t come this far to be killed by the bearded man. After all, he had no use for her now that they’d found the cabin with the bearer bonds and other stolen goods.

  “Billie!” Detective Issacs called out.

  She hesitated.

  “Billie, it’s okay!”

  With a gasp, she stopped running and caught her breath. She leaned against a boulder and waited for Issacs to catch up to her. She surely didn’t want to go down there and see a dead body.

  “Rick, what did you get yourself into?” she whispered.

  A few minutes later, Detective Issacs turned the corner. His jacket was ripped and there was blood on his arm.

  “You’re hurt?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “ he...?”

  “He’s no longer a threat.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes for a brief second. It was finally over.

  But when she opened her eyes, she didn’t like the expression on the detective’s face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry.” He grabbed her arm and coaxed her backward.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Buying us some time.”


  “My men and I need a good twelve hours to disappear.”

  “Your mean—”

  “I truly am sorry your idiot husband involved you in this. You seem like a nice lady.”

  “Let me go!” she cried.


  Quinn felt Billie’s cry resonate in his chest. As they sprinted uphill, he spotted Billie struggling against Detective Issacs. Issacs shoved Billie, but she grabbed on to a tree branch, fighting to keep from catapulting down a mountainside.

  “Keep her safe,” Quinn ordered Will.

  Quinn rushed the detective as he gave her another shove.

  “No!” Will shouted.

  Issacs snapped his head around.

  Quinn was only twenty feet away.

  Issacs whipped out his gun.

  Quinn dove...

  And the detective’s gun went off.

  The bullet nailed Quinn in the arm but didn’t stop his momentum. Quinn tackled Issacs, ignoring the burn of lead tearing through his flesh. They both went down. Quinn slammed Issacs’s wrist against the ground to loosen his grip on the weapon. It finally sprang free of his hand.

  Issacs slugged Quinn in the gunshot wound, spearing pain through his body. They rolled dangerously close to the steep drop, each scrambling for leverage.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Quinn spotted Will grab Billie and pull her to safety.

  “Quinn!” Billie cried. “Help Quinn!”

  Quinn kicked his feet against the hard earth to maintain his position, but Issacs was on top, pushing Quinn even closer to the edge until his head was nearly dangling over the side. With all the strength he had left, Quinn slammed the heel of his palm against Issacs’s chin and slugged him in the gut.

  Issacs recoiled.

  Quinn grabbed Issacs’s jacket and flung him aside.

  But instead of landing next to Quinn, Issacs rolled toward the drop.

  Quinn scrambled to grab him.

  But it was too late. Issacs plummeted down the side of the mountain.

  Quinn collapsed and rolled onto his back, dreading what came next. He’d fought with and probably killed a cop. A dirty cop, but still a cop. Quinn would be in a mess of trouble when he made his way off this mountain.

  “You okay?” Will asked.

  Quinn eyed Will, holding Billie protectively against his chest.

  “Yeah,” Quinn said.

  Billie started to push away from Will.

  “Stay there,” Quinn said. He didn’t want her seeing his injury up close, or Issacs’s body down below.

  Will gently stroked her hair, encouraging her to stay put. She leaned into him, not taking her eyes off Quinn.

  At that moment, Quinn realized how much Will loved her. Quinn knew the feeling.

  Will was a good man with a promising future and two little girls. He could give Billie the stable life she deserved. What could Quinn give her? He didn’t know how to have a healthy relationship with a woman. He’d screwed up so many in the past, including his marriage.

  Quinn heard that Will had had a good marriage, a solid marriage. He knew how to make a woman happy.

  And that’s when Quinn knew what he had to do.

  * * *

  They hadn’t spoken in private since Detective Issacs’s accident on the mountain. Billie paced the waiting area in the hospital hoping to see Quinn, to make sure he was okay. The big talk would have to take place tomorrow or another day, once things settled down.

  So much had happened in the past few days and it had happened so quickly.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” Bree said, walking up to Billie and giving her a hug. “How’s he doing?”

  “His brother and the police chief are with him. I think he’s okay since he’s up to talking.”

  “I’m so sorry this happened.” Bree rubbed Billie’s arm.

  “Well, I’m relieved and thankful it’s finally over.”

  “Giving you the opportunity to take care of other business?” Bree winked.

  Billie smiled, appreciative of Bree’s friendship.

  “Billie?” Alex came out of Quinn’s hospital room to speak with her.

  “How is he?” Billie asked.

  “Tired, but good.”

  “They aren’t arresting him, are they?”

  “No, there’s enough evidence against Issacs and his men to clear Quinn of any wrongdoing. An SAR team recovered Issacs’s body this morning.”

  “Was he...?”

  “He didn’t survive the fall.”

  “He got off easy,” Bree muttered.

  “What about the other men?” Billie questioned.

  “They’re trying to cut a deal in exchange for information.”

  “What kind of information?”

  “Who was involved, a list of their jobs. Apparently
after Rick died and you didn’t turn anyone in, they assumed you didn’t have anything on them.”

  “And they came after me now because...?”

  “They’d waited ten months to cash in the bearer bonds, but they were missing from the Vancouver haul. They figured Rick stashed the bonds somewhere and you were their best shot at finding them.”

  “Then why try to run us down in the hospital parking garage?” Bree said.

  “They weren’t trying to run you down. Issacs ordered his men to kidnap you.”

  Billie shuddered.

  “And if that didn’t work...” Alex sighed and shook his head.

  “They were going to kill me?” Billie said.

  “They were going to find leverage,” Alex said.

  “You mean...?”

  “Quinn. The bearded suspect wanted to use Quinn from the get go, kidnap him, threaten to kill him to convince you to cooperate, but Issacs said no.”


  “Quinn can be a handful. Issacs knew it. He thought the better strategy was to mess with Quinn’s head by threatening you. Issacs knew that would throw Quinn off his game. Plus Issacs had your friend Will arrested to distract authorities from the real perpetrators, and throw you off, making you question those closest to you.”

  “My SAR friends,” she whispered. “What about the jewels we found at my old house?”

  “We’re guessing those were Rick’s first stash. He took them to see if anyone would notice. When they didn’t, he moved on to to bigger items.”

  Billie sighed. “But it’s finally over, right?”

  “It is. You’re safe.”

  “Can I see Quinn?”


  Billie passed the police chief as she rushed to Quinn’s room. She and Will had given their statements earlier and he’d gone home to check on his girls.

  Billie stepped into the hospital room, steeling herself against what she’d see: a bruised and beaten Quinn. Fortunately he didn’t look too bad. She smiled. “Hey, you.” She went to give him a hug, but hesitated because she didn’t want to hurt him.

  Quinn adjusted himself in bed. “I shouldn’t even be in here. It was a flesh wound. I’m fine.”

  “They probably want to keep you overnight to keep an eye on your head injury.”

  “What head injury? What’s my name again?”

  “Very funny.”

  His smile faded. “Where’s Will?”

  “Home with his girls. What a crazy day, huh?”


  “Alex filled me in on everything.”

  “He’s hovering. It’s making me nuts,” Quinn said.

  “I’m so glad it’s over and we can get on with our lives.” She reached for his hand, but he pulled away.

  “Quinn?” A sinking pit grew in her stomach.

  “Will, he’s a nice guy.”

  “So are you.”

  “Will really cares about you.” Quinn glanced at her. “Maybe even loves you.”

  She wanted to say so do you, but those weren’t her words to speak. Instead, she kept quiet and waited.

  “The way he was holding you up there, protecting you,” he continued.

  “Quinn Donovan, are you jealous?” she teased.

  But he wasn’t smiling. She was losing him and she didn’t know how to hold on.

  “We said once this was over—”

  “That we’d have a talk,” she interrupted. “About us.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I’ll head back to Waverly Harbor and you’ll stay here with your friends...” he hesitated “...and Will.”

  “Do I get a say in this?”

  “We both do, but my side of this decision has been made. If you really think about it, you’ll realize Will is the guy you should be with. He’s the better man.”

  She clenched her jaw, wanting to give him a lecture he’d never forget. He adjusted himself and winced in such pain that she couldn’t go on the attack, not tonight.

  Instead of letting anger and frustration drive her actions, she opened her heart to compassion and love. She went to his bedside, stroked his hair and looked into his eyes. “I love you, Quinn. I will wait for you, as long as it takes, and you know I’m a very patient woman.”

  She kissed him on the forehead. “Be well.”

  She turned and left, fighting the tears welling in her eyes. It was the truth...only, would it be enough to make Quinn relinquish his shame and accept love?

  * * *

  Quinn got out of town as quickly as he could, staying away from the resort, from Billie.

  Now, nearly a week later, he ached inside. Not from the bullet wound or the bruised ribs or any of his other bumps and bruises from his time protecting Billie. No, he ached for Billie.

  Quinn spent most of the week at his lake house in Waverly Harbor, far enough away from Billie not to be tempted to swing by or even spy on her from afar. Somehow he thought if he were fifty miles away in another town it wouldn’t be so bad.

  He was wrong.

  The intercom buzzed and his body ached as he got up to answer. Some days he felt like an old man he moved so slowly. But he’d heal eventually, at least physically.

  He went to the intercom and pressed the button.


  “It’s your brother. Let me in.”

  Quinn sighed and pressed the button to open the gate. He wandered to the front door. As the car pulled up the drive, Quinn noticed Alex had a passenger. Billie? His heart leaped with hope. Then he started to panic. He hadn’t shaved this morning nor had he combed his hair. He wasn’t planning on seeing anyone.

  As the car edged closer, he realized it wasn’t Billie. It was her friend Bree.

  He wandered out onto the porch and sat in an Adirondack chair.

  Alex parked and Bree got out carrying a foil-covered plate in her hands. She headed to the porch and Alex followed.

  “I found her asking for directions to the lake house so I figured I’d give her a ride,” Alex said.

  “How gentlemanly of you,” Quinn said.

  “That’s what they tell me.”

  “Billie got Grace’s recipe for monster cookies and made you a few dozen.” Bree sat in a chair and slid the plate on a table between them. “She would have come herself, but...” Bree glanced down.

  “What?” Quinn sat straight. “What’s wrong, is she okay?”

  She cast a quick glance at Alex.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn pressed.

  “She’s not okay, Quinn.” Bree looked him firmly in the eye. “She’s suffering from a broken heart because the man she loves is a coward. There, I said it. I promised her if I ever saw you I wouldn’t speak my mind. Heck, she doesn’t even know I’m here.”

  “Wait, but you brought cookies she made for me.”

  “She made them for you in the hopes you’d return to Echo Mountain, but I think it made her feel closer to you to have your favorite cookies around. That’s all she’s been doing—working and baking, oh and going to church. She stops by every day to say a prayer for you, not that you’ll come back, but that you’ll find peace. It makes me crazy.” Bree stood. “Here you’re making her life miserable and all she wants is for you to be at peace and happy.”

  “But Will Rankin—”

  “She doesn’t love Will Rankin!” Bree planted her hands on her hips and shook her head. “I promised myself I wouldn’t lose it, but someone had
to do something. She thinks you love her, and I don’t have the heart to tell her she’s wrong, but I know she’s wrong because if you loved her you’d be with her right now instead of hiding out, fifty miles away. If you do love her but you’re staying away, then you’re a fool because that kind of love is a gift from God. We all don’t get to experience a love like that.” Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. “If you don’t love her, fine. But please tell her so she can get on with her life.” She stormed off the porch.

  “I’ll be right there,” Alex said, then eyed Quinn.

  “What?” Quinn challenged.

  Alex thought for a second. “What she said.” He turned and marched off the porch.

  Quinn watched them drive off, processing Bree’s outburst. She drove all this way to scold him? It shouldn’t surprise him—she was Billie’s best friend and when you were friends with Billie you developed a visceral need to protect her.

  Leaning back in the chair, he eyed the foil-covered plate. She’d been baking in the hopes he’d come back. She wanted him back.

  It sounded as if she’d been in as much pain as he had this past week. He peeled off the foil and found a hand-written note addressed to Quinn:

  With all my love, forever and always, Billie.

  Corinthians 13:4–8

  * * *

  It had been a week of recovery and grounding. Billie took a few shifts at the restaurant but wasn’t up to working a full-time schedule yet. She was taking it easy, trying to nurture herself.

  It all seemed like a dream, not all bad, yet painful once she awakened. Quinn was gone, out of her life, and she felt even emptier than before when she’d left his guesthouse in Waverly Harbor.

  Because this time she’d felt an intense love develop between them, and it wasn’t one-sided. She knew he cared deeply for her.

  Yet words would not open his heart to what he was relinquishing. She guessed he was sacrificing himself so she could be with Will. That would be fine if she loved Will, but she didn’t. He was a nice man and a good father. But Billie’s heart belonged to Quinn and she wouldn’t allow Will to marry for anything less than complete and true love. She hoped he understood. He said he did, although he’d looked hurt after she’d spoken with him a few days ago.


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