Shifting Darkness

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Shifting Darkness Page 30

by Kate Wendley

  Feeling a lot less frisky, she was more careful as she laid down and pressed herself against him. “Do you need more people to keep you warm? Do you just need to feel other shifters around you?”

  He growled at her and when she finally looked into his eyes again, he was frowning.

  “What? Animals need pack around them when they’re sick. They need others around to feel safe so they can relax and heal. I can get Ed, and Zach, and Jade and some others if you want.”

  Lighting fast, he bit her shoulder and kept his teeth on her as he venomously growled. She let out a little yip at his unexpected reaction, but her heart felt full and good again. A tear fell down her cheek and she felt silly once she realized it was there. “You don’t want anyone else around?”

  He gruffed and let go of her, his head dropping to his pillow like it weighed a hundred pounds.

  She curled up on top of him again, petting and kissing him all over. “Ok kit cat. Ok. I understand… I think.”

  His immediate purr helped her relax, and his clumsy hands wrapping around her waist, then trailing to her ass made her smile. When he rocked his hips forward a couple times, her eyes went wide. “You think just because you don’t feel good that I’m going to do all the work?”

  He weakly rocked his hips again and she chuckled as she pulled back from him. “All right. A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.”

  Vince’s body was warm, maybe too warm, and he smelled vaguely like sandalwood, his scent always stronger in the morning. It reminded her of other times they’d woken up together, times doing sinfully sexy things.

  She kept eye contact with him as she trailed greedy hands and kisses down his body. His eyes were still hooded cat eyes, and he didn’t move as she let her breasts trail lightly over him, her nipples tingling as they brushed against the dark, rough hairs on his upper thighs.

  By the time she crouched on her knees, her ass in the air, and wrapped her mouth around his growing erection, Vince was a little more animated. He let out a sigh and his hips rocked slowly in time with her up and down movements, his lids still heavy, but his eyes glowing with more and more intensity.

  Holding and massaging him with one hand, she slid the other hand down her own body to her warm, wet center. Oh God. Now all she could think about was having him inside her, but would that be too much for him? She was supposed to be helping him heal, not wearing him out even more.

  He growled and she stopped everything. Had she hurt him? His eyes were intense on her, so she let his erection slide slowly out of her mouth and asked, “What is it? Do you want me to stop?”

  He bared his teeth, then flicked his chin up. Worried, she crawled back up his body. “What’s wrong?”

  His hands clumsily grabbed at her as his hips bucked beneath her, and she realized with a start what he wanted.

  She quietly said, “You want sex? Do you feel all right for that?”

  He growled and bit her neck.

  She laughed. Go team Penny! “Ok kit cat. Ok.”

  He was as hard as he ever got for her by this point, and the fact that he was sick beyond belief and still wanting her this badly made her feel guiltily sexy. Still, she was careful with him as she guided him to her slick opening.

  He sucked in a breath and eyed her nakedness as she slowly rocked up and down, his hard erection sliding in and out of her in a torturous way. In and out, smooth and steady… Green cat eyes locked with hers as she leaned closer, his hands holding her hips, but not as firmly as he normally did. It didn’t matter. She was doing this to make him feel good.

  Actually, she could take care of herself at the same time so she slid her hand back down her body and found just the right spot to massage while she kept the rhythm of her hips steady for Vince. Oh yeah… His quiet groans and roaming gaze while she did double duty made her feel strangely powerful… and hot. Vince lay there looking sexy as hell with bedroom eyes and his wide, powerful body, and she got to have her way with him because there wasn’t much he could do about it.

  That thought made her smile while Vince’s face went slack and his body tightened up beneath her. Knowing he was getting close to orgasm made a shiver of crazy need race through her body. She whimpered out loud and Vince’s eyes locked with hers again, the intensity in them making her insane. Was he in there? Did he know he was driving her crazy? Or was this still his in between animal personality, not letting his human self fully out yet?

  Did she care?

  The intensity between them continued to climb as his eyes glowed brighter and brighter and her mind conjured up all kinds of positions for them to try next time.

  Finally, grasping her hips more harshly, Vince quietly grunted and climaxed inside her and she was forced to finish herself off because she wasn’t going to let him come all by himself.

  She cried out as she orgasmed, then screeched in shock when the bedroom door flew open. It was Zach, and she could tell more people were right behind him.

  “What the… uh…”

  “Get out of here, perverts!”

  They thankfully left, and Zach actually sounded embarrassed as he murmured something and quickly left the room.

  Great. Well that was embarrassing, but as long as she had Vince back, she didn’t care. She’d do worse to keep him in her life. Her good humor didn’t last long, though, as his hands slid from her hips and he took a deep, tired breath. Even the glow in his eyes was quickly dimming.

  “Vince? Are you ok?” She slid off his body and lay beside him, panicking at his sudden lifelessness.

  “Vince, talk to me baby.”

  He tiredly sighed, then rolled towards her and lightning fast, she was spooned up against his body like she was earlier, his arms holding her tight against his chest. His muscles twitched and she couldn’t help the tremble in her voice.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have−”

  His bite on the back of her neck was harsh as he growled irritably at her, which only made her smile while her eyes teared up. “Ok. I’m not sorry kit cat. But I hope you feel better soon. I don’t like to see you sick. It hurts my heart.”

  His shaky body relaxed against her and he eventually stopped biting her. He purred, but it quickly trailed off and she figured he’d fallen asleep. She lay still for a time, then tried to move beneath his arms. She half expected him to wake just enough to pull her tight again, but he was limp behind her.

  She worriedly turned and put her fingers to his neck, searching for a pulse. He still had one, and when she nudged one of his eyelids open he still had cat eyes, but he didn’t react to her in the slightest.

  What had she done? She’d hurt him by trying to be there for him, and she’d never forgive herself if he didn’t wake from this.


  The rest of the day was awful. Charlotte innocently enough told the doctor, just to be helpful while they tried to figure out what was wrong with Vince, that he fell unconscious right after having sex with her. And then she told every other alpha or elder that came by the same thing. Penny was mortified to have her personal business talked about all day, but eventually just rolled her eyes and growled whenever it came up. For good or bad, she was never going to live this down and dreaded even leaving Vince’s room.

  But she didn’t mind staying by his side all day, and much to her relief, Charlotte didn’t seem mad at her anymore, either. If all Penny had to do was have make love to Vince for his mom to be happy, she’d happily take one for the team again.

  Vince hadn’t eaten or drank anything all day, though, and that worried them all. Someone suggested the doctor at least give him an IV to keep him hydrated, but he refused since they didn’t know what his body would or wouldn’t accept right now.

  So they all anxiously waited for the sun to set and the vampires to wake the hell up.

  Chapter 34

  Anthony felt much better after a full day’s sleep. He had the ability to stay awake all day if he chose, but it didn’t come without consequences. And having Zach, Seba
stian, Jade, Torin, Suzanne and others helping watch over the family during the day, he felt everyone was as safe as they could make them.

  Kaia was as safe as he could make her. She lie still asleep next to him, his beautiful vampire bride. He rolled closer and wrapped his arms around her, overcome with emotion that she was finally his… forever.

  Movement in his bedroom doorway distracted him from his moment of savoring what all his sacrifices in life had finally brought him, which was the woman of his dreams.

  He released her, feeling embarrassed getting caught exhibiting so much emotion. Kaia was openly affectionate with him in public, and it never bothered him maybe because it was clear she was usually the instigator, but being caught displaying such emotion on his own felt different.

  Luckily Zach seemed distracted with his own matters tonight.

  “Vince has been mostly unconscious all day.”

  Anthony stilled in alarm. If Kaia had hurt Vince by forcing him to drink vampire blood, well, that wouldn’t be good. And by the look on Zach’s face, and the feel of his emotions being held tightly closed off from him, he wasn’t sure how bad things were.

  “But when he was awake, he seemed like he was starting to turn cat.”

  A feeling of restrained hope filled the air, and Anthony relaxed.

  “That’s good to hear. I−”

  “He needs more vampire blood. The doctor thinks it’s helping.”

  Anthony’s head wasn’t entirely clear yet, having just woke for the night, so it took him a moment to respond, which only made Zach more tense.

  “Of course. Where is he now?”

  “His place.”

  He nodded as he looked Kaia over again. She still slept soundly beside him, and probably wouldn’t be awake for another half hour or more.

  “Is this an urgent need, or can I meet you there with some volunteers once Kaia’s awake and ready for the night?”

  It felt strange to be overseeing Kaia’s needs, especially since she’d always been so independent and self-sufficient as a human. As a vampire he had to carefully watch over her both day and night, and would continue to do so for as long as it took until she’d mastered control over her new form. He found it a more enjoyable task than he already thought it would be.

  Torin edged past Zach into the room and Anthony’s vampire hunger overrode everything else.

  Zach said, “It can wait, but we’d all appreciate it if it didn’t take overly long to get volunteers up there. We’re hoping all he needs is vampire blood, but if that doesn’t work, well, then we need to figure out what’s wrong with him because something changed.”

  Anthony nodded, though his attention was on the thump of Torin’s beating heart as he sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

  Zach said a little more firmly from across the room, “Just hurry, please.”


  Penny had memorized everything in Vince’s messy room by the time Anthony and Kaia showed up along with Anthony’s father, and Benicio trailing behind.

  Zach sounded a little bitchy when he said, “Where are all the volunteers? And what’s Benicio doing here? He’s way too high a level for Vince.” He noticeably didn’t say anything about Isaiah.

  Anthony seemed unbothered by Zach’s mood as he locked eyes with him and settled with Kaia in front of the large picture window facing Vince’s bed.

  Zach more dramatically said, “No. We need someone less powerful. I don’t want an extra issue of him gaining new powers on top of all his other problems.”

  Anthony carefully said, “Kaia had a premonition that Vince needs his blood specifically.”

  Judging by the confused look on her face, that was news to Kaia. And Zach was totally unimpressed.

  “No offense you guys, but Kaia was human two nights ago. I’m not ready to rely on any premonitions she might or might not be having. Her premonition about Penny’s rescue doesn’t convince me she’s always right.”

  Penny could feel the woman’s relief from way over here. Huh. What was going on?

  Anthony calmly said, “I have faith in her visions, whether she’s had them as a human or vampire.”

  All eyes were on Kaia now, and she shrank back against Anthony under all the attention.

  Zach growled irritably. “You’ve had a vision about Vince?”

  Kaia quietly said, “I don’t know what you guys are talking about.”

  Anthony replied, “She doesn’t remember her visions. Just like Echo doesn’t when she has them.”

  Zach blew out a breath. “Anthony, you know Benicio’s too powerful for Vince. We don’t know what could happen with that level of blood in him.”

  Penny was beginning to see where this was going, and her nerves ate her alive because she’d already caused enough trouble in the last week, but she’d never been good at keeping her big mouth shut. “I don’t think Vince is as weak as you think he is. He’s more dominant than Benicio, and for sure more dominant than that werewolf Quinn.”

  Everyone’s doubting eyes were on her, first, then slowly turned to Benicio.

  Anthony said, “This is true?”

  “Yes Master.”

  Zach seemed surprised, but not entirely convinced. “Min-chul? Charlotte?”

  Min-chul frowned, looked Vince over head to toe, then let his suspicious eyes linger on Penny for a time. “Perhaps we should start slow, with a less powerful vampire, and if he doesn’t improve, then… maybe.”

  Charlotte made her way to Vince’s side and knelt by the bed, taking his hand in hers. “I’ve never seen any signs of his animal before, and now he’s got cat eyes because of this woman. Because of his friend.”

  Min-chul stepped closer and his voice was rough, yet sympathetic when he said, “You think we should do this?”

  “I just want him better. I don’t want to see him suffer anymore. How much can he take before he just can’t take any more?”

  The emotion in Charlotte’s voice tore Penny up inside. She hadn’t known Vince all that long in the grand scheme of things, yet she’d seen plenty of times that he’d been so weak he could barely function. Dealing with that his whole life had to be taking its toll on his sanity, let alone wearing down his already weak healing ability.

  The sudden transformation in Min-chul was just as heartbreaking to watch. His fatherly concern and uncertainty of only a few moments ago were replaced with the steely look of a well-trained soldier performing a mission that had no room for failure, and no room for emotion.

  His tone was brisk and sharp when he said, “Give him vampire blood. Now.”

  He gestured for Benicio to step forward, and he did without any hesitation.

  Min-chul turned his unflinching eyes on Zach. “Do you have protocol for this, or will a slice across his wrist do the trick?”

  “Ed, get a knife.”

  Min-chul nodded once, then moved towards the bed. He gestured for Penny to make room, but by the look on Zach’s face, it seemed like something else was going on.

  Zach spoke to Min-chul’s back. “I’ll do it. I’m his alpha.”

  Min-chul whirled on him, and with a deadly energy in the air he said, “I’m his father. I’ll do it and I’ll take responsibility for the consequences.”

  Everyone tensed, but Zach backed down, looking like he finally trusted this man that they’d always thought was their enemy. Maybe he still was, but he was also Vince’s dad, so Zach gestured for Ed to give him the knife.

  Penny cleared the way, along with everyone else so Min-chul could take up the far side of Vince on the bed and Benicio stayed on the side closest to the door.

  Zach said, “You sure you’re cool with this Benicio? It’s only been a few days since−”

  Hard lines appeared around his eyes. “As you can see, I’ve healed from the attack, Mr. Johansen. Vince and his father were kind enough to tend to me in my time of need and I’ll gladly return the favor.”

  Penny cringed inside because Benicio’s UV-light attack was her fault. Her fault that
he was even there, anyway. And even though his body was healed, it was obvious the whole experience still disturbed him.

  So now the quietness in the room had an angry vibe to it, but once Min-chul sliced Benicio’s wrist and held it to Vince’s mouth, the bitterness was replaced by hope and anticipation.

  The whole thing was messy at first because Vince was too weak to do much on his own. After the second time Benicio was sliced open, Vince finally latched on with all the strength it looked like he had in him. His hands shook, hell, his whole body shook, but he worked Benicio’s wrist as best he could.

  When he finally pushed his arm away and a minute, then two minutes passed, there was a collective sigh because Vince wasn’t throwing up the blood. But his bright green cat eyes looked more and more desperate and anxious as he started grimacing, and Penny panicked. What if he was stuck in this in between place forever?

  His whole body began twitching and jerking about, and the doctor raced to his side to look in his eyes, listen to heart, and try to get him to say something. Anything.

  But there was nothing except obvious pain that seemed to be getting worse without anything to show for why. He wasn’t turning any more cat that he already was.

  Min-chul snapped, “More. He needs more.” He locked eyes with Anthony, who held tightly to his new vampire bride. Kaia looked tense as he held her close, and Penny finally realized it was to hold her back every time she slightly jerked forward. He was keeping her from getting loose. Crap.

  Charlotte sniffled, then turned away and wept in Ed’s arms. “My baby. He’s always in so much pain. I can’t bear it.”


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