#CATFISHED (The Empire Series Book 1)

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#CATFISHED (The Empire Series Book 1) Page 6

by Nicole Hite

  HEIDI: Gorgeous, huh? What did I do to deserve such a compliment?

  DEAN: Can't a gentleman call a lady gorgeous without any ulterior motive?

  HEIDI: Nowadays...? No lol

  DEAN: So I can’t compliment a beautiful woman?

  HEIDI: Depends.

  DEAN: On?

  HEIDI: Do you have an ulterior motive?

  DEAN: Me? Noooo.

  HEIDI: Uh huh. You need to do a little better job at convincing me otherwise.

  DEAN: Groveling?

  HEIDI: Perhaps. What did you have in mind?

  DEAN: That's a loaded question, sweetheart.

  HEIDI: How so?

  DEAN: Don't ask what's on my mind. You may be shocked.

  Ariel blushed with embarrassment. She had never been smut-talked before. She wasn't sure how to respond. Before Ariel had a chance to think twice, she typed out her response.

  * * *

  HEIDI: Shock me.

  * * *

  If Viv wanted a scoop, she was determined to give her one.

  * * *

  DEAN: I don't just think you’re gorgeous. I think you are stunning, and extremely sexy.

  HEIDI: How are you so confident that this is my picture though? I could be lying.

  * * *

  Ariel took a risk making the statement. But it was a valid answer.

  * * *

  DEAN: The same reason you don't know if I am who I say I am. The fact of the matter is, we are attracted to what we want to believe. For now, I choose to believe you are who you say you are. I hope you will do the same for me.

  * * *

  The comment hit her like a ton of bricks right in the gut. He was lying, she was lying, and all of this was based on a giant lie. Yet, it did feel amazing to hear she was stunning and sexy,

  * * *

  regardless of who she was pretending to be. She had the warm fuzzies all over knowing she was the object of someone's affection.

  * * *

  HEIDI: Do you tell all of your conquests this?

  DEAN: Only half the time. Is it working lol?

  HEIDI: Surprisingly, it is quit effective.

  DEAN: Then my job here is done.

  HEIDI: You are an evil, evil man. You know that?

  DEAN: I aim to please, sweetheart.

  * * *

  It was now or never. Hope Viv is happy.

  * * *

  HEIDI: Aim to please, huh?

  DEAN: Every day. Even more than once a day if the mood strikes.

  * * *

  Shit! He was taking the bait.

  * * *

  HEIDI: Is that so?

  DEAN: Most definitely.

  HEIDI: How do you intend to “please” me today?

  * * *

  Ariel's face turned bright red as she turned to look at Sam driving her car. Somehow she felt Sam could telepathically read her mind and immediately cowered in her seat.

  "Dude, what are you doing?" Sam questioned as she kept her eyes on the road.

  "Nooothing. Not a thing," she was totally busted.

  "You got him to sext, didn't you? Perhaps you are good at this flirting thing."

  "It's not like that, Sam. It's for Vivienne. She wanted juicy, so I have to do something to make this work out in my favor."

  "Hey, I'm not judging. If I had to dress up as a drag queen and prance around the office for a year, I would. That means I get to keep my job, and a cheerful Vivienne. And that is VERY important," they both laughed.

  * * *

  DEAN: Well, what are you wearing?

  HEIDI: A sundress. It's unseasonably warm today.

  DEAN: I'd run my hands up those beautiful legs of yours until I'm at the hem of your skirt.

  HEIDI: I'm listening.

  DEAN: I bet I would find you are wearing tiny lacy panties, soaking wet.

  HEIDI: And...

  DEAN: I'd like to push that silly little fabric aside. Can I do that, sweetheart?

  HEIDI: Please...

  * * *

  Ariel's breath began to pick up as she envisioned Dean crawling up her body, ready to attack her wet slit.

  * * *

  DEAN: That's it, baby. I'd slide one of my long fingers deep inside of you. Then another.

  Can you feel me, sweetheart?

  * * *

  Trying to play along with him, she continued.

  * * *

  HEIDI: Oh god, Dean. I can feel it even over here. You feel so good.

  DEAN: That's what I like to hear, sweetheart. I massage your clit with my thumb as I move my fingers in and out of that sweet cunt of yours. I want to make you cum, sweetheart. Would you like that?

  HEIDI: Fuck yes. Make me cum.

  DEAN: I kiss up and down your neck as I thrust faster and faster inside you. You clinch down on my fingers, and release to biggest orgasm of your life.

  DEAN: THAT is how I would please you today.

  HEIDI: I'm terrified at what you have in store tomorrow.

  DEAN: You have no idea, sweetheart.

  * * *

  The girls arrived at the apartment at just the right time. Saying her awkward goodbyes to Dean, she slipped out of the Mini and ran to the elevators.

  "Not even going to wait for me?" Sam chuckled.

  "Come on!"

  "I'd say Dean got to you more than you let on," they crowded into the elevator with the other commuters.

  After hitting nearly every floor, the girls finally reached their floor. Instead of going to her apartment, she went straight to Owen’s. She was filled with sexual frustration, needing some small relief to cool down her lady bits.

  Ariel knocked on the door in a furry. Opening the door, Owen looked surprised to see her so soon. Without a word spoken, Ariel launched herself into Owen's arms and seized his lips. Kissing him furiously, she moaned in desire. Slowly pushing away, she grinned from ear to ear.

  "Hello," he whispered sweetly into her ear.

  "Hi," she giggled.

  "What was that for?" Owen looked utterly confused.

  "I just...needed it."

  "You couldn't have waited an hour?" he laughed as he swept a loose wisp of hair behind her ear.

  "No. I couldn't," she smiled as she turned to head back to her apartment.

  "And you're going to leave me with blue balls? That's fucked up, Ari," he practically yelled down the hall. Ironically, Ariel wasn't the least bit phased if anyone heard.

  "I'll see you in an hour," she wiggled her ass down the hallway, hoping to drive Owen crazy.

  Leaving him in a huff, she quickly made her way to her bedroom.

  Sam stopped her in her tracks, "Are you going to tell me what the hell that was about."

  "I had a sudden urge to kiss him, that's all."

  "Whatever," Sam groaned as she made her way into the kitchen. Snatching a beer, "Want one?"

  "I'm good. I need to hop in the shower. I'm going over to Owen’s tonight."

  "You like this kid don't you?" Sam looked curious.

  "I do. He's funny, smart, and hot as shit. Seems like a win, win, win to me," she quirked a smile. Lifting the hem of her dress up and over her head, "Plus, he's into me and I'm into him...a lot."

  "My girls gonna get laid tonight! Get it, girl!" Sam started to make whistling noises.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ariel tossed her sundress in her face.

  "You better wear something smoking hot under those clothes. Want to borrow some of my stuff," she chuckled.

  "I happen to have a lovely stash of girly garments. Thank you very much," she winked as her phone began to ping. Lunging for the couch where she set her bag down, Sam beat her to it.

  * * *

  DEAN: I hope I didn't cross a line today.

  * * *

  Sam looked at Ariel with raised eyebrows as she scrolled through their conversation. "Ahhh, now I see why you rushed over to Owen. Sneaky little bitch. Just be careful, both guys are still human and have hearts. Hearts that can break just as easy as a female’s."

  * * *

  HEIDI: Never. BRB. Shower.

  DEAN: Now who's the tease? Argh.

  * * *

  After an extensive shower, Ariel peeked at her phone before turning on the hair dryer.

  * * *

  DEAN: Are you still there? I hope I didn't say something wrong.

  * * *

  That was the third time Dean had used the exact some phrase. Either he was a parrot, or he was a stickler for attention. Perhaps Sam was right. She needed to distance herself from him, at least for tonight.

  As soon as she dried every last hair, smoothed on her favorite lotion, and spritzed herself with perfume, she was ready. Shoving the phone in her pocket, Ariel did a once over before heading into the living room.

  "How do I look?" she asked Sam with apprehension. Sam was sprawled out on the couch with Cory. What a fuck head. "Hey, Cory."

  "Hey, Ari. Lookin’ good. Hot date?" Cory radiated creepy as he wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulder.

  "So good to see you too, Cory. How’s baseball going?” she tried desperately to have an ordinary conversation, but it was virtually impossible.

  “Great! I have to go up to Boston next week to train with the Red Sox. Coach wants me to show the guys how it’s done. You know.”

  Actually Ariel did. Cory was what you call a compulsive liar. Yes, he played minor league baseball, but he was horrible. If anything they’re sending him to Boston in hopes of trading his ass. Then, I would have my best friend back.

  “Where are you heading to all dolled up?” Cory asked before she could get a word out.

  “Guy next door."

  "My girl’s getting laid tonight! Finally! I'd fuck you, babe. You look smoking hot," Sam beamed.

  Even though she was only wearing torn jeans and a slouchy sweatshirt, it was comfortable, yet sexy. She wore her hair down with an extra bump of brown curls to give her a little sass. Not too much makeup, though. Guys hated making out with Ronald McDonald.

  "Duly noted. Don't wait up for me," she cooed as she kissed Sam's cheek. "Later, Cory."

  "What? No kiss?" Cory blurted as she crossed the threshold into the hallway. There was no way in hell her lips were going anywhere near Cory. Ew!

  Ariel approached the door and barely placed a knuckle on it before it swung open. Owen welcomed her with his signature smile.

  "Damn, girl. You look fine as shit. Get you ass in here before someone tries to highjack you from me," he jokingly picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

  "Put me down you giant oof!" she laughed so hard she thought she might pee herself.

  Tossing her down on his giant leather couch, he hovered over her, contemplating something.

  "What?" she gave him a questioning smirk.

  "Nothing, I was just thinking about how you would look naked, underneath me like this," he let his words trail off as he dropped down a bit to kiss her.

  "You can find out now, or after we eat," she teased.

  "As much as I would love, and I mean love, to find out right now, I don't want to burn dinner.

  I don't cook often, so it's a damn miracle if I don't botch it up somehow. Just promise me one thing though..." he leaned in so close to her lips, she could feel his warm breath lick her waiting lips, pleading to be kissed.

  "Yeah..."she whispered.

  "If it sucks...,” he said seductively as he permitted his lips to make contact. "...Lie." Pulling away, he gave her a wink, as he licked his lower lip. The sight of Owen drawing in his bottom lip, just about killed her. How was she supposed to keep her cool when she had Charlie Hunan over here sexing her up? He might as well have been a ringmaster dangling a steak in front of her lioness body. Evil, just evil.

  "Well, are you going to come and eat?" he beckoned her with his finger.

  Owen's apartment was far from what she expected. She half expected the man to be a stereotypical hacker with terminals everywhere. Oddly enough, nothing was visible. That's not to say he didn't have a room dedicated to his work.

  Looking around further, Owen had very incredible taste. He had vintage posters framed and covering the walls, everything from Pink Floyd to Jimmy Hendrix, and even The Doors.

  It was a side of him she hadn't seen yet. The more she got to know Owen, the more she liked him and all his quirks. For once, it made her feel comfortable; at home even.

  "I wasn't sure what you would like so I went out on a limb." His expression was adorable. You could tell he wasn't used to entertaining guests, or women for that matter.

  "Wine?" he generously offered a dated red. It was perfect.

  "Please," she gave him a seductive smile. "When was the last time you had a girl over here?"

  "There has only been one women. My ex-fiancé."


  "I shouldn't be taking your advice...should I?"

  Nearly spitting out her wine, "Fiancé?"

  "Ex-Fiancé," he stated very matter-of-fact.

  "So, you were engaged...at some point in time," Ariel prayed to the heavens that it wasn't last week. She wasn't ready, or even looking to fix a broken man.

  "That's what the ex means. You know, past tense, no longer together anymore, done, finish, over."

  "Okay, okay. I get it."

  "Shoo, I was worried I would have to break out the dictionary," he joked.

  "Come on now. I am a journalist. I know what it means, asshole," she laughed.

  "I don't know, I was beginning to question that for a second."

  Owen placed two steaming plates of spaghetti and meatballs in front of them. It looked remarkable, and much better than anything Ariel could cook.

  "How long were you two together?" Ariel treaded lightly as she swirled a fork full of noodles.

  "Five years," he affirmed, taking in a mouthful of noodles and sauce.

  "Wow, that's a long time. I don't think I have anything that I've held onto for five years," she tried to make a joke to ease the mounting tension.

  "Yeah, well, shit happens."

  Clearly there was something behind this that made Owen particularly difficult. Instead of pushing, she diverted the conversation toward something new.

  "So, what do you have under that hat of yours? I'm going to find out sooner or later."

  "Who says? I plan to wear this twenty-four-seven, even in the shower. I may even wear it when I’m in bed tonight," he winked.

  "I need to see what I'm working with," she jokingly reached for his beanie coming up short. Stretching further, she barely had it in her fingertips when she tumbled into his lap.

  Under that ratty beanie was the fullest head of brown hair. The curls fell to his masculine shoulders. For a man, his hair was gorgeous.

  Ariel ran her fingers through his silky strands, giving a slight tug causing a light moan to escape Owen's lips. Closing his eyes, he allowed her to run her fingers through the tousles. Clutching a handful, she inclined his head back, kissing up his neck.

  Ariel stood to straddle Owen, intensifying her licks and kisses. Owen had delectable skin, a flawlessly tanned, bronze color. Owen stirred, clutching her ass cheeks to steady her as she continued her pursuit up his neck. Owen growled his pleasure through gritted teeth as Ariel made her way to his earlobe. Sucking the delicate flesh, Owen clasped her butt harder, lifting her up, and off his lap.

  Draping her legs around his waist, Owen didn't waste time in laying Ariel on the couch.

  "Dinner will have to wait. I'm in the mood for desert."

  "No complaints here," Ariel caught her breath as she clutched the hem of his shirt and pulled.

  Tossing the shirt to the side, Owen lifted Ariel's top and jerked. With one swift move, her top was across the room.

  Both grabbed at one another's buttons and zippers, trying frantically to rid themselves of their denim hell. Freeing himself of his jeans, Owen stood in front of her with only his boxer briefs on.

  This man was a God. He was ripped from head to toe, and tattooed all over. Looks can be deceiving when it came to
this spectacular specimen of a man. His abs were washboard, and his nipples were pierced. Ariel wanted anxiously to lick and suck them.

  Owen clenched the cuffs of her jeans and hauled them off, leaving her in only her lacy black bra and matching panties. Owen stood there for a moment, and just took in her exquisiteness. Lifting her from the couch, he carried her to his bedroom.

  "What happened to the couch?" she questioned with a giggle.

  "You are too stunning to be taken on a couch. You deserved to be adored in my bed where I can take my time admiring every inch of this incredible body," he stated as he stood to remove his boxer briefs.

  Ariel's expectations were certainly correct. This man was very well endowed, indeed. Grabbing the flesh behind her knees, he pulled her body to the edge of the bed.

  "Baby, you have no clue how edible you look right now."

  The compliments made Ariel soaking wet. Her clit throbbed wanting anxiously to be touch, licked, and sucked by this man.

  Owen spread her legs lightly as he slipped between her bent knees. What he did next was not something she was anticipating. Grasping her hips, he bent his head down and ran his tongue across the lacy fabric. Owen dragged his tongue from her crack to her clit, slowly. He was a greedy man who just wanted to savor every moment.

  "I can't believe how wet you are, baby."

  "That's all you. That's what you do to me."

  "I need to taste you, baby," he growled as he took the delicate fabric between his teeth, and pulled. He drew his lips across her sensitive flesh, floating across her pulsing bud.

  Eliminating the panties completely, Owen pushed Ariel's thighs wider. She was exposed, and on display for this man, yet was not ashamed, but fully turned on. One by one, Owen lifted her legs and positioned them around his shoulders so her pussy was within inches of his lips. She wanted desperately for him to devour her, but he lingered a moment, licking his bottom lip, and captivating Ariel in a seductive stare.


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