Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

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Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2) Page 43

by Aaron Thomas

  Auburn was a little shocked by Brent’s statement and blushed when Bowie looked at her.

  Brent looked directly at the female wielder, “Will you come say goodbye?”

  She smiled and pulled her hair back over her shoulder, “I will be there as soon as I can. I know how she is when you are late.” They shared a smile before Brent turned to go.


  John turned to Bowie after the councilmen departed, his robe billowing out over his skinny frame, “I’m glad you decided to stay on. The men still look to you to lead them, and you turned that battle in our favor more than once.”

  “John, I wouldn’t have lasted long if it wasn’t for Vincent or Lieutenant Borgen,” Bowie said.

  Auburn jabbed him in the side, “I suppose I did nothing.” Her hand was on her hip as if she was ready to argue.

  “Yes, of course I know you helped. You gave us all the jump on those men.”

  Before she could open her mouth Vincent pushed his way into the conversation, “All of you, with me. Now.”

  They followed him through the crowd to find King Atmos standing outside his tent. The remaining wielders were standing in formation in front of the dead bodies lined up in five rows.

  King Atmos walked around as they came to stand in the line with bows still in hand. “Where is Lieutenant Borgen?”

  Vincent ran to the front, “Sire, he fell in battle. I have collected his imbuements.”

  “Very well, Roads. Report on the battle.”

  “The Fire Realm is fleeing to the south of the valley. We were able to take a few over six thousand of their men. Including wizards, wielders, and soldiers. The skill of a few of your archers saved us as we invaded their defenses. Their numbers forced us to lose a little over three hundred men. Those included Lt. Borgen, and nine of the twenty five armored wielders.”

  “The Fire Realm was fleeing?”

  “Aye, Sir.”

  “Very well. Bring me the spoils.”

  Bowie watched as the wielders stepped up and dumped their canvas bags that they had collected the imbuements inside of. Each one poured the contents of his bag on the ground in front of the king. When the line reached Chit he stepped up and poured the contents of his bag reluctantly and watched as Lorusk glared at his companion.

  Bowie finally ran forward and pulled the imbued dagger from where he had tucked it in his belt. Vincent waved him back before he could drop it on the pile.

  The king saw him coming forward with the dagger then turn away, “Wait. Archer, what do you have?”

  “I have a dagger, Sire”

  “Put it with the others,” he commanded

  Vincent cleared his throat, “My lord, he killed the weapon bearer that had it in battle. I do not think that this blade belongs with the rest.”

  The king looked at Vincent, “Lieutenant Roads, before I fully declare your promotion and new assignment taking up the war leader’s position for Lt. Borgen, I will advise you to not to speak out of turn.”

  Ria’s voice wafted over the formation as she walked between the wielders, “I do not believe he spoke out of turn. By wizard law, if Master Crescent took the weapon in battle, then it is his.” She reached the king and turned her back to him to address Lt. Roads. “Are any of these other imbuements due to his skills?”

  “Madam Wizard, I believe a large portion, maybe even half of the imbuements, were taken due to his skill in wind magic.” Vincent said.

  “Just how did he win this battle and claim so many imbuements, Lieutenant?” Ria asked.

  “The “archer” as they call him, summoned an elemental. Using this blade, he took off a wielder and tore apart the army that was beginning to advance on us. If it was not for his skill, we surely would have lost-” He said.

  Atmos interrupted, “I thought I told Sergeant Curtain he was in charge. Are you saying that this archer took this blade without permission?” Atmos asked.

  “No, my lord. He was assigned with me to advance. I saw him kill the wielder and ordered him to take it and use it. I was abiding by wizard law in battle, my lord.”

  Atmos took a moment to collect his thoughts and any argument he might have to reclaim the armaments. He ground his teeth and finally gave the order, “Keep the blade. Lt. Roads, I have a blade for you in my tent. Accompany Captain Lorusk to retrieve it. The rest of the imbuements will go in the tent to be distributed later.”

  Ria held up a finger, still in her place between Atmos and Vincent, “I believe he said half of the imbuements were taken by Master Crescent. I wouldn’t want to anger an already volatile situation with the Elders. I am sure they would be unhappy to hear of the events that took place today. After all, I am on my way to visit them first thing in the morning. Perhaps Master Crescent and I could arrange a deal so you can acquire some of the imbuements claimed in battle. I am sure I can negotiate in favor of the Earth Realm.”

  The king said nothing but his expression was given away with the veins on his forehead about to burst.

  She held out her hand to Vincent, “May I borrow your sack, Lieutenant?”

  He handed her the canvas sack hanging from his belt.

  “Master Crescent, come and pick up your imbuements. I am sure the Lieutenant will help you pick the ones that are yours,” Ria commanded.

  Bowie slowly started forward, but before he could get to the pile Vincent had already begun picking up handfuls of the imbued jewelry and dropping it into the bag. When half of the pile was gone he stood and handed the bag to Bowie. Ria turned to the king and smiled.

  Atmos growled out orders as he made his way to the tent, “Let us go inside. Captain, make sure we get these men buried and the soldiers get some rest. We ride back to Deuterium at first light. Roads, you are with me.”

  Vincent, Bowie, and Ria followed the king inside his tent as Lorusk began to bark out orders. He heard Chit’s name specifically called out twice before they reached the tent flap.

  Inside the tent, Atmos found a seat behind what use to be Bowie’s table. Another canvas sack was brought in to what Bowie could only assume was the rest of the claimed imbuements.

  “Start negotiating, Ria. I will have you out of my camp as quickly as possible. You are beginning to vex me,” Atmos spat.

  She smiled at Bowie, then at the king. She curtsied and slapped Bowie on the back of the legs with a root, “I taught you better than that. Stand up straight, you are in the presence of a king.”

  Bowie thought he was standing up straight, but he tried to make himself look a little taller to make her happy.

  “My lord, I am here in the interest of all. I want to make sure these imbuements are not gambled away in every tavern from here to the Water Realm. I think they should stay in the custody of a king and his army,” She said eloquently.

  “Yes, yes get on with it Ria. What does the boy want?”

  “I believe it is simple. He wishes for the release of the Weapon Bearer’s sister, Kara. After all, they want to make sure she is safe. He will give you half of what imbuements he has for that alone.”

  Bowie spoke, “Wait. I can’t just take her, she would destroy everything.”

  “The boy is right, Ria. She needs to be trained before she can go wandering about. I have people to protect,” Atmos said.

  Ria smiled, “It just so happens that Brent will be leaving with me tomorrow. We will leave here and pick up Kara on our way to the Elder Wizards. Surely they have a wizard that is more adept at teaching those of her element. Brent will be able to handle her until we can find them, as he did on the way to Deuterium.”

  “Brent had a weapon bearer to back him up in case of emergency. He did not do this alone,” Atmos retorted.

  “Brent still has a weapon bearer standing before you now to aid him in this. Bowie will also be taking two water imbuements from the sack for this purpose,” Ria said.

  Atmos took a drink of wine and swallowed hard, eyeing the earth wizard over the rim of his cup, “What are his other demands?”

  “Only that we have a week’s supply of food, horses to carry us, and to award some of the other imbuements himself to members of your force.”

  The king scratched his beard and leaned back in the rickety camp chair. The wood creaked, Bowie was sure that it would break under his weight. “You still have only accounted for half of the imbuements. What of the others?”

  “Well, I assume that we’ll need some sort of insurance incase the fire wizard caused any damage. I was thinking the imbuements that are not accounted for would be that payment, my lord.” Ria stood with her hands folded at her waist and a smile never left her face.

  “How many imbuements will you be awarding and to whom, archer?”

  Bowie took a moment to think before answering. He scratched his head, “There are two archers that helped me teach back in Deuterium. I would give Andrew one of earth, and Tyler one of water. Bobby, who has particular skill in surgery, would receive water. I would like to give Sargeant Curtain a set of water and wind as well.”

  Atmos nodded, “Others?”

  “My lord, I don’t know Lt. Roads well, but it seems he could use one for his efforts keeping us alive in battle today. I will let you choose one for him. I want to keep one extra of water for the fletcher, Auburn.” He said almost as if asking.

  Atmos tipped forward putting all four legs of the chair on the ground, “No deal.”

  Ria took a step forward, “I beg you to reconsider. I have already discussed leaving with Master Crescent. I know he will be considering it a lot more now that he has a fortune of imbuements at his disposal.”

  “I have his friend’s sister. If he would like to see her remain alive, he will give up all the imbuements, including the two he had before battle.” The king said it as if negotiations had already been concluded.

  A moment of silence followed before Ria laughed a very loud and forced laugh, “I suppose she is to be taken to the traitor bowls because you have bone to pick with her brother. I swear your humor is dry but funny, sire.”

  “That was not a joke, wizard.”

  “Oh. Well in that case, I think you ought to be made aware that I hold the earth magic in this hovel. I will be crushing the entirety of your men shortly due to your threats to kill an innocent wizard. Furthermore, when I am done here, your reign will look as a disease in the history books that started another wizard war.”

  The ground started to tremble which caused Atmos’ chair to crack. Vines reached out of the ground and restrained Mica and Sasha.

  “Control as much wind magic as you can, Master Crescent. Do nothing with it, mind you. Just hold it,” She said.

  Vines now constricted around everyone present in the tent except Ria and Bowie. The vine’s victims were squeezed until they gasped to breathe.

  “It only takes one mistake with a wielder of power to undo what you have accomplished. I think you taught me that lesson with your actions against King Rekkan. Bowie will keep his bargain we have set forth. I will keep all of you tied up here until we are on our way from this camp.” She picked up the sack of imbuements and opened it for Bowie. “Get the imbuements we discussed, but leave the one’s for John and the archers. He will not allow them to keep them anyway. If you would have stayed he most likely would have killed you before morning so that he can have these.”

  A fire started on one of the vines constricting the king; he was using fire magic to try and loosen her grip on him. The dirt opened and Atmos sunk into the dirt up to his chin.

  “You think me feeble. I was channeling magic before your father was born. Test me again, oh king, and I will crush your army,” She said with as much fire that lit the torches in the tent.

  Screams could be heard outside of the tent of the men being tortured.

  Auburn came through the door with her bow in hand, followed by Brent, who had a panicked look upon his face.

  Ria turned away from the king, “I will explain later. Each of you, get a good horse and some supplies for the road. We are leaving, now.”

  Brent took another look around and nodded his head before ducking out the door. Auburn was reluctant to follow so Bowie ducked out as well, waiting beside the tent flap. Ria casually walked around the tent looking each person in the eye.

  Finally, she stopped and squatted to look at Atmos’ head sticking out from the ground. “Come after me and I will make sure to put your lowest ranking soldier on your throne the day I drop you from the highest tower of your castle.” She stood and looked around the tent once more before picking up a piece of cheese to eat on her way out.

  Bowie and Auburn ran as fast as they could to their tents and grabbed their bags inside. On his way he saw several soldiers still sinking in the ground up to their necks. He hoped Ria wouldn’t mistake him for one of those soldiers. One simple bag containing of all his belongings was all that remained, so it didn’t take long for him to clear out his tent. Crossing the camp to the horses, he noticed there was still a large amount of arrows so he filled his quiver and grabbed a handful as Auburn caught up to him.

  “Let’s get out of here. Do you think she can really hold off the entire camp?” Auburn asked almost in a panic.

  Bowie smirked, “Let’s not find out.”

  They dashed for the rope where the horses were tied. Charger was anxious to see Bowie and ready to ride. He had been tied up all day while Bowie was fighting. He patted his favorite horse on the nose and freed him. When he finished tying his saddle on, he mounted and saw Auburn leading a horse of Elian stock and possibly better than his. The horse was already saddled but danced around as she tried to mount it. She jumped a few times with one foot in the stirrup before slinging her leg over its back.

  He nodded to her and they carefully lead their horses through the camp towards Ria’s wagon. Bowie was extra careful to keep Charger’s hooves from crushing the heads sticking out of the dirt. Ria was patiently waiting in the wagons seat for the others to arrive. Out of the shadows being cast on the ground by the setting sun, Brent lead a horse while trying to hold onto an armload of books. He dropped several and stopped the horse so he could finish packing them.

  Once everyone was in their saddles, Ria smiled and began leading them down the road northward. Bowie looked back and cursed under his breath.

  Auburn turned her head to the side, “Missing something.”

  Bowie grumbled, “My bloody tools.”

  Auburn reached into her saddlebag and pulled two leather pouches. “I have them. How else am I supposed to keep my dads shop in business?”

  Bowie smiled and held out his hand for one of the leather pouches.

  She pulled it back, “These are mine now. You forgot to grab them. Unless you have something to trade perhaps; I heard you were a good businessman.”

  Bowie looked back at the camp falling behind in the distance. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a ring with a blue jewel inside. “It’s imbued with water, I figured you could use it to heal me if I ever get hit with another arrow.”

  She snatched up the ring and gave him the leather package which he quickly inspected for his grandfather’s tools. When he looked up she had the ring on her hand and was smiling at him. He shrugged, confused at the look she was giving him.

  “I know I told you that I wouldn’t be visiting your bed just because I was coming with your troop. I just want to let you know that just because you proposed, it doesn’t mean I’ll be visiting it until the marriage is done right.”

  “What!?! Wait a second!”

  It was too late, Auburn had already spurred her horse forward and was showing off her ring to Ria in the driver’s seat of the wagon ahead.

  Brent looked at Bowie, “You look troubled.”

  “Troubled doesn’t even begin to describe it.” Bowie said as he reached up to tighten his hat. He cursed when he remembered he wasn’t wearing one.

  Chapter 25 - News of the Battlefront

  The summer in the open plains of the Water Realm had already reached sweltering temperature. Leroy reme
mbered the unbridled humidity so close to the lake he wished he had filled his water skin at the last stream. Izabel, the herbalist he had promised to court, was sitting in the driver’s seat of the wagon seeming unfazed by the heat. She looked pristine as ever with a dress that climbed to the tip of her chin.

  The trip back to Keepers from Deuterium was a lot longer than he had remembered the other way around. Of course, he was traveling with Kilen and had his energy rejuvenated every couple of hours. This time he stopped at almost every town along the way to get a room or stop for something to eat. Izabel had made a point to remind him that he needed to court her properly at least once a day.

  He still had not managed to complete a proper date during their travels. It was always interrupted or shortened by their need to keep moving away from the city. He had it in his mind he would give her one once he introduced her to his mother and father. It was a big disappointment when he did. His father said Izabel was not part of Keepers and she would have to leave the morning after arriving. She insisted they stay close to his hometown, even though he said it was not a town. She argued and won, just like every other time. So here he was again, leading the wagon outside of the boundaries of Keepers to set up their tent.

  “I think we are far enough outside of town now.”

  Izabel stood on top of the wagon and put her hand over her eyes to shade them. “I see a stream not to far away. How deep is it?”

  “Deep enough when it rains to come to my chest, but not shallow enough that it runs dry in the summer. The stream is supplied directly from Lake Leviathan, so it always flows.”

  “The dirt here seems rich enough to grow some plants. I only see one trees for shade.” She pointed at a withering tree with less than half of its limbs with leaves. “I think here will do nicely. We are close to the road that those wanting to avoid Keepers will come. We are still close enough to the Earth Realm to draw travelers in. I should be able to start a good shop here.” She turned in a circle atop the wagon.


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