Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

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Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2) Page 53

by Aaron Thomas

  Brent and Ria took a seat across the fire from him while Twilix tried to comfort Kara.

  “Well, you’re supposed to help him find the new king. You know, you're not as smart as you think you are, Master Fletcher,” He said waving around his stick of turkey.

  “How are we supposed to help him find another king? You just said that the people at Keepers would know who to talk to,” Twilix said.

  The wind wizard shrugged. “Thank you for the Turkey. I must be off if I am to talk to Kilen before the sun gets too low on the horizon.” He stood, ignoring Bowie and the rest and went to Kara. “I truly am sorry you had a traitor in your midst. Perhaps the water imbuement will help you calm at least one of the others. You are doing well to have helped Al’tore. He was one of the strongest that I captured.”

  He turned back to Al’tore while releasing the sash holding his robes in place, “I’m happy to see you free from your own mind. Your family has been anxious about your return. I told them I would let them know the moment you gained control. I will have something good to report when I see them next.” He made a deep bow to Al’tore and was lifted into the air by a gust of wind.

  All of them except Kara watched him disappear into the trees. With tear filled eyes, she worked on getting the other fire wizards to sit down and rest before they had to travel. With two less wizards to train, Twilix hoped that none of the others would have to die before they arrived. She watched Kara tuck the imbuement into her pocket.

  Al’tore sat down beside her watching the others still partially aflame, trying to eat there sticks of turkey. “The wizard was good to me when I was captured. I believe that he stayed in touch with my family. It’s something. Not much, but something.”

  “It doesn’t matter. They let him burn a man to death without even trying to stop him,” Kara said.

  Al’tore cleared his throat, “Technically, Beldham was trying to kill him. He had a water imbuement and was in control of himself and he still was trying to kill the wind wizard.”

  Twilix knew that it would take some time to convince Kara. She just hoped it did not interfere with the training.

  Brent stood with the others, “We must be on our way. The sooner we can get to Kilen, the better chance we stand finding a new Water Realm king and raising a force to kill the soul wizard.”

  Kara spoke to no one as she helped pack the cart. Al’tore talked about how eager he was to get back on the road to find himself a horse. He didn’t have to worry about roasting one anymore just because he got saddle sores.


  The sun would be rising anytime but Kilen didn’t need to have the sun up to know his way around. He had grown up in this land hunting and playing with Bowie. The rolling grasslands made it easy to raise cattle or crops. It also made it easy to hide, if you knew where to walk. He snuck through the open grounds trying to avoid attention. He knew his elemental friends would not let any harm come to him, but he would rather not have a confrontation at all.

  Humbridge was just as he remembered it. Exactly in fact, it except for the soldiers patrolling the streets and perimeter of the small village. A couple new buildings had been erected as guard houses for the Earth Realm’s troops. He dared not go into town with the soldiers walking the streets all night. No one walked the streets of Humbridge at night unless they were up to no good. Either way Mayor Bingham would have been notified and investigated the late night activities.

  After trying to find a way into town without success, Kilen thought he would go to his house and visit his mother. If she had returned to Humbridge, they would probably be guarding her heavily as well. He really only wanted to know if she made it home safely before continuing on to find a new king. Being so close to the house brought back a flood of memories and he knew he wouldn’t be able to turn away without letting his mother know he was alright.

  The small stone wall around the home was blooming with summer flowers that Kara and his mother planted. He could see the small garden in the yard starting to bear their fruit. Someone had been tending to the plants. He could hear voices in the barn and got close enough to the wall so he could look through a crack between boards. Inside the barn Chit ordered other soldiers around. Most lay asleep on makeshift cots or in the hay. Chit was filling himself a mug out of a cask of ale.

  When Kilen couldn’t find any soldiers guarding the perimeter, he moved closer to the house. A lamp was lit inside and casting shadows of someone moving around. He hoped it was his mother preparing for her morning chores. The shadows seemed too large for that of a small woman, but Kilen crept closer to make sure he didn’t miss the opportunity to see his her.

  He approached the window and watched a woman and a man moving about the house, having breakfast and putting on their shoes for the morning's work. Using his sleeve, he wiped the thin layer of dirt from the glass window. To his surprise, Daniel was the man putting on his boots. When the woman left the room, Kilen gently tapped the window.

  Daniel looked at the window and must have recognized the face peering in. As he approached Kilen with one boot on, his eyes became wider. Quickly, the window was opened and Kilen was motioned into the house.

  “What are you doing here?! Chit has twenty men in the barn trying to hunt you down. They search the house three times a day and take our meals,” Daniel whispered as he went to the window opposite the one KIlen was at to make sure Chit wasn’t coming to the door. “If they find you here I’m a dead man.”

  A woman called from the bedroom, “Find who here?”

  Daniel stopped and looked at Kilen then into the bedroom. Kilen had never seen his muscular friend move as quickly as he did when disappearing into the bedroom. Kilen slowly shut the window as to not make noise to alert any of the soldiers. A whispered argument could be heard escaping the bedroom. Kilen did not recognize the woman's voice so he decided it would be best to stay out of the argument.

  It didn’t take long for a woman to come bursting out of the bedroom. He recognized her instantly. She was a beautiful woman and probably the prettiest in Humbridge’s limited selection of women. Jessica was supposed to marry Kilen except he left seeking knowledge at springfest. He never spent much time with Jessica. They often sent each other fleeting glances whenever they were near. Kilen felt it odd that he was supposed to marry a woman he had not fallen in love with.

  “Jessica? What are you doing here?” Kilen asked.

  Daniel started to open his mouth but found Jessica’s elbow in his gut.

  “This is my home. What are you doing here? Trying to get us all killed?” She replied with a hint of anger in her voice.

  “Your home?” Kilen asked.

  “Yes, your mother gave it to us as a wedding present just before she left.”

  Kilen stood straight up and almost yelled. “Wedding!?” He stopped himself and brought his voice back down to a whisper, “A wedding present? You two are married?”

  Finally, Daniel pushed past his wife, “Yes, I uhm.” Jessica cleared her throat and Daniel straightened a bit, “Yes, we are married. While you were away, your mother stopped here and I spoke with her. I told her how our fathers were talking of canceling your betrothal and working to arrange ours. She told me to go ahead and marry Jessica and gave me the house as a wedding present.”

  Daniel nervously put his hands in his pockets, trying to look at everything in the room but Kilen.

  Kilen smiled, “Thats great! Congratulations!” He wrapped his arms around Daniel, who was now giving a confused smile.

  Jessica was still waiting behind her large husband, tapping a toe on the floor.

  “I am sorry I missed the wedding. A lot has happened,” Kilen said stepping away from Daniel.

  Jessica pushed forward again to open a cabinet and pull out some bread. “I should say a lot has happened. Humbridge is spilling over with soldiers all looking to carry your head back on a stick. My father was glad to hear we did not miss the opportunity to cancel that betrothal. Being betrothed to a hunted man would have
been a dandy way to start out my life.” She began cutting the bread and putting it out on two plates. She started talking to herself, “Oh look there is poor Jessica. Did you hear they finally caught her betrothed? Now she left with nothing since there’s no one left for her to marry.”

  Daniel moved away from the woman furiously working the knife, “I, for one, am glad. I didn’t know how to tell you all those years that I secretly had a crush on Jessica.”

  Kilen smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder, “I wish you had. I didn’t know much about her. I would have gladly talked to my parents about giving it up. As it stood, I did not have an argument. She is pretty, smart and has a good family.”

  “Thanks,” She said with a little less attitude.

  They both looked at the woman shooting them a glare that seemed hotter than a fire wizards flame.

  “What did you do that the king hates you so much,” Daniel asked clearly trying to change the subject.

  “I became a True Weapon Bearer,” Kilen said

  “A True Weapon Bearer? I didn’t know there were fake weapon bearers,” Daniel said laughing.

  “It’s hard to explain. True weapon bearers used to be appointed by Elder Wizards to seek out justice for the land. They were appointed to protect non magic users from those that could wield,” Kilen explained.

  “So you met the Elder Wizard's?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes, a couple times. I’m on a mission for them right now. I’m supposed to find the next king for the Water Realm. So I guess King Atmos has that to be mad about as well.”

  Daniel nodded, “Where are you going to find one?”

  “I don’t know. I asked those at Keepers for advice and they seem to think I should become their king.” Kilen peered out the window, watching those in the barn become more active.

  “So why don’t you? I think you would make a good king,” Daniel said taking a bite of his breakfast.

  Kilen turned to face Daniel, “I don’t think I would be a good king.”

  “Why not? You’re the smartest person I know. You spent a lot of time in school, you come from a family that was well known because of your father, and you know what it is like to live as a commoner in the Water Realm.”

  “That’s why I can’t. I don’t know the nobles or their political schemes. The same schemes that have almost gotten me killed, twice. I am already hated by a king who seeks my revenge and made enemies of the Fire Realm.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to stand up to the king anyways? Protect those who cannot protect themselves and what not?” Daniel asked.

  “I suppose,” Kilen said, looking at the blue ribbon on his sword. “I already tried that once and failed.”

  “Since when has your father let you get away with failing at something and not making you try it again?”

  Kilen nodded knowing Daniel was right, his father would never let him give up.

  “Think on it. Right now I think you better get going. Chit will be in here stealing my breakfast anytime now.” Daniel said shoving in another piece of bread.

  “Sorry, you said you spoke to my mother?”

  “Oh right. She said I was supposed to tell you that she is going to find your father. She said she was going to the Wind Realm.”

  Kilen smiled, “Thanks. Did you tell Chit?”

  “No, I forgot until you mentioned it.” Daniel said scratching his head.

  “Well. You can tell him if you want. Maybe they will leave Humbridge and try to chase me down in the Wind Realm. If you wait two days, you can tell him that I was here. Just give me a chance to make some distance.”

  Daniel nodded his head.

  Kilen smiled and hugged Daniel again. “It was good seeing you,” Daniel said.

  “You as well,” Kilen said as he pulled open the window.

  Jessica stood at the table with her arms crossed waiting for her husband. It was hard for Kilen to picture Daniel with a wife, but it suited him. He was a good, hardworking man and having a wife only gave him more to work for.

  “Thank you Jessica, for allowing me into your home.”

  She inclined her head instead of saying your welcome.

  He pulled five gold coins out of his purse and put them on the table. “I’m sorry my wedding present is late. I wish you two a great life.”

  Seeing the gold on the table seemed to lighten Jessica’s attitude. Kilen gave her a half smile and went to the open window.

  Her voice stopped him, “Thank you, Kilen. You should think about what my husband told you about being king. My father always said your family kept this town alive. I think you could help keep this realm alive if you found the right seat to sit on.”

  Kilen nodded and gave a half smile before disappearing out the window into the dim morning light. A few more minutes and the sun would crest the horizon, starting another day in Humbridge. With the sun up, it would be harder to go unnoticed through the fields surrounding Humbridge and some of the smaller towns there. It was good he always had his elemental friends looking out for him.

  Kilen carefully moved away from his old family home and into a copse of trees he used to hide in as a child. He had a lot of good memories here with his sister. He looked at branch on the tree where she had almost fallen and he smiled. Bowie had always been with them and on that particular day, was there to catch Kara. He hoped Bowie was doing well and was not having too difficult of a time protecting his sister.

  A white bird landed on a branch near where he was looking. It wasn’t a normal bird for the area and Kilen watched as the rising sun caused the birds body to split the light. Joahna had always had good advice for Kilen and he knew he could use some now.

  “It’s been awhile since we spoke.” He said as he watched Max form his body out of the ground.

  Joahna took the more human-like form as he dropped from the branches in the tree. “You spend too much time around others for us to talk.”

  “Yes, well there are things we need to discuss now,” Kilen said seriously.

  The wind rustled and Jace took his form in the moving leaves and dirt. “What is it you want to talk about, Kilen? Are you thinking of taking the crown?”

  “That is exactly what I am thinking. Inside the house I spoke with an old friend that made some good points about why I should become king.”

  Max laughed, “You are not old enough to have old friends.”

  Joahna waved him off, “I think it’s a good idea.”

  “It would mean that I would be taking some time away from finding a way to get your bodies back,” Kilen said.

  Joahna shook his head, “Actually, I think it would help us. It would give us access to not only the wizard’s library, but we’d be able to ask questions of those that might know more than us.”

  Max nodded, “When facing the soul wizard, it would give us a reason to ask about spirit wizards, The Brights, and any odd question you have without suspicion.”

  Jace used the wind to quietly howl his words, “They are right. Also, asking the questions would confuse any political schemes that you may have encountered. If you worry more over the answers to these questions, people may think they can blindside you with other schemes. We will be your ears and eyes in the corners of every hallway and noble’s room. Nothing will slip past us.”

  Max stretched, “We also may be able to instil confidence in your people by taking your form and offering our expertise. I could lead the army, Joahna could talk with the nobles, and Jace can offer help with the schemes in the city. Having three of us represent you in different locations, making it as if there were four kings at once.”

  Kilen watched Jace smile in the wind vision, “Let them try and assassinate you with us watching your back.”

  Kilen smiled and kicked a loose rock, “It looks like I will become a king then. We need to get back to Keepers.”

  Chapter 30 - Ingredients

  Basham seemed like such a large town long ago. That was before Kilen visited the capital of the Earth Realm. The Water Real
m’s cities had barely ever seen a soldier or guard. The gates and stone walls were now being guarded by extra soldiers. The guards there sought nothing but to catch Kilen and be the hero to turn him over to the king. He wasn’t keen on being caught, so Kilen did his best to float down the river past Basham like he had done on his first journey out of Humbridge. When the river let out into Lake Leviathan, Jace warned him of soldiers searching the lake’s area. The river banks were being patrolled day and night to keep anyone from passing into Keepers.

  Kilen continued to float with his face above water until darkness fell over the lake, making it hard for him so see anything but a crescent moon’s reflection bouncing off. Tokeye managed to keep him company as they talked to one another about the canal the Fire Realm wanted built. Kilen supposed that if he lived long enough, he would do his best to see the project resumed.

  During the silence of night when Tokeye had run out of things to say, Kilen watched as a bird fluttered just above the surface of the water. Joahna circled around and landed on his extended finger. Making a circle of ice like a frog’s lilypad, Kilen pulled himself out of the water.

  “You found a place for me to go ashore?” He said as he checked the sealed satchel the Elders had given him. The wax seals still held along the seams.

  “No, they have been searching all through the night. If you had taken shore, they would’ve found you. Jace says there are none on the east side of the lake. We should move there,” Joahna said.

  “Okay, I’ll start swimming,” Kilen said, looking to the stars to get his bearings.

  He began to dip his boots back in the water when a thick pole of ice climbed up the lilypad he was standing on. A sheet of ice began connecting the pole to the surface like a sail on a ship. He knew that Jace and Joahna had already worked it out when the wind picked up. It wasn’t long before Kilen found himself on the dry land to hear the water in his boots slosh as he stepped.

  Max greeted him with a lifelike form of himself, waving his hand on shore and hefting Kilens armor. He had taken Kilen’s armor beneath the lake using earth magic to keep it from getting rusty, or weighing Kilen down. “We’ll let you get dried out while Joahna goes to talk to Master Bradley.”


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