Jezebel's Lion

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Jezebel's Lion Page 1

by Hazel Gower

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Hazel Gower

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-745-1

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To my family, who let me devote my time to the job I love. A huge thank you to my editor, Karyn White, who always makes my books shine. Lastly, to my fans, thanks for all your support.


  Sin City Shifters, 2

  Hazel Gower

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Jess sat on the sofa between her two best friends, Zeck and Travis, in the family room of her house. They had popcorn, M&M’s, chips, and soda as they sat watching cable. Usually on a Saturday they watched a movie, but today their friend Sasha was in a dance competition that was being broadcast live. Sasha was a new friend of theirs from Australia. Zeck had a huge crush on her. Travis thought she was hot, too, but wasn’t as hung up on Sasha as Zeck, or so Jess thought.

  Today was her eighteenth birthday, and her two closest friends had forgotten. She’d known and been best friends with Zeck and Travis most of her life, and neither of them had ever forgotten her birthday. Her mother had told her she could have a party, her brothers had called and said they would drive over and take her somewhere special, but after she’d had her birthday breakfast and unwrapped her presents with her parents Jess had wanted to spend the day with her two besties.

  Since Sasha turned up, Jess’s world had started to change. Not only was she invited to parties, but to girls’ shopping trips and girls’ nights out. For as long as Jess could remember it had been her, Zeck, and Travis. Their parents had been friends, and she’d met them through them. They started hanging out and never stopped. Jess’s mother and father had told her many times that she needed to venture out of her circle, that Zeck and Travis would want their own friends when she hit puberty, or high school. That hadn’t happened. She’d hit both milestones years ago, and they were still going strong. The sleepovers stopped for a while, but picked up again, and other than that nothing changed. Lately, though, everything felt weird.

  “Wow. Sasha looks amazing.” Zeck’s comment had Jess blinking and focusing on the big screen TV.

  Sasha did look hot. Jess felt the pang of jealousy as she stared at her friend on screen. Jess wished she had a body like Sasha’s. Jess had used to diet all the time but had given up last year when her mother had started taking her to a shrink, worried about her eating and always dieting. After many sessions Jess was slowly accepting her size eighteen, sixteen on a good day, body.

  Her mother continually told her that it was inside that counts and that she was beautiful. That the guy she was meant to be with would think that, too. Jess hoped her mother was right because no man so far had been interested in her. Not that Jess had tried to get any guy’s attention. Sure she crushed on guys, but they were way out of her league. Most of the guys at her school were ridiculously good looking, and the girls were gorgeous. Jess’s mother had joked that it was something in the water where they lived, but Jess drank that water and she wasn’t a size 6 or 8, tall, and model beautiful. Jess supposed it was Vegas, and all the gorgeous people seemed to stick together and produce even better looking offspring.

  Jess didn’t think she was ugly. She had light olive skin with no blemishes, hazel eyes, and long chestnut hair. She just wasn’t in the same league as most of the people around her. She was okay with that, but sometimes, like now, when her two best friends forgot her birthday because of a hot girl, it got her down. Jess knew it wasn’t Sasha’s fault she and her friends had forgotten her birthday. Sasha did have a lot going on, and Jess had only told her the date of her birthday once.

  Playing with the hem of the baggy shirt she wore, Jess berated herself for not saying something to remind her friends. She was cutting her nose off to spite her face as her mother would say, but Jess thought it was the principle. Travis and Zeck should remember. She shouldn’t have to remind them. They didn’t have to remind her about their birthdays. Jess never forgot theirs. She could say something now, but…

  Travis threw a pillow at her interrupting her thoughts. “It’s finished. It’s been finished for a while. What are you staring into space about?”

  Jess shook her head. No, she wasn’t going to tell them. They had known her almost all her life and been friends all that time. They should know her birthday.

  Travis studied her for a moment before he continued. “What do you want to watch now?” He winked at her. “Or has watching the dancing made you motivated? Do you want to go out instead? We could go dancing and shake our booties.”

  Jess rolled her eyes at Travis’s attempt at being funny. She looked at her tracksuit pants and her brother’s old shirt. She wasn’t dressed to go out. “Where would we go?”

  Travis shrugged. “There has to be something on. It is Saturday night.”

  Zeck winked at her. “Yeah, Jezebel.”

  Jess glared at Zeck. Lately he was being a real asshole. Zeck knew she hated being called by her full name. “Don’t call me that.”

  Zeck’s lips curled in a wicked smirk. “What’s up with you tonight? You’ve been all quiet and moody.”

  Here was her chance to say something. “I’m upset because you idio—” Her mobile rang, and Jess ignored it and started again, but the ringing wouldn’t stop. Sighing, she pressed answer. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Jess, wanna come around and help me celebrate how well I did?” Sasha sounded upset. Her voice was shaky like she was crying or trying not to.

  “Um, is everything all right? You sound like you’ve been crying.”

  “Everything will be fine when I have my friends around me.”

  Jess knew something must have happened with Sasha’s boyfriend, Savron. From what Sasha had told Jess the relationship was rocky. If Jess had a Pride man she’d do anything to keep him happy. The Pride men were all gorgeous. Two of them, Tyler and Carl, had been friends with her brothers. They were on the football team together. Jess had loved it when they came around. Sasha dated the oldest brother, and she even lived with him. “Sure. I’m with Travis and Zeck, and we’ll be around in half an hour. I just have to get changed.”

  “Thanks, Jess. I need the company.” Her friend’s voice hitched at the end, and Jess felt bad for her jealousy of her earlier.

  Jess hung up, and Zeck got off the sofa with a huge grin on his face eager for the chance to be with Sasha. “Quick, Jess, go get changed so we can go.”

  Getting off the sofa Jess glared at Zeck. Tonight he was being a dickhead. Not only had he forgotten her birthday, but he’d used her full name and was being a massive asshole. “What is with you tonight?”

  “Nothing,” Zeck growled. “Ah, fine, I’m sick of staying in almost every Saturday. This is our last year of high school. I want to enjoy it, not be stuck here all the time.” His hands waved around her parents’ family room.

  Jess felt like she’d been stabbed in the heart. Did Zeck not want to hang out with her anymore? Was that why he and Travis had forgotten her birthday? “If that’s how you feel I’ll go up to my room and be down in ten minutes, and we can go to Sasha’s boyfriend’s house and you can pine over someone you’ll never have.” She turned an
d stormed away.

  “Way to go, idiot. Real smooth.” Jess heard Travis speaking as she stomped up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Angry with herself that she still hadn’t said anything about her birthday, she went into her closet and picked out her best party dress and laid it on her bed. Jess was going to have fun tonight. Tomorrow she would ignore Travis and Zeck, and when they asked her why she would tell them what they’d missed.

  Going to her drawers she picked out some sexy black lacy underwear. She always felt better when she wore sexy underwear. Even though they were only going to Sasha’s house, Jess was going to make sure she was ready to party.

  Walking back to the bed she put her clothes on and unbound her long hair, letting it flow behind her. She then went back to her closet and put on her only high heels. Moving to her vanity Jess sat in front of it and opened the drawer with make up her mother had bought her but which Jess rarely used. She put on light foundation, a tiny amount of eye shadow, and lastly a bright red lipstick that brought out the chestnut in her hair.

  Standing up Jess stood back and smiled as she looked at her reflection. She looked pretty. The dress complemented her very shapely figure, bringing the focus to her large breasts and her legs. Jess may not be tall, but she did like her calves.

  Reaching back to the table she gathered her ID and cash and stuffed them into her bra. Glancing at the mirror she straightened her shoulders and walked out of her room and down to Zeck and Travis, whom she found in her kitchen shoving pizza into their mouth. When they saw her Travis choked, and Zeck spat his pizza out.

  “Jess, what happened to you? You look really pretty,” Zeck muttered.

  Travis groaned and elbowed Zeck. Jess couldn’t believe Zeck.

  “What do you mean what happened to me, I look pretty? Do you mean I usually don’t?”

  “Yes … no … argh. It’s just you’re just Jess.”

  “Oh man, Zeck, just shut up now, buddy,” Travis moaned.

  “You’re an asshole, Zeck.” Jess couldn’t get over Zeck’s behavior and on her birthday, too. Walking past her friend she went to the front door, opened it, and walked to Travis’s car. No way was she going in Zeck’s car after the way he’d acted tonight. The car beeped to say the doors were open, and she sat in the front passenger seat and did her seat belt up. Seconds later Travis got in the driver’s seat and did his seat belt up.

  “You know he didn’t mean to sound so rude, don’t you, Jess? Zeck is just cranky ‘cos his thing for Sasha will never go anywhere. He’s just taking it out on you.”

  Jess’s anger deflated a bit. She felt sorry for Zeck. “Yeah, I know. He’s still an asshole though.”

  Travis nodded. “I think you look beautiful, Jess.”

  “Thanks, Travis. It is a special day, you know.”

  Travis smiled and started the car. “Come on, we’d better go. Zeck’s taken his own car, so he can leave when he wants to. I think it’s so he can leave quickly when Sasha’s boyfriend comes home.” Travis chuckled, and Jess giggled feeling calmer.

  The drive to Sasha’s house was done in quiet, and when they pulled up they could see Zeck’s car and another car. Travis parked on the curb, and they went together to the door. Sasha answered the door with a glass of what looked like red wine in her hand.

  “Come in. You look great, Jess. I’m so happy you’re here.” Sasha pulled her in, and Jess almost stumbled in her shoes. “I have chips and wine on the table. Come on and celebrate. Britney and her date are in the lounge room with Zeck. I’m just about to teach them some moves.” She swayed her hips. “Let’s get you a drink first, and then we’ll get our groove on.”

  Jess laughed and followed Sasha into the big lounge room. Britney sat on the sofa talking to a gorgeous dark headed man, and Zeck stood in the dining room.

  “Jess and Travis are here. Jess, you know Britney, and that is her date, Cullen.”

  Jess smiled at Britney and her date. Everyone knew Britney. She was head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. She was also Sasha’s boyfriend’s sister.

  “Hi, Britney. Nice to meet you, Cullen.” They both nodded at her and Travis in acknowledgement.

  “Okay now, Sasha, everyone is here. Teach us how to dance,” Britney said as she stood up.

  Britney took the glass of red wine off Sasha and passed it to Jess. “Drink. Have fun.”

  Taking the wine Jess took a big sip. She intended to have fun. It was her birthday. If no one remembered she’d have enough fun that she didn’t care.


  They’d been at Sasha’s house for over an hour. Jess was feeling quite tipsy when the doorbell rang and one of Britney’s scrumptious brothers walked in. He must have been the one a year or two younger than Savron. He was tall, muscular, and blond. His eyes were the darkest green that Jess had ever seen. He was divine. He walked into the house like he owned it, and Jess stumbled in Travis’s arms as his gaze landed on her. He talked quietly to Sasha, and she hugged him. Then he stalked over to her.

  “Hi, I’m Brandon. And your name is?” He stared straight at her, and his green eyes flashed so they looked almost gold.

  With her tipsy mind in a scramble she muttered, “Jezebel, Jezebel Dibson.” Oh God. Why had she given her full name? No one call her that except her parents and grandparents.

  “Jezebel. I like it.” His sexy deep voice had her shivering in pleasure as he slowly said her name like he was savoring it. Brandon’s presence was making her body do funny things. She felt warm all over, and the huge lounge room felt small. Jess moved out of Travis’s hold and backed away to the table and got a wine as Travis introduced himself.

  Jess needed to stay away from the godlike man that now shook Travis’s hand. She’d been having fun. Brandon’s arrival had interrupted the easygoing atmosphere. Pouring a large glass of wine she downed it and poured another. The liquor warmed her in another way, and she shook off the strange feeling she had around Brandon. He was way out of her league. Not only was he gorgeous, but he was a good deal older than she was. Jess wouldn’t pine over a man she knew she could never have. She didn’t want to end up like Zeck.


  Brandon had gone to his brother’s house to check on his brother’s mate was, but what he found was a small party and his own mate. As soon as Brandon walked into the house his lion had gone crazy. He’d broken out of his cage and was prowling around purring that their mate was here. When he hit the lounge room, a jasmine scent surrounded his senses. Looking around the room his gaze settled on a couple standing near the dining room entry, dancing. He dismissed the male and focused on the curvy woman. She was beautiful, with long flowing chestnut hair, flawless olive skin, full plump lips, and a body that was all woman. Images of him holding her tight and slamming into her welcoming body flashed before him.

  In a lust filled daze Brandon introduced himself, but since then she had stayed as far from him as she could. So Brandon now sat and watched his mate, Jezebel, dance with her friend, Travis, while he sat on the sofa and brooded because his mate was not only human, but didn’t seem to even acknowledge him.

  As he sat glaring at the couple dancing in his view his brother Savron came home. Seconds later yelling started, and Brandon stood up and walked to his mate. It was time to leave.

  “Come on, Jess. It’s time for us to leave.” Travis pulled Jezebel towards the front door only to pause. “Do you think we should go help Zeck?”

  Jezebel shook her head then clutched it and groaned. “No. I thinks it’s best theys sort it outs between themselves.”

  Jezebel pulled herself out of Travis’s hold and stumbled towards him only to pause and realize what she’d done. She spun and almost fell, but her friend Travis’s arms came around her to steady her. Brandon bit his cheek so he didn’t growl. His mate was drunk.

  “Let’s gos. Cans I crashs at your houses tonight? Mys parents woulds be homes by now, and I don’t wants them to sees me like this.” Jezebel moved out of Travis’s hold and took a
couple of steps to the door.

  “No.” Brandon snarled and had had it with her ignoring him. He went to his mate, who was about to fall.

  “Sure,” Travis said, beating him to Jezebel.

  Brandon wanted to take her home. He didn’t want her friend to take her to his house. Jezebel was his mate. She wasn’t staying at another guy’s house. He snarled at Travis, “You have had alcohol. I have had none. I will take Jezebel home.”

  “Jess.” Brandon turned to his mate. Her gaze was narrowed on him, and her hands were on her hips as she swayed. “Only my mother and father call me Jezebel. My name is Jess.”

  “Why did you introduce yourself as Jezebel, and not Jess then?”

  Jezebel’s hands fell from her waist, and she shrugged. “I don’ts know. I didn’t thinks you would want to takes me home or sits watching me all night. Why have yous been watching?”

  Jezebel swayed drunkenly. She was gorgeous even in her state. He debated what to tell her. Brandon had watched Savron and didn’t want to make the same mistakes he’d done. “I’ve been watching you because you’re beautiful.”

  Jezebel snorted. “I thought you said you haven’t drunks. I think you haves, and you needs to adjust your beers goggles. I not beautiful, not likes you. I’m shorted and fats. With plain brown hairs and eyes that can’t decide if they want to be greens or blue.”

  He growled as she gestured with her hands. Brandon glanced up to see what Travis’s reaction was to his mate’s cruel words about herself. Travis’s brows furrowed and he was frowning, but Travis didn’t say anything to assure Jezebel.

  Wrapping his arm around Jezebel as she took a step towards the door, Brandon steadied her. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll take you home.”

  Jezebel weakly pushed him away. “I don’t know youz. I’mz not going with you.”


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