Jezebel's Lion

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Jezebel's Lion Page 5

by Hazel Gower

  Jess was the baby of the family, and with two older brothers she was Daddy’s little girl. Jess knew that her father was struggling with the situation.

  When the dinner had come to an end the Prides had taken over and told Brandon and her to have fun at the movies and that they looked forward to seeing her on Thursday night at family games night.

  Jess now stood in the cinema line with Brandon looking at the options of what they could see. Brandon held her hand, and every now and then his thumb rubbed over her skin.

  “What do you want to watch? I’m happy to see whatever you want.”

  Jess looked up to see two action movies, one girlie romance, a drama, and lastly her favorite, two horror movies. Jess went to horror movies with Zeck and Travis. It was a thing they did. “I’m easy, as long as it’s not the girlie movie. I’m not into those.”

  Brandon chuckled. “I’m not into those either. How about we see one of the action ones? I haven’t seen either of them.”

  “Sure, sounds good. The one with the adventure in I’ve heard is a great movie. I’ve read the book that goes with it. It’s the first in a trilogy though. That won’t bother you, will it?” Jess got her money out of her purse ready to pay.

  They were next up to get tickets. “No, it will be perfect. That’s the one we’ll see.” He looked down at her and frowned. “What are doing? No way am I letting you pay. This is a date. I’m paying.” He shoved her hand away from the ticket lady as they came up to the booth and told the ticket woman the movie they’d chosen.

  Once they had tickets they walked hand in hand towards the cinema. Jess enjoyed the feel of his touch, and for once in her life she didn’t mind the attention she got for being with Brandon, and he was getting attention. The females couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off him, and even some males were eating him up. As they lined up Jess suppressed a groan as Mac Fierce came up to them with a huge smirk on his face, and a pretty junior whose name Jezebel couldn’t remember was on his arm.

  “Pride, it looks like we’re going to see the same movie.” Mac winked at her. “Who have we got here?” He reached for her hand, but Jess avoided his touch. Mac was a douche-bag, a hot one, but still one. His brows furrowed at her avoidance of him.

  Brandon chuckled. “My mate is a good judge of character to stay away from you, Fierce.”

  Jess smirked at Mac. “He is in a couple of my classes. Mac has a short attention span.”

  Brandon’s chuckle turned into a deep loud laugh. Brandon gathered her to him so her back was against his chest. He leaned down and kissed her head.

  Mac was studying her. He had no idea who she was. Jess knew he wouldn’t recognize her. Mac hung out with the gorgeous, popular people. He’d never glanced her way.

  “You have no idea who I am, do you?”

  Mac’s eyes narrowed, and she could see the cogs working overtime as he tried to figure out who she was. His date didn’t seem happy that he was giving a lot of attention to her.

  “Maccie, she’s the fat chick in drama group. She hangs out with two guys all the time. You know, Kelsey calls her ‘Jell-O Jezebel’.”

  Jess shrank back from the words she’d heard many times. She didn’t mind hearing them. She was used to them, but she was embarrassed Brandon had had to hear them. He growled, and Jess felt him tense behind her. Jess noticed Mac’s eyes widen.

  “Get her away from me, Mac, or God help me.” He moved from behind her, and Jess grabbed him as he stalked the girl who backed away. “You, little girl, have just insulted my mate. Your parents will be hearing from me.”

  The girl with Mac paled, and Mac dragged her away muttering, “Steph, you just dug your own grave by insulting a Pride’s mate. Even I’m not that stupid. My dad won’t…” His words were lost the further he walked away.

  Jess turned to face Brandon. “Thanks for sticking up for me, but I can look after myself. I’m used to hearing stuff like that. I’m sorry you had to hear it.”

  Brandon cupped her face. “No one should ever treat you like that. I will never let anyone speak to you like that. You are not what she said.” His hands trailed down her body, and Jess almost forgot they were at the movies. “I love your curves. I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  It was corny, but Jess couldn’t help melt at his words.

  The line moved, and she and Brandon sat in their seats. As they sat Jess reached for Brandon’s hand. She liked his touch, and she realized that usually after a bunch of name calling or getting into a situation like she’d just had with Mac and the girl, Jess would withdraw, but Brandon had defused the situation and made her feel good. Jess knew then that she could very easily fall in love with Bandon. He made her happy.


  The last two nights had been the best nights she’d had in a long time. Brandon was amazing. He made Jess feel beautiful and desired. It was a new feeling, and Jess liked it.

  Jess was going shopping after school. She needed new clothes. If Travis or Zeck wouldn’t take her she’d get her mother to take her. Jess wanted to look nice for Brandon. He’d told her when he’d left her at her house that he’d see her today. Jess was eager to see him. She loved the feeling he gave her.

  Travis had picked her up this morning to take her to school. Things didn’t feel right with her friend. Travis was quiet the whole trip to school. He didn’t ask her how the date went, and it was almost like he was brooding. Jess thought if they were still acting weird at lunch she would say something.

  Lunch was unusual. Britney, Brandon’s sister, called her over. She’d sat with them very rarely and only when Sasha was with them and she couldn’t find Travis or Zeck. Sasha wasn’t at school today. Jess really didn’t want to go over to Britney, but she wasn’t the kind of girl you said no to or ignored. Looking longingly over at Travis and Zeck, she slowly walked over to Britney and her friends. Jess wasn’t a fan of most of the girls Britney hung around with. Kelsey had been a nasty bitch to her since primary school.

  Think of the devil. And as she thought that, Kelsey appeared. She came and sat at the same time as Jess. Then she sniffed the air as she sat with her food tray next to Britney. “Why the hell does Jell-O Jezebel smell like your brother Brandon?”

  Jess cringed at the name and clenched her fist in her lap and told herself not to smell herself. She’d showered. Jess had no idea why Kelsey thought she smelt like Brandon. Maybe the girl last night had told her she’d seen her at the movies.

  Britney punched her friend and glared at her. Jess stared opened mouth at the scene before her. “Don’t be a bitch.”

  Kelsey smirked. “But I am.”

  Britney punched her again. “You know what I mean. Jess smells like my brother because she is his mate. He mated her.”

  Jess shut her mouth and smiled at Britney as Kelsey let out a screech that was deafening. “What?” Her black eyes turned to Jess, and she shrank in her seat at the deadly stare. “Your poor brother. How did he get stuck with a heifer like her for a mate?”

  Okay, that was it. Jess didn’t have to listen to this. She stood with her tray and didn’t wait to listen if there was a response from Britney. She walked, well almost ran, over to her friends. As she sat next to Travis, she told herself she would never again listen to people treat her like that. If Britney wanted to speak to her she could come to her.

  Travis’s arm came around her, and Jess knew everyone had heard what was said. “Don’t worry about them. They’re just a bunch of stuck up bitches. Not everyone is thin like them. Not all men like that. I don’t.”

  Snuggling into Travis’s safe hold she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Travis. I’m so lucky to have you as a best friend.” He flinched, and she frowned wondering what she’d said. He sighed and hugged her tighter, and Jess pretended it was just her and her friends, that the rest of the world didn’t exist.

  “Holy shit.” Zeck’s comment had her turning to him to see him staring wide eyed behind her.

  Jess was scared to
turn, but taking hold of Travis’s hand she spun to see Britney with her tray of food. “May I sit with you? I don’t like the company over at the table I was sitting at before.”

  Jess looked at Travis, who shrugged and Zeck, who nodded eagerly. “Sure, Britney.”

  Britney sat next to her and smiled showing two dimples. Jess had seen dimples like that before. Last night when Brandon laughed or smiled she’d seen them, and they were just like Britney’s. Jess turned back to her food and felt good that she had support. That Britney didn’t agree with what Kelsey said. When she turned back Travis’s arm came back around her.

  Britney paused with food to her mouth as she glanced at Travis, then at her. “Brandon is going to freak when he smells you.” Britney leaned towards her and took a whiff of her. “Yeah. If I was you I’d cover myself in deodorant. You smell like him.” She nodded her head in Travis’s direction.

  Jess bit her lip and furrowed her brows. Britney was acting strange. Not that she really knew Britney, but she’d just sniffed her, and she was talking like Brandon would know that she’d been snuggling Travis just by smelling her. “Are you saying I smell?”

  Britney nodded, and Zeck burst out laughing. Jess shot a glare at Zeck and noticed that Travis was strangely quiet. “You smell like your friend. You only smelt of him faintly before, and my brother’s smell was stronger, as it should be. But his smell is starting to overpower it, probably because it is full of lu—”

  “Don’t. I think Jess gets the idea.”

  Britney stopped, not finishing what she was saying as Travis butted in. Britney looked behind her to Travis studying him for a moment. “You know, don’t you? How?”

  “My sister is mated … argh, married to one of you.”

  Britney nodded. “That’s why you let her go with my brother even though you didn’t know him, wasn’t it?”

  “I didn’t think he’d stay at home with her. I thought he would go out and work.”

  “Fate’s a bitch.”

  Jess had no idea what Britney and Travis were talking about. It sounded like a code for something. Jess glanced at Zeck to see he was struggling to understand what was going on, too. Jess wanted to know what was going. Travis was acting strange.

  “What are you over here for, Britney?” Mac Fierce startled her out of her musing. When he noticed her he walked around and sat next to a wide-eyed Zeck. “Hi, Jezebel. Good to see you again. Did you enjoy the movie last night?”

  “Yes, I’m looking forward to the next one.”

  “I’m sorry for Steph. I didn’t realize she was like that. I’m not taking her out again.”

  Jess was sure she’d stepped into the Twilight Zone. Why the hell did Mac Fierce care whether or not she liked the girl he dated? “It’s your call, Mac, not mine. Don’t stop seeing her because she said what most people have and do.”

  “What she said was wrong. The Prides are close friends of mine, and we don’t treat people’s mates like that.”

  “Oh I get it. So if I wasn’t Brandon’s friend, mate, whatever they call it, you’d be okay with her calling me those names?” Jess couldn’t help herself. Poor Mac, he knew instantly he’d put his foot in it and had no idea how he was going to dig himself out. He sat squirming and looking around for help.

  “Britney, want to help a friend out?”

  Britney giggled. “You’re an idiot, Mac. Your charm won’t work here. I’m looking forward to you digging your way out of this one.”

  Feeling sorry for him, Jess winked at Mac. “Don’t strain your brain, Mac. We wouldn’t want to hurt it.”

  He sighed and smiled at her, and Jess laughed as it dawned on him that she’d insulted him. “Hey, I am apologizing, and you’re picking on me.” He drastically pouted his lips and batted his eyelashes.

  Jess knew Mac hadn’t taken offence. “I’m sorry. No more teasing.”

  Mac winked at her. “I like teasing, especially the flirting kind.”

  Brittney shook her head beside her. “Oh Mac, quit while you still can.”

  The banter and talk went around the table. Zeck and Travis even joined in. By the time she walked to class Jess was feeling better about her friends being okay her being with Brandon.

  Chapter Five

  Brandon had a sense of déjà vu as he sat in the high school car park. Only a couple of months ago he’d been sitting in almost the same spot next to his brother waiting for Sasha to come out of school. This time Brandon was waiting for his own mate.

  He got out of the car as the time came for the bell to go and winced as his broken ribs protested. Brandon had let his lion loose last night, and they’d fought creatures that usually Brandon would need backup to help kill. Both he and his lion weren’t happy to have to drop their mate back at her parents’ house and not his home, their home now. Brandon didn’t want to come home to an empty bed and house. He knew if he hadn’t mated her he wouldn’t be feeling as crazy as he was. Brandon’s lion was prowling, eager to touch their mate, to breathe in their combined scent, to touch his lips to hers. His dad was right in giving him a break from working the clubs until he could get this sorted.

  The mass of students swarmed out of the school. Brandon stood by his car, a coiled spring, ready to pounce on his mate. Britney and Mac came over to him. Britney wrung her hands the closer she got. She glanced at Mac.

  “You tell him, Mac.”

  “Hell no. I want to live. He won’t kill you. You’re his sister. He loves you.”

  Britney shot a glare at Mac, and Brandon broke on a roar. “What the hell is going on?”

  Britney took a step away from him. “Jess had a free period, and so did Travis. They left early to go shopping.”


  “She didn’t know you were picking her up though. Really, bro, you should have told her.”

  “Where? Which mall?” he snarled.

  “Maybe you should wait until she goes home?” Mac’s comment had him turning to him ready to lunge. He held his hands up. “Okay, looks like we are going to the mall, Britney. There is no way we can let your brother go by himself. He’s likely to kill poor Travis.”

  Britney giggled and covered it with a cough as he growled at her. “How about you follow Mac and me?”

  Brandon knew he needed to calm down, so he nodded and got back in his car. He reminded his lion that their mate was human, and she didn’t know what going out by herself meant let alone with another male.

  The drive to the mall was done in busy traffic. With it being close to Christmas, the malls were filling up. He found a parking spot closer than Britney and Mac. He didn’t bother waiting for them. Brandon got out of his car, locked it, and walked into the mall dialing Jezebel’s mobile.


  “Where are you?” Clearing his throat when he realized how rough his voice sounded, he sighed. “Jezebel, I’m in the mall that you’re in. I ran into Mac and Britney, and they told me you’re here.”

  “Hi, Brandon, I was going to call you. I didn’t realize how late it was. I guess I got sidetracked. Poor Travis, I’ve been dragging him around everywhere.”

  Eager to be with his mate, he let his lion out just enough that his senses picked up more smells in the hopes he might find hers. “Where are you? I’ll come to you.”

  He heard her laugh. “We just walked into the Siren lingerie store.”

  Brandon knew where that was. He wasn’t far. He practically ran to the shop.

  “Poor Travis is blushing so much we may get asked to leave.” Jezebel giggled.

  “I’ll be there in a moment.” He hung up before he broke the phone from the deadly grip he had on it.

  The shop came into sight, and he pushed through the mass of people and charged into the shop. The sales assistant’s eyes lit up at the sight of him. “Can I help you?” Her gaze devoured him.

  Brandon ignored the sales assistant for a moment and searched for Jezebel. He moved further into the store and spotted Travis standing nervously near a changing room. H
is lion roared in his head. The smell of their mate was very faint. He prowled toward Travis. If he’d seen Jezebel in anything he’d tear him to shreds.

  The sales assistant came and stood in front of him. “Sir, you can’t go back there. Can I help you?”

  Brandon narrowed his eyes on the woman and knew they would be flashing from green to gold. “Yes, I can go back there. My mate … girlfriend is back there.” He picked the woman up and moved her out of his way.

  Travis’s eyes widened when he saw him, and he opened his mouth to say something but shut it when Brandon walked straight into the changing room he knew Jezebel was in. Jezebel stood in a sexy little red lacy number. She didn’t smell right. He gathered her to him, not caring where they were, and breathed her in. Jezebel reeked of Travis.

  “Brandon, get out and let me get changed. You could have waited for me outside. You didn’t have to come in here.”

  “You don’t smell like me. What has Travis done to you?” His voice sounded gravelly and animal-like even to him.

  “Ma’am, are you okay in there? Sir, you have to come out.” The sales assistant’s voice had him battling for control.

  Moving so he caged Jezebel in and he could rub his scent on her he whispered in Jezebel’s ear. “Tell her you’re fine and we’ll be out in a moment.”

  Jezebel stared up into his agonized face as he fought for control with his lion, trying to keep from taking Jezebel here in the change rooms to enforce his scent and who she belonged to. “Thanks for checking, but I’m fine. We’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a minute to check on you.” He heard the sales assistant walk away.

  “Kiss me.” He leaned down. Brandon didn’t trust himself kissing her. “Touch me. Tell me you’re mine.”

  He homed in on her lip as she chewed on her bottom one. Slowly Jezebel tilted her head up and brushed her lips over his. Once her mouth touched his he captured her body closer against his and took possession. He rubbed his body all over hers letting his scent sink in.

  “Brandon, I’d finish up if I were you. Mac is charming, but he can’t distract all the sales assistants. The store also has other customers.”


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