Heartsridge Shifters: Owen (The Protectors Book 1)

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Heartsridge Shifters: Owen (The Protectors Book 1) Page 4

by Olivia Arran

  His face was closer, eyes burning with barely banked heat, a hunger straining his features as he bit back a growl.

  He’d been about to lay one on me. After acting like a caveman with control issues he thought I’d just pucker up and take it. After I’d just told him he didn’t own me!

  “No.” I made sure my voice was firm, as if talking to a two-year-old.

  A line formed between his brows. “No?”

  Almost as if he’d never heard the word before.

  “Uh huh. Nope.” I dragged the word out, ending it with a pop of my lips.

  Poor thing, he looked confused.

  He tilted his head, the mannerism more wolf than man. “Why not?” His voice was husky and deep, tugging at strings inside me that he had no right messing with.

  Because then I might lose myself to you. Let myself forget that you don’t own me, possess me.

  “Because I work for you.”

  A tilt of his lips was my only hint. “You’re fired. Effective immediately.”

  I almost choked on my answer, “You can’t fire me!”

  He let out a dry laugh. “Last time I checked, I’m the boss around here.”

  I blew out a stream of air, wondering how the hell I’d gone from fending off a kiss to being jobless, and therefore homeless. “I’m not going to kiss you just so I can have my job back.”

  “You’re scared.”

  Oh no, he didn’t. If I could spit fire from my eyes, he would be missing his eyebrows. Drawing on my inner badass—my Zen craving dragon, of course—I rolled my eyes. “Of you?”

  Of course, he didn’t back away, didn’t curl up into a ball and weep. No, he moved closer, smothering me in leather and lime until with every inhale I was consuming him. “You’re scared of the truth.”

  “Spit it out, I haven’t got all day to play your inane games.” I examined a fingernail—stupid talons always ruined my manicures—and curled my lip. “I’ve got some job hunting to do.”

  Snagging my hand, he brought it to his mouth, his words brushing against my skin, “We’re meant to be together.”

  Every synapse in my body had fired, racing to my hand to revel in the sparks of sensation that burst from where his lips brushed against my skin. Who knew the hand was an erogenous zone?

  Wait, what? We’re meant to be together? He couldn’t mean… I tried to form the words, but nothing came out. He was toying with me. Playing the ultimate seduction perfectly. Whispering the one thing that every little shifter girl fantasized about while growing up.

  His eyes locked onto mine, pushing his next words into my very soul, “I knew you were the one fated for me the second I laid eyes on you.” His gaze softened, filling with the kind of wonder I’d only ever heard about.

  And never directed at little old me.

  But I wasn’t destined for a mate; it had never been my dream. Other girls may have fantasized about their perfect match, but I had spent my days surviving. Learning. And, in the end it had come down to waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself. I definitely hadn’t been waiting around for a man to come save my ass. “No.” There was that word again, and like before, he didn’t seem to like it very much, his eyes darkening to a golden hue.

  Any thought I’d ever had of kissing him, of maybe taking him out for a test drive, were smashed to pieces, and I silently mourned the loss. But, if what he said was actually true, then he would never willingly let me go.

  And I would have to break his heart when I left.

  So, my answer was no.

  Chapter Five


  I had given up trying to figure out how the hell this had escalated so fast—something that always seemed to happen around Bree—and had dug my heels in, trying to salvage what I knew was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

  She was staring at me like I’d grown a second head, unaware that every emotion that flitted through her beautiful mind was there for me to see, a silent movie framed in her eyes.

  She was scared. A fear so great, it almost eclipsed the sweet scent of her arousal, the main reason behind my lack of control. The other reason being jealousy.

  Just the thought of her with that dragon… My wolf howled inside of me, still reeling from immense relief that had come when we’d scented her. From the moment I’d woke and found her missing, it had taken every ounce of control I possessed not to go tearing up that mountain and start a fight that, for the first time in my life, I wasn’t sure I’d win.

  I’d planned on giving her weeks to get used to me. To find her place in the pack. To win her over and entice her to stay.

  Not corner her like a wild animal stalking his prey.

  Damn it.

  She tossed her hair back, the fear blanketed by an icy calm that had warning klaxons going off inside my head. “I’ll be leaving then.” Her chin jutted up in a challenge, her hand tugging free and popping onto her hip.

  Fuck. Too much, too soon. But why couldn’t she see it? This … thing between us, it stretched between us, tying us together with invisible strings. If that wasn’t a fated mate pairing, then what was it?

  And the only way to find out for sure, was a kiss. And the stubborn woman wouldn’t kiss me.

  Biting back an angry snarl, I forced myself back a step. I wasn’t going to force myself on her. Thinking fast, I said the first thing that came out of my mouth, “What do you know about fighting?” She was a rogue, one of Michael’s crew. She had to have some skills for him to have brought her here in the first place. Plus, my future mate was tough as nails, albeit usually sparkly ones.

  She blinked at me, her obvious confusion so damn cute, I had to stop myself from laughing. Or trying to steal a kiss. “What?”

  I forced myself to give her a little more space. “Can you fight?”

  Her nose scrunched up. “Of course I can.”

  “Good. I have a job offer for you then.” Turning around, I stalked out of the room. “Comes with free board and food.”

  When her footsteps sounded behind me, I let the air ease from my chest.

  “What kind of job?”

  “Though you’ll probably have to cook your own food. Our pack cook has kind of left us in the lurch.”

  A hand landed between my shoulder blade, giving me a shove. “What kind of job, Owen?” I could almost hear her grinding her teeth together.

  Holding the door open for her, I followed her outside onto the veranda. “We’ve been asked to train a group of humans—”

  Resting her hip against the railing, she nodded. “Is this to do with the changes to the treaty?”

  “You’ve heard about that?”

  “Michael,” she offered.

  “Ah, yes, of course.” Taking up position next to her, I stared out across the courtyard. “They’re arriving today and we’re to put them through their paces. Find out what they already know about shifters and educate them on what they don’t.”

  She inclined her head, brow furrowed in thought. “We’re going to teach them how to kill us?”

  “Fuck, no. How to defend themselves against us. To work with us.”

  “Ah. Against the Purists.” Wind whistled around us, dying down to a soft lull. “You’re okay with this?”

  I grunted, buying myself some time to come up with an answer that wasn’t a curse. “No, but I can see the possible benefits.” If it worked. If the humans didn’t use the information against us. If the shifters who still hid from the world could finally be free of fear. If … if… So many if’s. “It’s a trial run.” Raking a hand through my hair, I tugged on the strands until my head cleared. “Humans and shifters working together? Depending on each other, trusting to have each other’s backs? Fuck, we may end up all trying to kill each other and that’ll be that.”

  She fell silent, and for once it felt … comfortable. No prickly undertone, no closed off lingering looks that I never stood a chance of interpreting. We were just two people trying to figure out how to deal with a fucked up, probably highly
volatile, situation.

  I closed my eyes, pushing away the insane urge to lean on her. As the alpha, I stood strong for my pack, for my people. That’s the way it was, how it had always been. How it always would be.

  “Okay, I’m in.”

  Her words had my eyes flying open. I’d thought I’d need to do a little more convincing.

  She folded her arms, hugging herself and lifting a shoulder. “What? No need to look so shocked.”

  I nodded, still trying to catch up. All I’d been able to think about was finding a way to keep her with me, but … what the hell had I been thinking? All this conversation had done was convince me that this wasn’t a situation I wanted her anywhere near. Shit. I hesitated, grasping at straws. “You’d have to pass a test.” Maybe that would put her off.

  “I’d whoop your ass.” The little spitfire looked way too happy about it.

  A grin stretched my lips, despite the silent cursing match going on inside my head. “Not me, sugar.” When I finally got my hands on her body, it would be because she wanted them there. Everywhere.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Who?”

  “Uhhh…” I wracked my brain, trying to come up with someone who I wouldn’t mind killing afterward. Big fat blank.

  “Aw, baby, I won’t break one of your wolves, I promise.” She smirked, flicking me between the eyes and bringing me out of my daze. My wolf leapt into my eyes, my hands lifting and trailing a path down her shoulders.

  If I’d expected her to retreat, I should have known better. Bree was the queen of the unexpected. She didn’t budge, wasn’t distracted one little bit. “I want this job.”

  “Why?” I leaned closer, despite having promised myself not to push her again so soon. That wasn’t what I was doing; I was trying to dig myself out of a hole. Keep telling yourself that, chump…

  She waved away my question. “You don’t need to know why. You offered me the job; I’m accepting.” A wicked spark glinted in her eyes.

  Her hand trailed a path of fire across my chest, up to my neck. Nails curving around my jaw, scratching lightly, she leaned closer. “Give me a name.”

  Dazed, all the blood having left my head, I blurted out the first one that came to mind, latching onto sanity at the last second. “Tiny.” Fuck, I was harder than stone, my cock fighting against my jeans. Just from one fucking touch.

  And she’d played me at my own game.

  Damn straight, she’s the one for me.

  Victory lit her gaze, then she swallowed. Waving the hand that had been caressing me in the air, she let out a breath of air. “Bring it. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Under her breath she added, “And Tiny will probably shake the damn mountain.” She might be complaining, but her fingers were flexing and her eyes with lit with eagerness.

  Still able to feel her hands on me, I caught her fingers, tugging her into me. Our hips bumped together once, before she pulled away, and it was torture of the sweetest kind. “You’re playing with fire, teasing me.”

  The eagerness dimmed. “The answer is still no, wolf.”

  Frustration ripped a growl from me before I got it under control. I grunted, letting her go. “Fine.”

  She leaned back, unwilling to show weakness and retreat. “Fine.”

  I folded my arms, if only to keep them from reaching for her, ego soothed a little when her gaze lingered despite her glare. Ah, shit. If Tiny put one scratch on her, I’d castrate him without a second thought. “Actually, forget it. You can show me what you’ve got one-on-one with the humans.” Yep, that’d work. And if one of those assholes actually managed to lay a hand on Bree, I’d destroy them. End of story, no regrets.

  “Nope. It’s Tiny or I walk away right now.” Her jaw was rigid with a stubbornness that I’d grown to recognize. She’d do it. Walk away and not look back. And how the hell was I meant to convince her that she was my mate then?

  “Fine. Half an hour, in the barn.” That’d give me enough time to track Tiny down and lay down the law for him. No fists. No claws. Hell, no touching full stop. He could dance around her for ten minutes. If she landed a punch, then that’s on him.

  “Fine.” Yep, I could see a pattern beginning to form. She moved away and I couldn’t stop myself from watching her leave, my eyes dropping to her beautifully rounded ass. A hiss of air escaped me as she paused, catching me in the act of ogling her like a love-sick pup. Or maybe more like a horny teenager. “And, Owen?”

  I dragged my eyes up to her face. “Hmmmm?”

  “If he doesn’t fight back, I’ll whoop his ass.” She shook her head, wagging a finger at me. “Ah heck, you know what?” She didn’t wait for an answer, instead grinning from ear to ear. “I’ll whoop his ass either way.”

  Everyone else found it hilarious. Apart from me and, well Tiny, confusion lining his face in the brief intervals it wasn’t being smashed into the dirt. He looked at me, his brows lifting in silent question as he managed to dodge a blow, surprisingly nimble on his feet for such a big guy.

  Bree’s leg snapped out before he could turn, nailing him in the stomach. He barely moved, but tension lines carved the sides of his mouth.

  Dancing back, she bounced on the balls of her feet, barely having broken a sweat. “Do you always follow your master’s orders, big boy?” she taunted in a singsong voice.

  Oh, she was barking up the wrong tree with that kind of approach. Taunting didn’t work with Tiny; the man was as unmovable as a boulder. As if to prove my point, his mouth stretched up into a sunny smile, large hands spread out in the air, as if to encourage her.

  Bree’s face fell for a microsecond, before she smoothed it away.

  Note to self: she really doesn’t like it when she doesn’t get a reaction. My revelation was punctuated with her sideswiping Tiny’s feet out from underneath him and riding him down to the ground, like a damn bucking bronco. Knees pinning his arms to his sides and crotch way too close to his face for my liking, she pinched his cheeks, then gave them a soft slap. “Thanks for the ride, big boy.” She winked, then leapt off.

  A roar of laughter had her swagger faltering. Slowly, she turned, eyeing the man on the floor—who was shaking with laughter—like she didn’t know what to make of him.

  “She’ll do just fine, Alpha.” Tiny pushed himself up, dusted himself off, then strolled out of the barn.

  “Tiny has spoken, so it shall be,” Grant managed to squeeze out around chuckling.

  Bree stood there, looking a little lost for words. Tom and Daryl, my other two enforcers, shrugged at her, unsuccessfully trying to smother their grins.

  Ah, what the hell. Pushing away from the wall I’d been helping prop up—not clinging to, no fucking way—I stalked over to her, my men falling back at my silent approach. Each man nodded once, sharp and firm. Coming to a stop in front of her, I held out my hand, almost losing my cool when she eyed it like she was scared about what I would do with it. “Welcome to the pack, Bree.”

  Now, that got the kind of reaction I’d been expecting. “Don’t start that—”

  “You’re an enforcer now.”

  Her mouth dropped open, her body swaying. “I’m a what?” Her voice rose, until it was a shrill squeak.

  When Tiny had suggested the idea, I hadn’t been sold. Sure, it would secure her a place in the pack hierarchy, and if she was going to be my mate—no, not if, when—then the pack needed to know where she stood. They had to know that she was strong enough to stand by my side, to be their alpha’s mate. Tiny had also pointed out that this way I wouldn’t need an excuse to see her. Of course, this was all said in approximately two sentences, fifteen words maximum.

  Daryl then couldn’t help himself from stating the obvious, as he so put it, that having Bree around constantly might mean that I’d finally get lucky and she’d trip over and fall on my—. He still had a busted lip to show for his self-proclaimed witticism, even with shifter healing.

  So, yeah, the pack now had a dragon shifter as an enforcer.

  Who was c
urrently at a loss for words, her mouth opening and shutting at an alarming rate.

  Dylan solved the problem by tapping her on the shoulder with his fist. “Enforcers have all the fun, baby.”

  “Don’t call me baby,” she snarled, tapping him back and sending him sprawling.

  Ah, that was the Bree I knew and… My mind stumbled, stuttering. Needed to have in my life, that was it.

  Dylan jumped straight back up with a grin on his face. “Sure thing, sparkles.”

  “What did you call me?” She swung her fury in his direction, and he backtracked, hands out as if to ward off her next blow.

  “Nothing! Bree. I meant, Bree!” He winked at her, flashing a mischievous smile. This was a side of Dylan he played down, which meant he really had accepted her as one of our own. And she looked ready to cut his balls off and feed them to him.

  Tom was clutching at his head, shaking it from side to side. “He’s like this with everyone, don’t take it personally, Bree.” As a mated man—the only one in our inner circle—he was the voice of calm. Or, he had been, before he’d been kidnapped and experimented on. This glimpse of the man he used to be gave me hope.

  Maybe this was the right decision, after all. Inserting myself between Bree and her prey, I caught her gaze, refusing to let it go. I knew one sure way to solve this.

  “What do you say, Bree? Think you can hold your own as one of my enforcers?

  Chapter Six


  I had no idea how that had happened. No idea at all. One minute, I was nursing a hangover, then trying not to kiss that dominant asshole, then—poof!—I was out of a job.

  And now I had a new job.

  For that dominant asshole.

  “You’re growling.” The asshole in question flicked his eyes to me, then away again to watch the humans disembarking the small mini-bus that had pulled up outside the packhouse. Feet braced wide, muscular thighs straining his jeans, back ramrod straight and arms folded across his chest, he glowered in their general direction, but his attention was still on me. I could feel it pressing against me, teasing my already shredded nerves.


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