The Nysian Prophecy

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The Nysian Prophecy Page 15

by M. K. Dawn

  “Nick, leave us, please. I need to help the princess get dressed.”

  “Sure, I’m right outside if you need me.”

  “Alright, now that he’s gone, you want to tell me why you were sobbing on the floor after Brady left? Did he do something to you? Because if he did, I swear I will kick his ass.”

  I laugh at the absurd notion this petite girl could kick anyone’s ass, let alone Brady’s.

  “You laugh now, but Nick has taught me a few moves. I think I can at least get one good jab in, you know, catch him off guard.” She winks.

  I laugh again as some of the earlier tension fades.

  “Let’s find you something to wear.” She thumbs through my wardrobe. “Charlotte should be here soon to help sort out your clothing situation. She wants to take your measurements and go through your clothes to make sure everything fits properly. She also wants to make sure you have the right kind of clothing to wear around the camp, so that you look like the princess but are comfortable. As for this morning, you will definitely need something that you can move in since you’ll start training after breakfast.” She pulls out a two-piece black leather looking outfit. “Perfect. This looks exactly like what all the other women wear when training, except for the royal seal of Kardia over the top right breast.”

  The seal itself is simplistically beautiful. Two circles surrounding a heart. I run my fingers over it, surprised at the familiarity.

  “Everyone else only has one circle. The two circles are a subtle indication of royalty.”

  “Why a heart?” I ask, still running my fingers over the seal, trying to place it.

  “Kardia means heart. As in, we are the heart of Nysa. All others rely on us. Our strength, our loyalty, our kindness.”

  “All except for Wright’s kingdom?”

  “They did, not long ago, until Wright took over after his father passed. Once upon a time, they were very loyal allies. But I’m sure Eric or Prince Henry will fill you in on all of that in good time.”

  I make a mental note to ask Eric, as soon as I get the chance.

  “Anyway, as I’m sure you already know, all Nysians are born with gifts that reveal themselves at their nineteenth birthday. My gift is with nature. I use it to make all sorts of things like soaps and lotions.” She grabs her bag. “And makeup! Just because you’re going to learn how to fight today doesn't mean you have to look like one of the boys. You’re still royalty, after all. Face up, eyes closed.” I obey and she starts the application process. “Alright, now that you are comfy, it's time to spill.”

  I wrinkle my brown unsure what she’s asking.

  “Don't think for a second I’ve forgotten your little episode we walked in on? Brady walking out, you falling to the floor in a heaping mess. What did he do to you?”

  As Shae continues applying my makeup I fess up, sort of. “Brady did nothing wrong. We just have a very strong attraction. He described it as a drug, and I agree. The more I’m with him, the more powerful it gets. My mind is on him all the time. Where he is, what he’s doing. It's been two days and I’m addicted to being close to him, to touching him. Neither of us can break away from it. I’ve been attracted to guys before, but nothing compared to this. It’s all consuming. Before he left he said something I can’t shake, he said ‘I wish it was real.’ He didn't elaborate, but I don't know what that means because it feels pretty damn real to me.”

  “That’s odd.”

  Something in her voice makes me open my eyes to study her face. “What aren't you telling me?”


  “Really? Because your face is saying it’s something.”

  “I don't want to make things even more confusing or worse between the two of you.”

  “Trust me, things couldn't possibly get any worse.”

  She hesitates and then sighs. “Fine. The thing is, the way you describe your feelings is the same…”

  “Good morning, everyone!” Ana bursts into the room with Charlotte close behind her. Shae turns away relieved. “How did we all sleep last night? I, for one, got very little sleep and let me tell you, it was so worth it if you know what I mean.”

  I'm pretty sure we all know what she means. Before she left last night, she mentioned she had a date.

  Charlotte bows. “Your Highness.”

  “Please, Charlotte, call me Alaina. No formalities unless we’re in public.”

  A look of horror crosses her face, then she turns to looks towards Shae and Ana for reassurance.

  “She told all of us the same thing. No one really knows what to do with her.”

  “Very funny, Ana. Charlotte, it's fine, really. This whole ‘I’m a princess thing’ is new to me. And honestly, it freaks me out for people to call me anything related to it, especially people who I consider friends. Two days ago, I was just plain old me, working at a bar, getting ready to start college, then all this craziness happened. I thought I was going to wake up this morning back in my own bed, with this all just being a dream. Anyways, everyone calls me Alaina, got it?” They nod their heads in unison while eyeing me like I’ve lost my mind. Probably didn't help that I was waving my hands around like a lunatic. “That goes for you too out there. I know you’re listening. Pass it along to the other guys, in case they didn't get the message yesterday.”

  “Roger that!” Nick shouts.

  “Now that we have that covered, again, I’m starving. Is my makeup done, Shae?” She nods. “Charlotte, do you need my measurements?” She nods as well. I stand and allow her to do her thing.

  When finished, she opens my wardrobe and peeks around. “Wow, do I have my work cut out for me.” She holds up a particularly fluffy, lacy, lilac dress. “Who picked this stuff out for you?”

  I shrug, ogling the dress. Shae and Ana take a step closer, heads cocked as they take in the monstrosity.

  “Is this what women are expected to wear here?”

  Ana laughs. “My Gods, I love her innocence. No sweetie. We can wear whatever it is we want. Women can even do everything that men can do. We can fight and live on our own, even wear pants if we want to.”

  “Forget it. It was a stupid question.”

  “Don’t worry,” Shae says “it takes time to adjust to Ana’s unique sense of humor. And when I say sense of humor, I mean her being a sarcastic uncensored bitch.”

  “Uh, you wound me!” Ana pouts.

  Charlotte’s eyes and mine meet. We both shrug. I decide this is as good a time as any to start getting dressed.

  “Oh, please!” Shae says. “Your favorite shirt says that exact same thing!”

  “Yes, but they don't know that!” Ana thrusts her thumb toward Charlotte and myself. “I’m trying to change my image, turn over a new leaf.”

  “What image is that? The one in which everyone thinks you’re a bitch or the one in which everyone thinks you’re a slut?”

  “Duh, the bitch one! Being a slut is way too much fun!”

  They both laugh hysterically.

  “Hey, ladies,” Nick calls from outside. “Everyone ready to go? Breakfast will be shutting down soon.” Ana looks towards me. “Hey, you’re dressed.”

  But for what, I can't be sure. Both the pants and top are a black leather material, surprisingly soft, comfortable, and cool. The pants I have no real problem with, the top, however, is a different matter. First of all, it's a midriff, hitting me just below my ribs. That, combined with the low riding pants, leaves most of my stomach bare. Second, it’s a v-cut and has some kind of push-up bra built in. So not only are my boobs perky, they are on display for all the world to see. “Do I really have to wear this?”

  “Well, you want to be comfortable, don't you?”

  “You call this comfortable?” I run my hands down my body. “I’m half naked!”

  “Oh, please. This is what we all wear when we train. Hell, most of us wear that in battle, with armor of course,” Ana says.


  “Hey, it may not look like much, but it's very
functional. The middle is open for easy movement. The material is flexible, cool, and robust. It’s the perfect outfit for fighting.”

  “And what about these?” I wave my hands in front of my chest.

  “Those, my dear, are called the perfect diversion.”

  I throw myself on the bed. “Oh, good Gods.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Nick strolls into my tent just in time to witness all three girls struggling to coax me off the bed. “Hey Princess, you fit in nicely. A little soft around the middle, but that will change after you start training.”

  All of us stop and glare at him.

  Nick backpedals. “Not fat. I just mean that you don't have a lot of muscles like the other women that train. Take Ana, for example. Ana, show her your stomach.”

  “Stop talking, Nick,” Shae says.

  He snaps his mouth close.

  “Charlotte, you want to walk over to breakfast with me,” Shae asks. “I, for one, don’t want to be part of the procession.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. I’ll come back after breakfast and start fixing the mess of a wardrobe they brought you.”

  They leave without any further explanation.

  “What did Shae mean by that?”

  “Oh, you’ll see, but don't worry. I will be right here next to you. Let's get going.” Ana loops her arm in mine and whisks me out the door.

  The walk to breakfast is awkward, to say the least. Shae and Charlotte were smart to leave before the rest of us. Hawk joins Nick as reinforcement. He clears the way out in front as Nick follows closely behind. Ana stays next to me as promised.

  It’s like the circus has come to town and I’m the main attraction. As we walk through camp, lines form on each side of the path. People drop everything and scramble to catch a glimpse of the new girl in town. It would have been amusing if I wasn't the one they were all staring at. To make matters worse, everyone bows as I pass as if I’m the freaking Queen of England.

  The irony of this is not lost on me.

  It doesn’t help I feel scandalously dressed with so much of my middle showing. When I try to cover my bare skin, Ana elbows me in the ribs. If I lower my head, to avoid eye contact, Ana elbows me in the ribs. Needless to say, by the time we reach the dining hall, my ribs are throbbing.

  We enter the large dining tent just as last of the diners walk out, aside from Charlotte and her family and Shae. Little Alaina is dressed like Cinderella, which I find particularly amusing. She bounces all over the room, doll in hand, singing a song I recognize from the animated movie. My heart lightens at her youthful innocence.

  Charlotte joins me in watching her daughter. “She’s obsessed with all things princess. Today it’s Cinderella, tomorrow maybe Princess Jasmine, or Princess Tiana. Before the war, my mother would bring me the Disney movies back from the human realm. And of course, I’ve shared them all with her. I was a little obsessed at her age as well. Maybe that's why I felt the need to name her after you. A princess of my own. She hasn't seen you yet, has she?”

  “No, I don't think so? Why do you ask?”

  Charlotte chuckles. “Like I said, she’s obsessed with all things princess.”

  As if on cue, little Alaina spots me and freezes. Her big brown eyes grow even larger as she stares. Then, without warning, she takes off. Once in front of me, she bows as if she has been practicing it her whole life. “Princess Alaina, it’s an honor to see you again.”

  The admiration in her eyes is endearing. “It’s so nice to see you as well.”

  Her smile widens. “I have so many questions for you. What are your favorite clothes to wear? Can you talk to animals? Can you sing? Who is your Prince Charming?”

  Thank the Gods for Charlotte. “Alright, that's enough. Remember what I told you about Princess Alaina?”

  Her beautiful little smile turns in a big pout. “Yes, mama.” She turns around and walks away, head hanging low in defeat. I feel so bad being the real-life version of her favorite thing in the whole world and not being able to give her any of the answers she so desperately wants.

  Then, without thinking, I yell back to her, “I love to sing!” I don’t have the heart to tell her I suck at it.

  With that little bit of information, she turns back towards me and her face brightens. “Me too!” She squeals, then is off again, bouncing around singing what sounds like something from the Little Mermaid. I laugh and look at Charlotte. She mouths the words ‘thank you’ then trails after her daughter.

  As the others make their way to the kitchen to get food, I turn to Ana. “What was the deal with you elbowing me in the ribs the whole way over here? I’m pretty sure a bruise has already formed.”

  “I was just trying to help you out. The royals are very confident people. Some would say overly confident to a fault. If you walk around here trying to cover up your body and hide your head, people will think you’re weak. And if people think you’re weak, then they will stop believing in the prophecy. If they stop believing in the prophecy, then all hope is gone and we will lose this war. I know you’ve had a shitty couple of days and all of this is new to you, but it's important that people believe you’re the princess, and they see you as strong and brave. Fake it till you make it.”

  Her words hit me so hard, my vision blurs and I sink into the closest chair. Seconds later, the rest of the warriors walk in, Brady leading the way.

  They are dressed alike, black pants and a sleeveless top, made from the same material as mine. Lucky for them - or unlucky for all the ladies, however you want to look at it - their shirts are full length and tucked neatly into their pants. Each of them has a set of daggers strapped to their thighs, a sword secured to their back. Over their left breast is the Kardia seal, an encircled red heart. Brady’s eyes meet mine and I give him a weak smile. He nods slightly then walks towards Nick. They speak for a few minutes, both glancing my way. When they’re done, Nick walks with Shae towards the kitchen. Brady heads my way.

  He takes a seat next to me. “Nick is going to be your primary guard while you are training with Henry’s men.”

  “Wasn't that already decided yesterday?”

  “Well, Eric suggested it. I made it official. Just want to make sure you’re okay with that?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Sure, you have a whole bunch of warriors to choose from. Hawk is head of combat with Nick. Both can give you excellent pointers when it comes to fighting. Tom and Bo are head of weaponry, also very useful since you will learn how to use a sword and daggers. My top choices, however, would be JD or Clint. They are head of medical and excellent healers, which will probably come in handy.” He smirks.

  “Oh, you’re funny now? Fine, if it's my choice, I think I’ll stick with Nick. He is the only one who seems to have a decent sense of humor around here.”

  His lighthearted laugh brings a smile to my face. “You wound me. There is no denying that Nick is the most likable of the bunch. The rest of us guys are more serious, yes, but don't you worry, we know how to relax when the time calls for it.”

  “And does that happen often?”

  “Not so much.” The playfulness in his voice disappears. “In all seriousness, do you remember what you were dreaming about last night? You were very upset, crying almost to the point of hysterics.”

  Shit, I had hoped he wouldn’t bring this up. “Umm, no, I don’t think so. But, that's not unusual. I have nightmares all the time.” It's the last thing I want to talk about especially since it was about him. It started off so surreal; he and I walking through the woods, hand in hand, the scenery almost identical to where we were before transporting to camp. We were laughing, talking, and kissing. Then out of nowhere came a whisper in the wind, in a language I could not quite understand. It was haunting, almost musical as if an orchestra were playing somewhere off in the distance. Suddenly, my body turned away from Brady, drawn to the words like I was under a spell. I screamed for him but he didn't move. My soul felt
like it was being ripped in half as I drifted farther and farther away. I continued to cry out for him but it was as if he couldn't hear me. Then as fast as it had come, the whispers were gone. I was in Brady’s arms again, my soul felt whole once more. This happened over and over until finally, it didn’t. Then I awoke to Brady in my bed.

  “You still with me?”

  “Sorry, yeah. I spaced out a little.”

  “Alright.” He gives me a cock-eyed look. “As I was saying, the weird thing was you would only calm down when I touched you. I would walk away and you would cry, come back, and you seemed content. Any idea why?”

  My head shakes no as my mind screams yes. It was the same in my dream. He eyes me suspiciously, so I decide it would be easier to make a run for it. “I’m really hungry. I’m going to grab something to eat before the kitchen closes.”

  I stand, ready to leave, but Brady grabs my arm, holding me there. “Alaina, you know you can tell me anything, right? You can trust me.”

  I give him a weak smile. “I know. I’ll be back.”

  I grab a plate and fill it up - eggs, bacon, toast, and some fruit - not at all paying attention to the people around me. Once my plate is filled to my liking, I turn back around and almost run into Eric. “Oops, sorry. I wasn't paying attention.”

  “No problem, Your Highness.” Eric smiles and bows.

  I roll my eyes at his blatant display of formality. “Are you really going to start that again?”

  His laugh is warm and familiar. “No, no. I promise, just a little humor.”

  “My Gods, so many comedians today.” Eric raises an eyebrow. “Never mind.” I head for my table and notice Brady is gone. A surge of disappointment I wish wasn't there washes over me.

  Eric sits down in the chair next to me and snatches a piece of bacon off my plate. What a one-eighty from yesterday, when he was acting so formal and cold. Now he’s eating off my plate and making jokes. I scrunch my nose but he takes no notice and stuffs it in his mouth. I slide my plate out of his reach and dig in before he can steal anything else.


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