The Nysian Prophecy

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The Nysian Prophecy Page 17

by M. K. Dawn

  Was I? “The news of her death came straight from Eric. He was her friend. He took her and her mother to the Passage of the Gods himself. When he sent the princess to the human realm, he pushed memories of my soulmate into her, just in case the block broke. At the time, he didn't know who she was to me. So now, those false memories are coming to the surface. Eric says the memory push is causing soulmate-like emotions to be there, but they aren’t real.”

  “That's odd.”

  “Yeah, you’re telling me.” Fucked up is more like it.

  “That's not what I mean. Not to add fuel to the fire, because let's be honest, the best thing for everyone, and I mean everyone, from one side of the kingdom to the other, is that she’s not your soulmate. But before being bonded to Nick, I did a lot of research on the soulmate bond. I wanted to make sure before I bonded, that what I was feeling was real. I read hundreds of stories, books, and accounts about soulmates. My fear was that it wasn't real, that somehow someone had pushed these feeling on to me. They were so strong, and came on so fast, it terrified me. But over and over, in everything that I read, there was one thing that was consistent. The feelings a person feels when their soul meets its other half cannot be pushed on someone. Men and women alike have tried, but it never works. What I’m trying to say, Brady, is that maybe you and Alaina are just extremely attracted to each other. But maybe, just maybe, Eric isn't being completely honest with you.”

  “Eric is loyal to Kardia,” I say a little too aggressively. There are a lot of things that Eric might be, but a traitor is not one of them.

  Shae holds up her hands in surrender. “Yes, he is, one hundred percent. And he would do anything to protect it. This is just coming from an outsider looking in, take it how you will. You are her lead warrior but not above the law. I believe the penalty is still death for a warrior who fraternizes with a betrothed royal. Of course, Alaina herself would never enforce that. But Prince Henry - he would do just about anything to keep his crown.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “Because Nick loves you like his own flesh and blood. Now, he is becoming very fond of Alaina. I think she reminds him a lot of his sister. It would kill him if anything happens to either one of you. And his pain is my pain.”

  “What do you suggest I do?” My voice comes out hoarse.

  “Find out the truth but keep your distance from Alaina in the meantime. If she’s just the princess, the feelings will fade.”

  “And if she isn’t?”

  “Did Nick ever tell you that after we first met, I was so scared I went away for almost two weeks?”

  I laugh at the memory. Our fun-loving, nothing ever gets to him, Nick, became the unruliest, irate warrior among us. “He didn't need to tell us.”

  She laughs along with me. “It was the worst two weeks of my life. Every day it grew more severe. The day before I came back, I could barely get out of bed, the emptiness was all consuming. Don’t get me started on the pain. Of course, before I left, we had already been intimate, if you know what I mean. As you know, that starts the bonding process. My point is, if she is your soulmate, time apart will be all you need to confirm it. It won't be as bad as Nick and I because you haven't had sex, right?” I nod. “But you two have been all smoochy smoochy,” it wasn't a question but I nod anyway like a freaking idiot, “so your souls have touched. If they are meant to be together, they will miss each other, long for that connection. Either way, in a week or so, you will know for sure if you stay away from each other. I think I’ve taken up quite enough of your time. I believe you had very important warrior business on your mind when I so rudely interrupted.”

  Did I? My head is swimming with everything Shae has just thrown my way. This is so not how I expected this conversation to go.

  “One last question.” The looks she gives me says she isn’t asking.

  “Why not.”

  “What was your soulmate’s name?”

  I stand there, dumbfounded. Out of everything she could have asked me, that was the one thing I couldn’t answer. It’s the one thing I never wanted to know about her. I always thought knowing it would make the loss unbearable. I didn't want to turn around every time I heard her name, wondering if it was her, somehow alive. But, I was wrong. Not knowing was a cop-out, a disgrace to her memory; to who she was to the people who loved her. I wasn't able to save her but the least I could do was hold her name close to my heart, keeping it there so she wouldn't fade away.

  “Well, that seems like as good a place to start as any.” As fast as she snuck up, she disappears, lost in the lunch crowd. And I’m left alone to drown in the flood of doubt she unleashed.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Looks like I’m your personal escort, slash tour guide, today. Shall we?” Eric holds out his arm towards the door in perfect gentleman fashion. I follow his lead and head outside. The morning is beautiful and warm. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. I pause for a moment and close my eyes to bask in the sun.

  “Alaina?” I open my eyes to the sound of Eric's voice. Horrible mistake. From a distance, I spot Brady heading the opposite way we are. I stare shamelessly, unable to look away. He didn’t say a word when he left but the smile on his face as I stood up to Henry told me all I needed to know. I may not have been politically correct, but he was proud of me, and for some crazy reason that was the most important thing in the world.

  “Your Highness?” Eric’s voice snaps me out of my daze. He’s about ten steps ahead eyes full of concern. “You coming?”

  As I trail after him, a memory flashes in my mind. We’ve done this a thousand times, him ahead, me running to catch up. But this time, he waits and doesn't appear as annoyed, at least not as annoyed as usual.

  “Thanks for waiting this time.” I grin.

  His laugh is lighthearted. “Well, you aren't quite as obnoxious now.”

  “Oh, give me time.” I loop my arm back into his. “So where are we off to?”

  “I thought we would just walk around a little and talk. I can show you around camp.”

  “Cool. What should we talk about?” I have a million questions bouncing around in my head, but the look on his face tells me he has something specific in mind.

  “How did you sleep last night?”

  I wrinkle my nose. What an odd question to ask someone, unless I look awful. “Do I look that bad?”

  He shakes his head chuckling. “Of course, not. I kept in contact with every family you stayed with in the human realm; close contact with Siple and Meel after you started attending New Ridge. They kept me updated on your progress. Your nightmares concerned them. Are you still having them now that you are home?”

  “That’s not at all creepy. Do all men in Nysa have stalking tendencies?”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny. It was part of my job to keep an eye out for you to ensure Wright’s men didn't find you. They came close, more than a couple of times, which is why you had to move so much.”

  I let that sink in. “I’ve always had a feeling someone was watching me, more so before I went to New Ridge.”

  “Someone was always there, lying low, keeping you safe from afar. When you went to New Ridge, Siple and Meel took over, both being highly trained soldiers.”

  Memories of them flash in my mind. Memories of my friends follow. I didn't realize until now how much I missed my home and all the people there. Had it really only been a couple of days? I wonder how everyone is dealing with my disappearance.

  “Alaina, are you okay? I’m so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.”

  “No, it's fine. I was thinking about home and all of my friends. They aren't going to know what happened to me. Everyone is probably freaking out by now.”

  “Meel and Siple have a cover story ready. Try not to worry too much about that right now. When we get back to Henry’s castle, we will work on getting some kind of letter to your friends letting them know you are okay.”

  A letter? What about a freaking phone call?
No way would anyone believe that I would write a letter to let them know how I’m doing.

  Eric stares at me, waiting for a response, so I nod, not in agreement, but because I don’t want to think about this anymore. What kind of cover story accounted for me leaving in the middle of the night, not taking my phone? Deep down I know Gina wouldn't buy any lie they told her. She knows me too well. I’m eighteen, for Gods’ sake. There was no way I would go anywhere without my phone. How would I keep up with Facebook and Instagram without it?

  He must have noticed the troubled look on my face. “Please, Alaina, trust me.”

  I force a smile. “Guess I really don't have a choice at this point.” Then I decide to change the subject. “Anyway, I did have a nightmare last night, but thank the Gods, it wasn't the same one I always have.”

  If the digression of topic bothered him he didn't show it. “You want to tell me about it?”

  My face blushes. There’s no way I’m going to tell him that the nightmare was about being torn away from a guy that I’m not even supposed to have feelings for in the first place. “Um, no. I’m good.”

  He shakes his head. “When we were kids, you used to tell me everything, even things I didn't want to know. I never thought I would miss the bratty, little girl you were. But then you were gone and I did. I was hoping it could be like that again, if you want.”

  Even though I don't have any real memories of him, deep down, I know what he’s saying is true. In my nightmares, he was the only thing that made me feel safe when I was surrounded by unimaginable horrors. And now, I’m starting to understand those weren't just bad dreams, but partial memories. Some may be pushed memories, but I know for sure that Eric had come for me that night and had saved me. Still, something tells me I can't trust him with my feelings for Brady. Maybe it was their little pissing contest when I got back, maybe it was Ana’s reaction to it all, I don't know. All I know is that these feelings need to be pushed aside and kept to myself.

  “Please, talk to me.”

  “Really, it was nothing. I had nightmares at the beginning of the night, but then they went away.”

  “Good. So, everything’s better between you and Brady?” Again, a very odd question.

  “I guess. He said I was at the point of hysterics last night. The only thing that helped was him staying near me.” As soon as the words leave my lips I know something’s wrong.

  “He was with you last night?” Eric is pissed. My Gods, it wasn't that big of a deal. It's not like anything happened, at least not much.

  “He just stayed with me, helped keep the nightmares away. Nothing happened.” Just a kiss. A very passionate, toe-curling kiss.

  “That is not appropriate.” Serious Eric was back and he was a total buzz kill. “What if Henry finds out? Do you want to ruin everything your parents worked for? Brady, of all people, should know better.”

  “He is my head warrior. Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is. If Henry says anything, we can just tell him that I was scared, and Brady was there to look out for me. That is his job, right?”

  “That is not the point. You are betrothed. This whole war is riding on the allegiance with Henry and his kingdom. And that is solidified by you marrying him.”

  “Do you think I care? I don’t even remember this place! I don’t even know if I believe you yet! Plus, I haven't even turned nineteen and you are talking to me about marriage. To a pompous self-righteous ass, none the less. I don’t want to do it. You can’t make me!”

  “Alaina,” Eric warns.

  “You know what, I can’t talk about this right now. Pardon me if this is all just a tad bit overwhelming. Can we move on to something else, please?” The whole betrothed thing is too much to take. I can handle the being a princess-about-to-be-crowned-queen, prophesized to save the kingdom… blah, blah, blah. But getting married to a man I don't even know and don't even like, it’s too much!

  “Fine. We’ll move on. But this is something that we are going to have to discuss. And soon. So many lives depend on it.”

  “Yeah, I get that. But for now, let’s just get me up to speed on anything and everything else.”

  “Ok, so what do you want to know?” He smirks, aware the questions bouncing around my head are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. “Let's start with some simple ones.”

  Relieved we have moved passed the whole getting married at nineteen issue, I relax. “Alright.” Simple question. I draw a blank. Nothing I want to know seems simple. “What do you constitute as simple?”

  He laughs again, this time, louder, with more soul. “Nothing personal.”

  Damn. There go ninety-nine-point nine percent of my questions. “Fine.” I pout. “Let me see.” I look around camp and think.

  “I thought you would be bursting with questions.”

  “Well I was, but the nothing personal stipulation shot down most of them.”

  “We will get to those one day, but not today. I like the idea of first getting you re-acquainted with Nysa.”

  “Fine.” Think, Alaina. Nope, I got nothing.

  We walk in silence for a few moments when a guy comes up to Eric. “Sir, just need to verify a few things.” He eyes me and bows at the waist. I smile, not sure what else to do.

  “Go ahead, Paul.” Eric straightens. The playful guy I was just talking to is once again gone.

  “Preparation for the move will begin directly after the feast. Four scouts will be sent ahead to the next location. Two will stay while the others return to provide updates. Once day breaks, the movers will prep everything and begin the transport. Once the movers are done and set up at the next camp, the first half of our soldiers will start transporting. Following them will be the Prince and Princess with her warriors and his guards. Then all other personnel and the rest of the soldiers. We are estimating the process to take about two hours.”

  Wait, what? Two hours? That’s impossible!

  “Thank you, Paul. How many people know the location of the next camp?”

  Paul doesn't miss a beat. “The scouts, both movers, our warriors, and the soldiers who are the guides.”

  “Good, let's keep it that way. The fewer people that know, the better.” Paul bows his head and walks away.

  “Two hours! How is that possible? There are at least fifty tents here full of... stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. And what, there has to be several hundred people? They expect to pack everything up, move it, and set up it all back up in two hours? No freaking way.”

  “Breathe, Alaina. Let me explain. Brady explained the whole orb thing to you, right?”

  “A little.”

  As we walk around camp Eric explains the power of the orb. “Everyone is gifted an orb around their thirteenth birthday, about the time puberty hits. You go to a jeweler who syncs the orb to your body’s essence. At that time the orb can only be used for simple things like starting fires, communication, and short distance transports. The older you get, the more liberty the orb allows; longer transports, stronger fire, stuff like that. Full powers emerge at the age of nineteen. At this time, the orb allows your body to wield these powers. Each person is gifted different powers and those powers determine the type of profession you go into. The majority of the powers are rooted in the four elements; earth, water, fire, and air. Less common powers are healers, prophets, and telepaths. The most common element to pull power from is earth. This is anyone who manipulates anything solid that comes from the earth. People who are gifted the power of water can range from plumbers to brewers. Now air is a cool one, because it's not what you expect. If you can control the air, you will most likely become a soldier.”

  “What does that have to do with the air element?”

  “They are able to control air molecules and air pressure. I honestly have no idea how it works in the technical sense, so I’ll give you the dumbed down version. Air molecules are everywhere. Air pressure is caused by the force exerted by the air molecules. Air pressure is high when the molecules are packed closely together.
Air pressure is low when the molecules are spread out. So, if you can control air, you could pack air molecules close together upping the air pressure and using it to lift heavy objects or put more power behind a hit. On the other hand, spreading out the air molecules lowers the air pressure, allowing you to reduce air resistance and utilize pressurized air for propulsion. Cool, right?”

  I stare at the ground. That’s the dumbed down version? I should have paid more attention in science class.

  Eric doesn't seem to notice my deer-in-the-headlights look and continues. “Getting back to your questions on the move. Movers have the ability to transport large amounts of objects at a time.”

  I cock my head to the side not sure if he is telling me what I think he is telling me. “Are you saying they just make it disappear and then pop up somewhere else?”

  “Yes, those are the technical terms.” I ignore his sarcasm. “Most people can only do small objects; an extra person, maybe two.”

  “And I will get to see this happen tomorrow?”

  “Of course.”

  “That’s badass! How do the sinks and tubs work? How about the toilets?”

  “Plumbers are in charge of those. They control the water element with a little bit of earth, and of course fire, like we all do. Water molecules are all around us. Tubs and sinks are enhanced by plumbers to pull the water molecules out of the air, then merge them so they can take their liquid form. When it drains, it evaporates. The hot water knob is enhanced with the fire element to heat the water. If you haven't noticed, our toilets are different from the ones in the human realm. There is a base on the bottom where everything goes. Plumbers enhance the toilets to pull bacteria from the earth to decompose the waste.”

  “So basically, we live in a world founded by magic?”

  “Magic?” He laughs loud and hard.

  “What in the hell is so funny?” Wasn't he just telling me how people move entire camps by making them disappear, then reappear somewhere completely different? And now he’s laughing at me? I give him the dirtiest look I can muster which isn't difficult because he is really starting to piss me off. Brady never laughed at me when I called it magic. I have the sudden urge to stick my tongue out at him.


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