The Assigned

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The Assigned Page 18

by A. D. Smith

  “Give me a break—move Benji!”

  Easing the SUV up a bit does little to move the diminutive canine.

  “Finally!” I shout as the dog’s owner runs out into the rain to retrieve the stubborn pooch. The hooded owner smiles and waves as she scoops up the animal.

  “Yeah, yeah, just get out the way,” I smile back. As I wait, the owner’s eyes grow dark. Weird. Fog from the street rises up around her. Wait, that’s not fog, that’s—


  “AAAHHH!” I scream as something crashes atop my hood. “What the …?!” It punches through the windshield, shattering the glass. A Persuaded! He growls as black vapor swirls about. Gathering my wits, I slam on the gas and take off down the four-lane boulevard.

  “Wait a minute, I know you!” I yell as the possessed man lunges for my face. He’s one of Martin’s friends from the truck.

  “Shut up, follower!” he shouts back. I try to shake him but the Persuaded doesn’t budge. Fog, swirling black mist, and the two-hundred-pound man stuck in the windshield make the roadways nearly invisible. So much so, I barely see a second Persuaded standing in the middle of the lane. Tires squeal as I swerve, trying to avoid the slender man. The two-ton vehicle jolts to one side. Looking out the rear view, I can see the Persuaded sprinting down the street, passing cars with ease. His power is definitely amped up. Where’d he go?

  The sound above indicates the roof. My eyes confirm as I look back to see a hand punching through the top of the vehicle. “Come on, man! I just got this truck!”

  My speed approaches 65 in the 45 mph zone. Wrestling the first Persuaded with one hand, I drive with the other. The second Persuaded continues ripping a hole in the top of my Cadillac.

  “Okay, that’s it!” I shout, eye to eye with the first demented man. “You want some of me?! Come on!” I grab the Persuaded, pulling his torso through the windshield. Delivering blow after blow to the guy’s face, he somehow finds a way to keep his grip. We swerve through traffic as rain pellets shoot through the shattered glass. I can feel the air pour in from behind as the slender Persuaded makes his way inside the truck. Now fully in the cabin, the second Persuaded makes an attempt for my head. Sensing him just in time, I land a forearm to his chest. The brutal blow throws the slender man back to the third-row seat. I turn the forearm into an elbow, bestowing vicious force to the temple of the nearer Persuaded. The foot soldier flies back out onto the hood of the truck. His body contorts as we take a sharp turn into the adjoining street.

  “Will you fall off, alrea—” The slender Persuaded chokes the living daylights out of me! I can’t see or breathe. For most people, panic would set in, but in my case, my adrenaline only pumps harder. I reach for his hands as his accomplice makes his way back into the front of the cabin. His Shadow glistens as it sways in the dense atmosphere.

  “My turn,” grins a set of sharp teeth. I’m having a hard time focusing, my head taking a bevy of blows, while constricting pressure is applied to my neck from behind. The assault is coming faster than my body can heal. “So that’s how you wanna play it, huh?” I moan under a barrage of punches. “Okay, fine!”

  I slam the pedal all the way to the floor. The V8 engine cranks out massive pounds of torque as the speeding bomb accelerates to near 90 mph. I unlatch my seatbelt as the Persuaded continue their strike. Their hands seem to be glued to my face and neck.

  “Here we go again,” I say, slamming on the brakes.


  The car buckles as it comes to a pounding halt. The Persuaded and I fly out the shattered front windshield, head first. We soar at least fifty feet before crashing through the window of a Luigi’s Pizza Parlor.

  “Bad idea,” I moan. Not sure how long I was out but a crowd has surrounded me. Quickly, I jump up looking for, “the Persuaded—AOUUWW!” A sharp pain shoots through my shoulder.

  “Sir, don’t move,” says an employee. “I think your shoulder is dislocated.” He’s right. My left shoulder droops in an awkward position. People squirm as they watch me pop it back in place.

  “Wait a second,” says a Luigi’s customer. “Look at his face.” The crowd marvels as lacerations disappear from my body. “Oops,” I smile, good as new. The two Persuaded, still knocked-out cold, look like regular men. That is, regular men that just got thrown through a window from a speeding vehicle.

  “Well nothing more to see here folks,” I say, saluting the crowd. “Sorry about that. Enjoy the rest of your meals.”

  “Hey, aren’t you TNT Turner?”

  “Who me? Oh no. I get that all the time though. Probably a distant rela—”

  “Lie still ma’am!” shouts an employee as I make my way to the door. “I’m calling an ambulance!”

  A woman, not much older than me, bleeds on the floor. A large shard of glass protrudes from her side. The woman, in obvious pain, grimaces as she tries to stay conscious. “I’m going to help you,” I say, kneeling down beside her. “Just relax.”

  “Are you a doctor?” she asks through clenched teeth.

  “Uhh, something like that. Now this may sting for a second, but just trust me.”

  Distracting her as she nods, I pull the long shard of glass from the woman’s side. Shrieks of pain fill the small eatery. Finally dislodged, blood gushes from the large gash left by the errant blade. I place my hands at the top of the wound and close my eyes as I focus. Blood seeps back into the gash as it closes. A few moments later, the young woman feels just fine. She looks down in disbelief.

  “Wha—wha—what did you do?”

  “I believed.”

  Chapter 21

  Anna’s suite was the only place I knew to go. Especially after seven missed calls from Tre. Besides, maybe if I stay away from the house, Bale and his men will have no reason to scope it out. I don’t know. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around all that’s going on.

  Anna and Gloria run out to meet me and Tre, who pulls up at just about the same time. His truck is a mess.

  “Are you okay, my children?” asks Anna.

  “I’m fine,” says Tre.

  “Yeah, me too,” I say.

  “This has escalated more rapidly than I anticipated. We must begin. Quickly, inside.”

  Upstairs, Anna hands us entrance cards used to enter hotel rooms.

  “We don’t need keys to your suite,” says Tre.

  “Yeah Anna,” Gloria agrees. “We can knock.”

  “This is not entry to my abode. This is for your suite. Your training complex. Bale knows too much. We are not safe here.” Anna steps across the hall and unlocks the door. The three of us follow, making our way inside.


  “Not bad,” I say, scanning the room.

  “You shall be safe here,” says Anna. “This is where we will train. Bale has already gathered information concerning Tre and Gloria.”

  “He got to you, Glo?” Tre asks. Something about the way he looks at her makes me think about Angel.

  “My mom,” she answers. “When I got home, she was like … the others.”

  “A Persuaded?”

  Gloria nods. “I was able to subdue her with something the Prophetess taught me.”

  “This is gone too far. That snake has the nerve to step foot in my father’s church. Then he gets my brother’s friends, of all people, to try and take me out?! I wonder if that’s how they got Martin.”

  “Today?” I ask.

  “Yeah! Just now! I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  “I know man. Sorry.”

  “It’s only a matter of time before Bale learns of Zeek’s identity,” Anna asserts. “You and your family are safe, correct my child?” The room’s focus shifts to me. My mouth slightly opens before deciding against any vocalization. What’s the point in bringing it up, I think as my head nods. Besides, we are safe.

  “This room is not listed under my name,” continues Anna. “So you all will be safe here. Make plans to tarry for the next several days if at all possible.” />
  With the focus off me, we continue exploring the high-end penthouse. The suite has three spacious bedrooms and a large open space up front. Sleek burgundy couches rest in the opened area. Flat screen televisions drape the walls like framed paintings. Birds chirp carefree melodies against floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “How can you pay for all this?” Tre asks.

  “God provides,” Anna smiles as she picks up a remote and pushes a button. In a flash, the huge draped curtains close shut, followed by some sort of steel reinforcement. She presses another button. The others and I jump as another steel support drops to the ground, covering the front door.

  “Not THAT’S what I’m talking about!” Tre snaps.

  “Precautionary, my children. Now let’s begin.”

  Anna motions us to take a seat. Wearing a fiery red pantsuit with elongated cuffs and orange heels, we watch the unusual woman. The collar of the suit rises above her neck at least six inches. Shimmering crystals adorn the lifted lapel. Her usually long and flowing grayish mane is today pinned back into a bun. Her tone takes an even more serious register as her highly distinctive accent drives her words.

  “You all have been chosen by God. For whatever reason, you three have been assigned this task. No amount of logic will make events prior, or to come, completely comprehensible. No, it is not fair. No, I hath not all the answers. What I do know is that the fate of life as we know it lies in your hands. Bale wants to raise an army of those things you have encountered. If he succeeds … well. Our only chance is if we are a united front. I must know now, do you accept this call? Gloria?”

  “Yes, of course, Anna.”


  “Football season is just about over. ‘Lost’ got cancelled—sure, count me in.”


  I take a deep breath. Not sure as to what I’m doing … in any of this.

  “We cannot do this without you.”

  “I’m in.”

  “Good,” Anna smiles. “The next few days, we shall grow stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually. We shall learn more of our weapons and how to effectively use them. We will also learn more about our brothers and our sister. We shall grow closer. We shall become a team.”

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

  Zeek takes a deep breath before committing to the cause. Honestly, he doesn’t look like he’s all there. I sure hope he’s ready when the time comes. Now that Tre, Zeek, and myself have all given our agreement, Anna continues.

  “As I said, I do not have all the answers but those I do hold, I shall do my best to share.” My mind wanders to A’ma as I listen to Anna. I’ve seen firsthand what the Persuaded can do. I don’t know about the others, but I’ll do whatever it takes to stop them.

  “I am sure you are eager to learn more about the Three of Three. Our kind has been mentioned ever since the death of Jesus. No one knows the exact date we came into existence. As I have stated, many believe three of Jesus’ closest followers, Peter, James, and John where the first. After Jesus’ death, many miraculous deeds were accomplished by this group, as well as others. The Acts of the Apostles in the Bible records many of these remarkable feats. Since then, stories have been handed down of three being called from select generations. Some in the same life span, others hundreds of years apart. What does not change is the extraordinary individual and collective Gifts they operate in.”

  Anna talks as a storyteller in front of her class. Her well-thought-out words and elegant attire captivate our attention. “So who taught you, Anna?” I ask.

  “The Three of Three that preceded me perished long before my birth but there are some known as the Intercessors who carry the story generation to generation. They have special skills, although not powers as you. An Intercessor located me and confirmed what had already been shown to me through visions as my Gifts began to manifest themselves. Shortly afterwards, I discovered the Second and Third of Three.”

  “But why weren’t you able to save your team?” asks Tre. “I mean didn’t one of you have the Gift of healing or whatever?”

  “Our Gifts work their best when we are properly positioned, in tune with ourselves, our brethren, and our Creator. Unfortunately my team was ambushed during a turbulent time.”

  Tre places his hand on Anna’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Prophetess. We’re strong. We’ll get ‘em.”

  “But that’s just it!” she shouts back, her face expressive. “It’s not just about your physical powers! Your mind must be set free in all areas. Some of you have anger in your hearts. Some of you have not forgiven God, others, yourself!” She’s right. “We must release ourselves from any anguish the enemy can use against us. Bale is the master of manipulation. You must not go into warfare with a clouded mind. He will sense it and use it against you.”

  Zeek raises his hand to speak. “This may sound silly, not sure, but have you ever just tried talking to this guy?”

  Now I know Zeek is a little different, but did he just really ask that? He obviously hasn’t seen what Bale can do. Tre and I wait for Anna to go completely off, but instead she just smiles and asks, “What would you suggest we say, my child?”

  “Uhh, not sure, but I mean, seems like he could’ve killed us already if he wanted to. You don’t think we could reason with him?”

  I’ve heard enough. “Are you serious, Zeek?”

  “I mean, he is a movie star, businessman, he can’t be completely bad?”

  “Zeek, c’mon,” Tre says. “That guy tried to kill us on the rooftop, remember?”

  “I mean yeah, but we attacked him first. I’m just saying, is it possible, that’s all?”

  Anna’s gaze seems to go straight through Zeek. “Is there something else you need to share with us, my child?” Zeek seems shamed now. Maybe Tre is staring. I sure am.

  “No, just posing a question, that’s all,” he says, finally bowing out.

  Anna moves in closer. “Zeek I understand all of this is new to you, but listen to me carefully. Jason Bale is not a man. He is a demon enclosed in flesh and he will do anything to separate you from your team. Never forget that. Do you understand?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Zeek responds, cavalier. “He’s the bad guy. Got it. So what now?” Anna leaves the room. Tre runs to help her as she returns with an armful of books. “What now?” she repeats. “You study.”

  I carefully scan through one of the antique styled paperbacks, some almost falling apart. “What are these?”

  “The New Testament, books on demonic possession, readings on Beelzebub and other demons. I know you have witnessed some things, but you must learn more concerning what you are up against.” Anna looks directly at Zeek. “And you must believe this evil truly exists.”

  Tre frowns at the large pile of reading material. Guess studying is not his strong suit. “Thought we were gonna learn some new moves or something?”

  “In time, my child,” reassures Anna. “But tonight, you study. Please take your assignment seriously. Many souls depend on it. We shall regroup in the morning.” Anna retires to her room. “Guess she’s serious hunh?” asks Tre.

  “Yep,” I smile. “And since I’ve already read the entire Bible, I’ll take these here on ‘possession’. Should be great with a warm bed and hot cup of tea. Yummm. See you guys in the morning.”

  “You leaving us?” Tre asks as I head for one of the bedrooms. “It’s just a little past seven.”

  “Yep. Goodnight.”

  Before I close the door, I hear Tre and Zeek discussing who gets what. “Well guess it’s just you and me, brother from another mother,” cracks Tre. “I’ll leave the Bible books for you. My dad’s a Pastor you know.”

  “And?!” shouts Zeek.

  “Hey, you’ll love it. Bunch of therefores, wherewithals, and hithertos, kind of like listening to the Prophetess. You’ll love it!”

  “Wow, thanks,” says Zeek.

  I shut the door before I can hear anymore. Hilarious.


  Morning arrives and I drape one of the hotel’s huge bathroom robes around me as I make my way to the kitchen for some juice. Seated on the couch is Zeek, still reading. Doesn’t look like he’s moved an inch since last night.

  “Good morning, Zeek.” Consumed, Zeek doesn’t even notice me in the room. “Zeek?”

  “Huh—oh hey.”

  “Man, did you ever go to sleep?” Tre asks as he drags in. Zeek never looks up.

  “Uh, yeah, I mean no, not really.”

  “And didn’t your mother ever teach you to read silently?”

  “I didn’t know my mother,” Zeek answers, his head still buried in the book. I give Tre ‘the look’ for his callous comment.

  “Oh, hey man, I’m sorry—”

  Zeek fans off the apology as if the remarks didn’t faze him. Maybe they don’t, considering he’s lived with it all his life.

  “You know, we really don’t know that much about each other,” I say. “Prophetess Anna did say we should grow closer as a team, probably help out with our Gifts. Would you mind telling us more about your wife, Zeek? I believed you said Angel was her name?”

  Zeek finally looks up as he glances towards my direction. It only lasts for a moment as his eyes drift back down to the Bible he’s been reading throughout the night.

  “Her real name’s Angelina,” he starts. “I called her Angel for short.” A smile emerges as he remembers his wife. “You know the funny thing?” He raises the Bible. “I’d catch her reading this sometime and ask her what she’d find so interesting and she’d say, ‘You should read it sometime.’ And I’d say no thanks. Not me. I mean, what she did was fine. It was how she was raised. But me?” Zeek laughs. “Now look at me. I’m caught up in some sort of war between Heaven and Hell. If only she could see me now.”

  “So how did she die, Zeek?” I ask, carefully forming my words.

  “We were riding down to the coast. I was going too fast. A deer ran out, I—I tried to avoid it. Angel … she didn’t make it.”


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