The Assigned

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The Assigned Page 24

by A. D. Smith

  “But that’s just it! He’s still here! Glo’s not! It’s not right!”

  “I’m sorry, Tre,” says a saddened Prophetess. “I should not have sent you to face Bale. Please forgive me.” She releases me and takes a few steps towards a waiting car. “We should go, my children. Someone must give word to Gloria’s mother.”

  “You’re right,” says Zeek. “I’ll go with you.”

  “Join us my child,” motions Prophetess Anna.

  “No,” I shake my head.

  “Tre, Gloria would want it to come from us,” agrees Zeek.


  “My child, we must—”

  “No. It will not end like this! Not this time. NOOOO!!!”

  Turning away from the others, I walk back to the ambulance. With one snatch, I rip the solid steel door right off its hinges.

  “Hey! What are you doing?!” shouts an EMT.

  “Get out!” I yell back. The technicians do just that. I unzip the bag containing Gloria’s pale body before looking upwards. “I’ve already lost one person I cared about and I know I can’t get them back. They reached out for me but I wasn’t there. But this time I’m here. I’m right here! You gave me this Gift for a reason. Let me use it!”

  The now whitened color of Gloria’s black sweater tries to distract me as it serves as a reminder of her defeat. But I won’t let it. I place my hands on her chest and wait. No response. “Come on, Glo! Get up!”

  “Tre, what are you doing?!” shouts Zeek from the door.

  Just like the sweater, I ignore him too. “I said get up, Glo!” Pressing down again, I garner the same reaction. Nothing. Looking up, I see Zeek shake his head. Even the Prophetess has turned her back. Refocusing my attentions towards the heavens, I have an uncanny urge to laugh. And so I do. “You see that? Everyone’s given up. It’s just me and you now. Look God, I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I believe. You hear me?! I believe! Now let me do my job. Isn’t this why you gave it to me? Will you allow Bale to get the victory?! I’m here, I’m in position! Now let me do what I do!”

  Again I place my hands on Gloria’s chest. A glow radiates from my palms. As I lift my hands, a loud gasp shoots from the body bag. Gloria’s chest rapidly moves in and out as blood pumps to her heart. Trembling, her eyes slowly open.

  “Tre,” she whispers. “Wh—where am I?”

  “You’re here,” I say, holding her hand. “You’re right here.”

  “I—I don’t believe it!” Zeek shouts, now standing at the rear of the ambulance. “What did you do?”

  “I believed,” are the only words that come to mind.

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

  My new family surrounds me as I try to warm myself on Prophetess Anna’s couch. Three blankets are still not enough to block out the numbing feeling of frostbite ravaging though my system. Guess that’s what happens when you’re dead. I’ve heard the story ten times now, but I still can’t believe it. I was dead nearly two hours before Tre finally brought me back? I mean, I know it has to be true although the last thing I remember is seeing our video on the jumbo screen. I vaguely remember wanting to go after Bale, everything after that is a blur. The guys told me I pursued Bale and Amnon alone. What was I thinking? Thankfully I remember none of that. I gather the giant, Amnon, took my life, but Tre doesn’t like to talk about that part. Actually most of the story has been told to me by Zeek and Anna. The normally boastful Tre has been pretty quiet these last few hours. I guess whatever he witnessed really got to him. He couldn’t be that messed up over me, could he? Anna even said she had given up hope. “But not Tre,” she keeps repeating. Anyways, knowing he destroyed Amnon makes me feel pretty good. At least we know Bale and his kind can be sent back to Hell. On the flip side, guess I’ve got a lot more to learn.

  “Sit closer,” I instruct Zeek and Tre, sitting on either ends of me. I can use every ounce of heat I can get. “So all that really happened?”

  “Every bit,” says Zeek.

  “Correct, my child,” says Anna, taking her usual stance in the middle of the room.

  “So you came back for me, Tre?”

  Normally cocky and self-absorbed, he seems at a loss for words. “I mean—well you know …”

  “Thank you,” I say, giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “Are you blushing?” asks Zeek in disbelief. “The great TNT Turner?”

  “Whatever man,” Tre smiles. “Anyways, so what’s the next move Prophetess?”

  “We train and we wait,” she responds. “As you’ve experienced firsthand, Bale is not be trifled with. But at least now he knows we are here to stay and he will have to calculate that into every decision he makes.”

  “You think the charges will stick?” I ask.

  “I am not sure my child. Bale is a very cunning entity.”

  Anna looks solemnly to the floor. We almost join her in uncertainty until she utters her next words.

  “But so are the Assigned.”

  “Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!” yells Tre.

  “The darkness of this world shall not prevail, my children. Thanks to you. God has chosen three warriors worthy of honor.”

  Her words warm me in a way proven unsuccessful by any amount of blankets. I could stay in this moment forever.

  “So did ya’ll see how I laid those guys out?” asks an animated Tre. “I’m like the Dark Knight!”

  Guess the moment’s over.

  “Give it a break!” I laugh, throwing pillows at Tre’s head. On second thought, I like this moment even better. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

  My apartment is a welcomed sight after this past week’s events. Christina meets me at the door with outstretched hands, a joyful reminder of why I do all this.

  “There’s my Chrissy pooh!” I shout, stooping down to her level.

  “Me and Aunt Alicia made frech fries,” she smiles. Of course, she means French fries but I’ll take whatever she’s serving. “You want some?”

  “Sure sweetie.”

  “Are you hungry?” asks Alicia, attempting her best efforts at avoiding eye contact. Instead of encouraging the cold atmosphere, I make the first step.

  “Hey Alicia, I just wanna thank you for … for everything. I couldn’t do this without you.”

  “Yeah, well I guess one of us has gotta have a life. Hope you’ve been having fun. I do have my own apartment I need to tend to as well, you know.” Alicia turns her back and proceeds to the kitchen.

  “Alicia,” I say, making my way around the kitchen table. “I assure you, this is not about having fun.” I find myself trying to explain the past week. “I haven’t been out with anyone. I’ve been … helping people. Remember the people who helped Chrissy in the park that day?”

  Alicia seems to be taking it all in. “Well those are my new friends and I’ve been trying to do good by them. Just like I wanna do good by you and Chrissy.”

  Alicia eyes light up as she finally looks at me. “So what are you saying, Zeek?” she asks. What am I saying? I couldn’t possibly date and marry my deceased wife’s sister. Could I? Christina bails me out by wrapping herself around my legs. “Let’s play Daddy!”

  “Sure baby,” I smile. “Look Alicia, I don’t know what I’m saying. At least not now. Just know that I’m here for you. Is that okay?”

  Alicia smiles. “Sure, Zeek. Now play with your daughter while I fix you a plate.”


  Sunset quickly turns into night as Christina, Alicia, and I play every game imaginable. Whatever Chrissy’s little mind can conjure up, we play. I wouldn’t dare deny her this moment.

  As Alicia gives Chrissy her bath, I take a moment to catch the evening’s news. I had almost forgotten my morning’s activities but video of the battleground better known as the Peabody Hotel parking garage promptly reminds me. News reporters discuss the incident in detail.

  “During a long awaited pres
s conference Bale Media had hyped as a new dawn in technology, present technology was used to show explicit video of what appears to be Jason Bale and his security detail involved in some sort of altercation with the deceased Dr. Harold Ambrose. Ambrose, known as a somewhat outspoken theology professor at Rhodes College, was found floating face down in the Mississippi River.” Images of the grainy surveillance video from the club are shown.

  “Movie mogul and CEO, Jason Bale, abruptly walked out on his press conference after the anonymous video was shown. His bodyguards then got into a brawl with an unidentified group in the parking garage causing extensive damage. Later, the movie star himself got into some sort of altercation with an unknown man before being taken into custody for questioning. At the moment, Bale is not a suspect but is merely wanted for questioning. Only time will tell if this puts a dent into the successful juggernaut known as Bale …”

  Turning off the TV, my mind can’t help but think about his words. “I can give life back to your wife. Your Angel.” I probably wouldn’t even think about it if I hadn’t seen Tre raise Gloria after being dead for two hours. Could someone with more power raise someone after four years? I try not to entertain the thoughts but they overwhelm me. To give Christina the gift of her mother would be amazing. What am I saying? It’s crazy. Even if Bale could do it, what would I have to give up? My life? My soul? So much to ponder. Part of me wants to ask Anna about Christina’s resurrection, about Angelina. But she probably wouldn’t understand. Besides I’ve pretty much concluded it wasn’t Bale who made Chrissy whole. I’m pretty sure it was God. But what about Angel?

  The thoughts subside as a pajama clad Christina jumps in my lap. “Whoa, little kangaroo. Isn’t it about your bedtime?” I smile.

  “Daddy, can I play with one more toy before I go to bed? Please?”

  The parent in me wants to say no, but how can I possibly deny her. “Okay, one more. Now what’s it gonna be?”

  My baby girl stands at attention as she makes her case.

  “Daddy, can I ride my horsey again?”

  The horsey. The gift from Bale, himself. I’ve done pretty well keeping her mind off the present, hiding it in the back of the closest underneath a stack of dirty clothes. I made sure to let Alicia know she wasn’t to speak of it. But now, almost two weeks later, here we are, yet again.

  “Is there anything else you’d rather play with instead?” I ask, already knowing the impending answer.

  “Un unnn,” Chrissy shakes her head. “Please Daddy. I wanna ride my horsey.”

  What harm could it be, riding the wood-crafted toy? I look at the daughter I didn’t have a month ago before finally conceding,

  “Sure baby, you can ride the horsey…”

  Part One


  [T H E A S S I G N E D]

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - ZeeK

  Chapter 2 - T R E

  Chapter 3 - Gloria

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26




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