MC: Callahan

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MC: Callahan Page 2

by L. Ann Marie

  “Enough yapping about it. Put your mouth to good use, babe.” He growls at me but his eyes are smiling. Thank God!

  * * *


  I take her mouth knowing it isn’t going to be enough. This whole group home thing worries me. Kids can rip apart a family. My little Tiny Dancer better be right. My cock notices her moving on my lap and responds, pulling the blood from my head to its head. I pull away. “Not gonna be enough, Nance.”

  She moans softly with a small smile. “Let’s go in so I can make it enough.” Fuckin’ A. I lift her and walk back into the house. I check the time. She notices. “Plenty for what I have in mind,” she says with that sexy smile. I take her mouth hard. I know that’s how she’s going to take my cock. In the room I lower her to her feet with my mouth still on hers. She pulls away and drops to her knees.

  “I want hard, Nance.”

  I watch her lips turn up. “I know what you want.” She has me out and is stroking me before she even finishes the sentence.

  Blood floods my lower half when she puts her tongue on my head and flips the ring. My head goes back, my hands in her hair. “Fuck, you do that so good.” She pumps her hand down my length as she takes more and more in her mouth. Fuckin’ woman is like a dirt devil. She likes when I move and I like my cock in her mouth, so I move. Her noises vibrate along my whole cock, sending heat running through me. “Just like that,” I moan out as my ring hits the back of her throat. She doesn’t let up. She could go on for fuckin’ ever. She strokes my balls with her other hand and I move faster. “Swallow it, babe, let it shoot down your throat.” Fuck! I fuck her mouth at a frantic pace. Her grip tightens on my cock. She holds my balls back and I’m shooting down her throat. “Yeah, Nance!” Fuck, it’s always the same, she never goes halfway. I’m catching my breath and she sucks so hard pulling away. With a smile, she looks up at me. Her swollen lips, shining hazel eyes and long brown hair, messed up from my hands, make her beautiful. She’s mine. I kiss her so she knows I appreciated that. “Fuckin’ always good, Tiny Dancer.” She smiles watching me, she knows. We hear Sandy moving around. Fuck. “I’ll take care of you later, I got her, babe. You want to rest? I’ll get dinner going.”

  “I want to change and clean up. I’ll meet you in the back.” She lifts up. I bend to kiss her lips.

  “Thank you, babe.” I walk out to get my girl before she’s out of bed.

  Never thought I’d be a dad. Here I am with my girl that I couldn’t love any more than I do and I’m going to be a foster dad. Danny and Cloud make it look easy; I hope it works like that for us. Nancy is a great mom. She’s stuck with me even when I fuck it all up, she deserves her shot. Walking into Sandy’s room, I smile. She’s just sliding off her bed. When her feet hit the floor she smiles up at me as if she knew I was here. She probably did, she’s so fuckin’ smart even at four and a half. “My happy girl.” I bend and lift her up. She weighs nothing but holds on tight as if I’m going to drop her.

  “Papa.” She kisses my cheek. She won’t say any more than that. I pull her into a hug and walk to the kitchen. Grabbing her cup, I fill it with the half juice half water mix and hand it to her. She smiles and nods. She’s such a happy girl. I smile while walking out to the back deck. Danny helped me set it up for her. She loves being outside, so we made a playhouse that looks like a dollhouse with a swing and slide right here on the deck. When she gets a little older we’ll move it to the yard, but she’s not ready for that. I watched a whole program that the experts said it’s not good to push kids to be older than they’re ready for, so we keep things age appropriate for her.

  Nancy comes out with a tray of food for the grill, always ready for everything. I smile setting Sandy down. “Thanks, babe, I haven’t made it that far yet.” Her lips are still swollen and my cock notices. Fuck, I’ll never get my fill of this woman. She hands me the tray and goes back in.

  I get the grill ready thinking back. Faze, a Brother who died in the drug wars, dared me to buy her a drink. She was the prettiest girl at the party. Her friend left her sitting at the bar while she danced with a Brother. With my heart pounding I asked. When she smiled her whole face changed from pretty to beautiful. I was a dick and didn’t let on how bad I wanted to get her out of there and chained to my bed before another Brother caught her attention. She was a good girl with no business being at a Club party. I didn’t leave her side the entire night. Her friend took off, leaving her stranded at the Club, so I put her on the back of my bike and took her home. She’s the only woman to ever ride on my bike. The second night I had her in my bed. I was such a bastard with my demands and cockiness; she fuckin’ took it and loved it. When her aunt threw her out, I jumped at the chance to move her in with me. Since her parents died she had nowhere else to go and I took advantage of that.

  If the Brothers knew how much she meant to me they never said. They used to think I treated the women bad. I just never had anything for anyone but Nancy. She’s been my world forever, I just don’t need to advertise it; some stupid fuck would try and slide in if I did.

  The chicken and vegetables have about five more minutes. I go to the slider and yell in so she’s ready. She comes out with a plate and bowl, we get the food in, and she washes Sandy to eat. “Feels good to be home. I don’t know what the hell Doc was thinking. They’re probably stuck with all the single Brothers partying in the common room.” She nods but doesn’t say anything. “Did you have a good time, Sandy?” She smiles, nodding her head, just like her mom.

  Chapter Two

  Two weeks later…

  I’m sitting at Danny’s new table. He made a huge country kitchen and built the table to fit in the space. He needs the room to fit everyone when they show for dinner and shit, but in the mornings we sit in the same spots, the one closest to the coffee pot.

  “You finished the classes, you ready for tomorrow?” he asks as he gets a glass of water.

  I watch him drink it down. “Yeah, whether I’m ready or not it’s happening.”

  He pours a coffee and sits. He must have run today, he’s still wet from his shower. “You’re going to do fine, Tiny, we got you help and we’re all behind you. Even the Little Brothers and Sisters are going to help get everyone settled.”

  They will too, I’ve seen it, even been part of it. “Feels weird being in Casper’s house and one of the caseworkers is scared shit of me.” I look toward the window.

  “What the hell do you care what a caseworker thinks? You’re a good fuckin’ dad to everyone’s kids, they’ll see it soon enough. Casper’s house is all new, I even had it painted. Don’t bring ghosts in there with you, Brother. Casper would be all over this if he were here.” He’s watching me with his all-seeing fuckin’ eye.

  I nod. “Yeah, Nancy loves it. She can’t wait for the kids to move in tomorrow. I just don’t want to fuck it up and leave her wishing I was someone else without the ink and rings.”

  His head snaps back. “Seriously?”

  “The fuckin’ caseworker was running to catch up with her as if I was going to rape her in the hallway. Yeah seriously. She wants this, she’s never asked for a fuckin’ thing. Now I’m the one that would hold her back from the one thing she wants.” He’s not whipping a tampon at me, thank fuck, but he’s watching me.

  He takes his patch off and wipes his hand down his face. The skin graft covers his whole fuckin’ eye as if it was never there and his scar has lightened over the years, but it’s still never going to be pretty. I’m glad when he puts the patch back on. I know he’s thinking of how to respond, he does this to give himself time to get it straight in his head. “You and Nancy are close to twenty years, yeah?” I nod. “You thinking she doesn’t know you by now and would leave because a caseworker doesn’t approve, is you Brother, not Nancy. She’s stood by you during the end of the drug and women years, through all the shit you threw at her with being pregnant then moving into the compound. She isn’t going to bat an eye about a fuckin’ caseworker. You mean more to her than that,
Brother. She wouldn’t even try this without you. She needs your support as much as you need hers. Of all the old ladies, Nancy is the one that sees the whole picture. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  I think about that. “Yeah, Brother, thanks.” I’m not saying anymore because he’s right and I need to get the fuck over it.

  “Anything you need before I head into work today?”

  “Thought you were off today?” When did this change? He’s not on the schedule for Security.

  He smiles. “Sam’s got his daughter’s school thing today. They’re going to the House of Seven Gables. Funny as shit, he’s never going to fit in the stairway.” He’s laughing. Fuckin’ guy.

  “You’re cooking today? What’s up with Lana? She doing okay?” She had surgery for breast cancer but last I heard she’s good, cancer free for almost a year now.

  He isn’t smiling anymore. “She’s not feeling well. She was going on the school trip. Sam took her place since I said I’d cook. I got the call last night. Sam’s worried, Kate has someone taking her to an appointment today. I think that threw relief on him. I’ll be at the Diner all day. If you’re done whining come over with me, it’s always fuckin’ crazy on Fridays.”

  “Let me check with Nancy. All our stuff is unpacked. The Prospects are bringing the kids’ stuff over today. I can have them unpack it if she’s good with that.” He nods. I leave, walking back to the house through the path. Jeremy and Christian are out taking Hawk for a walk.

  “Jeremy says it turns out good,” Christian says with a smile on his face. Fuckin’ kids.

  “Thanks, Christian. If I asked you why that is turns out, would you answer?” I ask Jeremy.

  His smile turns into a frown, and he shakes his head no. Fuckin’ kids. “Didn’t think so. Make sure I know if my girls need me, little ninja. No matter what, they come first.” He looks at Christian.

  “Always,” Christian says with a smile.

  “Later, Little Brothers,” I say, giving Hawk a pat on the head.

  I catch Nancy coming down the stairs. “Tiny Dancer, Danny’s at the Diner today, he’s filling for Sam. Lana is sick and he’s going on a field trip or something. Do you need me here with the Prospects?”

  She stops on the second step, she’s almost at my chin; I kiss her before she has a chance to answer. Smiling, she says no. “Reek and Lassie are bringing the kids’ stuff over. They’ll be fine without you. I need to go into the shop today, so I won’t even be here. Cloud picked them because they’re the only Prospects whose backgrounds came back already.” Her eyes are sparkling; I wait for whatever is making her smile. “So you’re cooking at the Diner today?”

  “Yeah, with Danny.”

  She laughs. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that. I’m going to see if Kate and Jess can meet me there for lunch.”

  “Gimme that smart mouth.” She lifts up to meet me. I’m going to like the stairs. I don’t have to bend. I lift her anyway, kissing her the way I want her mouth. “I’ll see you at lunch.” I look around for Sandy.

  “She’s already at Millie’s. Steve picked her up on his way with Elizabeth and Brenna. They’re getting breakfast at the Bakery.”

  I peck her lips and leave. If I know Danny he’s already on his way. I’m surprised when I meet up with him at the gate. He throws chin as I pull on the side of him. Making the Diner parking lot, I notice right off something’s wrong.

  “Fuck!” Danny says before we even get off the bikes. “What the fuck are they doing?” He’s watching through the windows as we walk to the door. People are standing. It looks like they’re arguing, arms flapping all over the place. He pulls the door open and we hear them yelling at the waitress. A Prospect is standing at the doors to the kitchen, yelling back at them. He sees Danny and relaxes.

  I whistle, getting everyone’s attention then look at Danny. He rolls his eye at me, making me think of the fly conversation, and then looks around. “I’m only listening to one. What the fuck is the problem?” He points to a Brother standing up.

  “We can’t get what we want, then she tells us we can’t change anything on our order. If we’re paying we should be able to order whatever the fuck we want!” The guy is yelling by the time he finishes. Other people start yelling with him.

  Danny looks at me and I whistle again. He looks at everyone before he talks. “You people come here every fuckin’ day. Sam and Lana take care of all of you daily. If you need help outside the Diner, Sam gets you that help. Lana is sick and Sam stepped up to fill in for her at a school thing. This is what they get for serving you every fuckin’ day? If I had known what ungrateful fucks you are, I would have just closed the fuckin’ doors. The Prospect was helping out so I could see my kids off to school today.” He looks over at the Prospect, throwing him chin. “I told him to make the dishes he knows and you would understand about Sam and Lana. It’s good to know my fuckin’ Brothers are looking out for their own. Not one of you selfish bastards thought to maybe give the Prospect some help? Ain’t the Brotherhood I’m in, maybe you ought to reconsider what cut you’re wearing. Fuckin’ embarrassing to see you in mine.” He shakes his head and walks to the back with the Prospect. He pokes his head back out the door and looks at me. “Help her get squared away. You can take orders for everything in fifteen.”

  I throw him chin, looking at the waitress. I feel bad for her. She looks nervous and tired. “Any one of you gives her a hard time I’ll throw you the fuck out, head first. What do you need me to do, little one?” She’s new and I don’t know her name.

  She tries for a smile. “Coffee?” I nod, giving the Brothers from Transport a look and turn to the coffee machine. When it’s ready I set the next pot brewing and go around refilling cups. People are coming in and have no idea what happened earlier so they’re smiling and talking to the Brothers and waitress normally. My little one starts to smile and look a little more relaxed.

  Food starts coming out of the kitchen. I help serve, throwing jelly packets and coffee shit on the tray and dropping it off at the tables. The Brothers don’t say a fuckin’ word. I don’t give a fuck if they need more cream. They get what I give them. Once everything settles down I take a minute to look around. They are all eating and talking regular.

  The waitress walks toward me. “What’s your name, little one?” She isn’t wearing a name tag.

  She looks nervous. “Lucy, I started yesterday but the man that I was supposed to work with didn’t show this morning.”

  I nod. “You are doin’ a good job for your second day. Don’t worry about these fuckers, just do what you can. We’ll handle the Brothers.”

  She relaxes and gives me a real smile for the first time. “It was good yesterday, Rack had everyone laughing and happy; the other guy was going to call him once he had a minute. I don’t know if he did yet.”

  I nod and walk to the kitchen door. “Danny, anyone call Racks?”

  He’s moving from side to side on the grill but looks at me. “Tom just did. He overslept; he’ll be here by lunch.”

  Lucy is laughing at a table and moves so I can get the table coffees. “Racks will be in by lunch.” She nods and finishes taking the orders.

  Shit. I’m a waiter until he shows. Coming back to the coffee, I set the next pot and go do refills. The asshole Brothers are starting to leave. When I cash them out I keep their change because they were stupid asswipes to Lucy and Tom. They don’t say a word but don’t look happy. I don’t give a fuck. One Brother I don’t know starts to give me shit. He’s the same Brother that answered Danny. “I ain’t given her a tip, she was lousy.” His partner without the cut steps back.

  I put the change in the bowl I set under the register. “You already left the tip, now get the fuck out of here and go learn what Brotherhood means.” He takes a breath to start arguing with me. I cut him off before he can get a word out. “If it’s that hard for you to get, drop your fuckin’ cut before Church. You’re a fuckin’ Associate, that’s an honorary position. Patches wou
ld love to hear how much of an asswipe you are; what’s your name, Brother?”

  He’s not looking so cocky now; he looks down at my patches and pales. “Dennis.” He doesn’t give me his last name.

  “Dennis, you have a page for me by Church letting me know that you get what Brotherhood means. You don’t show or I don’t get it, your honorary membership is revoked and I’ll come looking for you to collect the cut.” He stares at me, not knowing what to do. “Get the fuck out!” I growl at him. Asswipe. His partner is at the door, waiting on him.

  We stay busy until ten-thirty. I’m clearing and cleaning as the people clear out so when Racks walks in it’s not a shit house. Lucy is doing good, but she doesn’t touch the register; I guess she hasn’t learned that yet, so I cash everyone out. I tell her to take her break while it’s slow and handle the customers left. Our neighbors are good people. They ask about Lana and Sam, some saying to give Lana their best.

  Danny comes out of the kitchen to get a drink. “Everything going okay out here, Brother?”

  “Yeah. Got an Associate giving a report on Brotherhood by Church but the neighbors and other Brothers are good, leaving thoughts for Lana before they leave.”

  He smiles. “Good. Who’s the Associate?”

  “Said Dennis, didn’t give me his last. It was the Brother that answered you.”

  He waves up at a camera. “Dennis was here this morning, he’s an Associate. Find his last name and give it to Patches for reconsideration. Tiny will fill him in.” He looks back at me. “The face recognition will track him.” He drinks his water and fills his glass again. “Need to get lunch going. Thanks for showin’ today, I would have thrown the fuckin’ Brothers out before I left that little waitress alone with them.” I throw him chin and take the money from our last customer.


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