The Filthy Few (Iron Disciples MC)

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The Filthy Few (Iron Disciples MC) Page 12

by Daniella Tucci

  Her bra comes off with ease, and she adjusts her position allowing me to draw a trail of heated passion down her jawline, down her smooth neck and then to the swelling of her perfect breasts. She smells of sweet cinnamon and pepper, and heady combination for a woman in the throes of desire. Her nipples are dark brown, erect, and sensitive to my touch. The first time my lips lock on a nipple she jumps as if struck by lightning. Encouraged by her response I continue my passionate exploration of her breasts. Her perfect skin glistens with a fine sheen of sweat producing a faint salty, yet pleasant flavor on my tongue. Spurred on by her reactions to my touch and the taste of her flesh I work my way down past her perfect breasts to her flat tummy. She fumbles with the buttons of her own skirt, and then literally tears her own panties off exposing the gentle rise of the smooth, clean shaven mound between her velvety thighs.

  The closest I have ever come to discovering what a woman’s pussy tastes like is when a past lover has kissed me after going down on me. It’s what I expect the first time my tongue dips into her glistening pussy. I could not have been more mistaken. Stacy does not taste like me on a man’s tongue. She tastes like Stacy. She is sweet, passionate, and all together desirable. I can’t quite put a name to her…her flavor; so I just enjoy it and let her moans of excitement and ecstasy be my guide. And when she has he own orgasm I climax as well. Knowing exactly how she is feeling when my tongue plays across her clitoris is enough to send me to the clouds.

  As we lie spooning on the couch she whispers in my ear with her velvety lips. “My my, who’d have known there was so much passion built up in there,” she says tapping my temple with her index finger.

  I don’t have anything to say.

  As we lie here it’s not long before reality sets in and I remember whose house it is we’re occupying. I have to wonder, just how safe is this place? Probably not too damn safe. In fact what’s to stop Eddie from making another appearance? Nothing. I hate to say it, but we really should get the hell out of here. I struggle to disengage myself from the tangle of Stacy’s limbs when I hear the last thing in the world I want to hear; the deep throaty rumble of approaching Harley’s.


  “What’s wrong?” Stacy asks sleepily.

  “Someone’s coming and I’m pretty sure it’s Eddie and his crew.”

  “Oh shit!”

  “Yeah shit. We are in fucking trouble.”

  Then it’s a mad scramble for clothes. In the heat of passion bras, panties, skirts, and blouses, had flown everywhere. I almost didn’t find my blouse until Stacy located it behind the couch. As I am buttoning the last button I hear at least two bikes come to a stop outside in front of the house. Stacy hands me my crutches.

  “Is there a back door to this place?” She asks, frantically.

  “There’d better be, If not we’re pretty fucking screwed.”

  She helps me to my feet, steadies me, then we strike out across the living room and towards the back of the house where the pantry room probably is. We get within sight of the bathroom door when one of my crutches goes shooting out from under me and I go down hard on the tile floor. I land on my ass so hard it knocks the wind out of me and I swear my tailbone has to be broken. I cry out in pain as I hear the front door opening. Stacy runs back to my side and grabs me under the shoulders in an effort to pull me up to my feet but she is way too small to do the job and I am in too much pain to be of much help. I hope I haven’t re- broken my leg.

  The door shuts and we freeze, not knowing what the fuck to do. I look at Stacy and she looks back at me with wide eyed terror. She fishes around in her purse looking for something but she doesn’t produce a thing.

  I hear several sets of boots clumping down the wood floors of the hallway. We have about five seconds before being discovered. I wish we would have stopped off in the kitchen for some cutlery. Stacy hugs me tight on the floor waiting together for the inevitable. She could have run out and saved herself yet here she is waiting what could have just been my fate. I swear I can even hear her heart pounding and I think I can feel it against my chest. I guess we’re going to feel what Eddie had in mind for me earlier today. Maybe I can convince him to let her go if I promise to cooperate with him tonight; it’s my only play here.

  Suddenly the light turns on.


  My eyes fly open in shock. There standing in the doorway, and very much alive, is Cade!


  Plans and Commitments

  If I could have leapt into his arms I would have! I was so fucking overjoyed at seeing him alive I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and to never let go. I almost lost him today and there’s no fucking way I’m gonna lose him again.

  “Looks like there’s a story to tell here.” He observes and he helps me and Stacy to our feet.

  “You have no fucking idea!”

  “You guys look like you’ve seen a ghost or something. What’s going on?”

  “I have to tell you something that you’re not going to want to hear.” I begin. “So can we please sit down? I’ve had a lot to drink tonight and the room is spinning again.”

  “I’m sorry, of course.”

  He and a guy I don’t know escort me back to the living room and onto the couch. Stacy sits down next to me and Cade sits on the recliner.

  “Tell me what I don’t want to hear.” Cade demands.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before, but when you were gone your brother came by with one of his friends. They didn’t say much but seems like they’re planning on undermining you or something. Soon as they saw me they slipped out while I was pretending to be asleep.”

  Cade listens to my story but he doesn’t say anything for a minute. Then he talks.

  “I know he is not happy just being the VP. And I have suspected him of plotting against me, but just to earn votes to overthrow me, nothing about using violent means. I still think that’s all he will do. If he uses violence he’ll split the club in half and one of the other clubs will eat us alive. He needs the Disciples to be in tact if he wants a club to run. But thanks for telling me. It’s probably a good thing you faked sleeping but I doubt he would have done anything. He’s usually all bark and no bite and that’s partly why people will never follow him as president; he’s weak.”

  “Well… after I tell you what happened next you might have a change of mind.”

  “He come back?”

  “He came back earlier today after you guys left. He said he had set a trap for you and your guys and that the only way you could keep from getting blown to bits is if I would sleep with him.”

  Cade nods and looks increasingly grim. I pause for a second, and then finish telling him how I had refused to let him rape me and how he made me watch you guys getting blown to bits. When I finally finish my tale of woe Cade is furious!

  “Mother fucker! I can’t believe he would do that. Obviously he didn’t have any bombs, but he did set a trap; one that my guys discovered and helped us avoid. He just showed you a scene from a movie or something that he had edited or something. That’s my guess anyway. He’s pretty tech savvy for an outlaw biker. If anyone could pull something like that off it’d be him. I am so sorry Morgan. That must have been hell, you thinking that I am dead because of you. He’s gonna pay, don’t you worry about that. But in the meantime, I don’t want you being here by yourself. It’s not safe anymore.”

  Then he actually grins and asks another completely shocking question. He points to Stacy, then to me and asks.

  “So…uh, what’s the story here?”

  “What do you mean?” I snap, defensively.

  “I don’t know. You’ve both got these big puppy dog eyes when you look at each other. And the whole house smells like pussy!”

  “Fuck!” I can’t believe he can smell us.

  “Hey, can I talk to you alone for a minute?” He asks me.

  I think I know where this is going and I don’t want to do or say anything to hurt Stacy. I
glance at Stacy and she nods her head.

  “Let’s go into the bedroom.” He says.

  “Wait a second,” Stacy begins. “She’s pretty banged up. I’ll leave the room and you can talk.”

  I give her a kiss on the corner of her mouth then breathe thanks into her ear. I don’t know what you would call what she and I have together, but I don’t want to lose it for a myriad of reasons.

  Cade looks at the three guys who came in with him and they fade back out of the room as well. He helps me to the couch where he takes a seat as well.

  “So…this thing with you and Stacy…Are you…gay now? Is that what’s going on here?”

  He is so damn predictable I almost laugh. If his expression wasn’t so grave I would laugh, but I don’t because this is another relationship I don’t want to fuck up.

  “No,” I begin. “I’m not gay, and I’m not even gay for Stacy. What happened between us was fuelled by lots of tequila, loneliness, fear, and sorrow. I seriously doubt it’ll happen again.” Time to change the subject. “Do you think Stacy and I are safe here or should we hole up somewhere and hide?”

  “My little brother is extremely resourceful. You ever hear the expression, the long arm of the law? Well that’s nothing compared to the long reach Eddie has. If you two try to go into hiding he’ll assume you are valuable to me and he will make it his business to find you and he will. It’s better if you play dumb, so to speak and stay here.”

  “So you don’t think we’re in any real danger? He was bluffing after all about killing you and raping me.”

  “Things are going to heat up so at some point it will probably be better if you and Stacy both disappeared till things settle around here.”

  “I can’t exactly skip out on work. I’ve been gone too long as it is. Stacy can’t afford to disappear either.”

  “You’ve only been a week.” He replies.

  “Nevertheless, I didn’t make VP by sitting on my ass. My assistants are overworked as it is and I can’t ask any more of them.”

  “This sleeping with your assistants, that’s not going to mean you and your other assistant what’s his face will be hooking up does it.”

  “Of course we will, he’s my assistant.”


  “Oh my god, you’re such a pussy! I told you I’m not looking to jump anyone’s bones but yours unless you become too much a pain in the ass that is.”

  “And this pain in the ass MC president is not looking to hop in the sack with anyone else either even though as a club president it’s my prerogative to take any one whose not a member’s old lady. And by the way, if you’re a hang around and not my old lady your fair game for any brother and you’re obliged if the VP or any club officer wants to get in your panties.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “That could be the reason my brother felt he could waltz into my house and take you. He is second in command right now.”

  “Holy fucking crap, are there any more pre-stone age laws I should know about?”

  “Yeah to claim you as my old lady, at the next club get together I have to hit you over the head with my club and drag you out by your hair.”

  I stand up, mouth open ready to unleash a torrent of fucks and damns, when he burst out laughing.

  “Sorry,” he begins. “But after your Stone Age remark I just had to throw in the cave man slash Neanderthal bit.”

  Despite my many initial misgivings about Cade I am finding that I actually like the guy. Hopefully the prospect of coming violence doesn’t drive a wedge between us. I still don’t know about this Filthy Few business or how I feel about being with someone who has the capability of, and propensity for such violence. I didn’t sign on to be MC world’s equivalent to a Charles Mansion groupie.

  “So when do I get to see the clubhouse and all?”


  “On what?” I ask.

  “On your status. Are you my old lady Morgan, or not?”

  I figured this question was gonna come up and I have already been thinking about my answer.

  “What if things don’t work out between us?”

  “If you’re worried about that already maybe you’re not ready to-”

  “Shut up, I’m in; even if this is some blood in blood out deal. Yeah, I wanna be your old lady.”

  “Well it’s about fucking time!”

  He grabs me and kisses me as fiercely as I have ever been kissed. Cade is a man whose passion runs hot!

  “And,” he says. “It’s not blood in and blood out. Outlaw MC’s are for men only. Women cannot be members, but that doesn’t mean a good old lady won’t have her position in the club. A good old lady can make the club and a bad one can wreck one.”

  “Really? I’ll have that much power?”

  “You’d like to think so wouldn’t you? You can’t wreck a club run by men but you can sure cause some messes if you are caught fucking around.”

  “Yeah I think we’ve covered that subject already!”

  He looks at his watch and I look at mine. It’s nearly two in the morning. It’s time to bring Stacy up to speed.

  When all the cards have been put on the table she immediately tells me I have to stay with her and I am very grateful. I have never had much in the way of friends and relationships have always been a struggle and now it seems that I have a new friend in Stacy and a relationship with Cade. My how fucking fast things can change.



  The next morning, Sunday, Cade pulls up to Stacy’s house to take us both to their clubhouse. I have never been to a biker clubhouse so I really have no frame of reference. I’m guessing Stacy has been there but she’s not saying. To say I am surprised by what I find is an understatement. It’s more than just a clubhouse or bar like I was expecting. It’s a compound. After a twenty minute ride or so we roll up on what looks like a large grouping of buildings surrounded by a twelve foot steel and chain link wall. Like magic when we pull up to the gate it slides open. As we go through I see three burley bikers who let us in. To my utter shock, both men were armed with shotguns and sporting handguns on their hips. These dudes are fucking serious. It looks like they’re preparing for war.

  When we park two younger guys with leather vests and the word prospect emblazoned on them materialize out of nowhere. One of the two ‘prospects’ walks up to Cade.

  “Are the troops assembled Prospect?” Cade asks.

  “They’re already gathered around the table, Sir.” The blond haired prospect says.

  “Is my brother present?”

  “He is, Sir.”

  “Prospect,” Cade says, and points to me and Stacy. “I want you and Freddy to make sure my old lady and my cousin are comfortable and have whatever they desire while we’re are in the meeting.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Then Cade turns to me. “This could either be a really long meeting or pretty damn short. The two prospects will take care of you and make sure no one bothers you or Stacy.”

  “How come your brother is here? Isn’t he trying to take over the club?”

  “Yes he is. Haven’t you heard of that saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer?”

  I nod, still confused. I don’t know biker etiquette so maybe this sort of thing is normal.

  “Don’t worry babe, I got it all under control.”

  “Then why does it look like you’re going to war?”

  “Because it may get out of control real soon.”

  Great, just fucking great.

  “Are you okay?” He asks as we enter what looks like the main clubhouse. To the left there’s what looks to be a good sized shop. The bay doors are open and there’s maybe a half dozen guys engaged in various tasks having to do with fixing and building motorcycles. There’s a sign over both the clubhouse and the Shop. On the sign is what looks like a wraith riding a wicked looking custom motorcycle. One boney hand is on the bikes handlebars and the other one is holding an AK-47
and shooting a stream of bullets into the air. This is the same picture that’s emblazoned on their cuts. They’re as badass as it gets!

  As we walk through the doors to the clubhouse it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. It’s basically a good sized bar with about a half dozen rooms attached. The largest door is a huge wooden double doors and that’s where Cade disappears for the official meeting. The two prospects who I learn are named Freddy and Max, but patched members simply call them Prospect Red, for Freddy who has flaming red hair and Prospect Blonde on account of his long dirty blonde hair. I later learn that both are fast friends who are soon to be patched in at the end of the month. That last little bit of information they’re not privy to.

  They sit not too close to us to be intrusive, but close enough to wait on us hand and foot. Ten minutes later we’re both nursing club sodas and waiting for the outcome of the sudden meeting. I swivel around in my seat so I can watch the steady stream of bikers, hang arounds, and club whores. The constant stream of bikers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages and seem to have nothing in common but the cut on their backs. Even given the early noon hour it doesn’t seem to stop most from having a beer and a joint.

  I don’t know how they know it, but everyone seems to already know I am Cade’s old lady. They give me wide berth but they’re none too shy about trying to get to know Stacy. If this keeps up she’s gonna need a stick to beat them off. Just as I am enjoying my new elevated status to Cade’s old lady a fucking cop walks through the door. I grab Stacy’s arm and point to the Solano County Sherriff’s deputy. I don’t know how this guy got in, but I bet three quarters of the people present here have warrants out for their arrest. This is not going to end well.

  I look up towards Prospect Red and he sees me instantly and comes to my aide. I point to the cop who has just sidled up to the far end of the bar.

  “How the fuck did he get in?” I ask in a hushed whisper.


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