Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Snafu (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Snafu (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 5

by Aliyah Burke

  Just how much does he know? Or is this all supposition? “There’s no staring at anyone. Donal has a girlfriend, and I’m past the age of answering to you. You’re here to be with Todd and the others. Go. We’ll catch up later.” She removed his hand.

  “You made him laugh, Min. He doesn’t laugh; man’s serious as all get out. You had him laughing.”

  Her belly clenched with more of that unreasonable need. And unwanted. “You’ll have to take it up with him. I’m just being me.” She walked away, ignoring the desire to turn back and look at the man who had rapidly begun taking up far too much of her thoughts.

  Alone in her room, she took some shuddering breaths and reclined in the chair by the window. She could go out exploring, now, without worrying about offending Todd’s mother.

  A knock at her door had her heart skipping up into her throat. On shaky legs, she went to answer. Bianca stood there.

  “Hi,” she said, a sheepish look on her face.

  “Bianca.” A look up and down each direction of the empty hallway. “Is…um…everything okay?” Mindy took another perusal of the hall. “I mean, you’re here, and I’m just a guest, now, since my brother has arrived.”

  “Are you busy?”

  “No.” A slight pause. “I was just going to explore the city. Did you need something?”

  “A companion to head over to the Chalet with me?” She grinned. “I’ll even offer to toss in lunch later.”

  Why her? Why not one of the bridesmaids?

  “I like Tiffany and all, but I’m not really part of their clique and would like to have someone with me who will let me be me.”

  “So, you want me to accompany you?”

  Her smile was a bit sad. “I had fun with you in the boats.”

  Mindy nodded. “I’m in. Let’s go.”

  Bianca gave a hundred-watt grin, tucked a chestnut curl behind her ear, and sighed. “Promise it won’t be corndogs for lunch. Unless, of course, that’s what you want.”

  Mindy grabbed her items, and they left the room. “I’ll decide on the way.”

  Chapter Five

  The drink in his hand stared back at Donal with the same amount of enthusiasm he had. The rich amber liquid shone in the flashing lights. Normally, he would have been as into this as much as the other ten. Perhaps nine because Todd didn’t look all that interested, either.

  The dyed blonde on the pole worked it in her red g-string, men whooping and hollering around her. Donal swirled the liquid then set the glass back down.


  He slanted his gaze to Tim. “Yes.”

  “Perhaps if it were someone else up there?”

  “Don’t start, Tim. I’m not in the mood. I’m here; be grateful for that much, at least.” He rose and walked to the door after calling a farewell to Todd and the others. Kurt joined him, and they exited the establishment together. Donal blinked as the bright sun replaced the darkness from inside.

  “What are you doing? Or rather where are you headed off to?”

  “Am I needed to watch you shove more bills in a woman’s g-string?”

  Kurt crossed his arms. “What’s between you and my sister?”

  A deaf man would have picked up the danger and possessiveness lacing his tone. The surgeon was around three-fifty, all of which was muscle, no fat. Donal arched his brow in return.

  “One, what makes you think there is? Two, why are we discussing your sister in front of a strip club? Three, is there something wrong with me? And, four, if there is something wrong, what is it?”

  “This isn’t about me stroking your ego, Donal. This is about my baby sister. My only sister. I know there is, whether or not you two want to acknowledge it or not. There are enough sparks between you both to light the Eastern seaboard. That’s when you’re trying not to look at one another. What about Tiffany? Remember her? The girlfriend. More, to hear her go on about it.”

  “You know what Tiffany is to me.”

  Kurt nodded. “Exactly. And, I have zero plans to let my sister become that. She’s too unique to be your itch scratcher.

  Donal coughed. “My what?”

  “Leave her alone, Donal. Or you and I won’t have an understanding or friendship any longer.”

  “You asked if you could bring her. I didn’t ask. You asked me to keep an eye on her, knowing we’d be spending some time together; that was okay. But, now, because you think something is there, now our friendship is on the line? What the hell, man?”

  Kurt stepped right up into his face. “She made you laugh.” He pivoted around and vanished back inside the club.

  Well, hell.

  Sliding on his shades, Donal stared back in the direction Kurt had gone, aware he could head back in there, as well, ignore the confliction within and pretend to celebrate the last bit of freedom Todd had with his friends. What is so wrong with me? And, why was he worried about Kurt’s opinion of him? Mindy wasn’t his future. A piece of news that didn’t sit well with him. Leaving the parking lot, he headed towards Fisherman’s Wharf.

  The sun was heading toward the horizon as he strolled along Pier 39. I haven’t taken enough time to get out and enjoy the city. And, he hadn’t. His days were full of work; occasionally, he had a date with Tiffany, but work ran his life.

  A pair of slender arms slipped around his back, lacing at his waist. “You been hiding from me? I’ve barely seen you since I got back from Paris.”

  Tiffany kissed his cheek and stepped up beside him. She wrinkled her nose and waved her hand in front of it. “What are you doing here?” Her expression was sour. “And, why, whatever you’re doing, are you doing it here? It smells here.”

  “How did you find me?” He slanted a look in her direction. She wore a white linen suit and some designer heels that were not the smartest item to have on along the pier.

  “I was worried you would be with that Mindy chick, so I checked where your phone said you were. It said here, so I had Jenkins drive me down.”

  “I’m sorry, you have me tagged?”

  “Just a way to keep an eye on you, sweetie. Like parents do for their children.”

  “Problem with that, Tiffany, is I’m not a child nor are you my parent.”

  “Which is a good thing, considering we’re practically engaged.’

  He needed to get away from this situation. She’d put something on his phone so she could track him. “How long has this been on my phone?” He withdrew it from his pocket and scanned the apps. Sure enough, there was a family locator app there. Uninstalling it, he frowned at her. “Are you insane? Why would you do this?”

  “You’ve been so busy and neglecting me, baby. I wanted to make sure there wasn’t someone else. I’ve not used it much, but when I saw your interaction with that Mindy, I checked it after I saw the guys come back from golf and the club. You weren’t with them.”

  “So, you thought I’d just found Mindy and was, what, shacked up in her room with her?” His anger grew by leaps and bounds. Not only for her invasion of his privacy, but because she was spot on with where he’d prefer to be.

  “Look, forget it, you’ve removed it. I’ve found out you’re not with her, so I’m happy.”

  “I don’t give a damn if you are or not. As of this moment, we’re through. I will play for the crowd and your mother, I won’t do anything to mess up Todd’s wedding, which is what this is about, but you and me are over.”

  She gripped his arm. “You can’t do that. You wouldn’t dare dump me.”

  “Really? Why? Because you think the upcoming merger with your father’s company is enough to keep me under your thumb? Wrong.” He stepped closer to her. “We have nothing in common.”

  Her face crumbled before she maintained. “Not true, sweetie. Look, come back with me. We’ll talk and—” she dragged her fingers along his chest— “I’ll let you do something else. Won’t even complain about my hair.”

  “Not interested. You go back and figure out how you’re telling your mother your behavior ende
d this relationship.”

  “This is because of her.”

  The venom dripped off her sentence, and Donal shook his head. “No, it’s not. If it were, I would be somewhere with her, right now. You can’t tell me you didn’t see this coming, Tiffany. We’ve been growing apart. Yes, Mindy made me laugh; can’t recall the last time a woman did that. And, I am attracted to her, but this is about you and me not working. Go back to the hotel; even now, I can tell how uncomfortable you are in this place.”

  “You never used to come here.”

  “You’re right. And, I was missing so much. I feel the energy here; it’s invigorating, uplifting.”

  She lifted her hand as if she were going to touch him then dropped it back to her side. “I don’t know what’s going on with you. I’ll chalk it up to nerves; you’re nervous about our wedding. Take your time, come back to the hotel when you’re ready, and we’ll discuss this.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss, Tiffany.”

  “There’s always something to discuss.” She tugged at the hem of her top. “I’ll even forgive if you decide to cross that line and have a thing with her. That is what good girlfriends or fiancées do. That’s what I’m willing to do for you. For us.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “I don’t need your permission to sleep with someone. We’re not a couple any longer.” Donal walked away, just needing to get away from her.

  Lost amongst the crowd, he strolled, willing his temper to calm down, to lessen. Suddenly, music blasted around him. He stopped, as did the others, glancing around, trying to ascertain where it came from.

  The young women beside him squealed and clapped. “Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’. It’s a flash mob.”

  He shook his head in confusion. “Here?”

  The females had their phones out and began recording along with everyone else and their smartphones. Being taller, he stared at the first few people gathering. Those surrounding the growing group whispered and pointed. One turned to three, then five, ten, and now, he looked at nearly fifty.

  Men, women, children, both older and younger, were intermixed there. He inched closer, only to nearly trip over his own feet. Running up to join in with other spectators who were was none other than Mindy. Her white button down had maybe two of the pearl closures holding it shut, the bottoms had been tied off in a knot below her full breasts. Longing shot through him. A sparkle in the light alerted him to the belly button piercing. This woman was sexy, passionate, and more.

  Her khaki pants emphasized the gorgeous curves of her lower body. I’ve never met a woman like her before. Much less one who is also a CEO.

  It wasn’t just her looks, which were killer, for he had been with a woman who had looks. This was more. Her expression bespoke of her intense joy for life. Her smile, brilliant. His gaze locked onto her as she danced. Her movements did more for him than any stripper or exotic dancer ever could. Hers were real, unrestrained.

  As the crowd erupted in cheers and applause, he pushed through to get closer to her. For a short time there, Donal wasn’t sure he’d make it to her side, for she appeared farther away with each step he took toward her.

  “Mindy,” he called out.

  She took a picture for another couple but turned her head and glanced over her shoulder to meet his gaze. His gut tensed when she smiled at him. How does one woman do this to me? He closed the distance to her, and the second she handed the phone back to the woman, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  Slanted his mouth over hers and took what he’d wanted since he’d met her. Her taste flooded him, sweet, refreshing, and most definitely addicting. Stroking along her tongue, he gathered her close, needing her against him as tight as he could have her.

  She didn’t even hesitate, just wound her arms around his neck and returned the exchange. A deep groan slid up from his throat. He shut his eyes and gave over to the raw emotions racing through him.

  When he ended the kiss, he wanted nothing more than to get her somewhere alone where there wasn’t anything but the two of them. “Come with me,” he whispered as he stared into her eyes. The setting sun had cast its golden glow over the entire area, illuminating her skin.

  Her answer was to push up on her toes and kiss him, once more. He wound his fingers around hers and led her from the pier back to his vehicle and on to the hotel. The second the door closed behind them, shutting out the rest of the world, he drew her back into his arms.

  “Mindy,” he muttered, slipping one hand down her back to rest along her hip. “God, the way you feel against me.” He dipped his head back to where their lips were millimeters were apart. “I’m going to do what I wanted to do since the second you walked back into my life.”


  “I’m aware I missed last night. I was busy.”

  Donal’s voice woke her, and Mindy stretched along the smooth and warm sheets. She was sore in the most wonderful of ways. She could see him past the doorway, out in the main part of the suite. He wore a pair of pants and nothing more. The soft filtered sun, which penetrated the fog outside the window, added a warm glow to his skin.

  “I’ll be down when I get there. Yes, I’m aware tonight is the rehearsal dinner. I won’t miss that, Mother.”

  She bit her lower lip as he mumbled a few more things before ending the call. Mindy began to sit when he turned back toward her. Her breath hitched as his gaze ran over her, heat flaring in his eyes, and she bit back a moan. Not sure why I have fallen so hard for this man.

  He came in and sat beside her, hands stroking along the curve of her hip.

  “Morning,” he said with a smile.

  Lord, even something so simple as a lift of those kissable lips had her belly flipping in anticipation and longing.

  “Morning,” she replied, tugging the coverings up higher over her breasts.

  The quirk of his lips told her he caught the move. He dipped his head, mouth near her ear. “No point in hiding them.”

  She burrowed deeper down in the bedding and pulled the extra up over her face. His chuckle warmed her then, seconds later, he pulled the white cover off her face and took possession of her mouth. She wound her arms around him, pressing to his bare chest as he rolled them farther into the bed, a tangle of sheets and limbs.

  “Stay here with me today.” His words were whispered against her lips.

  She exhaled, even as she shook her head. “I can’t. You’re the best man; this is the day of the rehearsal. You have best man duties to attend to, and it’s not fair to Todd and Bianca that you’re not there to help him.”

  He rose up on one arm, looking down at her. She leaned into the tender drag of his knuckles along the side of her face.

  “Come back tonight, then.”

  And, reality began to set back in. The knowledge of what she’d done last night—and into this morning—hit her square. It had just all happened from the moment he kissed her. She squeezed her eyes shut as the mortification came.

  “No, I can’t.” Unease roiled in her belly, and nausea swarmed. Oh, my God, what did I do? He’s got a girlfriend. She bolted, launched herself from the bed, only to topple to the floor, courtesy of the sheets tangled around her feet.

  “Mindy,” he cried out, lunging for her. “What is going on? What were you doing?” He lifted her back onto the bed and cupped her face.

  “Stop,” she said, begging. Pain radiated up from her wrist.

  “You just fell out of the bed. Or rather threw yourself off the bed.”

  Blanket wrapped tightly around her, she inched out of his grasp, ignoring the pain in her wrist. He narrowed his gaze and shook his head.

  “You’re running.”

  “This…whatever it was…was a mistake.”

  “Don’t,” he said.

  But, she couldn’t. Not when her insides were a churning mess. “My God, I’m the lowest form of shit. You have a girlfriend.” She covered her face and winced. I really have to get my wrist looked at. “Everything I despise in a person, I’ve just
become.” Her voice rasped over her own skin, akin to sandpaper.

  God, I want to puke.

  “Mindy. Mindy, stop this.”

  He removed her hands from her face, his own expression carved from ice it was so set. He was so serious it gave her pause. Another spike of pain ricocheted up her arm, springing tears back into her eyes.

  “I’m not dating anyone else at the moment.”

  It took a few deep, shuddering breaths for his words to sink in.

  “You’re not with Tiffany?”

  He wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. “I broke it off with her.”

  Relief flowed in on a tidal wave, only to be swept out at the same rushing speed. Leaving behind a wide swath of bad thoughts and bitterness.

  “Wait, you’re not? When did this happen?”


  The anger sparked, and she ground her teeth. “So, you… This… You… It was a rebound thing.”

  “What? No.” He tightened his hold. “That’s not it.”

  “God, I’m such a fool.”

  “Stop that.” He found a way to be even closer to her. “Tiff and I were done a long time ago, and it was just made official yesterday.”

  Those words didn’t make her feel any better, not even in the slightest of ways.

  “You are something special, Mindy. How can you not see it?”

  Desperation rising, she managed to get free of him and the bed. Then shoved into her wildly displaced clothing. Definitely on more even ground if I’m not naked. A thought proven wrong when he got right back into her personal space, setting off the twinges and longings he’d awakened.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Mindy. You don’t coast through life; you reach out—” he did— “and grab it by the horns.” His fingers curled around her upper arms. “You laugh, sing, dance, and live. I’ve spent four days with you doing golfing, picnicking, boating.” His lips quirked. “Swimming. And, I’ve felt more alive, then, than I have the past many years.”

  Mindy wrapped her arms around her belly. “No.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “No? No what?”


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