The Lady and the Earl (Seabrook Family Saga)

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The Lady and the Earl (Seabrook Family Saga) Page 9

by Donovan, Christine

  “You’re the worst excuse for a man God ever created. What you did to Katherine has saved you a nice boiling spot in Hell. And don’t think the three of us did not know you were responsible for your parents’ accident.”

  “Cousin,” Spencer urged, trying to wrest William’s hand from Trenton’s throat. By then, Trenton’s lips were tinged blue and his eyes were bulging.

  “Damn it all to hell!” William shouted as he backed up. He then noticed all the patrons at White’s exchanging payment for bets made. So shallow. Was that all the members thought about?

  As Trenton bent over, gasping for air, William took him by the arm and dragged him to the door. “If you want to live to see the sun rise tomorrow, don’t come near me again.”

  The doorman opened the door, and William shoved Trenton out into the windswept rain. William turned to see curious eyes watching him.

  “Do you people not have things to do?” he snarled. With a deep breath he returned to his chair once more, sat down, and picked up his glass of brandy. His hand trembled so badly he almost sloshed the liquid over the rim.

  Spencer held his glass up for a toast. “Well done, Cousin. Well done.”

  “Something has to be done about him. I could never prove he murdered my brother or his sister, but I know he did. I believe he would have killed me, too, except his source of income would have ended.” As it had now.

  Damn, his chest burned. William closed his eyes and tried to picture his brother and Katherine alive and laughing, not their broken, dead bodies. Geoffrey, so full of life and love for Katherine. It might not have been the same love William had for Katherine, but he loved her nonetheless. It had made sense at the time for her to marry Geoffrey instead of him to quiet the rumors surrounding his sexual preferences. Katherine had cared for Geoffrey, understood him, and would have done anything for him. And she did. She married a man who could not be a husband in the true sense of the word.

  Bloody hell, William missed them. If it were the last thing he did, he would see Trenton pay for his sins.

  “Yarmouth is paying a visit to Amelia today,” William said to Spencer. “I am interested in paying a call to the Seabrook home. I want to watch the duke try to worm his way into Amelia’s heart.” Damn, he was a sadistic bastard.


  Due to the inclement weather, the ride in the park with the Duke of Yarmouth had been postponed until another day. Amelia found herself sitting in the drawing room with Isabella where they entertained the duke. Upon close inspection, Amelia had to admit he appeared somewhat handsome in a young, carefree sort of way. Daniel had only been a few years older than the duke, but in terms of life experiences, Daniel seemed decades older. Daniel had been in the army and seen battle. There had been a worldliness about Daniel that attracted her at once.

  And then there was William. One needed only a glimpse into his eyes to know he’d seen more than his share of life and tragedy.

  Those were the types of men who interested her. She did not want a duke who’d had life handed to him on a silver spoon. And listening to him now, she found that nothing he said interested her. Amelia had experienced too much in her young life to be content with talking about the weather and wondering who would attend the theater or ball and with whom and what they would wear. Polite conversation seemed to go nowhere, to reveal nothing of the person.

  Thank goodness for Bella and her aptitude for making small talk.

  Just as the duke looked as though he might leave, the doorman entered the room and announced, “Lord Bridgeton and Mr. Spencer. Shall I tell them you are receiving?”

  “Yes,” Amelia gushed enthusiastically. Her eyes met the pained look on the duke’s face, and she instantly felt contrite. Yet she could not force feelings that did not exist. Even if she spent every day with Yarmouth for a month straight, she knew she would only regard him as a friend––nothing more.

  When he was near, her body did not tingle.

  Her heart did not pound.

  She was not breathless while in his company.

  Amelia most certainly did not want to kiss him––did not think she could ever love him. No spark ignited between them. Surely, if he was at all intuitive, he could also tell?

  After everyone exchanged greetings, Lord Yarmouth did indeed take his leave. Amelia alternated between guilt for being relieved he had left and giddiness over William’s arrival. She had to remind herself that they could not be more than friends. While her mind understood, her heart would not accept only friendship with this new man in her life. She yearned for more.

  “What brings you gentlemen by on such a dreadful day?” Bella asked as she poured tea for the newcomers.

  “Oh, is the weather bad?” Spencer remarked. “I had not noticed with you lovely ladies smiling and lighting up the room.”

  William groaned and Amelia laughed.

  “Tell me, Lord Bridgeton, how long do you plan to stay in London?” Amelia asked ignoring the hope soaring inside her body at the thought of him staying until the Season ended.

  “I believe I’ll stay until the Season concludes.” He shrugged. “That is, unless something happens to change my mind.”

  “Such as?” Amelia had to ask.

  The look on his face now had her sucking in her breath, waiting.

  “If the reason for me being here no longer exists,” William answered.

  The look in William’s eyes now, had Amelia leaning toward him. The warmth in his pale blue eyes drew her in, causing her to hold her breath. She stared at William, unable to look away. “Bella, I just remembered Lord Bridgeton’s interest in books. I believe I will show him the library.”

  Bella sent her a warning look, but Amelia ignored it and led William down the hall and into the dark, chilly library. No fire had been lit.

  After she closed the door, William cocked a brow. “I don’t think this is wise. Where are your mother and Wentworth?”

  “Mother’s in her room,” she answered breathlessly. “The only other family member home is Bella.”

  Amelia rose on tiptoes, placed the palms of her hands on his warm hard chest, and stared into his eyes. Eyes that looked deep into her soul. She could not help herself. Kissing him again was all she thought about. Her quivering lips brushed his lightly, ever so lightly. She pulled back just a little and stared at her hands. The hands that felt William’s heart pounding inside his chest. She moved her fingers ever so slowly, caressing him through his clothing. His body convulsed, and he sucked in his breath.

  William placed his hands on her back and ran his fingers up and down her spine. Warmth flowed from his fingertips into her body until her knees gave way and they dropped down onto the sofa.

  William hesitated, torn between his physical need for Amelia and the need to keep her safe. He knew he would be damned to hell later, but right now, he only wanted this. He took her lips with his. Gently at first, until a hunger burst from deep inside his chest, a hunger not to be ignored, and he swept his tongue inside her moist, sweet mouth. Amelia’s breathy gasps only fueled his fire.

  He had a vague thought that she had experienced this before, but he put it aside. He didn’t care. He reached beneath her skirts and caressed first her calf, then her soft, warm thigh, and then he probed higher, seeking her womanhood.

  “Amelia…” He breathed into her ear. Whatever else he meant to say vanished as he took her soft lips with his, lips that tasted of heaven and beyond, lips that caressed his with her moans of pleasure.

  Abruptly, hands grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him off Amelia.

  “Cousin, get a hold of yourself,” Spencer commanded.

  As his eyes focused, William recognized the anger on his cousin’s face and the shock on Lady Isabella’s. Lady Isabella’s eyes were huge, her hand covering her mouth and her face resembling a red rose in full bloom.

  Amelia jumped to her feet and smoothed her gown. Her eyes were as large as her sister’s, and the shade of red in her face even deeper. “I…I…” Amelia co
vered her eyes with her hands and sank back down into the sofa, and cried.

  “Amelia,” William murmured, angry at himself for putting Amelia in this awkward situation.

  “No, Lord Bridgeton,” Lady Isabella said as she pulled herself together and took control. “There is no time for you to console my sister. My brothers are arriving home with Emma and baby Hamilton as we speak.”

  “How can I ever thank you for coming in here as you did?” William said gratefully.

  The look Lady Isabella gave him would have felled lesser men. “You can thank me by keeping your hands off my sister. She has had enough trauma and heartache in her life. I hate to think what would have happened if Wentworth or Sebastian had come in here instead of Mr. Spencer and me.”

  Yes, one would hate to think. Lady Isabella’s chastisement ended as they were joined in the library by the rest of the Seabrook family. The shocked look on Lady Isabella’s face would not soon be forgotten. William cursed himself for touching Amelia.

  The look Wentworth sent William singed his skin. Did he know?

  “The ladies were showing my cousin and me your splendid collection of books,” Spencer said, his voice relaxed, revealing nothing.

  “Were they now?” Sebastian asked as he walked over to the fireplace and lit some flint. A moment later a small flame began to glow.

  “I thought the Duke of Yarmouth was to visit you this afternoon, Amelia. Did he not come?” Wentworth walked over to his sister and sat in the chair next to her. Piercing eyes scanned every inch of her. He paused and frowned when he met her face. “Did he pay you a visit?”

  “Oh, yes. He did,” she replied.

  William nearly groaned at the guilty look on her features. “He was present when we arrived,” he said, compelled to come to Amelia’s aid. “Left shortly after, explaining he had another call to make.” Composed now, William walked over to take the seat across from the duke. “He appears to be an affable fellow. Are you considering him for Lady Amelia or Lady Isabella?”

  “For Amelia.” Wentworth glared, clearly not liking William interfering in their family business. “Isabella’s interest lies elsewhere.” The unfriendly look he shot Spencer clearly proved he did not want him calling on his other sister any better than he wanted William calling on Amelia.

  Wentworth stood. “In fact, could I have a private word with you in my study, Lord Bridgeton?”

  Once behind closed doors, Wentworth went to the sideboard and poured amber liquid into one glass and downed it. “Please, sit.”

  After William seated himself in the leather chair opposite the desk, Wentworth sat down as well.

  “I am not a blind or stupid man.” Angry eyes, full of deadly venom, glared across the large desk at William. “Something happened between my sister and you in the library. I know the look of a woman seduced. God help you if you went too far.”

  William swallowed. He would not be intimidated by the duke. “I didn’t.”

  “Good. I pride myself on being a good and caring brother. And Lord knows I have given my sisters way too much freedom when it comes to many things. But when it comes to you and Amelia, I will never agree to a friendship between you two.” He rose.

  With hands clasped behind his back the duke paced across the small room. “I realize you have had some hard times. The death of your brother must have been painful. And then to have his wife die such a short time later…” Wentworth stopped pacing and looked out the window, his back to William. “I can try to understand the pain of your loss, but the truth is I cannot really. Nor will I insult you by telling you I do.” He paused and leaned his hands on either side of the window. “My sister, Lady Amelia, has had her own share of tragedy. And I’m quite sure you have heard the rumors about her. I will not deny or confirm them to you. That is for my sister to do. But I will tell you one thing, quite plainly.” Wentworth spun around and strolled toward him with all the confidence due a man of his status. “Stay away from her. She needs to marry someone with an impeccable reputation. And that someone is not you.”

  William considered himself a patient man. However, after the altercation with Sir Phillip Trenton earlier in the day, patience no longer had a place inside him. And he would not let the duke dictate his life.

  “Your Grace, mayhap you should seek out your sister and see what it is she wants. Don’t her feelings mean anything to you?”

  Wentworth cocked a brow.

  Rising to his feet, William’s hands fisted down by his sides and he fought down his demons. He would not give the duke the satisfaction of seeing him riled. “Does your sister’s happiness mean so little to you?” William walked toward the door, but paused with his hand on the knob. “I thought you a better man than that.” He shook his head and drew up his chin. “Please tell Spencer I will meet him outside.”

  Several minutes later, sitting in his carriage opposite his cousin, William finally unclenched his fists and rubbed his hands together to work out the cramps. “I have had enough of London. I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.”

  Spencer frowned at him. “You will let Wentworth drive you back into exile. For what, coveting his sister? Don’t be a damn fool. This is your chance to finally have happiness.” Spencer raised his hand, silencing William when he indicated he would speak. “I know you thought you were happy once before with Katherine, but were you really? She never belonged to you.”

  The look in Spencer’s eyes made William uncomfortable as hell.

  “I see how Lady Amelia looks at you,” Spencer continued. “She is in love with you. And if you are too mule headed to recognize you feel the same, then I pity you. Even though you sequestered yourself in the country for twelve years, you were never a coward.”

  “Bloody hell!” William yanked his hat off and raked his fingers through his hair. “You do not understand.”

  Spencer leaned back in the seat, crossed his arms, and rested them on this chest. “Explain it to me then.”

  “I can’t. I can hardly understand it myself. I have all these conflicting feelings tugging at my insides. One minute I want to kill Trenton for what he did. Then I want to prove he did it and let him rot in Newgate. On other days, I want to escape and forget all the pain of my past.” William looked up and met Spencer’s eyes, knowing his own eyes were haunted. “There were many days I sat at my desk with my revolver in my hand. But as you said, I have never been a coward. Taking my life would never make Trenton pay for his sins. Stark numbness took over my world. And let me tell you, it is not any less painful now that the numbness has faded. In its own way it’s much worse. I feel too much.” He paused to take a breath.

  “Will you help me? I want to hire the best Bow Street Runner there is. I only wish I had come to my senses and done this years ago.”

  Closing his eyes, William breathed deeply, steadying his heartbeat. “But then again, I’d had nothing to live for. Deep down inside, I believe Amelia needs me and wants me, as I know I need and desire her. In the meantime, I will respect Wentworth’s wishes and stay away from her.” He rubbed his chin. “How utterly stupid of me to think I could leave London and Amelia behind.”

  “Cousin,” Spencer replied, “I will do anything I can to help. I know of a runner who has an impressive reputation. Let’s pay Mr. Smythe a visit tomorrow. Why we didn’t do this years ago I will never understand.” Spencer paused then continued. “It’s different now, though you may not, understand that difference. I believe I do. You didn’t care before. It’s damn good to have you caring about your life now. Finally.” Spencer grinned deviously. “You should even find your way into Parliament. Finally take your seat.”

  Laughter burst from William, causing his eyes to water. “Wouldn’t that cause a ruckus. I’ll think on it.”


  When her brother, the duke, walked back into the library, Amelia’s already frazzled nerves worsened. The expression on his face did not bode well for her. She’d seldom seen that look. And when she had, everyone had scattered out of his
way. Somehow she did not think she had any choice but to stay put.

  “I wish to speak to Amelia in private,” Wentworth said in his most influential tone.

  Emma, Bella, and Sebastian all exchanged sympathetic looks with her before they quit the room, leaving her and her brother alone in uncomfortable silence. Amelia waited and waited, fighting back tears. How much did he know?

  “Amelia…” Wentworth sighed as he sat in the chair opposite her and looked straight into her eyes with his stormy blue ones. “I don’t even know where to begin.” His hand went up to silence her, as he began to speak. “I am a man. Things happened between Emma and I before we married that would shock Society. Shock our family.” He paused and rubbed his chin. “I know how men are. I know what drives them. And I know the look when a woman’s been…” He blushed. Dear God, her brother blushed.

  “Don’t make me say it. You know perfectly well what I’m talking about.” Wentworth jumped up from his seat and paced in front of the fireplace. “You had that look, so do not even deny it. You were alone with Bridgeton. Alone for quite some time, if my perception is correct.” He took a deep breath and shook his head, “What I want to know is why. Why would you risk getting yourself with child again? Because even I do not think we can pull off keeping it a secret another time.”

  Amelia swallowed the lump in her throat and wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks. Shame. Her chest burned with shame. Her brother should pack her bags and throw her out into the street for coming close to shaming the family once again.

  “I truly believe Yarmouth will make the perfect husband for you,” Wentworth began speaking again. “I can see how much you and Bridgeton care for one another, but it will never work because of Olivia. The quickest way to your daughter is through Yarmouth. May I send notice to him that he has my blessing to ask for your hand? I know this is not what you want. And if I do contact Yarmouth, may I discuss Olivia with him?” He paused and took a deep breath. “Will you ever forgive me for this?”


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