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Precious Stones

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by Brandi Bell

  Precious Stones

  Soul Twin Series

  Brandi Bell

  ©Brandi Bell, 2018

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  Cover Artist: Francesca Vance

  Editor: Erica Collins of EDC Editing

  Created with Vellum

  Precious Stones

  When Jade and Ruby return home from California after being kidnapped, they find out their father had been placed under an endless sleep curse, and it’s up to them to save him.

  They must travel to the fae realm to find out who cursed their father, and hopefully find a way to break it.

  With help from unexpected sources, and some life altering discoveries, will they be able to save him on time?


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62



  About Brandi Bell

  Chapter 1


  “Why do we have to rush home so fast, Mom?” I ask.

  “Your Dad has been cursed into an endless dream,” she replies numbly.

  “Wait, what?” I asked, confused.

  “Apparently, Aunt Phi went over to check on him, and she can't wake him up. She did a detection spell, and he’s cursed,” Mom explains. “We have until the next full moon to reverse it, or I am scared it will be permanent.”

  “What can we do?” I ask, scared for my dad.

  “We research, and find a way to break it,” Mom answers. “Now go home and rest, we won’t do him any good the way we are.”

  “I want to go see Dad,” I tell her.

  “I need some time alone with him to think,” she replies.

  “But…” I start to say.

  “You can see him later, Jade,” she interrupts me.

  “Ok, Mom. Bye,” I say.

  “Bye, Jade. I love you,” she says, then gets in her car and leaves.

  I’m standing outside my apartment, not wanting to go inside. It has only been a few weeks since I have been here, but so much has changed. I’m scared it won’t feel like home anymore. I finally make myself go through the door and climb the stairs to my apartment. I walk in, and it’s exactly how it was before I was carried away on this adventure.

  I go into the kitchen to make sure there is nothing spoiling in the fridge, then sit down on the couch. I want to call Grady to come over, but I don’t want to think about the witch’s bond he brought up. I have no idea how I could be supernaturally bonded with more than one man, but if I look inside I can feel the pull.

  A witch’s bond is a very rare bond to be filled. It is said that every witch is born with the other half of their soul in another body. Humans name their soulmate off of this bond. Most witch’s never find their other half, but when they do, they feel drawn together.

  I can’t deny the fact that I’ve felt drawn to Grady from the moment that I met him, but if I acknowledge that bond, I have to deal with the Incubus.

  Seamus also says I’m his mate. He explained that Incubi have one mate born for them in their lifetime, and it is always from another species. I can’t deny the fact that I have a strange attraction to him, even though he kidnapped me, but there is no way I’m going to be with him. I want to be with Grady, not some guy who kidnapped me.

  It feels odd being alone, and I have too much time to think. I give in and text Grady to see if he wants to come over, I miss him already. He replies back that he’ll be here shortly.

  I get up and find some busy work to keep my brain occupied while waiting for him to arrive. Finally there’s a knock at the door.

  When I open it, Grady scoops me up in a hug, then lays a passionate kiss on my lips. He pulls back and says, “I’m glad you texted me. I’ve been worried since you left with your mom.”

  “I’m panicking a little bit. I need to figure out what to do to help,” I say.

  “What exactly did your mom say is going on?” he asks.

  “Someone cursed my dad with a sleeping spell while Mom was trying to find me. We have until the next full moon, or she thinks it might be permanent,” I say, then start sobbing on his shoulder.

  He holds me while I ugly cry. I slowly calm down to sniffles, and step back to catch my breath.

  “What can we do to help?” he asks.

  “Research, I guess. Call anyone that might know something about that type of curse,” I answer.

  “I hate to suggest it, man do I hate to, but you should call Seamus,” he replies.

  “What! No way. Fiona is with Mom, she would know anything he does,” I say.

  “You never know, he might have different connections, and he owes you,” Grady growls.

  “Fine, but not because I want to, only for my dad,” I relent.

  I go to my bags to find the letters that Seamus left at the hotel for me in Sacramento. At the bottom of the second letter is his contact information. My hands shake when I think about calling him. On one hand I really want to hear his voice, but on the other I really don’t want to desire that. I take a deep breath and dial his number.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  “Hi, Seamus…” I say, reluctantly.

  “Jade? What’s wrong, lass? What do you need? What can I do?” he asks frantically.

  “I’m ok, Seamus, but my dad isn’t,” I began, then my throat closed up.

  “What’s wrong with your dad, lass?” he questions.

  “Someone cursed him with an eternal sleep spell that my mom has never seen before. It’s not from a witch,” I sob, not wanting to.

  “Where are you, lass? I will come to you and help,” he offers.

  “Call Fiona, I have to go,” I say, then hang up before he can reply.

  I go back into the living room where Grady is waiting on me.

  “Did you call him?” he asks.

  I nod my head. Then sit down on the couch and
put my head in my hands. I’m so overwhelmed, I’m not sure what to do next.

  “I’m assuming he’s coming to help, so why don’t we try to relax until we have more information,” he suggests.

  “I told him to call Fiona, and I don’t know if I can relax,” I admit.

  He sits down next to me on the couch and pulls me into his side, under his arm. I curl into him, needing the comfort his presence gives me.

  We stay like this on the couch for a while, lost in thought, before my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I answer it.

  “Jade, we have a plan, but you aren’t going to like it,” Mom starts.

  “Just tell me, Mom. I can handle it,” I say.

  “Fiona’s brother called her and offered to help, she thinks he is our best resource,” she says in a gentle voice, like I’m a wounded animal.

  “Oh, I already know that, I called him and asked him to talk to her,” I say, like it was no big deal.

  “Thank the Goddess! I was so worried about letting you know,” she replies, her voice relieved.

  “It’s ok, Mom, anything to help Dad,” I reply.

  “Can you write out a note for Ruby about everything before tonight? I need to get her on the same page and dawn hit right before I was going to tell her what was wrong,” she asks.

  “Of course Mom, I love you. Call me when you know what I can do,” I say.

  “Love you too, I will,” she replies, then hangs up.

  I look at the time and sunset isn’t far off. I walk Grady to the door, where he leans into a panty dropping kiss. I don’t want to stop, but I need to write a letter to Ruby and get ready to switch. I finally break away, then close the door behind him.

  I make my way into the bedroom, change into some pajamas, then sit down and write a note. I explain everything that I have learned since the plane landed, then ask her to help us with Daddy. I lay down and tape the note to my forehead just as the sun went down.

  Chapter 2


  After Jade shuts the door, I make it to the car before I lose it. I’m so pissed off that she has to call him, of all people. I can’t deny her, her other mate, but I thought I had more time before he would be in the picture. I can still taste her on my lips and that brings me some comfort. I decide to go to the gym and work off this aggression.

  Chapter 3


  I can’t believe my ears. Jade called me for help. I make arrangements to fly straight there. My mate needs me, and I’ll not let her down. I secure the house and pack my bag, then call for a ride. I don’t want my Aston Martin left out of the garage. I call Fiona.

  “Hi, Seamus, what do you want?” she answers the phone.

  “Why do you assume I want something? Can’t I just call to say hi?” I counter.

  “You never do anything without a purpose brother,” she states.

  “Aye, you have me there. Jade called me to come help with her father. He’s under an eternal sleep spell according to her,” I reply.

  “I’m shocked she called you, but I could use any help you can give. You are the one with all the seedy connections,” she retorts.

  “Aye, and maybe those connections will help please my mate,” I say then hang up.

  I know she’ll have a place ready for me when I arrive. I’m at the airport, so I board the private jet and head to see my mate.

  Chapter 4


  I wake up laying on the bed in my apartment. It feels good to be home. There is a piece of paper taped to my forehead.


  Mom said she didn’t get a chance to let you know what’s going on. Someone cursed Dad, and now he can’t wake up. Mom called it an endless sleep. We have to put our lives on hold to help her solve this before the next full moon, or there will be no waking him up. I hope we can do this.



  Fuck, this isn’t good, I think. I find my phone and call Mom.

  “Ruby, did Jade leave you a note?” Mom says when she answers the phone.

  “Yeah, what can I do?” I ask.

  “I don’t know yet, but we’re working on a plan,” she says.

  “Let me know if I can do anything,” I reply.

  “Ok, honey, I’ll call you later,” she says, then hangs up.

  I send a group text to the guys.

  Me: Dad is cursed with an eternal sleep spell, it’s not from a witch.

  Liam: Oh no!

  Elias: What do you need from us?

  Felix: We should call that guy in Kansas City.

  Me: Who?

  Felix: The guy from that Angel Rock Bar.

  Me: That’s a good idea.

  Liam: His name is Antoine.

  Elias: How did you remember that?

  Liam: I’m good with names.

  Liam: Let’s just meet in my basement. I’ll text Grady to come over.

  Me: Ok, why Grady though?

  Liam: He’s in this with Jade too.

  Me: Fine, see you there.

  I close out my messages and get ready to go. I leave the apartment and start walking to Liam’s when I hear a car honk. I turn around and Elias is behind me in his big, red Ford F-150 pickup truck with a shit eating grin.

  “I thought you might want a ride, Gem,” he says with a smirk.

  “I won’t say no to that,” I reply as I get in.

  We ride to Liam’s without talking. The radio is turned up loud, and Elias is singing along. It’s almost enough to make me smile, but I’m too worried about my dad.

  We pull up in front of Liam’s house and I jump out of the truck and run inside, and down the stairs. I hope Liam has located Antoine while we made our way there.

  “What do you know?” I ask.

  “Nothing yet, I was waiting until we all got here,” Liam replies.

  “Fuck,” I say.

  I sit on the couch and bounce my knee up and down, as I wait impatiently. Grady comes down the stairs after a few minutes, I start to get up, then realized Felix isn’t here yet.

  I’m about to text him, then I hear him coming down the stairs. I jump up and go back to Liam, “Everyone’s here, now call him!” I exclaim.

  “Ruby, hold your horses,” Liam replies.

  “If he can possibly help my dad, I will not,” I say with my hands on my hips.

  “Ok, is everyone ready?” Liam asks.

  The guys all nod their heads or mumble an agreement, so Liam dials the club and puts the phone on speaker.

  “Rock Angel Bar, this is Victoria. How can I help you tonight?” a woman answers.

  “We need to talk to Antoine,” Liam replies.

  “May I ask who is calling?”

  “Tell him it’s Mz. Hyde,” he answers.

  “Haha, if you’re going to play pranks I’ll just hang up,” she says.

  “It would be in your best interest to tell him that Mz. Hyde is on the phone for him. I’m sure he’d be upset if you hung up without telling him,” Liam says in a calm voice.

  “Whatever, if he yells at me, I’m gonna yell at you,” she replies, then puts us on hold.

  “This is Antoine,” he says when the hold music stops.

  “This is Ruby from Mz. Hyde, we met in your office,” I reply.

  “Yes, the vampire no one knows is a vampire. How can I help you?” he asks.

  “Well, you said you were from a world next to ours, and that we all came from there,” I start.

  “Yes, keep going,” he urges me to continue.

  “Well, my dad was cursed by something that wasn’t a witch. Since you know about this other world I was hoping you knew what could cause sleeping curses,” I say.

  “Oh, well that is not an easy answer. There are many species that could make a sleeping curse. I would have to do some investigating and get back to you,” he replies.

  “Does that mean you’ll help us?” I ask.

  “Yes, I’ll help you. It’s been boring sitting here at this club in the human realm,” he
says with a chuckle, “Call me back tomorrow and we can discuss a plan.”

  “Thank you,” I say enthusiastically.

  “You’re most welcome, goodbye,” he says, then hangs up.

  I turn and look at the men standing around me, and see a variety of expressions.

  “Who is this guy, and why do you trust him?” Grady asks.

  “We met him in a club in Kansas City, and what do we have to lose?” I asks.

  “Fair enough,” he replies. “I’m heading home to do research, night guys.”

  “I need to grab a bite,” Felix says with a grin. “Want to join me?”

  “Not really, but I should,” I reply.

  “You guys wanna come with?” Felix asks the other two.

  “Not tonight,” Liam answers.

  “I’m game, then I can take Gem home,” Elias says.

  We say goodbye to Liam then leave to find a bar with unsuspecting donors. I ride with Elias again, while Felix drives his own car. I resent Jade’s ability to get her license when I can’t, but at least I have my guys to give me rides. Felix mentioned once just using Jade’s license, as if I would ever pretend to be her! I would never want to be mistaken for her boring ass.


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