Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance Page 7

by Lydia Rose

  “I’ll go through the listings and email you homes I think you might like. Then we can go look at some homes.” Kim put her papers back into the briefcase and stood up. Her hand came out in offering. “Thank you for your business, Laura.”

  “Thank you for selling the home so quickly.”

  “Not too many homes come sale in this area. The buyer of your home has a brother looking for a home too.”

  Laura’s cell phone rang. “Excuse me a second.” Putting the phone to her ear, she said. “Hi.”

  “Hi, Laura. Carol just called. They going to be a little late tonight so you don’t have to get here until six thirty if you want.” Laura didn’t respond. “Or you can come earlier.”

  “Do you have dessert, Chris?” Laura asked.

  “I’m going to the bakery in a while.”

  “I’ll bring dessert. See you later.”

  “I’m sorry to eavesdrop, but was that Christine Harper?”

  “Yes,” Laura said softly.

  “She isn’t looking to sell, is she?” Kim asked almost panting.

  “I don’t think she’d ever sell that house. Her partner designed that home. It was their dream house.”

  “Would you mind passing my card on to her?” Kim walked toward the front door. “People change their minds all the time.”

  Laura shrugged. “Sure.”


  Laura made chocolate mousse for dessert and brought what she needed to make fresh whipped cream.

  “What have you got there?” Christine asked as she opened the front door.

  “Chocolate mousse, but I’ll have to make whipped cream before I serve the dish.” Laura walked into the kitchen and began putting her things away. She turned to Christine once her task was completed. “What can I help you with?”

  “I’m all set. How about a glass of wine?” Christine asked already with the bottle in her hand.

  “Sure,” Laura said as she reached for a carrot that sat on the peninsula with appetizers.

  “Let me get you a plate so you can enjoy the appetizers,” Christine said as she reached for the plates in the cabinet.

  “I’ll wait until Sara and Carol get here.” Laura reached into her pocket. “My realtor wanted me to give you her card. I told her you weren’t interested in selling,” she said with a shrug.

  Christine stuck the card in a drawer. “So did you like the offer?”

  “The house is sold. I have thirty days to get out.”

  “Thirty days.” Christine repeated softly. She thought she would have more time with Laura being her neighbor. The reality was now sinking in and she felt her stomach tighten.

  “They bought the furniture and the boat so it’s just my boxes I have to move.”

  “You’re sure about this?” Christine asked looking at Laura’s face for regret.

  “Yeah. It doesn’t feel like home to me.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Carol and Sara greeted Christine at the door with hugs. They walked toward the kitchen and Sara made a beeline for Laura.

  She hugged her close and whispered in her ear. “Thank you so much for your words of wisdom.”

  Laura laughed. “Was she pleased,” she said in a whisper.

  “Many times,” Sara said with a wink.

  “I’m glad I could be of help.”

  Carol walked into the kitchen with Christine at her side. “Laura,” she said also hugging her. “Thank you for the recommendation on the restaurant.” Carol pulled her close again and whispered in her ear. “And the other thing.”

  “You are most welcome,” Laura said wearing a wide grin.

  The four women sat around the peninsula and dug into the appetizers and wine.

  “Are you our cook tonight?” Carol asked winking at Christine.

  “No. Laura is my guest.” She smiled at Laura. “She made chocolate mousse for dessert.”

  “Oh,” Sara said wiping her hands together. “Don’t let this girl out of your sight, Chris.”

  Christine lowered her head. “Laura sold her dad’s home. She’ll be back in New York in thirty days.”

  Sara and Carol’s head whipped toward Laura who just shrugged.

  “You’ll still be here for the 4th of July?” Sara asked.

  “I don’t know.” Laura looked at Christine. “Will you be inviting anymore single women to the party?”

  “It depends. Do you want us to?” Carol asked.

  “Not for me.” Again she looked at Christine. “How about you, Chris?”

  “Not for me either,” she said waiving her hand.

  “Okay, couples only,” Carol said with a grin.

  Laura and Christine glanced at each other as she mouthed softly. “Thank you.”

  The women decided it was cool enough to eat outside and they all sat down to enjoy the meal Christine had prepared.

  “The potato salad is very good, Chris,” Laura said as she reached for another helping.

  “I can’t take much of the credit because the recipe is on the jar of mayo. The only thing I do different is to whip the dressing before I added it to the potatoes.”

  “That’s a good trick. I like it,” Laura said putting another forkful into her mouth.

  Laura’s dessert was well received by the women and at nine thirty Sara and Carol were ready to leave.

  “We will see you both at 4th July,” Carol said as she hugged Christine. “Take care of my friend,” she whispered into Laura’s ear.

  Laura smiled. “I’ll try.”

  “Chris, can I help you with anything else?” Laura asked walking back toward the kitchen.

  “Everything is put away, but would you like to sit with me on the dock for a bit?”

  “Aren’t you tired? You have work tomorrow.”

  “I’m always tired, but it’s not from lack of trying to sleep.” They walked toward the patio door and stepped outside. Christine pointed. “The full moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Laura didn’t look at the moon, but instead the face that was at her side. “Beautiful,” she said without taking her eyes off Christine.

  They walked down the steps and sat on the bench. “Aren’t you going to miss this?”

  Laura shrugged. “There’s always other views to enjoy,” she said softly.

  “You won’t miss fishing?”

  Laura laughed. “My dad would have, but not me.”

  Christine turned on the bench and rested her leg on the seat. Laura turned and their eyes met. “Why did you kiss me the other night?” Christine asked in a whisper.

  “Because I’m leaving here and I had to know what it felt like to kiss you. Even if it was only that one time,” she said with a smile. “Better yet, why did you kiss me back? I didn’t expect that, but I was pleasantly surprised.”

  Christine put her leg down and looked at the water in front of her. How do I answer that? She thought. “I guess for the same reason you kissed me.”

  Laura jumped on her answer and chuckled. “Want to do it again?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’ll be gone in thirty days,” she said moving closer to Christine.

  Christine turned her head toward Laura and looked at her lips. That was all the encouragement Laura needed. She draped her hand over the back of the bench and kissed Christine deeply. They broke away breathless. Laura saw the stunned look on Christine face, but it was Christine who initiated the next kiss. As their mouths came together again, Christine’s tongue asked for permission into Laura’s mouth. As their tongues danced, Laura’s hands played with the hem on Christine’s top. Christine broke the kiss. It wasn’t the reaction Laura wanted.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

  Christine shook her head as she stood and crossed her arms in front of her staring at the water. “It was my fault. I never should have done that.”

  Laura went to stand behind Christine. She wanted so much to put her arms around her, but instead stuck her hands in her pocket. “I know you aren’t ready for more, but let me
tell you.” Laura took a deep breath. “That kiss was life altering.”

  Christine didn’t turn around as she spoke again. “I would say, give me some time.” She sighed loudly and blew out the air in her lungs. “But we don’t have the time.” Christine stood.

  Laura smiled. It was the first words of encouragement she had received since meeting this beautiful woman. “Chris, sit down so I can tell you something.” Laura reached her hand as they sat down again. “Molly offered me a part time job the night we had dinner.”

  “She did?” Christine asked surprised.

  “She convinced me that it didn’t make sense to go back to New York and kill myself in someone else’s kitchen.”

  “But you’ll be working for her.” Christine offered calmly.

  “I said the same thing to her, but she said I’d only be working three days a week. She knows I don’t have to work, but it would keep me busy.” Laura reached for Christine’s hand again. “Molly said it would give her and Sharon time away from the restaurant too.”

  “So you’re not moving back to New York?” Christine asked with tears in her eyes.

  Laura shook her head. “I won’t be two houses away from you, but I’ll be close by.”

  Christine wrapped her arms around Laura and held her tightly as she cried softly. “When you asked me if I would miss you, I should have said I would be heartbroken.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” They held each other for a long time.

  Laura let go of Christine first. “I need to let you get to bed.”

  Christine looked at Laura as she wiped the tears from her face. Their lips met again. Not with the passion they had earlier, but a kiss of promise. The promise that there would be more for the two of them. They walked into the house hand and hand. At the front door, they kissed lightly again.

  Laura cupped Christine face with her hand. “I’m sorry, but I won’t be around tomorrow night. I begin training tomorrow.”

  “Call me if you get some free time.” Christine said with a smile.

  “I don’t leave until three tomorrow. So if you get time during the day, give me a call.” Laura grinned. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Laura.”


  It was nearly noon before Christine had the opportunity to call Laura.

  “Hey,” Laura said as she answered the phone. “How are you today?”

  “Frazzled,” she said with a laugh. “I have so much work to do, but this woman I know keeps entering my mind.”

  “Oh yeah. Who is she and I’ll go have a talk with her,” Laura said with a laugh as she got off the pool mat.

  “Where are you?” Christine asked hearing the water in the background.

  Laura was going to make a joke, but instead said. “In your pool. I have a few hours before I have to get ready for work.”

  “Is your top untied?” Christine asked with a whisper.

  “It was a few minutes ago.” Laura laughed, but she could hear the seduction in Christine’s voice.

  “Have you eaten lunch yet?” Christine asked already looking for a menu in her drawer.

  “No. I ate breakfast and I’ll wait until later to eat.”

  “Don’t go anywhere,” Christine said and disconnected the line. Christine ordered a sandwich from the deli down the street and then grabbed her purse. She met Sally on the way out of the office.

  “Where are you off to so fast?” Sally asked grabbing her arm.

  “To lunch. Got to go.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?” Sally asked releasing her hand from Christine’s arm.

  Christine smiled and said. “Thank you, but not today.”

  Sally walked out of the building with Christine and yelled before she could make her escape. “I want details.”

  Christine walked into house and laid the deli bag on the kitchen island and walked to the patio door.

  Laura smiled as soon as Christine opened the door. “I wondered why you hung up on me.”

  Christine reached for Laura once she was in the house. “Wait. I’m wet. Let me get out of this bathing suit.” Christine raised her eyebrows and Laura smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

  Christine split the sandwich on two plates. She added chips and a bottle of water to the counter.

  Laura returned wearing a t-shirt and a loose pair of terry cloths shorts. She walked over to Christine and took her in her arms. “Now I won’t mess up your outfit.” Then her lips found its mate.

  Christine moaned as their mouths separated. “Ooh, no bra.” Christine’s mouth captured Laura’s for the next ten minutes.

  Laura wanted so much to touch Christine’s skin, but she knew that this decision had to come from Christine. She looked over her shoulder and said. “We better stop what we’re doing or I’m going to have to change my underwear.” Laura grinned. “If I were wearing underwear.”

  Christine lowered her hand and went to the hem on shorts and allowed her fingers to explore. “Ooh,” Christine said with a moan.

  “No fair. You’re outfit doesn’t allow exploration.” Laura said looking at the black slacks and white button down blouse.

  Christine smiled. “Let’s sit down and have our lunch.”

  “Thanks for doing this, Chris.” Laura took a bite of her sandwich.

  “As we talked on the phone, I knew I couldn’t go the day without seeing you.” Christine lowered her eyes.

  “I’m not working tomorrow,” Laura said with a wink.

  “What time will you get home tonight?”

  “The restaurant stops serving dinner at ten so I’m not sure. Call me tomorrow when you get a break with work.” Laura looked at Christine. “You’ve really surprised me, Chris. I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance with you.”

  “You have been breaking down my walls since the day I met you.” Christine sighed. “The thought of you leaving in thirty days nearly broke my heart.” Christine looked at her watch. “I’m sorry, but I have to get back to work.”

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Laura said picking up her damp bathing suit from the bathroom.

  Christine hurried to her side. “Call me if you get a chance tonight.” She reached for Laura’s arm and kissed her mouth deeply.

  When the kiss ended, Laura said with her arms around Christine. “You sure know how to keep a girl wanting more.”

  “I aim to please,” Christine said as she planted another kiss on Laura’s lips.

  They walked out of the house together and waived their good byes.


  Christine wasn’t in her office for ten minutes when Sally rushed in and shut the door. “Okay, spill it.”

  Christine looked at Sally ginning. “I went home for lunch.”

  “Yes and your lipstick is all smeared. It’s Laura, isn’t it?”

  Christine nodded with a smile. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

  “You’re finally come alive again. That’s what’s happening.” Sally leaned closer. “Have you slept with her yet?”

  “No. I’m not ready for that.”

  “You’re ready from the look that’s on your face. You’ve been ready since you met her and didn’t realize it.” Sally wrinkled her eyebrows. “Isn’t she going back to New York?”

  Christine nodded again. “No, she going to work in her friend Molly’s restaurant.”

  “Did she take her dad’s home off the market?”

  “It’s sold.”

  “Are you going to ask her to move in with you?” Sally asked.

  Christine’s eyes widened. “No.” She knew that she wouldn’t ever ask anyone to move into the house she shared with Jackie.

  Sally stood up and opened the office door. “Welcome back to the world,” she said with a wink of her eye.

  Christine spent the afternoon catching up on her work and decided that she was going to take tomorrow afternoon off and spend it with Laura.

  On her way home, she stopped to buy groceries. She want
ed to take care of Laura and a full refrigerator would be a good start. As she stood in line at the store, she thought about them kissing. She knew that Laura wanted to touch her. Laura had made that evident the night they were kissing on the bench, but she wasn’t ready for that yet either.


  Christine worried because Laura never called her. She found herself staring at the phone all evening. At ten o’clock, she went to sit on the back patio. Christine sat down in a chair and saw the light come on in Laura’s house.

  She picked up the phone. As Laura answered, she said. “I know you must be tired, but I wanted to wish you a good night.”

  “It felt good to be back in a commercial kitchen, but I am tired,” she said with a laugh.

  “So it went well?” Christine asked picturing Laura’s face.

  “It did.” Laura paused. “Where are you?”

  “On my patio.”

  Laura chuckled. “Since you obviously can’t sleep. Why don’t you come over here and we can cuddle on the couch for a while?”

  “Don’t you want to go to bed?” Christine hoping she would say no.

  “What are you wearing?” Her voice showing desire as she whispered her question.

  “A pair of silk boxers and a matching top.”

  “I’ll leave the front door open. I’m going to take a shower. Meet you on the couch in ten minutes.”

  Christine went into the house, grabbing her keys and a sweater on her way out the front door. She walked into Laura’s house and went to the couch. She laid down waiting for Laura to make her appearance. She didn’t even realize she closed her eyes.

  Laura came down the stairs quickly and went into the living room. Christine was lying there in that sexy outfit. As Laura approached slowly, disappointment was written on her face as she realized that Christine had fallen asleep. She kissed her forehead and placed the throw over her body. Closing the light in the kitchen, she took one last look at Christine before she headed for the stairs.

  Christine woke up with a start. She didn’t know where she was at first. Her eyes went to the time on the cable box and remembered waiting for Laura to finish her shower. Christine climbed the stairs slowly and looked for the room Laura was sleeping in. She stood in the doorway seeing her form on the bed. Christine walked into the room and got into the bed on the other side. She fell back to sleep immediately.


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