Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance Page 11

by Lydia Rose

  “It’s nice to meet you, Christine,”

  “You two, Denise.” Christine said from her chair.

  Denise turned and introduced her friends, Stacy and Jane.

  The two women sat down. “So what have you been doing Denise?” Laura asked.

  “I’m a teacher.” She chuckled. “I knew that was the only job to have so I can still spend summers at my parent’s house.”

  “Do your parents still own the house on Washington?” Laura asked surprised.

  “Yes.” Denise laughed again. “They knew they would always see their children and grandchildren if they owned a beach house.”

  “You’re not going to believe this, but I bought the house next door to them.”

  “The one with the pool?” Laura nodded. “That’s fantastic. So what have you been doing?”

  “I became a chef.”

  “I knew you would. Do you own your own restaurant?” Denise asked touching Laura’s arm.”

  “No. Right now I’m working part time in a friend’s restaurant. I was a chef in New York until my dad got sick. Then I came back here to help him.” Laura cleared her throat from the choking emotion.

  “How is he?” Denise asked softly taking Laura’s hand.

  “He passed away a few months ago.”

  “I’m so sorry. He was such a sweet man. I really liked him.”

  “Thank you and yes he was.”

  “I hate to interrupt,” Jane said. “But we have a birthday party to get to.”

  “I’m sorry, Lori, but we do have to leave.” They exchanged cellphone numbers and left the beach.

  Christine looked on with worry as Laura and Denise rekindled their friendship. She thought Denise put her hands on Laura way too much and the way she looked at Laura caused her to wonder if they had been lovers at one time.

  “It’s such a small world,” Laura said as she watched the three women leave the beach.

  Too small. Christine thought, but kept those thoughts to herself. She smiled at Laura. “Denise seemed very nice, Lori.”

  Laura moved closer to Christine hearing the tone in her voice. “We were never lovers if you’re thinking that.”

  “I wondered,” Christine admitted.

  “We were kids, but we both knew we liked girls back then.” Laura shrugged. “We taught each other to kiss,” Laura said smiling as she remembered that day in Denise’s room. “We even pursued the same girl. It almost broke up our friendship.” Laura held out her hand. “Let’s take a dip.”

  As they floated in the water, Christine began with her questions. “Were you two best friends?”

  “Yes, I rode my bike up to her house every day in the summer. We would spend days on the beach swimming and chasing girls.” She shrugged. “Then she went off to college and I went to New York for culinary school. We kept in touch for a while and then we lost touch.” Laura smiled. “It will be nice to catch up with each other.”

  They returned to the sand and Laura laid on the blanket and closed her eyes.

  Christine sat in her chair looking a Laura sleep. She had fears of Laura and Denise becoming friends again. Denise was cute, Laura’s age and the way she kept touching her was upsetting. This woman would be right next door and available to Laura while Christine lived a town away.

  They left the beach at four and went back to the house to make dinner. “Chris, go take a shower and bring the leftover salads. I’ll get something out of the freezer that we can have with the salads,” she said as she dropped Christine off at her door. “Bring your clothes for work tomorrow too.”

  When they made love later that night it wasn’t rushed. This time it was slow and easy. The intimacy between them brought them to a satisfying release.

  As they lie in each other’s arms, Christine whispered. “I love you, Laura.”

  Laura squeezed Christine to her. “I love you so much, Chris.”

  Christine closed her eyes hoping that Laura would still be saying those words by the end of the summer.


  Monday morning, Sally poked her head into Christine’s office. “Lunch today or are you going home for a quickie?”

  Christine grinned. “Lunch,” she said with a soft laugh.

  Laura was at home scheduling a mover to pick up the things in the garage and bringing the boxes to a storage unit. She also wanted to go the restaurant supply store before her things were picked up at the house.

  She spent the morning buying pots and pans. Along with cooking utensils. Her mind drifted to Denise and how happy she was to have her old friend so close. She also thought that Christine wasn’t too happy with that fact. Laura smiled at the thought of Christine being jealous.

  Sally and Christine sat in their favorite booth at lunch and ordered their meal.

  “So how was your 4th of July?” Sally asked leaning toward Christine.

  “It was very nice. Everyone seemed to have a good time.”

  “But?” Sally asked knowing there was more.

  “We went to the beach yesterday and Laura met an old friend.”

  “Friend or ex?”

  “Laura says they were never lovers. They were best friends in high school.” Christine lowered her voice. “They practiced kissing with each other.”

  “So kissing best friends?”

  Christine nodded.

  “So. Maybe they’ll never see each other again.”

  Christine smirked. “Her parents own the house next door to the house Laura bought. Denise is a teacher and spends her summer with her parents.”

  “Laura loves you, Chris. They’re just friends.”

  “Molly told Laura she could move in with her and Sharon while she’s waiting to close on her new house. I wouldn’t be surprised if Denise makes that same offer if Laura mentions the fact that she’ll be homeless for a least a week.”

  “So everyone’s offering except you?” Sally asked critically.

  “What’s wrong with me, Sally? I love her, but that house takes away all my common sense.”

  “You said it, it’s that house. Honey, don’t you think it’s time to sell it?”

  Christine looked up shocked that Sally had even suggested that. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why? It’s just a house, Christine.”

  “Let me ask you.” Sally leaned very close to her. “How is the sex?”

  Christine blushed deep red.

  “From the blush on your face, I would say it’s very good.”

  “Laura’s very exciting. She’ll make love wherever the mood strikes. She said she’s going to make love to me in every room of the new house,” she paused. “More than once.” Christine swallowed. “Jackie would only make love in our bed.”

  “I know you and Jackie were very, very much in love.” Sally’s head shook. “But it’s time to move on. You have a lovely woman who loves you. I bet you feel ten years younger when you’re with her?”

  Christine smiled. “I do, but when we’ve made love for most of the night.” She giggled. “I feel every bit of my forty years.”

  “I know you haven’t been dating long and moving in together is something you can’t even comprehend now, but please keep an open mind about doing that.”


  The day finally arrived for the sale of Laura’s dad’s house. Her personal items were moved to a storage bin and Laura looked around the house one more time. Thanks, dad for everything. She said to the quiet house. Laura drove to the attorney’s office to sign the papers for the closing. Her suitcases were in the trunk of her car with enough clothes for the week. She felt Christine had been close to asking her to stay, but every time she thought she was going to ask, it never happened.

  After the papers were signed, she drove to Molly and Sharon’s house. Both women were waiting for her.

  “Thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate your kindness.”

  “It’s our pleasure, Laura,” Sharon said hugging her close. Both women knew Laura
was disappointed that Christine had never made her an offer, but they kept their feelings to themselves.

  “Are you comfortable being at the restaurant by yourself?” Molly asked.

  “Yeah. You have wonderful sous chefs. They’re a big help to me and I haven’t heard any complaints from your paying guests.”

  Sharon handed Laura a key to their house. “If you decide to go to Christine’s instead of sleeping here, just send us a text so we don’t worry.”

  “It doesn’t make sense for me to drive all the way there for her to go to the work in the morning. I’ll probably get together with her on the weekend. In the meantime, I still have to pick up some things for the new house.” Laura said the words, but it didn’t mean her heart wasn’t feeling the pinch from the separation with Christine.

  Laura sent Christine a text that night after she got home from the restaurant. Miss you. Have a good day at work tomorrow or I should say today since it’s after midnight. Love L.

  Christine heard her phone chime and read Laura’s text. Tears formed in her eyes knowing the pain she was causing Laura and herself. She began to respond. Miss you too. More than you know. I love you, C.

  Laura was surprised when she received a response from Christine since it was so late. Now she worried that she wasn’t sleeping again. She read the message and smiled. Her mind kept saying, give her time, and just give her time.

  Saturday morning, Christine’s phone rang. “Good morning,” she said looking at the screen.

  “Good morning to you. How about breakfast?” Laura asked.

  “Sure. Do you want to come here or meet somewhere?”

  “I think here,” Laura said.

  “Here, where?”

  Laura laughed. “Open the front door, Chris.”

  Christine ran to the door smiling. “Why didn’t you use your key?” She asked as Laura walked in the door.

  “That didn’t feel right.” Laura carried two groceries bags with food. She leaned over and kissed Christine’s mouth gently. Christine took one of the bags and followed Laura into the kitchen. “I brought food to make breakfast.” Laura looked in the refrigerator. “Thought so,” she said seeing how empty it was.

  “You can criticize me afterwards, but can I have a real kiss now?”

  Laura walked over to her and put her hand on Christine’s butt. She pulled her close and kissed her passionately. Pulling away, Laura smiled. “Is that better?”

  “It’s a start,” Christine said stealing another kiss.

  After breakfast they made their way kissing to the downstairs bedroom.

  After making love for the next two hours, they laid in each other’s arm. Christine gently ran her finger down Laura’s chest.

  “What have you been doing all week without me?” Laura asked with a laugh.

  “I boxed up Jackie’s office.”

  Laura sat up surprised. “You did?”

  “It was time. It should have been done years ago and I gave her clothes away to the local shelter.” Christine added.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help you,” Laura said softly as she kissed Christine’s nose.

  “I had to do that on my own.” Christine hugged Laura close to her. “What day is your closing?”

  “Next Thursday. Molly told me to take Thursday off so I can get settled into the house.”

  “I’m taking off Thursday and Friday to help you.”

  “Good. We should have each of the rooms christened before the weekend is over,” she said tickling Christine.

  Christine moved away from the tickling and held out her finger pointing. “Stop, please.”

  “Okay, come here and kiss me instead.”

  “That I can do,” she said with a smile.


  Even though they had spent the weekend together, Monday afternoon Christine felt her heart breaking from the separation. She picked up the phone. “Sally, do you want to go to dinner with me tonight?”

  “Where are you thinking?”

  “Molly’s restaurant. My treat.”


  “I’ll make us a six o’clock reservation.”

  “See you later,” Sally said before hanging up.

  Christine called the restaurant and made her reservation. “Would you tell Chef Laura that I have a reservation?”

  “Does she know you?” The hostess asked rudely.

  Christine rolled her eyes. “Yes, she knows me.”


  The hostess sat them in dining room and the server walked over. “Good evening, ladies. Can I start you out with something to drink?”

  Christine looked up and realized it was the same waiter that had served her before. “A glass of Chardonnay, Peter.”

  Peter looked at her face and smiled. “I remember you. You were worried about your girlfriend abandoning you the last time you were here.” Then he realized. “She’s now our part time chef.” He looked at Sally with questions in his eyes.

  “I’m just a friend, Peter. So calm down,” Sally said holding up her hand.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Same as she’s having.” Sally looked at the menu. “I’m glad you’re paying for this. This place is expensive.”

  “But worth every penny.”

  Peter put their drink order in and went into the kitchen. He smiled at Laura. “Your girlfriend’s here with another woman.”

  Laura raised an eyebrow surprised that Christine was there. She looked through the kitchen door and saw them. Laura turned to Peter. “That’s her friend.”

  “I know, she told me. I was looking out for you.”

  “So you came in here to see how I would react to your news.”

  “You reacted just as I thought. You ran to see who she was with,” he said with a laugh.

  “Get out there and take their order. What table is that?”

  “Table nine.”

  Laura hoped she had the time to go out and visit the two women before they left the restaurant. She carried their dessert out herself.

  “Chef. The meal was out of this world,” Sally said happily.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Laura said looking at Christine. “This is a nice surprise. I was shocked when Peter told me you were here.”

  “I told the hostess when I made the reservation to tell you, but apparently she didn’t.”

  Laura knelt down so she could take Christine’s hand without making it obvious what she was doing. She squeezed the hand and smiled. “I’m happy to see you.”

  “She missed you Laura. She’s been miserable since you sold your dad’s house.” Sally acknowledged.

  “I wish I could kiss you right now.” Laura whispered.

  “Me too.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get back to the kitchen.”

  “Laura,” Christine called out. “Come to my house after you finish up here on Wednesday night.”

  Laura nodded with a smile.


  Laura walked into Christine’s house after midnight on Wednesday. As she closed the door, she noticed a note.

  Come upstairs and get into bed with me. I’ll be waiting.

  Laura walked upstairs expecting to find Christine in one of the other bedroom. Not finding her there, she walked down the hall to the master bedroom. Laura stripped off her clothes and crawled into bed with her.

  Christine moaned as Laura moved against her back. “I love you,” she said almost inaudible.

  “I love you too,” Laura said kissing Christine’s shoulder.

  Thursday after the papers were signed, the beach house became a whirlwind of people and trucks. Ashley arrived with the furniture. Denise even came over to offer assistance. Laura went to pick up food for the group while Ashley and Christine arranged and organized the two trucks of furniture. Denise was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher with new dishes, silverware and utensils.

  Laura returned and laid the food and drinks on the kitchen island. S
he also brought paper plate and cups. Luckily, she remembered to turn the ice machine on when she arrived at the house. It was after six o’clock before it was only Laura and Christine left in the house.

  Christine stood in the kitchen and looked around. “You still need to buy some things for here, but it looks good.”

  “Come here, you. I haven’t had a kiss from you since early this morning.” Laura brought her in close and kissed her mouth softly. “How about christening that large shower upstairs?”

  “Did you buy towels?” Christine asked as looked at Laura’s face.

  “I did and I asked Denise earlier to unpack them in the master bathroom linen closet.”

  “Carol and Sara wanted to be here to help, but they couldn’t get off of work.”

  “Tell them I appreciate the sentiment.” Laura nibbled on Christine’s ear. “Now how about that shower?”

  “You lock the backdoor and I’ll lock the front door,” Christine said with a chuckle as she ran for the door.

  The shower was already running when she finally reached the master bedroom. Her clothes came off and she opened the shower door. “You look good in there. I think I’ll keep you,” she said stepping next to Christine.

  Laura kissed the back of her neck and worked her hand down Christine’s back. Christine leaned into Laura’s body as her hands came to her breasts. Their bodies moved easily with the water that saturated their bodies. Laura couldn’t wait any longer and she turned Christine toward her. Her mouth took Christine’s as she bit her bottom lip before slipping her tongue into her mouth. Laura’s hands were everywhere and then she slipped into Christine. Christine’s back was against the shower wall as she rode Laura’s fingers.

  “Yes, harder. Don’t stop.” Christine moaned as her body shuttered in delight. Her body stopped twitching and she relaxed against Laura. “I think I’m going to love this christening thing you told me about.” As soon as Christine found her legs, she moved Laura over to the large seating bench. She spread her legs wide and allowed her tongue to dance across the folds and into the opening of her sex.


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