Without Law 4

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Without Law 4 Page 7

by Eric Vall

  “I just want to hang out there and enjoy the view from the top of a mountain,” Bailey shrugged. “But honestly, I am happy staying here if it makes things easier.”

  “You should let me go,” Tara said to Paige. “You were just talking about how you like routine, right? Well if you go with him now you will be, like, throwing off your routine or whatever.”

  “I’d be more than happy to mess up my routine for a night on the mountain,” Paige said.

  “Damnit,” Tara muttered. “It was worth a shot.”

  I sat there in silence and continued to eat my food as I tried to hide a smile.

  “We just built the second shower,” Paige said. “If you stay here, you could probably enjoy a hot shower both tomorrow and the next day.”

  “Oh come on, that’s weak,” Tara said as she rolled her eyes. “This cabin has a fucking hot tub. Do you really think I would enjoy two hot showers more than a hot tub?” She turned to me, stuck out her plump bottom lip, and blinked her wide eyes at me. “Please take me, Tav. Please, please, please.”

  “That’s not my choice,” I said with a shrug. “You guys have to work this one out yourselves.”

  The platinum blonde turned her pouty lips and puppy dog eyes on her brunette companion. “Can I please go?”

  “Oh my god, fine,” Paige said. “If it will get you to stop begging then go ahead.”

  “Thank you!” Tara exclaimed. She wrapped Paige in a massive tight hug. “I’ll shut up now, I promise.”

  “Well it’s settled then,” Anna chuckled. “What do you want the rest of us to do while you guys are gone?”

  “I want you guys to finish picking out stuff to trade with Betty,” I said.

  “So we are going to head to the farm soon then?” Bailey asked.

  “Some of us are,” I said. “One of you will head out to the farm with Rolly the morning after next. I need a couple of you to stay behind to tend to our home and keep watch.”

  “I’ll stay behind,” Bailey offered. “I really want to spend more time in our garden and get our greenhouse filled up.”

  “I can help with that,” Paige said. “I have been reading up on plants, and I would like a chance to put my knowledge to use.”

  “Looks like it’s you and me then,” Rolly said to Anna.

  “Yeah, seems so,” the athlete said as she smiled at the old man. “It should be fun.”

  “Oh yeah,” Rolly agreed with a nod. “Betty and her grandkids are good people.”

  “Tara and I will meet you guys there as soon as we can get there,” I said. “If Dan gives you trouble just sit back and wait for me to get there. The guy’s well meaning, but unpredictable.”

  “Wait, does this mean we don’t get to sleep in?” Tara asked.

  “Yeah, sorry,” I said with a shrug.

  “Still think going with him tomorrow is a good idea?” Paige asked.

  “I guess he’ll just have to make it worth my while,” Tara said as she winked at me.

  “I have a few ideas,” I replied. Then I turned my attention back to Paige and Bailey. “While you guys are here, I want you to start taking care of some mundane stuff that we have neglected for far too long. We have piles of dirty laundry in the dorms, and our kitchen is overflowing with unwashed dishes. I don’t need you to clean it all in one day, but spend a couple hours chipping away at those piles.”

  “I was wondering what we were going to do about those things,” Bailey sighed.

  “I know we have soap for the dishes, but what are we going to do about the laundry?” Paige asked.

  “I have some materials in the shed that will make a good washboard,” Rolly said. “I’ll put it together and show you guys how to use it before I leave for the farm.”

  “It might be easier if you guys take some laundry and clean it at the stream,” I said. “You’ll save your arms by not having to pump the water.”

  “That could be fun,” Bailey said with a shrug.

  “Maybe the streams warm enough to bathe in now,” Anna said.

  “Oh yeah, I’ll have to bring a change of clothes,” Paige said.

  “Once you guys get the laundry cleaned just throw up a few clotheslines, and let them hang dry,” I said.

  “We’ll take care of it,” Paige assured me.

  The group finished their food, and, once the sky was dark and full of stars, we headed for bed. Everyone got into their pajamas and huddled together in our little sleeping pit once again.

  This was one of my favorite parts of the day. It felt nice to have all the girls close like this, and the fact that my presence comforted them enough to help them sleep boosted my ego some. I knew that I had to enjoy nights like these while they lasted, because with the fast approach of summer it would soon be far too hot, even at night, to tangle together like this.

  “Tav, are you still awake?” Tara whispered.

  “Yeah, I was just starting to drift off,” I said. “What’s up?”

  “I can’t sleep,” she said. She shifted to snuggle up directly next to me. Anna groaned as she was nudged out of the way. “I’m too excited about our trip. My mind can’t stop thinking about all the stuff we can do.”

  “With or without clothes on?” I asked with a grin.

  “Both,” she chuckled. “You think you can, like, help me sleep?”

  “It’s a little late for that,” I said. “I’m a little too stuck in you guys to sneak off to my room.”

  “That’s not what I meant this time,” Tara replied. “Tell me about the cabin.”

  “Oh, yeah, I can do that,” I whispered. “Well, it’s a pretty nice place. It sits on top of a mountain and has an amazing view of the entire area. The whole place is full of windows so that you can’t miss the view. The bedroom in particular has a whole wall of windows that overlook the far side of the mountain.”

  “That sounds amazing,” Tara sighed.

  “It’s pretty great,” I said. “It’s one of my favorite places to fuck.”

  “Mmmm, I can’t wait for that,” Tara moaned.

  “There’s a wine cellar cut into the mountain under the house,” I continued, “It’s full of alcohol, and lots of old wine. We will have to open up at least one bottle while we’re there. We can sprawl out in the spacious living room and enjoy the plush couch while we drink. Once we’re done there, we can head to the master bedroom. It has an attached bathroom where we can find the hot tub. After that, we can roll around on the silk sheets while we dry. One of the nicest things though is the electricity. We don’t have to turn in when it gets dark since we can just flip a switch and get light.”

  I stopped and looked at the platinum blonde at my side. Her eyes were closed and with every deep breath she let out a tiny, cute, snore. It seemed that all she needed was a little distraction to get to sleep tonight. I chuckled, leaned over, and kissed her forehead.

  “Goodnight, beautiful,” I whispered, and then I settled in and fell fast asleep.

  When I woke up the next morning, the sun had only barely started to rise over the horizon. I yawned and looked for the platinum blonde who had been wrapped around my chest.

  “It’s morning!” Tara whispered urgently to me.

  I turned over to see her wide awake, dressed, and ready for the day. “Well, hello there. I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”

  “I didn’t want to waste a single moment today,” she said with a large grin.

  “Just a little excited, huh?” I chuckled.

  “Well yeah,” she said as she sat up. “We get to use a hot tub!”

  “Well you better get packed then,” I said as I got up. I headed down the hall.

  “I already have,” she replied as she followed after me. “I think the only thing I need to grab is some food.”

  “Well get on it,” I said. “I’ll be ready to go soon.”

  “Alright, meet you downstairs,” Tara said before she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she giggled and ran off down the hall.

  It di
dn’t take me long to pack for the small trip. I filled my backpack with a change of clothes, a couple spare rifle magazines, and enough food for the both of us. Then I strapped on my pistol, sheathed my knife, and slung my rifle over one shoulder. After that I crept down the hall, snuck past the sleeping girls, and made my way down to the courtyard to wait for Tara.

  The long unkempt grass sparkled as the sunlight lit up the morning dew. A couple small birds flew past, and there wasn’t a single cloud in the light blue morning sky. I smiled and took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air.

  I heard the door to the dorm building open behind me and I turned to see Rolly step outside. “Well good morning. I didn’t expect to see anyone before I left.”

  “I didn’t sleep real well,” the handyman said with a shrug.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah, just excited about our return trip to the farm,” he said.

  “You’ll be there soon enough.” I cracked a smile and resisted comparing him to Tara. “You and Anna can head out as early as sunrise tomorrow. It shouldn’t be too hard getting her up and ready.”

  “I’ll warn her tonight,” Rolly said with a nod.

  I stepped up, smiled, and clapped him on the shoulder. “Try not to have too much fun while I’m gone.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” the old man chuckled.

  Tara came out of the building with her rifle, pistol, and a full backpack. She still looked tired, yet somehow her hair was still perfect. “I’m ready to go.”

  “Well, Rolly, we’re off,” I said.

  “Have a safe trip,” the grey haired man said as Tara slipped past him.

  “You too,” Tara said.

  We left Rolly behind and headed for the parking lot. I tossed my backpack onto one of the camo four wheelers.

  “You’re riding with me,” I said as Tara started to get on the other one. “We can save gas and time by taking one vehicle.”

  “Fine by me,” the blonde said. “I’m still a bit sleepy anyway.”

  I climbed onto the ATV and started it up as Tara climbed on behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and let out a small sigh before she rested her head on my back.

  “Alright, hold on,” I said as I gunned the engine. Our little four wheeler sped off towards the edge of the campus and slipped into the trees.

  The woods around us came to life as the morning sun rose higher and higher into the sky. The lush green forest around us was illuminated by bright beams of light that shone through gaps in the dense canopy above.

  An hour into our trip we started to ascend, and the trees started to thin out around us. The dense forest gave way to a more rugged and rocky landscape. The slope was gradual, and our four wheeler didn’t even have to slow down to handle the new terrain. The air grew colder as we continued to climb.

  “Damnit,” Tara swore as she shivered. “Why didn’t you tell me it was going to be cold.”

  “It’s the top of a mountain,” I yelled. “Why wouldn’t it be cold?” I felt Tara squeeze me tighter and press herself closer to me. If she was already cold, she really wasn’t going to like being outside once we reached the cabin.

  We stopped once, on a small plateau above the treeline, to fill the gas tank. Tara stayed on the four wheeler and wrapped her arms around her chest to try to stay warm.

  “It’s not that bad,” I chuckled.

  “It’s freezing,” she replied.

  “I don’t think it’s less that fifty degrees up here yet,” I said.

  “That’s cold!” she exclaimed.

  “How did you survive over winter break once the power went out?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

  “We huddled together for warmth and used lots of blankets,” she said. “For those first few weeks we didn’t even leave the dorm building. It wasn’t until we started to run out of stuff in the kitchen that we were forced to head into town.”

  “Don’t worry, we’re almost there,” I said. “Once we are inside, we can kick on the heat and cozy up together.”

  “Well let’s hurry up then,” the platinum blond insisted. “I’m afraid I might freeze my tits off if I’m out here too long.”

  “Well we don’t want that to happen,” I chuckled as I got back onto the ATV. “I’d be more than happy to help warm them up once we get to the cabin.”

  “It’s the least you could do, really,” Tara teased as she wrapped her arms around me again.

  The chill air whipped through our hair as we zipped up the mountain once more. An hour later we rolled to a stop at the top of the mountain. A layer of snow crunched under my feet as I stepped off the bike, and Tara shivered violently as the wind tore at her hair.

  “Let’s get inside,” I said as I grabbed my pack.

  Tara nodded, and the two of us sprinted for the front door. I threw it open and let Tara run in first. I followed behind her, closed the door, and shivered a little.

  “Alright, now it’s cold,” I said with a grin.

  Tara didn’t hear me. Instead she stood there, slack jawed, as she looked around the building. She shrugged off her backpack, wandered into the living room, and flipped one of the switches on the wall.

  The lights above flickered to life and shed their bright white light across the open space.

  “This is amazing!” Tara exclaimed as she turned back to me. She squealed with excitement and jumped up and down a couple times.

  I watched her large breasts bounce and couldn’t help but notice how her hard nipples showed through the fabric. A grin spread across my face as I realized just how nice this little vacation was going to be.

  Tara rushed over to me, threw her arms around me, and kissed me hard.

  I returned her embrace and snaked my tongue between her lips and into her mouth. A soft moan escaped her lips, but she pulled back a moment later.

  “Thanks for bringing me here,” she said. “This place is really amazing.”

  “You haven't even seen it all yet,” I chuckled.

  “I don’t have to see it to know it’s nice, but if you want to show me around I won’t complain,” she said with a smile.

  I nodded, took her by the hand, and led her around the rest of the cabin. We looked in the bedrooms first, and then checked out the kitchen, and finally the garage. The whole place felt huge thanks to the many windows, the size of the rooms, and the interior design.

  We had to stop in each and every room so that Tara could try the lightswitch, and if the lights came on the gorgeous blonde would let out a little excited squeal before she continued onward.

  After we finished the interior tour, I took Tara outside and around to the wine cellar. It was chilly, but she had found a nice winter jacket inside to help her fight off the cold.

  The cellar interior was dark, but the exposed pull string light that hung from the ceiling flickered to life to reveal dozens of bottles of dust covered wine and spirits.

  “Holy shit,” Tara muttered. “I haven't seen this much alcohol in one place since before the world went dark.”

  This was my first time seeing the cellar for myself. Anna had told me that there was a lot down here, but I had not expected to find this much stuff still down here.

  “The people who owned this place must have liked to party,” Tara said as she stepped forward and grabbed a bottle of Carbonadi vodka off the shelf. “Fuck, this is good stuff too. Why didn’t you bring this back with you last time?”

  “Anna was in charge of the alcohol,” I said. “I didn’t even come down here last time.”

  “Well we’re going to bring back some good stuff this time,” Tara said.

  “This good stuff could be really useful for trading too,” I said.

  “I guess so, but I was thinking it would be more fun to drink it,” Tara said with a smile.

  “We’ll drink some of it, for sure,” I said with a nod. “We don’t need all of it though.”

  “Aww, I suppose,” Tara pouted.

  “We can worry about t
hat later,” I said. “I think you should pick out a bottle of wine for while we’re here. We can enjoy it this evening, and, if you want, you can even get drunk.”

  “I haven’t been drunk for a long time,” Tara mused. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. “You sure it’s okay if I drink that much?”

  “Yeah, it’s a vacation, and I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to relax and enjoy yourself a little extra,” I explained. “I’ll stay sober enough to take care of the both of us.”

  “Aw, thanks, Tav,” Tara said as she turned to look at the wines. She went through half a dozen bottles before she found one that she liked. “This will do.” Then she turned the bottle around to show me the label. It was a rather plain white label with red letters. There was a lot of fine print that I didn’t care to read but it was apparently called Penfolds Grange.

  “Is that a good one?” I asked. There was very little I actually knew about wine outside of the fact that you had reds and whites.

  “I’ve heard good things about it, yeah,” she said with a nod. “I’m not quite ready to start drinking yet though.”

  “Oh?” I asked as I arched an eyebrow.

  “I have other things I would like to do first,” she said as she stared at me and bit her bottom lip.

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked

  Tara set down the bottle of wine and launched herself at me.

  I slammed into the rack of wines behind me as the little platinum blonde woman grabbed the sides of my head and pulled me in for a hard kiss.

  We slid down into a seated position as we aggressively made out. Tara straddled me as I held her close and tangled my tongue around hers. She licked my bottom lip and I smiled.

  Time lost all meaning as we traded tongues and teased each other’s neck, ears, and faces. Some time later we stopped to gulp in air as both of us panted heavily. Tara shivered in my arms and snuggled close.

  “We should go back upstairs,” she chuckled.

  “Yeah, I think it’s about time we filled up that hot tub,” I said.

  “Oh shit, that’s right, there’s running water,” Tara said.

  “Yeah, but it’ll take a while for the tub to fill,” I said.

  “Well we better get going then, because I don’t know how long I can go without you,” the blonde said.


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