Heated Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (The Hellions Ride Series Book 7)

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Heated Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (The Hellions Ride Series Book 7) Page 1

by Chelsea Camaron

  Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2016

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  This is a work of fiction. All character, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  1st edition published: January 24, 2016

  Editing by: C&D Editing and Asli Fratarcangeli

  Cover Design by: Cover Me Darling

  Formatting by: M.L. Pahl of IndieVention Designs

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Thank you for purchasing this book. This book and its contents are the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied, and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download/purchase their own copy. Thank you for your support.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18. All characters are fictional.

  This book is not meant to be an exact depiction of a motorcycle club but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.

  The Hellions motorcycle club is a commitment for life: ride or die. It’s one Ruben ‘Ruby’ Castillo believes in.

  His wife Jenna ‘Vida’ Natera de Castillo has given her life to being his ol’ lady and the mother to their three children. She takes her commitment to her man and their life seriously. However, her world falls apart the day he says ‘I do’ no more.

  Can the chaos of club life bring them back together, or is it what ultimately pulls them apart?

  It’s hard work to keep the fire in a marriage burning. Can they fan the flame, or will their love fizzle out? Can they find a new spark in their heated ride through life?

  To my hubbub. This year, we celebrate fourteen years of marriage. The day we said I do was the day I married my very best friend for the good, the bad, and the ugly. We have seen hard times, and we have worked through them side by side. Ride or die, baby, till my very last breath and beyond, you’re stuck with me. Always remember, “I’m not signing shit.” I love you in the now, for the past, and for the future.

  To Jenn, ride or die, you’ve been a Hellions ol’ lady since before One Ride released. Thank you for always having my back, all of your input, and reading every book time and time again until we get it just right. I love you to pieces and couldn’t imagine this journey without you.

  To anyone who has fought to make their marriage survive, this book is for you. It’s not always easy to stand by the person who has the power to hurt you beyond repair. It’s not easy to keep the home fires burning when it all seems to be going up in smoke right in front of your face.

  ***This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18. All characters are fictional.***

  This book is not meant to be an exact depiction of a motorcycle club but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.

  Dear Reader,

  This entire series is a very personal one for me. This particular book takes me back to a time in my life when my own marriage was on the brink of divorce, and I had to learn to stand on my own. In the process, I learned that, in being married and having children, I had lost myself. In finding myself again, my husband and I found our way back to each other.

  As women, it’s easy for us to get lost in taking care of everyone else until we lose our identity and what makes us uniquely us. You must love yourself first in order for someone else to love you freely. I hope, as you take this Heated Ride with the Hellions, you find it inside you to love, embrace, and find yourself.

  Much love,

  Chelsea Camaron

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One - All There Is

  Chapter Two - Ride It Out

  Chapter Three - Stuck in a Rut

  Chapter Four - Not Doing My Job

  Chapter Five - Fire

  Chapter Six - The Question

  Chapter Seven - Set Free

  Chapter Eight - Can’t Take It Back

  Chapter Nine - Picking Up the Pieces

  Chapter Ten - New Routine

  Chapter Eleven - Family Redefined

  Chapter Twelve - Fight for Us

  Chapter Thirteen - Tortured

  Chapter Fourteen - Holding On

  Chapter Fifteen - Life and Death

  Chapter Sixteen - Wrong

  Chapter Seventeen - Walls

  Chapter Eighteen - One Day at a Time

  Chapter Nineteen - Mrs. Castillo

  Chapter Twenty - Planting Seeds

  Chapter Twenty One - Passion Burns


  About the Author

  Excerpt Originals Ride

  Excerpt from Ride with Me (A Hellions MC and Ravage MC Duel)

  “Have you ever thought about life on the other side of the line?” my brother Julio asks his best friend Ruben.

  “Every fuckin’ day, amigo.”

  I press my ear harder to the bedroom door, listening to Ruben Castillo, the boy who has grown into a man right in front of my virgin eyes. Julio and Ruben have been inseparable for as long as I can remember. Ruben has grown from a scrawny boy with crazy hair that won’t lay flat to a young man who is tall with muscles, long hair worn slicked back into a low ponytail, and devilishly dark eyes. The same young boy who once pushed me on the swings has grown into a man who pushes all the buttons of my hormone-filled teen body.

  I sigh and lean against the door. I would love to have a life across the line with Ruben.

  America, the land of possibility.

  Hearing the sounds of them moving toward me, I jolt away from the door and scurry down the small hallway to my room.

  Ruben is going to find a way out of the poverty of Mexico, and I can only hope he will take me with him. Who am I kidding? He doesn’t even know I’m alive anymore. Well, he knows I’m alive, as in his best friend’s little sister, but he doesn’t see the woman I am growing into.

  While I’m not a little girl in pigtails anymore, I haven’t filled out like my friends. One day, I will, but by then, I’m afraid it will be too late.

  I have watched him as the girls paw at him and he’s gotten what he needed and moved on. Julio does it, too, but he’s my brother; it doesn’t cut deep into my soul to watch him sleep with every girl he passes by like watching Ruben.

  “I found a way,” Julio says as they exit the room.

  “Really?” Ruben asks as they pass by my doorway.

  “On a work visa. We can go pull tobacco for a farmer. When it expires, we stay and find someone to get us papers.”

  My heart drops to my stomach. Julio and Ruben … gone. I can’t exist here without my brother. Our life is hell. My only saving graces are my brother Julio and Ruben.

  I sink down on my bed before realizing the guys are right out front. Cracking my window just enough to hear, I listen as they make their plans.

  “I’ve got two weeks to get out,” my brother informs, and I fight back tears as I remember the fight he had with our parents last night.

  Dad was drun
k and looking for me. He had already slapped Mom around and needed another punching bag. When Julio stepped in and took the hits in my place, our father realized my brother was a grown man who took it hit for hit. That’s when he told him to get out. Our mother stepped in and bought him two weeks to heal, as she said, but really, it was so she could sneak him a little cash between now and his time to go.

  “What the fuck happened?” Ruben barks out in surprise.

  I peek outside and watch my brother light a cigarette. I hate when he smokes. “My time has come. I’m a man now, and the asshole knows I can take him.”

  “What about Jenna? You gonna leave her behind with the devil himself?”

  My heart flips in my chest that Ruben would think of me. Then dread rushes through me. If they leave, I will be at the hands of Satan in human form.

  Our father is far from a loving man, and our mother is weak. In our culture, she falls in line behind her man. Our rundown trailer is nothing to boast about, but our mother has done her best to keep it clean as she raised five kids. Julio and I are the last at home. My sisters married at eighteen just to get out of the house, and now they have babies of their own. They call and check on our mom from time to time, but overall, they stay away. My oldest brother is dead. Gang banging caught up to him.

  For a while, I was afraid Julio and Ruben would follow Juan, but they didn’t. Sticking together, they have managed to avoid the pitfalls of life in the ghetto just over the line in Mexico.

  When we see the tourists from America driving their expensive cars on their way through to some Spanish retreat, I want to laugh and tell them to stay home. Their country is full of amenities and freedoms we don’t find here.

  Sixteen and stuck, what the hell do I know, anyway?

  Dread fills me. If they go, who will protect me from the thugs on the street? Julio and Ruben make sure I get to and from school unharmed by escorting me. If they leave … I can’t even handle the thought.

  Julio’s answer makes my heart drop. “I’ve gotta figure out what to do with her.”

  “If we go on a work visa, she can’t come. They don’t even let wives cross.” Ruben shares the truth I already know.

  We have heard the stories of the people who fail to get across. The tales of success are few and far between. It’s worth the gamble, though. Everyone here feels that way.

  “North Carolina, hombre. We get there. It’s a strong tobacco state. Lots of hard working men are needed. Being that far north, there’s less chance of anyone asking for papers than if we try to stay and work in Texas. Once we get a place, I can have Jenna come on a tourist visa. She just won’t return,” Julio says as if he has all the answers as he takes a drag from his cigarette.

  “That’s smart. We go away from the border and blend in better. We at least speak and understand English. Not many fuckers here can do that. Maybe that will help us, too.”

  “We’ve just gotta get by. With the money we would make, I could send enough to take care of her. They put us up in a place to sleep. I can eat cheap and send everything else back home. I’m gonna call my other sisters. I want to make sure Jenna has somewhere to go if it gets too rough.”

  My brother is always looking out for me. He could do this and not care one bit what he leaves behind. He would be free. Here he is, though, planning to take care of me from miles and miles away.

  He continues with his plan, “After we get ourselves set up, I’ll find a way to get her over. If Mamá would leave the bastard, I would take her, too. Gotta get out and now, though. I’ll sort the rest once we are in the clear.”

  “Solid, amigo.”

  That is my brother. He’s the only male left, so he will find a way to get our mother where he is and me, too. It’s our culture. If Ruben hadn’t lost his mother to a drive-by shooting last year, he would be planning a way to get his mom out of Mexico, too. The men know to take care of their women—from the mothers to the wives to the sisters. No matter how hard they have to work, they will provide a home. No matter how long it takes, they won’t give up on getting me to them. The question is, can I survive until then? The answer is…

  No, so they can’t leave me.

  All There Is

  Eat. Sleep. Shit. Shower. Work.


  Wash, rinse, and repeat. This is my life. When did everything become the same?

  I walk into my home, and there is a part of me that wants to turn around and walk right back out the door. From the ghetto of Mexico to a double-wide with a black picket fence, I have worked my ass off to build a life for me and Jenna.

  Behind the stove—making an amazing dinner, I’m sure—is my wife, my life, my ‘Vida.’ Her long, dark hair is braided behind her back as she studies the pan in front of her, humming to herself. Standing in the doorway, I study her. I study our life.

  Thinking back to when it all began, this is everything I ever wanted: my woman having my babies, cooking our dinner, and all of this while being safe. I came to America for a better life. It hasn’t always been that way, but it damn sure is now, so why do I suddenly feel like something is missing; something is different?

  While there are worry lines on her forehead, I remember when her face was flawless. My best friend’s little sister, my amigo from way back, somehow worked her way into my blackened heart. She filled every void I ever had as a boy and helped me grow into a man.

  Ride or die, she has been by my side.

  Through the bad decisions for an easy buck to the good decision to join the Hellions, no matter what, Jenna has been there.

  I rub the tattoo on my neck: Vida—life. My heart beats for her. Thick and thin, she holds me down.

  I step into the living room where I immediately step on a car little RJ left on the floor, and I can’t stop the irritation that builds inside me.

  When did my life go from dodging bullets to dodging fucking toys? Are we too comfortable? Is this all we have left? Getting wrinkles and raising babies?

  Vida looks up at me and smiles the same smile she has given me for years, the one that still brings my cock to attention.

  When I study her further, she looks tired. No makeup covers her face. She’s in sweats and an old T-shirt I could swear each of our babies has puked on more than once. Still, she sees me and she smiles.

  Her body has grown. She has changed. With the swell of each pregnancy, she grew and she glowed. After each baby, she got curvier. She isn’t large, but she is no longer the tiny, no hips, tits, or ass woman she once was. No, my woman, my wife, my life has curves.

  Smugly, I think, Yeah, I gave her those curves. Every time I planted my seed so deep, I gave her curves.

  I make my way to the stove where I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me. I kiss her, and she opens, ready for my tongue to greet hers.

  Now, this is the life.

  She wraps her arms around my neck as she kisses me back.

  I get lost in my woman’s arms, in her mouth, and in her touch. No matter what goes on, I can always get lost in Vida. She’s always had that power over me.

  She pulls away, smiling. “I gotta cook, Ruby.”

  “Turn it off and I’ll turn you on.”

  She pats my chest before turning back to her meal preparation. “Maybe later. The babies need to eat.”

  Babies, my ass. Our kids are now nine, seven, and five. They can wait thirty minutes for me to eat my wife, get her off, and get mine.

  I move behind her and pull her braid to the right, exposing the left side of her neck to me. Then I lean in and suck … hard.

  “I’m hungry for you.” I nip at the spot I just turned a nice shade of pink. “Now,” I growl.

  She pushes her ass into me to get space. “I said not now, Ruby. Geez, I’ve gotta feed the babies and then move the laundry. I’ve been at work all day, and now I have a house to manage,” she snaps.

  Barking back at her, I demand, “You have a dick to suck.”

  Her smile disappears. “Ruben Castillo, I don’t have
time for your nonsense right now.”

  “Nonsense? Take your ass back to Mexico where, when your man says suck his dick, you drop to your knees in the kitchen and handle that shit.”

  I went too far. I watch her eyes glass over in tears she refuses to shed. That’s my woman: tough as nails. Any chance of getting laid went out the door, though.

  I’m an ass. I can’t help it. Things have changed. She never has time for me. It’s always our kids. I love them, too, but what happened to us?

  She is the most beautiful woman in the world. I can’t keep my hands or eyes off her. If I didn’t have to go to work to pay our bills, I would live with my tongue or cock inside her tight heat for life. With each kid, though, our time together has diminished. Finding any little moment to hold onto each other is all I have. Here we are and she doesn’t even want that anymore. When did she lose the passion?

  I have heard of marriages having the seven year itch, but that couldn’t be us. We have had ten years together. We have gone through more than the average couple, keeping each other’s secrets when we were here illegally and then the stuff with her brother. Certainly, we couldn’t find the place where we are in a lull.

  I’m a motherfucking Hellion. Pussy is thrown at me constantly, but not the pussy I want. When did this happen? Where did the woman I married go? Where is the girl who couldn’t get enough of my cock when we were mere teens?

  When did everything change?

  Take my ass back to Mexico … He has lost his ever-loving mind. He came and got me. Two years, I had to face my father’s hand before Julio and Ruben came back for me. I saved every penny my brother sent, outside of what I needed to spend for food and clothes, so when I made it to America, I wouldn’t burden them further.

  Only, it didn’t work out that way. I ended up in a two-bedroom trailer along with them and six other immigrant workers. As much as the money sent home could last, here in the states, existing is expensive. When one of the guys was looking at me a little too often, Ruben claimed me, and we moved out.


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