
Home > Contemporary > Sultry > Page 9
Sultry Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  My feelings for Donovan are hard to keep at bay at any time, but when he’s in the same room as me, I’m probably not going to be able to hide anything.

  “So Mara,” Reece says, pointing his fork in my direction, “are you going to tell me why my best friend spent the afternoon locked in the bedroom with you.”

  “Do I have a choice?” I mumble, shoving chicken and carrots into my mouth.

  “No you don’t.”

  Sighing, I tell him part truth, “He brought me a book I’d mentioned on the way back home that I’d been looking for. He’d stopped at the store in town looking for something and came across it, so he bought it and drove around here to give it to me. What is wrong with that?” I glare at him, while continuing to eat my dinner.

  “There isn’t anything wrong with that—the problem I have is him spending all afternoon up there.”

  “You know what, it really isn’t any of your business. Mom knew he was up there with me—discussing my art if you must know—so if Mom’s okay with it then I don’t see why you can’t be.”

  Stabbing more chicken onto my fork, I practically dare him to say more. He doesn’t as Callie is obviously using some distraction technic on him out of the view of the rest of us. I love Callie.

  The rest of the meal gets finished up pretty quickly in an uncomfortable silence. Reece may have left the discussion alone, but he won’t forever. Sarah spent nearly as much time glaring at me as Reece did. The silence, glares and general unrest isn’t because I had a boy up in my room, it’s happening because I had Donovan up in my room, which pisses me the hell off.

  He might be seven years older than me, my brother’s best friend, but I know my own heart. Most of my teenage years have been spent reading and writing about art, most of which is suitable for an adult not a child. My mother has always said I’m more mature than Sarah and Amanda. I’d certainly agree with her about Sarah, and she’s just getting worse. Or rather jealousy is rearing it’s ugly head.

  I’m really not sure how to breach the gap between us or even if we can. There’s always been something there, but as I’ve gotten older, she can’t stop with the jabs. Sometimes, I’ll look at her after she’s made a cutting remark about something I’m doing and she always looks as though she genuinely believes what she’s saying.

  “Mara, do you have a minute?” Callie asks, gaining a frown from Reece.

  “Yeah, sure. What’s up?” I ask placing the last of the dishes by the sink for Jessie and Robin to wash and dry.

  “Wedding talk.”

  “Okay. Do you want to go outside for a short walk?”

  Callie kisses Reece on the lips and whispers something to him before opening the backdoor and indicating with her hand that I should go first.

  I love being outside when it’s dusk—not quite day, but not ready to be night yet. It’s also a bit cooler, which makes breathing a lot easier because it sure can boil the air in your lungs. Walking with Callie is pleasant. She spends time taking in her surroundings rather than what she has to say. You can bet if I’d been out here with Reece his questions would have started the minute the door had closed. That’s one of the things I like about her, not only has she calmed the beast—slightly—but she’s good to hang out with.

  Walking out along the small dock at the end of our garden, we sit facing the moon with our feet dangling over the water. I lay down, closing my eyes and feel Callie do the same.

  After a few minutes of silence, I ask, “Did you really want to talk to me about the wedding?”

  “Yes I did, but I could have asked you inside away from your mom. I thought I’d get you out here to find out what is really going on with you and Donovan.”

  “Start with the wedding, please.”

  “Okay. I know we’ve sort of skirted around Dahlia being involved in the wedding, but at the end of the day, she’s close to Reece and I’d like her to be included as part of the family and not just a friend. I know Reece wants this, although he hasn’t said anything to me.”

  Once I’d arrived at Donovan’s door after the hum dinger of an argument I’d had with Mom over Dahlia, I’d come to realize that Mom wasn’t the only one mistreated. Dahlia was left with her bastard of a father—who has finally disappeared and left her alone—after her mother died.

  Every time I’ve seen her since, I’ve tried to be friendly towards her and I think she’s trying as well.

  “I really don’t know what you’re asking me. I’m cool with Dahlia being part of your wedding. I mean it doesn’t have anything to do with me anyway, but I’d think it strange if she wasn’t involved.”

  “It’s your mom and sisters that Reece is worried about. I am as well. You left because of it all before so we’re both hesitant to bring the subject up.”

  I turn to look at her, and can just make out her eyes in the darkness now the dusk is finally turning to night. “Reece and Mom have made their peace. I talk to Dahlia every time I see her, some of the time I go out of my way to bump in to her. But I know what you’re saying. You don’t want your big day ruined because my mom or one of my sisters says something upsetting to her, right?”


  “Look, don’t worry about it. I’ll mention it to Mom when I go back inside and hopefully she won’t lose it again.”

  She grins in the dark showing me her white teeth. “Now. I want to know exactly what is going on between Donovan and you—not the Reece version—the Callie version.”

  Groaning, I close my eyes again and think about my guy holding me all afternoon as we both slept. I know we got up to no good before that, but he just held me even though there was a chance of someone else barging into my room.

  “That good, huh?”

  I giggle. “Oh yeah!” I curl up on my side and resting my head in my hand, I admit, “He makes me happy, Callie. Really, really happy. I’ve wanted him to notice me for so long. Now that he does, I keep having to pinch myself to make sure it’s real and I’m not dreaming.” I lay back down. “Although I’ve wanted him for a while I’m glad it’s taken this long for us to get together because I feel ready to be with him. I don’t just mean sex, I mean to be with him—to spend time with him and just hang out. But he’s worried about Reece, and I guess I am as well. You know what Reece is like with me Callie. I just don’t get why he’d be against me being with his best friend.”

  “I don’t think you want to go there Mara.”

  “I know what Reece and Donovan used to get up to before Reece fell for you so I guess I can understand that. But Reece has proved he can settle on one girl and be happy so why can’t Donovan. I mean sometimes Reece looks so damn in love with you that it makes me want to hurl.”

  “Ha ha ha. You’re funny—not.”

  I nudge her. “Yes it was—you’ve made my brother a love sick idiot.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s my idiot and I love him and can’t wait to get his ring on my finger… What are you going to do about Donovan and telling Reece?”

  “I really don’t know. Phoenix suggested after the wedding—”

  “Wait. Phoenix knows?”

  “Um, yeah. He kind of caught us this morning on Donovan’s kitchen floor.”

  “But…but…I mean. Shit. You’ve done it with him?”

  “I wish I could say yes, but we’ve only fooled around. He didn’t have any condoms; otherwise, I’m sure we would have done. And now I’m on my period so that takes care of the next few days.”

  I can practically feel the wheels turning in Callie’s head as we continue to lay side-by-side. It would be nice if I could talk to one of my sisters like I can with Callie. Jessie and Robin are too young for this kind of discussion, but Sarah and Amanda aren’t. I won’t talk to Sarah because I don’t get along with her, and I’d be putting Amanda on the spot with Sarah if I told her too much. Not with the intention of hurting me, but because she thinks we’re sisters and that we all can be trusted.

  “Thinking about Reece, all I know is that you both need to tell him
before he finds out because that will just make things twice as bad. It’s also going to kill me knowing this and he doesn’t.”

  “I know. By telling you I’ve put you in an awkward position. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No. Don’t say that. I’m glad that you feel comfortable talking to me knowing I’m your brother’s girl. In fact, it makes me feel really good.”

  I smile, although Callie probably can’t see now that it’s pitch black outside.

  “Thank you for driving my brother crazy and making him chase you. That’s what he needed to be brought down a peg or two by a girl. I love him, but he’s an idiot some times.”

  “Whose an idiot?” Reece says causing us both to jump into a sitting position in surprise.

  “What are you doing out here? You promised to give us some privacy.”

  Reece switches the lights on along the small dock before he comes over to us.

  “I think I’ve given you enough private time with my little sister. Now it’s future husband time.” Reece sits behind Callie and pulls her into his chest before nuzzling her neck.

  Turning my head away to gaze out across the water, toward the lights on the opposite side, I can’t help but wish that Donovan was here with me. I wish that I was snuggling in his arms, feeling safe from the world.

  My heart is telling me to shout that he’s my guy and that I’m in love with him. But my brain it telling me to wait—that now isn’t the right time. The thing is though; I’m not sure there will ever be a right time to announce my relationship with Donovan. Reece will flip out regardless, and a huge part of me wants to get it over with. But for the wedding, I probably would have blurted it out, but it would break my heart if I ruined my brother and Callie’s wedding.

  I swipe at a tear feeling sorry for myself—feeling alone. Donovan would be here with me if I asked him to be. That I know without a doubt. He’d be cautious, but he’d be here.

  “Mara, are you okay?” Reece asks, concern for me clear in his voice.

  Getting to my feet, I whisper, “I will be,” before turning and heading back toward the house, needing some space from the loving couple.

  I also need to hear Donovan’s voice, if only for a minute. So running up to my room, I lock my bedroom door and disconnecting the charger, I flop down on to my bed. Laying on my stomach to quickly shoot Donovan a text. I unlock the phone and discover to my delight that I have three text messages from him.

  Missing you

  Missing you even more

  I grin—he’s an idiot, who’s making my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

  I’m sitting out back, drinking a longneck wondering what you’re doing, whom you’re talking to and most of all, I’m wishing that I was with you <3

  As tears run down my face, I swipe at them so I can see the keys to reply to him.

  You have no idea how much I wish you had been with me. I watched Callie and Reece snuggling together and wanted that to have been us. <3

  Then I add,

  I miss you <3

  Within seconds a text arrives back from him.

  Soon baby. That will be us real soon. Just a few more days <3 sweet dreams <3

  Is he getting rid of me?

  You don’t want to talk?

  I do but I can’t keep my eyes open. Tiredness and alcohol don’t mix well.

  After about a minute while I debate with myself whether or not I can get away with sneaking to his place, I send him a text back.

  Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Dream of me <3

  I always dream of you <3

  Sighing, I don’t bother to remove my clothes and slip beneath the quilt. I’m really tired as well.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It’s been three days since I saw Mara and I’m beginning to get frustrated as hell. The day following our loving in her bedroom, she’d woken with a migraine and had stayed in bed all day. My first instinct was to go straight around there to see her for myself, but I’d spoken to Cindy and she’d assured me that Mara would be alright and was being looked after. Reece had been there so she didn’t think it was wise for me to come round. No matter how much it hurt, I stayed away.

  And now I’m about to see her with all her family at the rehearsal dinner, which is being held at the country club. In an earlier text, Mara told me she was dressing for me tonight. My only hope is that Reece doesn’t notice the reaction my body has because of her. I mean the last thing he needs is to catch me with a physical hard-on for his sister…that would really go down well.

  Pulling into the lot, I spot Mia and Liam walking into the place. The country club isn’t one of my favorite places, but I can see why Phoenix’s parents would have arranged to have the rehearsal dinner here. It’s like any other country club—full of pretentious snobs.

  With a bit of luck, Reece will be distracted with Callie’s family having arrived in town earlier today.

  Stepping out of my truck, I’m just about to head toward the entrance when I catch movement from the corner of my eye. I turn and watch Dahlia marching off in front of Ryder as though they’ve had an argument. I didn’t even know they were dating, but perhaps they won’t be for long.

  On entering the foyer with it’s grand crystal chandelier, dark wood, mahogany walls, and centuries old oil paintings on the walls, all I can think about is escaping the place with my girl. This isn’t part of my world and I don’t feel as though I belong here. It isn’t because of money—I have plenty of that, thanks to my parents’ savings and insurance policy, but this whole place makes me itch. Some of the folks who hang out here are okay and tell it as they see it, but others are so full of shit.

  “I hate this place.” Phoenix pulls me back into the here and now. “Thalia isn’t all that keen either, but went along with it because of what my folks wanted. I’m sure as hell glad that we put our feet down about the wedding.”

  “I know what you mean. Every time I walk through that door I expect to see Dorkins with his top hat on greeting everyone. Do you remember him from when we were kids?”

  Phoenix laughs. “He’s one of the only happy memories I have of this place. Everyone else used to look at us like we were dirt on the floor when our dads would bring us here, but not him.”

  “No he didn’t. He used to frighten the shit outta us at first though.”

  “Speak for yourself. He never frightened me,” Phoenix adds.

  I grin, raising an eyebrow as Phoenix slaps me on the back and disappears to claim his soon to be bride.

  Huh, not him—yeah, right!

  Surveying the room for Mara, I don’t see her anywhere until I’m on my second pass through and see her smiling at me from across the room.

  My feet have suddenly turned to lead as I take her in. She is the most beautiful girl here. Her curves are covered in the dark wine dress she’d been having fitted at the dress store, the skirt dropping to her high-heeled covered feet. As she moves towards me, my dick thickens and lengthens. There is a slit in the dress right up to nearly the top of her thigh, which I missed in the dress store—one inch higher and she’d be showing her pussy when she moved.

  As she gets closer to me, I notice her nipples poking through the dress, and all I want to do is take my jacket off and wrap her up in it so no one else gets to see her like that—sexy.

  She comes to a stop directly in front of me, and briefly presses against me, sending a surge of lust so strong through my body, she’s lucky I don’t grab her over my shoulder and run off to have my way with her.

  “You’re beautiful and killing me.”

  “I know. You look handsome in your suit. All the girls are going to be drooling over you.”

  “How do you think I’m going to feel knowing the guys are going to be imagining you naked?”

  “They can imagine all they want because you’re the only one who is going to get to see me naked—tonight.” She steps closer so her nipples are rubbing against my jacket and my cock is pressing in
to her hip. “I no longer have the female problem,” she whispers, “so you can touch, stroke, lick, and penetrate me there to your heart’s content.” My dick surges against her. She grins up at me.

  “You are playing with fire, babe,” I growl.

  “I’m soon going to be playing with you.” She turns and walks into the private room where tonight’s dinner is taking place leaving me with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

  I’ve always found her sexy, but I’ve never seen her as the sexy siren before.

  “The great Donovan has fallen,” Phoenix chuckles, “but I’d close your jacket and get that sappy look off your face before Reece catches you.

  “Did you see her?” I mumble, running my hands through my hair in an effort to loosen my lust-ridden body up. “I mean…fuck.”

  “C’mon. Get your brain from what’s beneath that dress and let’s go and take our seats so we can change the seating if we don’t like whose next to us.” Phoenix gives me a shove, which gets my feet moving.

  “I hate to break this to you, but you’re not going to get that privilege on this occasion as it’s your rehearsal dinner. My guess is you’ll be sitting between Thalia and her mom.” I grin. That shut him up.

  But my grin slips as I see my sexy siren in the seat next to where I’ve just been directed making sweet talk to the guy beside her. I don’t think so.

  Quickly stalking over to the table, I yank my chair out and drop into it much to Mara’s amusement. The guy on her left frowns over at me. Probably realizing his chances with this delicious babe have just gone out through the window.

  “Donovan, this is Matt. A cousin of Thalia’s.”

  “Hi Matt,” I lean forward and shake his hand, “nice to meet you.” I’m tempted to make a claim on my girl in front of the guy, but then I can’t guarantee he isn’t going to open his mouth in Reece’s hearing.

  Sitting back in my seat, I ignore him. In fact I end up ignoring everyone for the next ten minutes. My head suddenly feels like it’s going to explode with the stress of hiding from my friends. It feels like I’m ashamed of being with Mara, which is so far from the truth. I’ve never been good at lying, which is probably why the guys always used to make sure my mouth was full with food whenever we were being questioned about something we’d gotten up to.


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