Too Cold To Love

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Too Cold To Love Page 18

by Doris O'Connor

  She wrenched herself out of Marco's tight embrace, dimly registering his stunned expression, before she grabbed the frying pan and narrowly missed a white-faced Jennifer. It was with grim satisfaction that she chased the woman down the garden path swinging that heavy pan like a demented thing. She slammed the garden gate shut and promptly burst into tears.

  Oh shit, what had she done. She hadn't lost her temper like that in ages. Knowing Jennifer, she was going to run straight back to her solicitors.

  Fanbloodytastic, you've given the witch yet more ammunition to use against you. Marco is going to explode.

  Marco's warm hand closed over the frozen grip she still had on the pan. His deep voice in her ear soothed her overwrought nerves.

  "Let it go. She's gone, cara mia."

  "I'm sorry, Marco, she just got me so angry, and oh hell… I've made things ten times worse, haven't I?"

  Marco just shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing Robert can't deal with."

  "Perhaps I ought to just go. It will be better for everyone. She will leave you alone, and you and Mimi can be happy together."

  Marco's furious string of Italian swear words made Elise take a step back.

  "Have you lost your mind, woman? What on earth makes you think we could ever be happy without you?"

  "But I thought..."

  He pulled her to him. His mouth came down hard on hers. His hands dug into her arms, before he released her so abruptly she almost fell.

  "If you want to leave us, then go. I won't stop you. But do it for your own reasons, not because of anything that bitch said."

  Another soft curse made Elise's toes curl under, and she almost didn't hear the whispered words that followed.

  "Amore mio, if you feel anything at all... for me ...then Dio Santo... stay...please."

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Elise stood frozen to the spot, held in place by the heated intensity in Marco's eyes. Her heart gave the odd erratic bump. Marco's uncertain smile had her finally drawing a shuddering breath into her screaming lungs, and her heartbeat returned to normal.

  Had she just imagined him saying that? It almost sounded as though he cared about her and wanted her to stay for him.


  "Papa, Papa here!"

  Mimi's excited voice stopped her from responding, and Marco turned slowly to scoop his daughter up mid run, his eyes seeking hers over Mimi's darklocks. Elise felt that look all the way down to her curling toes, her feelings overwhelming her. She loved them so much, but how could she stay, when it could mean that Marco lost Mimi? The mere possibility filled her with such icy dread she had to rub the goose bumps off her exposed forearms. Jennifer was clearly unhinged and would stop at nothing. Elise would never forgive herself if she was the cause of hurting Marco more, even if leaving him meant cutting out her beating heart and living with the empty shell left behind.

  "Ach, how lovely. Yae've come hame for lunch again, Mr Marco. Anyone would think yae've missed us."

  Agnes chuckled to herself and was about to return to the kitchen when her gaze fell on the abandoned frying pan on the floor.

  "Now whit's that doing there, I wonder?"

  Mimi giggled, and Marco threw an imploring look at Elise.

  "I'm so sorry, Agnes, I used it to chase away a...a rat. Didn't know what else to use."

  "A rat yae say? Was it a big heavin' rat, by any chance? Of the female kind who should've kent better than tae snoop around here?" Agnes looked between Marco and Elise, shaking her head and murmuring to herself, and Elise had to smile at the expression on her face.

  "Well, yae best give me that, so I can scrub it. Hope yae got the ... rat! Come on, Mimi; help me make lunch for yer ma and pa!"

  Mimi skipped off with the still muttering housekeeper,and Marco's amused chuckle chased the goose bumps off Elise's skin.

  "I get the feeling, cara mia, that Agnes knows exactly who the rat was you chased away. Brilliant thinking on your part. I would hate for Mimi to know that the wicked witch of the East was here."

  His warm, tender gaze warmed Elise up even more, and she gratefully stepped into his open arms.

  "You are so good for her, angelo mio. I can never thank you enough." His low whisper in her ear, coupled with the soft kisses on her neck made Elise melt into his embrace. She reveled at the feel of the strong, hard arms, cradling her. She could happily stay like this forever. No one had ever made her feel as safe as Marco did just at this moment, whispering more words in Italian which she didn't understand. If only she could voice her love for him which was setting her on fire from the inside out. The knowledge forever branded on her heart and soul, scorched her with their need to be said. But how could she with the whole custody thing hanging over them. What was he saying to her?

  "Hey, you were going to teach me, not fair you're rambling on like this."

  Marco's arms tensed for just a second, before he sighed.

  "I was saying that I could not..."

  "Papa, Mamma here now!"

  Mimi's loud, insistent, foot-stomping interruption made them both groan before smiling at each other. "Okay, okay, we're coming."

  Marco threaded his hand through hers, his other holding Mimi's, and together they went to the kitchen as one.

  "There yae are. Sit, sit. We stopped by Giovanni's pizza, so just had tae warm these up. Mimi helped make the salad."

  Agnes looked at the three of them with a warm smile whilst she dished out steaming slices of pizza with Italian salad. Elise made herself busy cutting up Mimi's pizza, whilst Marco filled the little girl's glass with water. Mimi made them all laugh, making yum, yum noises with her mouth full whilst trying to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Throughout it all, Marco's emotionally charged glances towards her left Elise tingling from the inside out unable to eat much at all. How many times had they done this in the past, a normal everyday meal, yet the air was thick with tension, the ripples of change as noticeable as the light breeze coming in through the open doors.

  Mimi's loud yawn had Marco picking his daughter up with a smile. "Time for your nap, bambina piccola. Give Mamma a kiss."

  Mimi curled into her dad's broad chest with another yawn, and Elise leaned across to brush a tender kiss across her slightly sticky forehead.

  "Hang on, Marco, she'll need a wash." She grabbed a cloth from the side to wipe Mimi's face clean.

  "Euwww, mamma, nincompoop," was her reward, and Elise shared another amused look with Marco before he took his daughter upstairs.

  Elise looked after them for the longest time, her emotions in turmoil until Agnes's loud throat clearing made her aware of the housekeeper looking at her curiously.

  "Everything ok with yae? That rat hasnae unsettled yae too much, has it?"

  Elise shook her head making herself smile at Agnes. "No, everything's fine.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  "Good. I ken it isnae any of mah business, but that rat, well, ah hope yae chased her away fir good. Her kind are like bad smells, hanging around, tryin' tae make trouble fir you and the wee yin, but Mr. Marco, he'll get rid of the sleekit wee creature, you'll see."

  "I'm not so sure, Agnes."

  "What a piece of nonsense! The three of yae are a proper wee family now. It's time this hoose got some permanent laughter. Go on, off yae go, up they stairs. I reckon he wants yae. Coulda saved mahsel' the lighting of thon oven wae those looks he gave yae. Now away, and dinnae you worry, I'll turn the radio on nice an' loud."


  But she had turned her back on Elise, chuckling to herself. Sure enough, by the time Elise reached the top of the stairs the radio was blaring in the kitchen.

  Marco stuck his head out of Mimi's bedroom and raised his eyebrows at Elise. He pulled the door shut. Agnes started to sing along to the radio very off key.

  "What has gotten into her, cara mia? We will have the neighborhood cats howling at the back door. Elise, what's wrong?"

  Elise made herself look at him, the concern in his
eyes her undoing.

  "Nothing's wrong, she's making sure she can't hear us, that's all. She seems to think that...urm... well..."

  Marco chuckled low in his throat interrupting her with a wicked smile.

  "I'm going to drag you off to the bedroom the minute you get up here?" Marco asked. "Hmm, the idea has merit. After all, we wouldn't want her poor vocal cords to be exercised for nothing would we, tesoro?"

  "Marco, Mimi—"

  "Is fast asleep. She was exhausted after all the excitement of the market, so unless you can come up with any other objection?" Before Elise could say anything she found herself drawn into his body. His lips claimed hers, and she was lost in her own, immediate response which was as instinctive as breathing.

  "Mia bella moglie, amore mio..." Marco whispered in between tender kisses which made Elise feel cherished, and her heart rejoiced as her own doubts took leave. When she couldn't help but kiss him back, Marco picked her up with a low grunt. He kicked their bedroom door shut before he put her down slowly, the heat in his eyes melting her bones.

  Her voice was a breathy whisper. "Marco, but what about Jennifer?"

  "What about her, amore mio? I told you Robert will deal with her." Marco kissed down her neck setting her whole being alight with pure sensual awareness.

  "Marco, stop, please, this is serious. She won't just go away, will she?"

  "Dannazioni, Elise, will you let me worry over her. She will go away. All it needs is the right amount of money. I don't care how much it'll cost, I'll shut her up. That's all she ever wanted me for anyhow. I was a goddamn fool to ever think she cared about me."

  When Elise put her hand on his mouth to stop him from kissing her again his eyes flashed with barely disguised anguish. He stepped away from her, and ran one hand through his hair.

  "Why the concern about her? I told you in the garden, it doesn't matter what she said, unless she was right of course. And you don't want to be with me, because I, I can't... Dio Santo...that's it isn't it. I'm such a fool, I thought."

  Elise didn't catch the rest of his anguished words as he lapsed into Italian shaking his head in disgust.

  The pain in his voice sliced Elise's heart wide open.

  "No, Marco, no, that's not it at all. How could you even think that? We've got Mimi, haven't we? And besides, Alex and his sisters are doing a wonderful job at repopulating the Giovanni all by themselves. We certainly don't have to add to them."

  "But I want to."

  Three simple words that held so much pain and anguish, as he stood there, hand thrust into his trouser pockets, his jaw so tense, Elise could almost hear his teeth grind together.

  "Why? Marco, why is this so important to you?"

  She took a tentative step towards him. Her heart ached for him.

  "Why is it not important to you?"

  Marco shied away from her touch. His expression even darker if that was possible, his blue eyes scanned her face.

  "I didn't say it wasn't important, Marco, but you said yourself you could never have children. I would dearly love to have your baby, but I meant what I said, too. You're a brilliant daddy to Mimi. The fact that you can't have any more children doesn't make you any less of a man."

  "You say that now, but in time... surely if you cared, then it would matter... you'd want...Dio Santo, I'm such a fool to fall for this again."

  Elise's heart clenched hopefully and then turned into a jackhammer at the barely audible words.

  Oh my, tell him how you feel girl, now!

  "Time won't make any difference, you silly, silly man, and I do care – that's why it doesn't matter. I fell in love with you the way you are, heaven only knows why, you arrogant, stupid, male—"

  Marco caught her shriek of surprise in his mouth when he suddenly filled her vision. His mouth claimed hers and kissed her senseless.

  "Say that again, amore mio," he growled in her ear. His eyes glittered with emotion, holding her captive as her own heart expanded at what she saw in his.

  "I love you, Marco Giovanni."

  Elise smiled through her tears as she felt the way his whole body relaxed. He buried his face in her neck, and his breath made her shiver as he sighed.

  "Ti amo cosi tanto, cara mia."

  "And in English that would be, wise guy?" Elise couldn't help but tease him, though his whole body language was telling her all she needed to know, her heart and soul recognizing their mate.

  Marco's light chuckle against her neck vibrated through her. It set sparks of happiness zinging along ever part of her. He lifted his head, his large hands cupped her face, and his intense gaze devoured her. He murmured between kisses.

  "My heart, my love, I love you so much, I can't even begin to tell you, so..." and his smile turned wicked as he nudged her towards the bed. “I'm just going to have to show you."


  12 months later

  Marco stepped through his front door and promptly ducked, the ball missing him by a hair's breadth.

  "Hey easy, guys." He chuckled as the latest arrivals whizzed past him, clearly engaged in a very competitive game of hallway football.

  Good, they've settled then, but will the house survive?

  Affection welled up in Marco at the chaotic scene in front of him.

  Their latest arrivals were three and four year old brothers, who had clearly been traumatized by their abusive home life. Elise had worked hard with the social workers to help them come out of their shell. And if the chaos they were right now causing with Noah was anything to go by, then they had had a breakthrough, finally. Marco knew they were in it for the long haul with these two. In fact, he had to speak to Elise about that. He'd grown very fond of them, and Mimi doted on them as though they were really her brothers. Whilst foster parents didn't usually adopt, there were always exceptions.

  When Elise had first suggested fostering to him, he'd been skeptical. They'd just won full custody of Mimi, his ex-wife having been dispatched with a suitably large settlement, and Marco had had another extremely disappointing visit with his specialist.

  Elise had hugged him and asked him to come with her to visit one of the local children's homes. She'd grown up in places like this, and she was so passionate about wanting to help, he'd found himself going along with it, to please her if he was honest to himself. But the string of children who'd passed through his house since then had wheedled their way into his affections with amazing speed, and he couldn't imagine life without them now.

  "Sorry, Uncle Marco, but they're winning, will never do!" Noah threw over his shoulder, Mimi in hot pursuit.

  "Ciao, Papa!"

  "Ciao to you, too," murmured Marco. He winced at the loud crash as that football hit something else.

  Though maybe the house could do without them.

  "Take it outside guys, now!"

  Agnes appeared out of the kitchen, rolling her eyes at him and muttered just loud enough for him to hear.

  "Gah, lost the plot they have... all very well... need to settle... hah... no the ones who have tae clean up after them...boys!"

  Louder screeching from the kitchen had Marco roll his own eyes. The twins were here, too, then. Elise didn't know when to say no. Sure enough, Alex's and Kitty's youngest twin Alessandro ran full pelt into Marco's legs putting chocolate fingers all over his light trouser legs.

  "Oh no, you little horror! Here, catch, babe." Elise threw a wet cloth towards Marco whilst hitching Rosetta up on her hip a bit higher. Her stern features softened when the little girl giggled. "Sandro bad boy."

  "He got away from me before I could wipe his hands. What are you doing home so early? Sorry, you kinda walked into a war zone, didn't you?"

  Elise worried her bottom lip. Her hair had escaped its ponytail. She had a streak of what he sure hoped was chocolate on one cheek; her jeans were covered in sticky finger prints, yet she was glowing. Si, that was the only way to describe his pasticcinoright now. Put her in a houseful of kids, and she was at home.

  He reached
across to drop a kiss on her nose, grateful to be home, chaos or not.

  "The boys are finally playing then. I almost got decapitated by a ball coming in."

  Elise smiled apologetically.

  "Noah brought the ball, and well they hit it off so well, I didn't have the heart to stop them. We may have to give Agnes a raise, mind. She's not happy."

  "Yes, I noticed that walking in." Marco laughed. "But why are Noah and the twins here in the first place? Surely it's Mamma G's turn to babysit?"

  Instead of answering, Elise put Rosetta down and steered her and Alessandro towards the garden.

  "There, find the others. Noah is out there somewhere."

  At the mention of her big brother's name, Rosetta's face lit up, and she clapped her hands running into the garden, her twin in hot pursuit.

  "I don't know who leads whom into trouble, you know. Kitty says it's Alessandro, but I reckon it's the other way round. Would you like some coffee, Marco?"

  Marco stepped deliberately in front of her noticing how nervous she was for the first time.

  "I can get my own coffee, caramia. What has you so rattled?"

  Elise flicked a worried glance at his face before nibbling her bottom lip again. Something was definitely bothering her, and he drew her into his arms, his protective instincts kicking in.

  "Tell me, angelo mio. What's wrong?"

  Elise's barely audible sigh had him cupping her chin to make her look at him.

  "Nothing's wrong exactly. It's just that, well Alex is taking Kitty for a...scan. You know how run down she's been lately. Turns out she's pregnant."

  "Again?" Marco whistled low through his teeth. The quick stab of envy he felt at his cousin's fertility was blown away by the concerned look in Elise's eyes.

  "I'm sworn to secrecy, ‘cause they don't want anyone to know yet, and you know what the rest of them are like, and well, Alex was worried about your reaction, I guess."

  Her arms came round his neck. Her soft curves pressed into him when she whispered, “I told them not to worry, but are you okay, babe?"


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