500 Days

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500 Days Page 14

by Jessica Miller

  I took a step closer, slipping a hand behind her neck, her body tensed and her eyes widened. “I think I need a break,” she shouted over the music. I dropped my arm, allowing her space. I followed her into the kitchen where she hopped up onto the counter and started to fan herself. I wet a paper towel with cool water. She placed it on the back of neck tilting her head back slightly, exposing her glistening skin. I took a step back, needing to put space between us. “Does this conclude our tour for the evening?” Alex asked with a playful smile.

  What I wouldn’t give to take her upstairs and have my way with her. But I knew Alex wasn’t that girl. She wasn’t a one night stand that I could dismiss in the morning. I didn’t know when or how it happened but she had me. Every part of me ached for her touch. I put a hand on either side off her and looked deep into her eyes, trying not to cringe at the fading bruise that I gave her. She looked down meeting my stare. “It’s only over if you want it to be.” I was baiting her, to see if she was feeling the same way I was.

  She swallowed. “I think I need some air.” I helped her off the counter and outside to the back deck where I lit up. She took the cigarette from my hand, taking a drag. “You know, you kind of surprised me tonight.”

  “How so?” I asked, taking the cigarette back.

  “They’re about a hundred girls at this party, yet you spent all your time with me. Why is that?”

  “I invited you here. Why would I invite you and then spend my time with someone else.”

  She shrugged. “Unless you already slept with every girl here.” I cocked my head to the side. She smiled. “You don’t have to entertain me anymore. I’m sure you’re itching to find a girl to take to your room so you can play your twisted version of Candy Land.”

  I backed her up against the balcony, gripping the railing, and keeping her trapped inside my arms. “What if I told you I already found a girl?”

  She tried to back up but I had her pinned. “Casper,” she whispered, her warm breath heating my lips. She smelled like strawberries, making me want to lick those lips. I struggled with what I wanted and what I knew was the right thing to do. I knew no matter what I did next, there would be consequences. I looked in to her eyes, which was my downfall. I tightened my fist on the railing and let out a grunt before I slipped my hands behind her neck and crashed my mouth into hers. Her hands slipped up my chest and for a second I thought she was going to hit me. That was until she started to kiss me back. I melted into her touch, tangling my fingers in her hair. My body was exploding with so many emotions at once I didn’t know how to decipher anything.

  “Alex, are you out here?” I heard Declan call.

  Alex quickly shoved me away, trying to catch her breath. She took a giant step to the left. “Yeah, over here.” She wouldn’t even look at me.

  “Hey,” Declan said, stumbling slightly. Alex caught her. “Why are your cheeks all red?” Declan asked, not even missing a beat in her condition.

  “Just hot.”

  She nodded. “Are you ready to go?”

  Alex’s eyes darted to me for a second before she answered. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “Great, Colton’s waiting at the car for us.” Declan latched onto to Alex, pulling her back through the house. “Oh hey Cas, didn’t see you there.” She stopped, turned back to Alex and then me, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “See ya later.” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before Alex yanked her away.

  I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, running my hands through my hair. What the hell just happened? The cool air started to clear my head. I blamed the booze for my mishap with Alex. It had to be the alcohol playing games with my brain. “Hey stranger,” a familiar voice called. I opened my eyes to find Kaylee standing by the entrance. She would be the perfect distraction to help ease the craziness that was stirring inside my brain.

  I threw my arm over her shoulder and escorted her upstairs.

  When I woke up in the morning Kaylee was gone. That was what I liked about Kaylee the most, she knew the deal; she wasn’t the type to hang around. I sat up in search of my clothes. Shrugging in to my jeans, I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand. It was a text from Colton reminding me we had practice in an hour. My phone blinked with other messages. I opened them up to find picture messages from Declan. There were probably about twenty different pictures from the party last night. I scrolled through finding pictures of me with Colton, Declan, and a few of Alex and me, most of them candid shots. I paused on the one where Alex and I actually posed for the camera. I had my arms around her waist and my head in the crook of her neck and she was smiling, her big green eyes sparkling bright. The kiss from last night flashed back into my head. I could feel a rush of heat surge through my body. The way her lips felt pressed tightly against mine, the curves of her body and the taste of her mouth was a fresh memory in my mind. I thought it was the alcohol last night, but just the image of the memory caused a tightness in my jeans.


  After practice Colton told me he was going to swing by the bar. I decided to tag along having nothing better to do. When we arrived I noticed right away Alex was in a mood. I wasn’t sure how to act around her. Was she acting this way because of last night? Did she remember the kiss? Did she regret it? Or was she just being Alex.

  I thought my best approach was to play it off like nothing happened, after all that’s what she expected of me, might as well play the part. “Diablo,” I nodded. She paused, looking me over for a moment before her eyes slightly narrowed and she went back to work.

  Not wanting to make matters worse, I asked Declan what was wrong. She rolled her eyes and took a seat next to me. “On our run today we saw the kitten again.” I raised my brows needing her to elaborate more. “A few days ago she saw this stranded kitten on Old Miller’s Run, and again today. Ever since she’s been moping around the apartment.”


  “Because the kitten is hurt and she wants to help but she can’t.”

  “What did it look like?”

  “Why?” She got up to help the other bartender.

  “Just curious.”

  She poured the man a drink and then came back over to me. “It was black with brown spots. One of its eyes was all messed up and I’m sure it was covered in fleas and who knows what else.”

  Already done with this story I moved on. “What are you guys doing this weekend?”

  “It’s Alex and her brother Jaxson’s birthday.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  Declan sighed. “I haven’t gotten that far. Alex and Jaxson can’t exactly agree on what they want to do.”

  An idea popped into my head. “Let me take care of it.” Declan looked at me funny. “If anyone can throw a kickass party you know I can.”

  “But why? Why would you want to do that?” she asked suspiciously.

  I shrugged. Honestly I wasn’t even sure myself. “I figure I still owe her for the black eye.”

  “Uh-huh,” Declan said, smiling.

  I made an appointment to get my tattoo finished and while at the shop I thought I would maybe get some insight on what Alex liked. I knew I had to tread lightly without her brother Jasper getting suspicious. He ended up not being much help but while I was there I came up with this great idea for a present for Alex. Once I was done I gave Colton a call. “Grab a box and meet me at Old Miller’s Run.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “No jackass. Just fucking do it.” I hung up the phone and slid into my car. It was after ten and pitch black. Okay, this might not be as easy I thought, but it was worth a shot. I drove the few miles to the trail and turned off the car while I waited for Colton.

  “Did you bring a box?” I asked when he got out of the car.

  “Yeah.” He pulled an empty beer case from the back seat. “You didn’t specify so I hope this is good enough.”

  “It’ll work.”

  “Now, care to tell me what the hell we’re doing?”

  I handed him a flas
hlight while I used the light from my phone. “We’re looking for a cat.” He shined the flashlight in my eyes and then yanked my jaw open to smell my breath. “Dude?”

  “Just checking.” He flashed the light in my eyes again and I raised my fist. He put it down and chuckled. “You’re not drunk. So want to tell me why we’re looking for a fucking cat at night on some creepy trail?”

  “I was talking to Declan and she told me she and Alex saw a kitten here the other day and it was hurt.”

  “And when the fuck did you become a member of PETA?”

  “She said Alex was really upset about it and that she wanted to help it but Declan wouldn’t let her.”

  “And for probably a good reason. That thing is probably covered in diseases.”

  “That’s what your girlfriend said,” I frowned.

  “So why are we out here again?”

  “Because I want to do something nice for Alex for her birthday and because I still feel like I owe her for giving her a black eye.”

  “By what, putting it out of its misery?”

  “No, dick. We’re going to trap it and take it to the humane society to get it checked out and then I’m going to give it to Alex as a birthday present.”

  Colton shook his head and started laughing. “Dude, you got it bad.”


  “Nothing,” he chuckled.

  I punched him in the shoulder. “Shut up and help me find it.”

  “Keep that up and you’ll be buying me a puppy next.” I raised my arm and he flinched, putting his hands up in surrender, but he couldn’t hide his smug smile. “So what does this thing look like?”

  “She said it was black with brown spots.”

  “Great, so we’re looking for a black cat, at night, in the woods.”

  “Less talking more searching.”

  We walked about a half mile back onto the trail. We found squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, but no cat. Another mile and a half later and still nothing. “I think we should head back.”

  “You scared?” I laughed. He jumped and let out a womanly scream earlier when a raccoon surprised us.

  “No. I just don’t want to spend my night looking for a damn cat that’s probably not even here anymore or maybe even dead.”

  I glared at him. “Just a little more and then we’ll turn around.”

  We were almost at the end of the trail and we were coming up empty. I sighed, feeling defeated and turned back around. On the way back, I stopped in front of a clearing. “What is it?”

  “Do you see that?”

  “See what?” Colton looked over his shoulder, spooked.

  I rolled my eyes. “The two glowing dots.” I stepped into the tall grass of the clearing. I shined my phone out in front of me and the two dots went low to the ground. I took a step back. “Turn off your flashlight.”

  “Are you fucking nuts?”

  I ripped the flashlight from his hand. “Quit being a pussy.” I turned off my phone and the flashlight and then bent down. “It’s the light. It’s causing it to hide. Here kitty, kitty.” I called.

  “You better hope that is a fucking cat or I’m leaving your ass here.”

  “Dude, does your girlfriend know how much of a wuss you are?” He frowned and crossed his arms. I shook my head and put my attention back on the creature. I called it again and saw the tiny eyes appear. It slowly made its way closer and then it was right by my feet. “Well, aren’t you an ugly looking thing?”

  “I am not touching that.” Colton backed away like it was a ticking time bomb.

  I ripped the box from him and put it on the ground. Then I scooped up the kitten and placed it gently in the box closing the lid. “Alright, let’s go.”

  I took it to the emergency clinic. One look and I knew they wanted to just put the poor thing down. When I explained ‘my girlfriend’ found it earlier and was worried about it, they promised they would see what they could do. An hour later and one of the vet’s came out to talk to me. “The kitten is a little malnourished. It has a small infection in its right eye. But other than that it’s perfectly fine.” I let out a breath of relief.

  “No fleas or diseases?” Colton asked.

  “Surprisingly no. We ran all the standard tests and everything came back negative. You’re very lucky. One of the nurses is cleaning him up now and giving him all his shots and flea medicine. We’d like to keep him over night just to make sure he’s a little stronger before we let him go. You can pick him up tomorrow.”

  “Awesome Doc, thanks.” I slapped Colton on the back as we walked out the door.

  “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

  “There’s no going back now, is there?” I said, unable to keep the smile off my face.

  The vet called in the morning to let me know he was okay to go. I picked up the little guy and was informed I would have to put drops in his eye for the next few days until his infection cleared up. Next stop was the pet store. I took the little guy inside with me where I picked up a proper cat carrier, along with everything else it would need. Every single girl I walked by stopped to pet the kitten. This thing was a chick magnet and if I was there under any other circumstance I would take advantage of every single minute of it, but I kindly parted ways with each one and headed to the register.

  When I got home, I set the little guy up in my room, and then closed the door to head out for our band practice. There was a new song we were working on that I wrote this past month. It was a little different from the hard rock we’ve been playing but I really wanted to get this song perfect so we could perform it at our next gig. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the beat going so we had to nix the song for another time. When practice was over I was beat and secretly wanted to get home to check on the kitten.

  When I opened the door to my room it looked like someone had TP’ed my room. Toilet paper had run from the bathroom in ripped up shreds all over the floor and across the bed. There was a small pile of white fluff in the middle of the floor. I spotted his black tail flopping back and forth underneath all the white paper. I approached slowly and peeled back the pile. The kitten rolled over on his back swatting at my hand playfully. “Aren’t you a bad little kitty, but you’re lucky you’re cute.” I picked him up and put him on my bed. Then I began to clean up the mess. By the time I was done he had tuckered himself out. I had a quick shower, changed, and then laid down on my bed.

  I had to plan Alex’s party. I racked my brain with things I could do. The cat would be a definite win, but I still felt it wasn’t enough. Think Casper, think…

  I didn’t want to do something lame or anything too extreme that would scare her away. Alex was not like other girls so I knew I would have to think outside the box with her.

  “Hey Cas,” Colton knocked.


  He opened the door and let himself in. “Gus called. He said the band he had lined up for Saturday just canceled and he wanted to know if we could play.”

  “Who are the other bands?”

  “There are none. Just us and a DJ.”

  “This Saturday?” He nodded. I sat up. This Saturday was Alex’s birthday. I would be an idiot if I gave up an opportunity to play the whole night. I would also regret it if I wasn’t there for Alex’s birthday. “Give me a sec,” I held up a finger and grabbed my phone. I think I just figured it out. I called Declan and told her my plan. She loved it and said she would meet us later.

  Colton looked at me curiously. I think he was more annoyed that I was calling his girlfriend. “Call Gus and tell him it’s a deal.”

  “What the hell were you and Declan talking about?” He crossed his arms.

  “How impotent you are.”

  “Dick,” he mumbled while I laughed.

  “Chill bitch. She was helping me with Alex.” I got up and threw on jeans and a t-shirt. Then I grabbed my keys. “C’mon.”

  “Why do you need help with Alex?” he asked, accusingly.

  “I’m planning
her birthday party.”

  “But why? Casper Covington doesn’t do things out of the kindness of his heart, especially for a girl.”

  I glared at him. “Alex is a friend and I want her to have a good time on her birthday. You only turn twenty-one once.”

  He stood in my way, blocking the door. “That’s not it. What’s in it for you?”

  “Nothing,” I growled, not liking where this was going.

  “Bullshit. You drag me out at night to find some stray cat, plan her birthday party –” Colton stopped, looking like a light bulb just went off in his head. “You like her.”

  “No I don’t,” I snapped.

  “You totally do dude. You can try to deny it all you want, but it’s so obvious.”

  “Oh yeah genius, how is that so?”

  “You’ve been walking around this place for the past two days miserable and angry. You’re having more mood swings then a hormonal pregnant chick. At first I thought it was because you weren’t getting any and maybe the chicks had finally caught on to your bullshit, but Greyson told me the past couple of times you guys went out you turned girls down on more than one occasion. His exact words were, ‘these bitches were practically sucking his dick right there under the table’ but you were ‘too busy gawking at Alex to notice’.”

  “I don’t gawk and it was that crazy bitch Alex who was scaring all the chicks away.”

  “You and I both know if you wanted to you would have no problem getting another girl. Plus Angels and Demons is not the only bar in town.”

  “No, but I happen to like that bar.”

  “Because Alex works there?” I shoved him into the wall and he started to crack up. “Just admit it Casper, you fucking like her. That’s why you’re not hooking up with anyone else.”

  “That’s not true. I was with Kaylee last weekend.”

  “Kaylee doesn’t count. You wouldn’t do all this shit for some random chick.”


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