500 Days

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500 Days Page 51

by Jessica Miller

  I wrapped an arm around Greyson’s shoulder. “It’s nice to know your pussy ass is going to miss us.”

  “Dick,” he grumbled under his breath.

  I tightened my arm, laughing. “Don’t worry man, we’ll always be here. There are going to be plenty of opportunities for us to get together. This isn’t the last of us, I promise.”

  “I’m ready,” Colton said, adjusting his bowtie slightly to the right. I patted him on the back as we pushed open the doors.


  “I think I’m going to throw up,” I said, clutching my upset stomach.

  “Jesus Alex, that’s like the third time today,” Declan complained.

  “I’m sorry, Declan. It’s not always about you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Really?”

  I stifled an eye roll. “I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Wait!” she cried. “You can’t just go out there. You have to make sure the boys aren’t out there.” I sighed. Just a few more hours and this will all be over and Declan will be her normal self again, I reminded myself, counting to ten so I wouldn’t blow up at her.

  “I’m sure it’s fine. It’s almost time. They should be getting in position now.”

  “Shauna, can you please just check?” Shauna nodded, not wanting to get in the middle of another one of our arguments.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” my mom asked.

  “No, I prefer to puke in private, but thanks. Can you just make sure everyone is where they’re supposed to be? Make sure Jasper, Jaxson, and Jacob aren’t out there screwing things up. So Declan doesn’t go all bat shit crazy on their asses,” I said, whispering the last part.

  “How hard can it be? All they have to do is make sure everyone is seated on the correct side,” Declan said as she fiddled with her make-up.

  I pulled my mom closer and lowered my voice so only she heard me. “I saw Jasper and Jaxson passing a flask back and forth.”

  “I’m on it.” She put a hand on my cheek and smiled. Her hands no longer the tiny tender things they were when she first came home. Now she was stronger, fuller, and the mother I remembered from when I was little. Life didn’t break her. She was the strongest person I knew and I hoped that someday I would be just like her. “You look so beautiful, you’re practically glowing.” She kissed my cheek before heading out to check on the boys.

  “It’s all clear,” Shauna said, coming back in the small changing room.

  “Thank god, I didn’t think I would be able to hold it in any longer.” I covered my mouth and charged for the bathroom. I made it just in time. I sat back on my heels, catching my breath and waiting to make sure I was done.

  “Alex, are you okay?”

  “Casper, what are you doing in here?” He was always the protector. Some days it was sweet, others, annoying.

  “I should ask you the same question.”

  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and steadied myself to stand. “What are you talking about?”

  “Babe, you’re in the men’s bathroom.” I peeked through the crack in the door. Over to my right was a wall of urinals. I pressed my head to the cool metal door. I was in such a rush I hadn’t paid attention to which door I went in. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just need a few minutes.”

  “Okay, I grabbed the bag with your toothbrush and tooth paste. I’m going to leave it here on the counter.”

  “Thank you,” I breathed. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’ll be the good-looking stud upfront waiting for my gal.”

  I laughed, a real feel good laugh. “Then what’s Greyson going to do?”

  “I’ll remember that, Mrs. Covington.”

  “Hey, I’m not a Covington yet and we still never finished the discussion of whether I was actually changing my last name or not.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  I listened to his retreating steps. “Casper?” He stopped. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Alexis Covington.”

  “Dick,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “I heard that,” he grunted. I laughed to myself and waited until I heard the door close behind him. Then I opened the stall and locked the door so I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else coming in. I looked at my pale face in the mirror and sighed. I wet a paper towel and blotted my face. Then I fixed my smudged mascara and brushed my teeth before reapplying my lip-gloss. Once I was sure I was okay to continue. I made my way back out to where the girls were waiting.

  “Okay, I’m good.”

  “Are you sure, because we can wait. You know they can’t start without us.”

  “I’ll just hide a sick bag inside my bouquet and all will be fine,” I joked. Declan frowned, not thinking it was funny. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. “I promise you. Nothing is going to ruin today. Everything will be fine. Now take a deep breath,” I paused, waiting as she inhaled deeply through her nose and let out a big breath. “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Only you would be so calm on a day like today,” Declan said, letting her nerves get the best of her.

  “And when the roles are reversed, you’ll be giving me the same speech,” I assured her.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she smiled, ushering us out the door.


  I waited with the rest of my boys at the front the church. Colton looked at me from where he stood. I patted my pocket to assure him everything was in order. Shortly, the music started and we took our places. My heart picked up at the thought of watching her walk down that aisle, looking into my eyes and accepting me as hers for the rest of our lives. I never needed a piece of paper to prove that she was mine, but I wanted to show in front everyone that I would love her until the end of days. I felt like a school kid with his first crush in anticipation of seeing her. My head turned, waiting, and when she stepped through those doors and onto the path of red and white rose petals Katalina had littered the floor with, I felt my heart stop.

  She was breathtaking. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Her eyes instantly met mine and she smiled. She took her time walking down the aisle, her eyes never leaving mine. It was like time had stopped and the only people in the church were Alex and me. The only thing I heard was the sound of the blood rushing through my veins, my pulse racing, and my heart beating a million times per minute. Alex stopped, her smile fell, and for a second she looked like she was about to lose her lunch all over Colton’s Aunt Mina.

  I was about to rush to her side when Colton held up a hand to stop me. I was ready to pound his face in until he nudged me with his elbow. I looked up to see Alex was smiling again, all signs of sickness gone, and making her way down the aisle again. I sighed in relief. She seemed to be playing it cool but I knew on the inside she was scared. When she took her spot at the front I mouthed to her, “Are you okay?” She nodded in response, placing a tender hand over her swollen belly. My grandmother’s ring, glistening brightly against the sunlight shining through the colored glass windows. I originally bought her an enormous rock, but she made me take it back and told me she would not wear it. Saying it looked ridiculous. I always thought girls liked big diamonds, but I should have known better. Alex wasn’t most girls. So I asked my mom for my grandmother’s ring which was a flat, square diamond incased in several other diamonds surrounding it. It was antique looking and Alex loved it. She actually cried when I gave it to her. I knew I got it right then, for the fact that I achieved what very few could. I got Alex Radcliffe to cry over something girly. Her words not mine.

  “You look beautiful,” I whispered, unable to wipe the smile from my face.

  She cleared her throat and gestured with her eyes to the woman of the hour who was currently walking down the aisle. As hard as it was, I shifted my eyes to the beautiful bride walking down the aisle. Declan looked stunning. I could feel the nerves coming off of Colton in waves. I patted Colton on the s
houlder and lowered my voice so only he could here. “Relax man, she’s not going anywhere. Look at her.”

  “I can’t stop looking at her,” he smiled, releasing some of his tension. I slapped his shoulder one more time before I took a step back to admire my soon to be bride and mother of my children. Alex’s eyes were on Declan and Colton as were everyone else’s. But I could not steal my gaze away from Alex. As if she knew I was staring, she looked at me and winked.

  I was so enamored by the thought of making Alex my wife someday I almost missed the part where I had to hand over the rings. Colton had to clear his throat to get my attention.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest announced. The church erupted into applause as they kissed. I started to get antsy waiting to take Alex in my arms. I hadn’t seen her in almost twenty-four hours. Declan made her stay with her in preparation for today. I didn’t want to deny her, her best friend so I only sulked for an hour before I dropped her off. She promised me she would make it up to me tonight and I did a small jig to show my excitement. Sex with Alex was amazing. But sex with Alex while she was pregnant, was otherworldly. And she wanted it all the time. I can’t say I was complaining.

  I extended an arm to Alex when it was our turn to follow the newlyweds out of the church. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine, I think I’ll be good for the rest of the day. Just as long as my Great Aunt Ida keeps her distance.” I scrunched my brow at her. “She smells like an old folk’s home mixed with the perfume aisle at Macy’s.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll try to keep all elderly women on the opposite side of the room.”

  I escorted her outside where she took a deep breath of fresh air. Alex loved being outside. The sunshine brought out a different side of her. I stood behind her, enclosing her tightly to my body, spreading my palms wide on her belly. I felt the baby kick. “Did you feel that?” I asked excitedly.

  “I feel that all the time,” she said, shifting slightly. “She seems to only be agitated when you’re around.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. Alex insists it’s a girl. I say it’s a boy. We find out next week who’s right. I bend down to kiss her belly, like I do every night before bed. The baby kicked again. “See, it’s you.”

  “You ever think he just likes the sound of my voice?” I also sang to the baby every night.

  “Or maybe she takes after her mama and already knows boys are trouble.”

  I kissed her belly again and stood to meet her eyes. “Oh she won’t have to worry about any of that because she won’t be dating until she’s thirty.”

  Alex giggled, pulling my lips to hers, letting out a tiny gasp. She hummed quietly in the back of her throat as I tickled her tongue with mine. “Alright, enough of that you two. You know what that kind of stuff leads to,” Shauna said.

  “I think it’s a little late for that,” Alex said, rubbing her belly.

  “C’mon on you guys!” Jaxson yelled, sticking his head out of the sunroof of the limo.

  “Are you ready?” I asked her.

  “Yeah,” she smiled. I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms and dipping her back slightly. She shrieked. “What are you doing?”

  “Just reminding you how much I love you and that I can’t wait until the day you meet me at the end of that aisle.”

  She tightened her arms around my neck. “I love you, Casper. Always –”

  “And forever,” I finished, sealing it with a kiss.

  The end…


  Jessica is a budding new author with a passion for writing in her veins. She stems from the suburbs of Pennsylvania where most of her time is spent writing, listening to new music, or reading a good book. When not busy writing, Jessica works part–time in a salon where she enjoys making people look beautiful. You can catch up with Jessica on her blog or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

  Thank you for Reading!

  Dear reader,

  I hoped you enjoyed 500 Days. This book was an emotional roller coaster for me and I am happy to share those feelings with you. I dug deep with this one and tried hard to make sure I got everything just right. I enjoy writing these kinds of stories and hopefully can continue to share more.

  As an author, I love feedback. You, the reader, are the reason I keep writing and exploring new ideas to come up with to entertain. I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my website – www.jesslmiller.blogspot.com

  Finally, I need to ask you a favor. If you’re so inclined, I’d love a review of 500 Days. Loved it or hated it, I just enjoy your feedback. Reviews are hard to come by these days and you, the reader, can make or break a book. So I ask this small favor to let the world know what you thought.

  Thank you so much for reading 500 Days!

  Love Always,

  Jessica Miller




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