Maya's Aura: Destroy the Tea Party

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Maya's Aura: Destroy the Tea Party Page 2

by Smith, Skye

  Maya help her to climb the ramp, and then along towards the cafe to beg Mary for the keys to the minivan, yet again. The place was still closed, and Mary must have just arrived because she was still sitting in the car.

  Maya had to tap on the window to get her attention, and then when Mary didn't roll down the window, she had to open the door to talk to her. "Hi Mary, is it okay if I borrow the car to take Nana to the clinic?"

  "Jump in," Mary said in a strangely forced voice, "I'm on my way there now."

  Maya took one look at the teary wreckage of Mary's makeup and told her to move over and she would drive. Mary stayed in the car while Maya took Nana into the clinic, but came back immediately to talk to Mary. "Okay, give. What's up."

  "My life is over," blubbed Mary.

  "Well that was fast, I mean, like what could be so deadly so fast. You were okay yesterday?" Maya's humor didn't work.

  "I have to go in to my family doctor and ask for STD tests and a morning after pill. Oh Maya, I'm a good Catholic girl. If anyone finds out, my life is over."

  "What happened. Not those two guys last night. How drunk did you get?"

  "That's just it," sobbed Mary, "I didn't drink much. One glass. You were there. And then I don't know. I don't know what happened. This morning I woke up sleeping in that big booth, and I was still dressed and everything, but I was all sticky, you know, down there." She sobbed. "I just can't remember."

  Maya knew exactly what had happened. She had been roofied by those two asshole frat boys in the 'Vette. "Okay, first things first." She handed Mary a handful of tissues. "You have to clean off your makeup and then walk right in to your doctors office and ask for the test and the pill. You are old enough that he can't speak of it to anyone without your permission."

  "Come with me," Mary said wiping at her face while looking at herself in the rear view mirror.

  "Got your back honey," Maya replied, and they walked right in, waited for fifteen minutes, sat Nana down with them now that her blood work was done, and finally marched together into the doctor's examining room.

  He listened carefully to Mary's story and then said, "I must advise you to go to the police," as he filled out her chart. He was about sixty. An old fart doc. What did he know about young women.

  "Okay, let me think about that. I mean, I really don't want anyone to know." sniffled Mary.

  He handed her some forms. "Well, here is the lab request for the tests. Just take that to the lab on the corner, and here is a prescription for the pill. There is a drug store next to the lab."

  Mary's sobs got immediately louder and continuous.

  "Umm, doctor," said Maya, "weren't you listening. She doesn't want anyone to know. Certainly not locals. Not some lab tech, and not some drug store clerk. Surely you can take some blood right here and send it anonymously to the lab, and dole out the pill from your samples?"

  "I think she should go to the police," the doctor said again in a very final voice.

  "Give her the bloody pill now else I am going to scream rape and rip off my clothes," Maya hissed.

  The doctor looked at Maya straight in the eye, and then blinked. "Role up your sleeve and pull down your jeans" he told Mary and then walked to a cabinet and returned with a hypodermic and a blister strip of pills.

  When he was finished pulling blood, and taking a swab, and had watched Mary swallow her pill, he looked at Maya and said. "I was going to do it anyway. The threat was out of line."

  "No harm done then, because I wasn't going to do what I threatened," said Maya softly as she helped the still very upset Mary to pull her jeans back up. "Thanks, doc."

  "If you change your mind about the police, that swab will also contain their DNA." He called after them. Maya turned to him and put a finger in front of her lips and shushed him.

  Mary sat in the back on the drive back to the marina, and was very quiet. Maya dropped Nana at the dock, and then drove back across the parking lot to leave the minivan in front of the cafe. She and Mary sat there with the windows up talking it out.

  "Look, I'm going to drop Nana at her cottage and then come back to help you out in the cafe. You shouldn't be there alone. Not today. Meanwhile you go home and have a long shower and clean yourself up, like sanitize yourself real good. I'll meet you back here."

  "But I have to open the cafe."

  "It can wait. Give me the key and I will open up when I get back here."

  * * * * *

  About an hour later, while Maya was tying up the runabout she noticed a police car in the parking lot. As she walked across the parking lot, it drove off down the main road. She wondered if Mary had called the cops after all.

  Nope. The cafe was still locked up. She unlocked the door, flipped the sign to 'open' and walked in. Luckily she had worked in a coffee shop in San Francisco for about a year so getting this place humming felt quite familiar. The cash system even had the same software, but she couldn't find where Mary hid the morning float of bills and change.

  The local regulars started drifting in for coffee and gossip. Some recognized her. Some didn't. Until recently Maya hadn't spent much time on her Nana's island. Inger was Nana's real name, but for at least ten years now everyone had called her Nana, which was what all her grand children had called her.

  This village was the closest marina and road to Nana's island, and sat on the peninsula that created the southeast edge of Boston Harbor. Like, actually separated it from the sea. Central Boston and Logan Airport were about a seven mile boat run to the northwest.

  "You were late opening," mentioned the old guy that fished on the pier every morning to get away from the battle axe he lived with.

  "I noticed," smiled Maya as she refilled his cup.

  "Where's Mary?" asked the women that ran the launderette across the road.

  "She'll be along. She had a late night last night."

  "Humph, can't be because we're busy, cause we ain't."

  Making change was a bit of a hassle, and some of the regulars got coffee for whatever change was in their pockets. Her coffee shop in San Fran did not serve meals, so she knew nothing about the big gas grill. She decided to not even bother with it, and apologized to anyone who wanted a grease and eggs breakfast, and talked them into boiled eggs on toast instead.

  By eleven Maya was getting worried about Mary. She wracked her memory of this morning's time with her, for any hint that maybe Mary could go suicidal. She had been upset enough. When the minivan swung into the lot she almost clapped with joy, and gave Mary a big hug when she came through the door. She looked a lot better.

  "Sorry I'm so late but I fell asleep in the bath," Mary said scanning her eye over the place to see what was happening. "Any problems?"

  "Nothing that finding the float wouldn't have solved," replied Maya as she followed Mary around the cafe as she hung up her coat and rolled up her sleeves and put on her apron. "Thanks for getting here before the lunch rush."

  "Lunch rush," Mary said, looking up. "You've got to be kidding. Not this time of year. Not with this recession. We'll be lucky if one booth is filled. "

  Once the rush was finished, and the dishes from the three lunch customers had been cleared, the two girls sat and ate some toasted BLT's. They had the place to themselves.

  "Are you going to sick the cops onto them?" Maya asked and watched Mary carefully to see how she handled re-opening the subject, and searching her face for the depth of grief that may lead to suicide.

  "No." Mary replied with her mouth full.

  "So they get away scott free to do the same to other girls."

  "What am I supposed to do. I don't want anyone to know."

  "They are here until Sunday," said Maya. "We could get even."

  "Even for what. I don't even remember what happened," replied Mary.

  "You know for what, else you wouldn't have been at the clinic."

  Mary paused and digested that truth. "How can I get even without telling anyone. I'm just a girl. There are two of them."

"I'll help," Maya offered. "I learned some tricks while I was in England and in India."

  "You've been to India. What was that like?"

  "Better once I died my hair black."

  * * * * *

  * * * * *

  MAYA'S AURA - Destroy the Tea Party by Skye Smith

  Chapter 2 - Mary's Cafe, near Hull

  Just before closing time a shiny new Corvette swung into the empty parking lot. "They're here," Maya called out to Mary. "Get in the kitchen and don't come out or make a sound until I come and get you. Promise me."

  Mary got out of sight just in time. The two guys walked through the door and then rubbernecked the place to make sure they were alone. Maya knew they would come back, you know, return to the scene of the crime. They would want to see how their victim was making out. How much she remembered. Whether she was going to report it. Whether she was so stupid that they could do her again.

  "Is Mary here?" the driver asked. The other one gave Maya a warm smile.

  Maya pushed down and hid the anger that made her want to scratch their eyes out. Instead she returned the smile, sweetly. "She felt hung over and went home. I'm filling in. What can I get you."

  "Some glasses of coke. We brought some rum again. You going to join us this time?"

  "Sure," Maya said sweetly.

  Fifteen minutes later both guys were leaning way back in the booth and were singing jingles from TV shows as if they were quite drunk. Maya went and got Mary.

  "How..." Mary asked. "Did you switch drinks or something?"

  "Hey, there's no rule that says that only frat boys can slip roofies into peoples drinks. I brought my own stash in from the island. So, there they are, helpless and pliable, like a cross between drunk and hypnotized. What do you want to do with them."

  "I don't know."

  Maya held the hand of the closest one, and then the hand of the other. "Yep. Psychopaths."

  "Which one."


  "How do you know?" asked Mary, now looking at them with renewed fear.

  "I can tell by their touch. Psychos push a darkness into me that makes me feel faint. Its kind of like this extra sense that I was born with."

  "Bummer. It must be pretty dangerous to like, faint around psychos."

  "Tell me about it." replied Maya. "So, like what now? Do you want to kill them?"

  "What? What did you say?" Mary looked at her with eyes wide, then she sat with a thump on one of the stools at the counter and looked at the floor. "No I don't want to kill them."

  Maya swept up both guy's smart phones so she could see what was on them. "That's why psychos are so dangerous. They do evil shit, and then ask forgiveness and society forgives them and then they do more evil shit. They aren't like you and me. They won't feel any guilt at all about what they did to you. They came back to do it again."

  She handed Mary one of the phones. "Look at the photos they took of you. Now do you remember?"

  "They took photos," Mary almost puked but she controlled it as she flipped through photos on the smart phone. She felt like puking again. "Oh my God," flip, "Oh no," flip, "Oh my God," flip, "I would never do that," flip, Her panic was rising. "You don't think they have spread these around do you?"

  "Probably not, at least not yet." Maya said and she went to Mary and hugged her and tried to calm her. "If they were smart they wouldn't even have taken them. What if you had gone to the police. These photos are evidence. Like they are so sure of themselves that they don't even have a password lock on their phones."

  "I can't believe they did those things to me. It's disgusting. Oh look. They have pictures of another girl too."

  Maya was flipping through photos on the other smart phone. She stopped flipping and looked at the counter. 765 of 778. She figured out how to skip to number 100. More porn shots. "I think these guys have done this to dozens of girls. Look at this one. She can't be more than fourteen."

  "Well these phones are going into the sink right now," said Mary, "for a good drowning."

  "No," Maya reached over and took the phone out of her hand. "We need the phones to punish them. Let's just delete all the photos. There must be a way we can delete them en masse."

  A car's headlight lit up the cafe but kept going. Maya walked along the windows shutting the blinds and then locked the door and flipped the sign to 'Closed'. Satisfied that they had privacy, she went back to playing with the phone. "Are you sure you don't want to kill them. They are just going to do this over and over to more women. I can make it look like they had heart attacks."

  Mary shook her head and shot Maya a questioning look. She was joking about killing them, wasn't she?

  "Okay, then what do we do. Give them to the police with all this evidence?"

  "No, I don't want anyone to know. Besides, that may cause trouble for all these other girls."

  "What about blackmail. They must be from rich families. Look at that car. We can get you some money to pay off your student loans."

  "One is the son of a big time lawyer, and the other is the son of an investment banker." Mary said thoughtfully. "That may punish them a little, but it wouldn't stop them from doing it again. Beside, you said they are psychos. I don't want them mad at me. No, blackmail is too complicated."

  "How about ruining their lives then, like forever."

  "Oh get real," Mary said. "How are we going to do that?"

  "These twits keep their Fadebook passwords on their phones. We could take some embarrassing photos of them and then upload them to Fadebook and then tell all of their friends to visit." Maya flipped backwards through the message history. "Yeh. We can get a bunch of people to look at them just by sending out this old message again. It went out to a lot of guys, probably the last time they uploaded photos of one of their victims."

  "So you are saying take photos of them with their own phones and then upload them onto their own Fadebook pages. Like what kind of photos?"

  "What kind do you think. What kind of photos would like, completely ruin the life of a rich frat boy football star. Photos that make them look gay, of course. The more I talk about it the more I like it. Come on, help me to talk them out of their clothes."

  Mary backed away, "No, I don't want to go near them. What if they grab me." she started to sob. "It could happen again."

  "Then you, girl, are the photographer. Here's the phones. See if you can find a fast way to delete all of the photos of girls while I talk them out of their clothes." Maya looked around thinking. "Do you have something we can use as a backdrop, like, you know, so they won't know where the photos were taken."

  "In the utility room. There is a house painter's drop sheet. It's really big."

  Within an hour they were finished. It helped that one of the side effects of Maya's aura is that it made men really horny. Like, really really horny. She just had to be very careful to keep her aura away from their necks. Another side effect of her aura was that if it got near to a psycho's neck it could go completely apeshit and mess up the auto reflexes that keeps their hearts pumping.

  With a bit of teasing, and a bit of aura, and the repeating of hypnotic suggestions and commands, the guys had complied to and practiced almost every sexual position with each other that the girls could think of. They were so horny that they really got into it, that is, into each other. In fact, they wouldn't stop until they were both sated.

  While the guys were laying in each others arms, sticky and exhausted, Mary put some strong rum drinks in front of them in hopes of keeping them gonzoed. It took some time to figure out how to upload all the new photos to Fadebook. It helped that the cafe had WiFi, and that the guys had an App on their phones to bulk upload photos to Fadebook. Even then it took a half an hour to upload all the photo files.

  Once the photos were up, Mary, who knew a lot more about Fadebook than Maya, spent some time deleting photos of other girls from the site. Then she resent the old message to all their 'friends' to take a look at the 'new hotties'. She even changed the Fadebook security
settings to 'wide open' so the whole world could look, and changed the 'forgot your password' settings to things no one would know but her. Finally she changed the passwords to 'A$$hole$'. Like, they would never guess that, so they would be locked out of their own accounts forever.

  It took some shaking and some convincing to get the guys to put their clothes back on. They had rested and were still horny and wanted more sex. One at a time they led them outside to the Corvette and convinced them to get in. The last thing they did was to put some takeaway cups of rum and coke in the cupholders, and to throw the rum bottle and some old coke cans in the behind the driver's seat.

  When they drove away in the minivan to go to Mary's place to sleep, the guys were already asleep in the 'Vette. Mary was so relieved she could barely concentrate on driving. She told Maya that the police always made a swing past the marina at about midnight, so the guys would be treated like any other drunk drivers.

  When they got to Mary's parents place, there was a blue glow coming up from the basement where her brother Bret lived in his nerd cave. He came up to say hi, but was told to go back downstairs before he even reached the top step. They hurried into Mary's room so they could turn on her laptop and see what the Fadebook uploads looked like on a bigger screen. They were better, that is, more explicit, than they had ever hoped for.

  Message of rebuke and disgust were popping up on the pages while they watched. Mission accomplished. They had just completely ruined the lives of two rich psycho frat boys. Just desserts for serial rapists that had already ruined the lives of so many girls. They giggled at the justice of turning the creeps' own weapons against them: date rape drugs, phone cameras, and social networking sites.

  It was a very Karmic revenge, and both girls felt so good about it that they finished off an entire box of Honey Nut Oatios while watching Fadebook, and laughing, and feeling superior. Bret again came up the stairs to see what was up and why they weren't asleep yet, and again was told to get lost.


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