My Dragon Masters

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My Dragon Masters Page 20

by Krystal Shannan

  “Maybe the weather will keep Xerxes men a bay a while longer,” Miles said, rapping gently on Calliope’s red door.

  “It would be nice. I’d like to spend some time with Diana, without worrying about freak’n grenades being launched through the bedroom windows.” I stomped my feet and breathed out some heat, warming my chilled skin.

  The door swung out, and Calliope’s curvy form filled the doorway. “I hope you both are ready to apologize for being assholes,” she hissed under her breath.

  “You don’t have to rub it in,” I grumbled, stepping up and shouldering past the irate siren. Calliope needed to get laid soon. She was only this grouchy when she’d been ignoring what her body needed. “We know we were jerks.”

  I walked into the center of the store and stopped, breathless at the vision before me. Diana’s snow-blonde hair was loose in soft waves down her back. The top she wore hung in a deep cowl at the back, showing off her flawless cream-colored skin. The long flowing skirt was light blue and brushed the tops of her toes. The midnight purple fabric of the shirt shimmered in the light as she looked up, catching my gaze in the mirror before her. Those ice blue eyes touched my soul. I could feel her love. I knew we’d been forgiven, but I also knew that she’d been deeply hurt.

  “I’m so sorry, Diana,” I said softly, setting the bag from Rose’s on the carpet.

  Miles moved forward with me and we surrounded her.

  “Please forgive me, my love,” Miles asked. “We forgot so quickly how overwhelmed you feel right now.”

  “We were so excited to have you back—to really have you back. We completely ignored the fact that everything about this world is foreign to you,” I continued.

  She nuzzled her face to the hand Miles had raised to brush through her silky hair.

  I ran my fingers up and down the bare skin of her uncovered back and felt a shiver run down her body. The scent of her growing arousal had my dick hard and straining against the crotch of my jeans.

  “I have a lot of catching up to do,” she whispered. “In bed and out.”

  The last four words were barely audible, but they punched the air right out of my lungs. Thank the gods we hadn’t completely screwed this up.

  “Would the three of you like me to just leave for a few minutes so you can get it out of your system? Or can we eat the dinner that Eli so carelessly left in the middle of the floor?” Calliope’s snark broke the moment.

  Diana began to laugh. A sound I hadn’t heard in so long. A sound that I would’ve done anything to hear again … and now she was here. She was happy. Or at least beginning to be happy. We had a long way to go. Knowing that we might have a child trapped in the Veil was unsettling, though I tried to remind myself that the likelihood of he or she still being alive was so small.

  “Let’s eat. I can’t wait to show you some of the wardrobe Calliope picked out for me. I do hope I didn’t spend too much money.” Diana glanced up hesitantly. “We did go through a lot of items.”

  “We have more than enough money to spend on you, love,” Miles said, jumping forward to assure her.

  A smile stretched across her face and she once again beamed as if the light of the sun radiated out from her.

  “Miles is right,” Calliope added. “These boys could buy the whole shop and not feel the slightest tug on their wallet.”

  I chuckled as Diana’s eyes widened.

  “Are you royalty in this world as well?” Diana asked.

  I grimaced. It wasn’t something anyone knew about us. Not even Rose knew our entire history.

  “Royalty?” Calliope drawled. “Should I be calling you Lord and Master?”

  She jested with her voice, but her brown eyes darkened with curiosity as the siren in her came forward.

  “Miles and E—”

  “Diana,” I interrupted. “Our past isn’t something we like to discuss.”

  Diana’s eyes opened wider and she nodded, understand passing between us.

  “You can’t just leave me hanging like that, honey,” Calliope said, slipping between us to Diana’s side. “A girl needs a little juicy gossip.”

  “I spoke out of turn. When Miles and Eli are ready to talk about our lives in the Veil, then I will do so freely with you first. I promise.”

  Calliope clucked her tongue like a disappointed mother hen, but a wide smile spread across her face. “Then I will look forward to that day, honey.”

  She turned back to my brother and me and winked. “Why don’t you three take that big bag of dinner and go back and enjoy it at your place. I have a few errands to run.” Strolling over to the counter, she picked up three large shopping bags and walked them over to Miles. “These should get her started. Your wife has excellent taste. I think you will especially enjoy the lace.”



  I yawned and stretched out my arm, whacking a pillow in the process. When did I get in bed? The last thing I remembered was eating one of the best meals I’d ever had and falling asleep between Miles and Eli on a giant piece of furniture they’d called a couch.

  Squinting, I looked around the familiar room. I was back in Miles’ bed. Dark paneled walls and crushed velvet curtains blocked out all the sunlight. I didn’t think I’d slept that long though. It shouldn’t be dark yet.

  I walked to the window, pulled back the heavy fabric, and stared out into an ugly gray overcast sky. Billowing black clouds filled the sky and in the distance I could feel the thunder as it rolled closer and closer to the town. Lightning flashed at the horizon, making itself known as well. A smattering of rain splashed against the windowpane, but I knew it was only the beginning.

  Miles and Eli must’ve carried me up after I fell asleep. I wished they’d stayed with me. Glancing back at the giant bed, I wondered where they were. They’d more than made up for laughing at me earlier, both of them being sure to explain everything they thought might be new to me. I appreciated it. For me, the worst thing was feeling so out of place. I didn’t know how to act. I didn’t know what I could say or not say.

  My husband’s had aligned themselves with this Lamassu, Rose, but they still withheld some of their past from her. How was I supposed to know who knew what? I was so out of sync with them. We hadn’t been together except that once to end my heat cycle. I desperately wanted to be with them. Both of them.

  Calliope had given me some ideas and I was eager to see if my men would go for it. They were the ones who had built a sex club into this fortress after all.

  I wandered across the room, admiring the various sculptures and furniture pieces Miles had collected for his bedroom. He’d always loved handmade art. Nothing had changed. The bed was custom built and as sturdy as the wild oaks that blanketed the sides of the Brechin mountains back home. He had a lovely mahogany desk set over to the other side of the room and several floor-to-ceiling bookcases packed with beautiful volumes. The floors were covered in soft carpet and the arched ceilings highlighted the excellent architecture of the building.

  Pushing open a heavy wood-paneled door, I stepped into a palatial marble palace of a wash room. Biting my lip to keep from squealing like a five-year-old little girl, I tiptoed across the cool white marble floors. Nothing could keep me from running my fingertips along the edges of the milky marble counters and the bronze spigots. Two large mirrors had been placed on the wall above each sink. In the center of the room was a shower enclosed only by glass. A bath lay next to it, sunken into the floor.

  It was amazing and I wanted nothing more than to strip naked and relax. We had nice washrooms in the palace of Orin when I’d lived there with Miles and Eli before … but nothing compared to this.

  I slipped from the loose clothing I wore and let it drop to the floor in a small pile. Sex could wait a little longer. I needed to take a bath first anyway. It only took a moment to figure out the handles on the large tub and soon I had it halfway full of steaming hot water.

  But, before getting into that nice water, I needed to remo
ve the unwanted hair from the rest of my body. I stepped into the open shower, waved my hands over my skin from the waist down, frosting every single one. The air I generated was so cold it crystalized the hairs and they just brushed right off, leaving every inch of me as smooth as the marble floors.

  Shaking off the last bit of the frosted hair, I left the shower and climbed carefully down into the sunken bath. The hot water soothed my cold skin and I sighed, relaxing on a seat cut into the side of the bath. Leaning my head back against the rim, I closed my eyes and thanked the gods for getting me back to my mates.

  It broke my heart to know I’d left a child back in Orin, but I needed Miles and Eli as much as they needed me. We were linked. Joined by the sacred bond of our people and we existed solely because of each other. When Drakonae mate, it is for life. Some couples are two. Some are three. I’d seen four brothers share one Drakonae female. But when the bond was forged, nothing would break it but death. And the death of one, brought on the human deaths of the others. It must’ve been terrifying to Miles and Eli, wondering day to day when and if the Incanti would choose to kill me. Choose to end Miles and Eli’s human lives as well, turning them into vicious beasts without the aid of a human conscience to still their wrath.

  I could only assume the Incanti preferred the long-term torture verses finishing us off completely.

  It didn’t matter now. I was here. They were here. We were safe from the Incanti for now.

  “Diana?” Eli’s voice called from the bedroom.

  “In here,” I answered, my voice echoing through the cavernous wash room.

  He appeared in the doorway a moment later and smiled when he caught sight of me in the bath. He stalked forward, his gaze drifting down from my face. The water was clear and everything was visible. But, I wanted more than just a fuck. I wanted to play.

  If he thought he was going to coax me out of this heavenly water for less than an adventure in this Castle’s basement, he was wrong.

  “I see you didn’t have any trouble with the bathroom fixtures.” He sat down on the edge of the bath and slipped his hand beneath the surface of the water, drawing his fingers lightly along my satin-smooth calf.

  “None at all.” I flicked some water at his face and he scrunched his eyebrows.

  “What was that for?”

  “You looked dry.”

  He snorted a laugh and reached deeper into the bath.

  I shrieked and slithered away to the other side, narrowly avoiding his fingers trying to slip between my legs. The damn man was trying to feel inside me … I glared up at his face.

  He merely smirked and wiped his wet hand off on his shirt.

  “I was just going to see if you were wet, love.”

  Sneaky bastard. I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth.

  “Where’s Miles?” I asked, trying to change the subject and stall.

  “I’m not enough for you?” He grinned, feigning hurt feelings.

  He was more than enough. And if it weren’t for the hot water keeping my skin in a constant blush, he’d know just how aroused I already was. My sex ached and my breasts felt heavy. I wanted his hands on me. His mouth on mine. But I had to control my need. I wanted to play.

  Not that I wouldn’t be perfectly delighted with a romp in Miles or Eli’s bed, but I wanted to experience something they had been enjoying for a good many years without me. The way Calliope had described the submissive role made my insides throb. I wanted to have that experience and I wanted Miles and Eli to know that I was interested in exploring that lifestyle with them. At least in the bedroom. Bossing me around elsewhere was never going to fly. It never had.

  “You are more than enough, my love,” I drawled out slowly. “But I would really like a tour of your Dungeon this evening.”

  Heat filled the air in the washroom, creating a thick steam around the tub. His eyes widened in surprise, and I heard a pleased rumble deep in his throat, rolling upward until the air around us vibrated with a sound that could only be likened to a purr.

  “Do you know what the dungeon is for? Who told y—” He paused for a second. “Never mind, I know a pretty siren who likes to gossip.”

  “So you’ll show me?”

  “You would be required to follow our commands … explicitly,” Miles voice sliced through the steamy air. My skin tingled from head to foot with excitement as he stepped into the bathroom.

  I turned toward him in the doorway and nodded. “I will.”

  The tone of his voice made my legs feel like pudding. I couldn’t wait to see what else he might have in store for me.

  “Stand,” Miles said, using the same commanding tone. His eyes darkened as flecks of brilliant orange flashed in his honey-brown pupils.

  I did as he asked without hesitation, only somewhat aware that I was stark naked and dripping wet. It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen every inch of me before.

  “Good girl,” Miles said.

  There was something about the way he praised me that sent heat searing through my body, flushing me pink from head to foot for sure.

  “I think she likes your Dom voice,” Eli chuckled, rising from the ledge of the tub. He held out a hand.

  I took Eli’s outstretched hand and climbed the stairs out of the sunken tub back to the marble floor of the washroom. Water was still running down my body from my hair, and I was making quite the mess.

  Miles walked forward, grabbing a towel from a rack near the doorway. Eli stepped back and I reached out to take the towel, but Miles shook his head. Dropping my arms back to my sides, I stood still as Miles dabbed and rubbed my body from head to toe, paying special attention to both breasts and the bits between my legs.

  “Your pussy smells so sweet. Let’s see if you taste as good as you smell.” He tossed the damp towel to Eli and rand a hand over my shivering stomach. His fingers splayed wide over my hip and slid lower and lower until he dipped a finger between my legs. I sucked in a quick breath as he entered me and rubbed across that tender bud at the top of my slit. He pulled his finger back and I could see my juices glistening on it. A moment later his finger was in his mouth and he was growling, a look of pleasure covering his face.

  “How does she taste?” Eli’s voice interrupted my trance-like focus on the top of Miles’ head.

  “Sweeter than Rose’s sticky buns.”

  Pleasure rose through me like a rushing wave at his approval. I knew how to have sex —really well. But this was different. The tone of voice. The command. It was a high I could become addicted to.

  Eli disappeared into a closet I’d not noticed yet. He came back with a satin robe and handed it to me. “Put this on. Say, “yes Master” when we command you.”

  “Y-yes, Master.” The formality was strange, but I was willing to play along.

  “Good girl.” Eli’s voice was warmer than Miles, but still held the same raw power that made every bit of me tingle with excitement like I had when Miles first told me to stand.

  I slipped on the robe and tied the attached sash around my waist. The silky fabric fluttered around my thighs, barely long enough to cover my knees. I was covered, but as transparent as the piece of clothing was, I might as well have still been naked. Surely they planned to allow me to dress. This couldn’t be the only thing they were going to let me wear?

  Miles moved first, exiting the bathroom with an eagerness that was contagious. Eli gestured for me to follow and then he walked behind me. The marble floors were cold beneath my bare feet—not that it bothered me. I liked the cold. I couldn’t feel much of anything except the energy building inside me and the heat rolling off both of my mates in waves. Warmth pooled between my legs as we walked and my nipples pebbled against the slight brush of the satin.

  I smiled as we turned and left Miles’ room and entered the grand hallway. They really weren’t going to let me put anything else on.



  The sun was setting as we walked down a set of
stairs to the ground level of the fortress. It was dim, but not difficult to see with my Drakonae vision. I wondered how hard it was for the Sisters to get around in the low light, but for the most part I hadn’t seen much of them. Though with the attack, Miles and Eli probably had them stay hidden.

  “Too many questions in your mind, Diana. Don’t think right now,” Eli said, his voice deep and smooth as the satin fabric of the tiny robe I wore.

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Feel,” Miles replied, his voice carrying clearly over his shoulder.

  We walked past a lush courtyard, filled with waving flowers and shrubs. Several small buildings sat amongst the pathways that curled through the garden. The sweet scent of jasmine floated on the evening air and I took a deep breath. Trying to let everything fall away, just as they were asking.

  We came to a set of solid double doors and Miles knocked four times and then stepped back. I wanted to ask why he was knocking on a door in his own home, but thought better of it and bit my bottom lip instead. A small partition in the top of the door opened, no bigger than an egg. A few words were exchanged with a woman on the other side before the door on the right swung open.

  A tall woman with blue hair the color of Eira’s eyes opened the door. She wore the tightest leather pants I’d ever seen and a top that had been cut to cover only the necessary parts. It too was made from black leather. A riding crop hung from a latch at her waist and she held some sort of paper pad in her arms.

  “Good evening.” She stepped aside, bowing slightly as she gestured for us to enter.

  I followed Miles and paused at his side in a well-lit entry. The floors and walls were stone, but the ceilings were beautifully carved wood beams and arched to make the room appear larger.

  “Evening, Seely. How is the crowd tonight? Any hiccups we need to address before we disappear with our sub.”

  The word sub made my heart do a pitter-patter and I did my best to keep from smiling from ear to ear. It was difficult. I loved the idea of giving up control. Letting them tell me exactly how our lovemaking would progress. Just the idea of it, put my mind at ease. Everything else around me was a mess, but I knew that sex with my husbands would be good, no matter how they chose to go about it. I liked that I didn’t have to make any choices. I could just … let go … and do as they said.


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