Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance)

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Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance) Page 132

by Claire Adams

  Well, no more. If he thought he could make a fool out of me, he was mistaken. He was in for an even bigger shock than the one he had given me.

  I was done and never wanted to speak to him again. I would have done it the moment he left the house, but I couldn't just leave his daughter alone. And as soon as I thought of poor, sweet little Jane, the tears started. She was the real victim here; her father, her only parent, was a womanizer who would drive away every mother-figure who came into their lives. She would live a life with female role models who just weren't there, flavors of the week who came into and then drifted out of her life like ships in the night.

  But what could I do about that? Live with a liar, be made a fool of for the sake of his child? I cared very much for that lovely little girl, but it was a sacrifice I couldn't make. If I did, I would probably just end up blaming her and resenting her down the line.

  I couldn't go back to my place, not with the threat of Simon lingering as it had been. Hell, I'd probably have to sell the place anyway. I couldn't stand the thought of having to see the reminder of this liar, this deceiver who had ripped my heart out every day. I couldn't live like that.

  My friends here all had families, so I didn't want to intrude and push my way into their homes. And I couldn't exactly go across the road to ask Mrs. Dobbins if I could stay there. Ah, but wait – there was one person I knew who was single, someone who wouldn't mind, hopefully, putting me up for a night or two before I could arrange a safe place to stay on my own.

  I got my phone out and called Angie.

  “Hey girl,” she said as she answered. “How's your Sunday night going?”

  “Not great, Angie, not great. Actually, it’s horrible.”

  “Oh no! Why, what's the problem?”

  “I need a place to stay. I can't stay at my house, because of the whole Simon thing, and now I can't stay here at Everett's place either.”

  “Oh, why not?” she asked.

  I sighed and felt a burst of both anger and grief tear its way through my inner core.

  “Because he's cheating on me. I just found out... and I just can't handle being around him. He's out now, and he doesn't know that I know yet. His daughter is here sleeping, and I... I don't know what to do. I can't leave her alone, but I really, really don't want to see him when he gets back.”

  “Look, I'll come pick you up. We can wait until he gets back, then you can tell him that you're leaving, and you can stay at my place. He won't know who I am or where to find me,” she stated.

  “Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to impose or anything.”

  “Come on, girl, what are friends for? I know you've had some rough times and that things aren't great for you right now. I'm happy to help. I'll come right now, alright? You get a few things packed, and get ready to go.”

  “You're totally sure that this is okay? I'm not intruding or anything, you're sure?” I asked again.

  “Very sure, Vivienne, very sure. I'll see you soon, okay?”

  “Okay, thanks so much, Angie.”

  “Don't mention it. I'll be there in a bit. Bye.”

  “Bye, Angie.”

  I cut off the call and immediately started packing the few things I had at Everett’s. There was nothing to do now but move on.

  Chapter Thirty


  I pulled into my driveway and saw a car parked outside my house, a car I didn't know. Immediately, my mind raced to the idea that it could be something to do with Simon, so I loosened my pistol in its hidden holster on my waist under my jacket, and flicked the safety off.

  I got out and walked cautiously over to the car. Inside, however, I saw a female driver, and in the passenger seat was Vivienne. She looked like she had been crying.

  “Vivienne, what's going on?” I asked.

  “You been out busting drug dealers?” she said, her voice cold and harsh, the sarcasm bitingly evident.

  “Well, yes, kind of. What are you doing?”

  “I'm leaving! I'm going to stay with my friend, Angie! Jane is still asleep, I just checked on her a couple of minutes ago.”

  “B- but... why?” I stammered, totally confused.

  “Don't act so innocent!” she snapped. “I'm not stupid! I saw the message on your phone! Go wrap your damn arms around Liza, whoever that is, because I don't ever want them around me again, you lying bastard! Goodbye!”

  The woman—Angie—shot me a venomous glare and floored her accelerator, throwing gravel as she sped out of my driveway, screeching tires and leaving me standing in a tornado of confusion, shock, and dust.

  It hit me like a ton of bricks; Vivienne had seen the message Liza had sent me. I couldn't believe how terrible the timing had been – it had to have come through right when I had gotten up to get my truck keys and my pistol. And, of course, she had no idea about the context of the message, and that, of course, was my fault. I should have told her right away about who the specialist who had seen to Jane was. I should have opened up about my past, about Liza and what she had put me through.

  But I hadn't – I had tried to keep it a secret, even though I knew nothing was going to happen between Liza and me. And now I was paying the price for it. I immediately got out my phone and dialed Vivienne, wanting to explain everything, but her number just rang and rang until it went to voicemail.

  I tried again, but she had turned her phone off. I knew her friend’s name was Angie, but I didn't know her last name. Besides, it was Sunday night, and I was pretty tired after everything that had happened. I knew I had to explain everything to Vivienne – saving our relationship was important – but I also knew that, realistically speaking, there wasn't really much I could do about it now. She wasn’t going to answer my calls, and I couldn’t just leave the house and take off down the road after her.

  I trudged inside and closed the door, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. The house immediately felt way more empty now that Vivienne was no longer in it. If there had been any doubt before, I knew right then that I had to do absolutely everything I could to get her back.

  But right now, I also knew that she was probably mad and hurt, so to try to explain anything to her at this point would likely fall on deaf ears, and may well do more damage than good. As painful as it was, I figured that the best option at this point would be to just let her sleep it off, and talk in the morning when things had cooled down a bit. Perhaps then she would be open to more rational and reasonable discussion; she certainly would not be open to such things right now.

  I walked over to Jane's room with a heavy heart and looked through the door after opening it a crack. She was sleeping peacefully and looking calm and angelic.

  “At least I still have you, sweet pea,” I whispered.

  With that, I plodded to my bathroom where I brushed my teeth unenthusiastically, then headed to my bedroom, got undressed and went to bed. It seemed as though it took forever to fall asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I turned and looked over my shoulder as we drove away, staring at Everett as he stood on the pavement, looking shocked and hurt. And I was crying now; even though I knew he was a cheater, it had been really hard to leave him, to walk out like that. Part of me had wanted to simply forgive him, to let it all go, to just forget about it and jump into his arms... but I knew that I couldn't live like that, not now that I knew what he had done. This had hurt, but it was something that I had to do.

  “Thank you, Angie,” I said. “I really appreciate this. I honestly do. You're such a good friend.”

  “Aw, there's no need to thank me, Vivienne,” she said. “I'm sure you'd do the same thing for me. Now come on, I've got a bottle or two of red wine at home. That'll help you to feel better, I'm sure. And you're the owner of your daycare, right? Why don't you call them and say that you won’t be coming in tomorrow morning? You don't need the stress of work on top of all of this.”

  I thought about that for a while and figured that it might be good to take a lit
tle time off work. After all, Graciela could be trusted to run the place on her own for one day.

  “Alright, sure, I'll do that,” I said. “Let's just have a good time tonight, and then I can at least forget for a little while about what's happened.”

  “Good decision,” she commented with a smile.

  I called up Graciela and let her know that I wouldn't be coming to work the next day, and she seemed fine with that. After a few minutes, we arrived at Angie's apartment building. She drove into the parking lot and parked, and then we took an elevator up to the fourth floor, where she lived. Her apartment was nice and cozy, and was tastefully decorated with very modern, minimalist furniture and trappings.

  “This is a lovely little place you've got here,” I remarked.

  “It is quite nice, huh?” she said. “Glad you like it. Make yourself comfortable; I'll get the wine. You want some snacks too? I've got some crackers, cheese, and hummus, always good with wine.”

  “That sounds good,” I said. “I'll just go to the bathroom first.”

  “Sure,” she said. “First door on your right.”

  I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, she'd put two glasses of red wine and a plate of snacks on the coffee table by the sofa.

  “Come, have a seat,” she said. “That's your glass there; I’ve already drunk from the other one.”

  I sat down and took my glass of wine.

  “Try the crackers and hummus,” she suggested. “That hummus has hardly any fat, by the way, just in case you're worried about your waistline.”

  I chuckled. “Good to know, thanks.” I took a cracker and tried it with some hummus. “Mm, this is good!” I announced.

  “It is, right?” she replied with a laugh. “Now try some with this Camembert. This cheese is amazing, I'm telling ya.”

  I tried some and was instantly impressed. “Wow. That really is good, I have to say.”

  “Have a sip of wine; it enhances the flavor.”

  I took a sip and found that the wine tasted a little weird. It was good quality, I could tell that much, but something was definitely off about it.

  “It's nice,” I said. “But it has a slightly weird aftertaste. Do you find that?”

  She took another sip of her wine. “No,” she said. “Maybe it was the cheese. Drink some more to cleanse your palette. Maybe that’ll help.”

  “Alright,” I said, and took another sip. It definitely tasted weird, and I said so.

  “Well, I don't know, Vivienne. I buy this brand all the time, and it always tastes good to me.”

  Then my head started to spin – not just in a mild, “I'm a bit tipsy way,” but in a “I'm going to pass out in seconds” way. I felt a powerful heaviness pressing down on me, and my limbs became weak and jelly like.

  “Angie, I... what's happening... I...” I tried to say, but my words came out in an unintelligible slur.

  And that is the last thing I remember before I blacked out.


  I awoke the next day with a pounding headache, feeling as if I'd been hit by a bus, not to mention extremely confused. I looked around and couldn’t figure out where the heck I was or what was going on. When the fog cleared, I studied my surroundings and found that I was in a room I had never seen before. I tried to get up, but that’s when I learned I was bound fast, with my ankles and wrists tied to the bedposts so that I couldn't move.

  “A-A-Angie?” I stammered. “Wh-what's going on?”

  Then the door opened, and Angie walked in.

  “Good afternoon, Vivienne,” she said. “How are you feeling?”

  “I'm uh... I feel pretty terrible. Afternoon? But...”

  “Yeah, you've been out for 16 hours now. I was starting to worry that you were in coma... But thankfully, you're awake now.”

  “Why... why have I been out for 16 hours?”

  “That's because I laced your wine with some very hardcore sedatives. There was enough in there to knock a horse out.”

  “But... why? Why did you do that?” I asked, very confused. “And... why am I tied to the bed?”

  She laughed coldly.

  “Why, so you can't go anywhere, you idiot!”

  “But... why?”

  “Because my business partner wants to see you.”

  “Your business partner?”

  “Yes. He and I are making a lovely profit. And speak of the devil, here he is now!”

  Angie stepped aside, and my blood ran cold.

  “Hello, Alicia,” Simon said, smiling wickedly.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I woke up with the non-alcoholic equivalent of a hangover, not having slept much at all during the night. All sorts of crazy dreams and nightmares had kept ripping me from sleep and then I had found it difficult to doze back off each time. For the first time in ages, I skipped my morning workout even though I felt guilty about doing so. I was just too mentally and physically exhausted.

  The first thing I did was call Jimmy, as I needed to find out if he would be willing to help us in our planned sting operation against Mr. Mask. After talking to Scott the night before, he was willing to help us out since they already had an investigation open regarding the spike of Rocket sales.

  “Everett, hey buddy, how's it going?” he said as he answered.

  “It's uh, okay. Look, let me cut straight to the chase. I know you've done me a few favors recently, and I hate to say it, but I gotta ask for just one more. I'll pay you back tenfold for everything you've done for me.”

  “Sure thing, man. Always happy to help out.”

  “So, that drug thing I'm involved in... we're pretty damn close to busting the kingpin. He's a hardened felon who shoots anyone who messes with him, including kids, so I need a backup gun. Scott’s in, but because it’s such short notice, he said he’ll only be able to bring one other officer with him. Ben isn’t really seasoned in this sort of thing and I’d prefer to have you watching my back. You interested?”

  “You had me at 'he shoots kids.' I'll gladly come out of retirement to help you take down the scumbag. Let me know where and when and I'll be there, brother.”

  “Thanks, Jimmy. That means a lot to me. I'll keep you updated.”

  “You do that. Speak to you soon.”

  “Chat soon, Jimmy, and thanks again.”

  After that, I got Jane out of bed. I did my best to put on a brave face for her. She was still too sick to be taken to daycare, but thankfully I had found a babysitter who could come over for the day. I had thought of asking Jane's mother but figured she would just find some sort of excuse not to see her.

  The babysitter, a pleasant female college student who was studying at Bible college and came highly recommended by Ben’s sister, arrived right on time. I gave her a quick rundown on everything she needed to know before I left. I said goodbye to Jane, who wanted to know where Vivienne was. I didn't really know what to tell her, so I just said that she was very busy at work, and may not be able to come over for a few days. She seemed sad about it, and that broke my heart even more. I had to sort this thing out soon.

  While I was driving, I put my phone on speaker and tried to call Vivienne, but it seemed that her phone was off or she was just ignoring my calls. I drove past her daycare and saw that her car wasn't there, and there was only one person out front greeting the parents and letting the kids in. That was strange. I was starting to get a little worried. Still, there wasn't too much I could do at the moment.

  I got to the school and made my way to my office and started to get things in order for the day. Obviously, one of the first orders of business was getting Panetti on board to help us out with catching Mr. Mask. I had my papers and all things relating to him and the Rocket crisis pinned up on a board on my wall. I needed to keep things visual and organized to be able to deal with them effectively. Now that I was also concerned about Vivienne's whereabouts, I made a little section on the board for her as well so that I would be able to narrow down the places she might be

  After I had everything squared away and ready for Panetti’s arrival, I searched Facebook for women in our town named Angie. It took a fair bit of scrolling through profiles, but eventually, I saw a profile picture that was definitely the woman I'd seen in the car with Vivienne the night before. I wrote down a few things and printed out her picture – at the sight of which my heart felt like it was being ripped into pieces – and then printed the picture of Simon I’d found. I hoped that he wasn't involved in her disappearance, but I didn’t have a good feeling about it, and I had to keep it in the realm of possibility.

  I called Ben into my office and he sat down.

  “So, Ev, did you find out if your buddy is willing to help us out?”

  “He's in,” I replied.

  Ben smiled. “Excellent. Now we have a really good chance of actually being able to take this sucker down.”

  “That we do, Ben, that we do. We just need to get the guy in a position so that we can ambush him.”

  “And that's where Panetti is gonna come in.”

  “That’s the plan. I sure hope this kid is gonna cooperate. He's pretty crucial to this whole strategy.”

  “He sure is,” remarked Ben. “But we've got a lot of dirt on him, and he knows that. That's why he agreed to be our informant in the first place. I don’t think he’ll chicken out now; he can't afford to.”

  “I guess not. But still, we're asking him to do something pretty big, and quite frankly, pretty dangerous. And I wouldn't want to put any of our students in danger, even a bad egg like Panetti. We're going to have to plan this thing carefully.”


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