The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman

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The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “Fine, I think.”

  There was silence between them. Connor felt Jake get up and move closer. He turned ‘round to stare at his friend. “What? I know you’ve got something to say. Why don’t you just say it?”

  “You and Zoe have a connection. A really close one.”


  “I want to know how you feel about Brent and me.”

  Connor sighed. He closed the fridge and turned his full attention toward Jake. “Spit it out, Jake.”

  “We got involved as we always believed we’d share a woman. The three of us together through thick and thin.”

  “Nothing has changed.”

  “Yes, it has. We both know you keep secrets, Connor. We’ve known for a long time. Your mood swings are pretty much evidence of that.”

  “If you’re trying to get me to open up, Jake. Forget it. What happened is in the past, where it will remain.”

  “Do you intend to keep Zoe for yourself?” Jake asked.

  Out of all the things Jake could ask him, that was the biggest shocker of all for him.

  “You think I want Zoe for myself without you guys?”

  Jake didn’t say a word.

  “Jake, that is the one thing in my life that I’m the clearest about. I want Zoe. Yes, there’ll be times when I want her all to myself, but I want us all to want her. Are you getting my meaning here?” Connor asked, deciding to put his cards on the table.

  “What are you meaning?”

  “I’m not looking at Zoe for a good time, Jake. I’m looking at her as the woman I want to be with. I think you and Brent need to get on the same page because I’m there and have been for a while.”

  Connor drank some milk before putting the carton back into the fridge.

  “There is no other woman for me. I’ll see you in the morning,” Connor said.

  Chapter Eight

  For the first time in his life, Brent couldn’t get to sleep. Most of the time he was the first out of the whole house to fall asleep. He’d heard Jake and Connor go to their own rooms a few hours ago. The whole house was silent, and glancing at the window, it was still night time. He stared at his ceiling, wondering what could be plaguing him.

  Counting sheep didn’t help, and masturbating held little appeal. In the room next to his lay a sleeping Zoe. She had to be asleep. No sound had come from her room in hours. Writing his story didn’t appeal to him either. He replayed the night back through his mind wondering if he was missing anything from earlier.

  The only thing he would have changed was Zoe. When he held her in his arms behind the bar, for a few seconds she had been completely his, and he’d have taken her.

  Another thirty minutes passed of his mental cursing, and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He threw his sheets off, grabbed a pair of shorts, and moved out of his room. Walking towards Zoe’s door, he put his shorts on then waited with his fist poised to knock.

  He didn’t want to startle her or wake her. She had looked exhausted earlier. He’d be a selfish prick to wake her up.

  “A snack should do the trick.” He walked down the steps towards the kitchen. When Connor was going through his insomnia phase he’d be up watching porn or a documentary. Brent stretched out his muscles then walked toward the bread box. He grabbed the bread then moved toward the fridge.

  He grabbed several ingredients to make himself a sandwich. Brent closed the door and saw Zoe standing in the doorway. She jumped as the fridge closed. He noticed she was rubbing her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for disturbing you. I wanted to get a glass of water,” she said.

  “Do you want me to get it for you?” he asked.

  “I can get it.” She passed him without touching. Brent watched her as she stared at the array of cupboards. They’d designed the kitchen for their height. Zoe could barely reach the handles on the top cupboards.

  Chuckling, he moved behind her, opened a cupboard and handed her a glass.

  “You didn’t think of a woman when you built this kitchen?” she asked.

  “Size and a woman never entered our heads. Connor is the kitchen guy. He knows how to handle this place better than I do.”

  “He owns a pink whisk?”

  Brent nodded his head. “Girly colour, don’t you think?”

  “It is not a colour I would associate with Connor, no.”

  He smiled pulling out a glass chopping board. “I’m making myself a sandwich. Do you want one?”

  She nodded her head. Brent waited for her to take a seat. She stood looking uncomfortable with his presence. He grabbed a stool and then picked her up, placing her in the stool. She gave a tiny squeak, but he muffled the sound with a kiss. “You make the cutest sounds.”

  “I’m not used to being man-handled.”

  Brent left her in her seat as he went back to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He felt her presence right down to his core. A quick glance at his shorts and they were tenting over his erection. He always did have a bigger sex drive than the other two.

  Keep it in your pants, Brent. Fucking her is not an option right now.

  He’d felt the tension between them, and he didn’t like it.

  Brent handed her a sandwich and took the seat next to her. He tried to cover his erection and not in any way touch her. Touching her would be bad. She ate her sandwich in silence. His knee bounced to try to distract himself from the way the shirt she wore outlined her full breasts. Her nipples were hard as they poked against the front.

  Think about something awful.

  He ran a hand over his face.

  The horrible cars you’re working on. Leaking gas and the scent of the sewage.

  Nothing helped.

  He thought about his current story, and all that did was make him harder than rock.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’re shaking your leg.”

  “I’m fine.”

  She didn’t say anything else. Brent took a deep breath and looked at her. She looked so sad it was like a punch to the gut.

  “If you don’t find me attractive, why are you all trying to get into my pants?” she asked, catching his attention.


  Her gazed turned to him. There were tears in her eyes. Her cheeks were red, and he saw some other emotion that he didn’t understand.

  “I know you’re not attracted to me. I think you should tell Connor how you feel. I can be gone by the end of the week.” She stood and put her plate in the sink. He watched her walk past him.

  He was so baffled that he had no idea what was going on.

  “Do you really think I have no desire to fuck you?” He stood up from his stool. Brent pushed his shorts down to mid thigh and showed her how desperate he was for her. “This is how I get for you walking in the room like that.” He pointed at the shirt. “It’s Connor’s shirt for fuck’s sake, and that guy does not turn me on.”

  She glanced down at her shirt. “But I thought....”

  “You thought what.” He pushed the shorts out off his legs and walked toward her.

  “You didn’t want me tonight.”

  “We were behind the bar, Zoe. I was trying to be a gentleman. Believe me, I haven’t seen you naked, and already I want you.”

  She stared at his erection. He felt her gaze like a caress over his length. “I thought you didn’t want me.”

  “Baby, I wish I was able to reduce my need for you. Look at me, Zoe. I’m dying here.”

  Her chuckles lightened the mood. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I didn’t push you away. I was trying to do the right thing.”

  “Connor has seen me naked,” she said.

  “Lucky bastard. He gets all the fun. I think it has something to do with that brooding thing he’s got going for him.”

  She lifted the shirt up and over her head. “I think it is only fair you get to see me and make up your own mind.”
/>   Brent stared at the perfection of her body. He’d had many sizes and shapes of women, and none of them held a candle to Zoe. She was all woman. Every part of her was full and soft. His cock pulsed at the sight of her. His mouth watered for a taste of her.

  “What else did Connor do?” he asked.

  He would come if she said anything about fucking. Brent had no control left.

  “He touched my breasts.”

  “Like this?” he asked, reaching out and cupping the mounds. They were heavy and ripe. Brent loved the feel of them in his hands.

  “Yes,” she said with a gasp to her voice.

  “Do you like me touching you?”

  “Yes.” Brent felt her tits and watched her nipples harden. “He licked my nipples as well.”

  Pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his cock.

  “Is that all he did?” Jake asked, startling them. Zoe spun around, and Brent pressed her against his front.

  “Connor has touched her breasts, Jake,” he said, holding her tits in his hands.

  “I see you have as well.”

  “They’re perfect, Jake. Come and feel.”

  Jake walked over and took what Brent offered.

  Zoe was shaking between them. Brent leaned down and whispered in her ear. “If you want us to stop, say so.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “What else did Connor get to do?” Jake asked.

  “Lick her breasts.” Brent watched his friend sink to his knees in front of her. There was a wicked smile on his face that Brent recognised. Jake was going to lick something else entirely.

  “He didn’t lick me there,” Zoe said.

  “Shame.” Jake turned his gaze to Brent. He nodded his head and grabbed a stool with no back to it. They worked together, sitting her down. Brent held her in his arms as Jake moved between her thighs.

  His cock felt full with his cum at the sight of Jake going down on her.

  He loved watching a woman take pleasure from being fucked by his friends. Brent never got the same enjoyment with other men. He knew because when he’d left Law Castle for a few days to go on the road, he’d explored threesomes and foursomes with other men and a woman. It was nothing compared to sharing a woman with his friends.

  “Look what I found,” Connor said from the doorway.

  Zoe gasped.

  Jake turned around. “I’m getting a taste in first.”

  “Then take her somewhere comfortable. She needs to be able to lose control.” Brent watched Connor move closer. The other man stroked her cheek with a loving caress. “Is this what you want, Zoe?”

  She took the time to glance at all of them before she nodded her head. “Yes, I want this.”

  Connor folded his arms. Brent knew the look on his face. Connor wasn’t convinced. “You’ve spent the last six months denying us, and now you’re giving yourself to us?”

  “I like her choice,” Brent said.

  “I don’t care what you like. I want her to be sure about this, and you two should as well.”

  “Are you sure?” Jake asked.

  “No, I’m positive this is what I want. Please, don’t begin making future plans. I only want this. For now, if you can’t accept that, then can one of you take me home?” Zoe asked.

  She was still running from them. No matter what they did, she always had an out. Brent stroked her arm. They’d gotten her naked in their home. All they needed to do was keep her there. Brent was more than ready for the challenge she presented.

  “We can deal with the now,” Brent said.

  “I’m all about the now.” Jake agreed.

  “I’ll do anything you want, providing you give me something in return,” Connor said. He took her between his hands. Brent had noticed he made a thing of capturing her attention.

  “What do you want?” she asked.


  Connor took her lips before she had chance to answer him. Brent knew what he was doing. He glanced over the kissing couple to see Jake get the same point. Without speaking a word to either of them, Connor had told them Zoe was the woman he wanted forever with. Brent knew Connor was different. His parents were never around growing up while Jake and he had their fair share of family crisis. There was a past to Connor that they didn’t know about. Brent hoped there would come a point where Connor would be able to talk to them.

  The kiss ended. From the look on Zoe’s face, she didn’t have a clue what to say. “I think it’s time we take this to our bedroom.”

  “Whose bedroom?” Zoe asked.

  “The main bedroom.” Jake, Brent, and Connor all spoke the words in unison.

  “Hold on, Zoe.” Connor lifted her up in his arms. Together, they all walked up the first flight of stairs to the door on the left. Jake opened the door. Inside was a king sized bed that lay in wait for them. Brent remembered picking out the bed with the thought of sharing a woman. Zoe, the bed, and Connor felt symbolic to him. He knew the moment they shared Zoe in this room she was theirs for the rest of their life.

  He waited for the panic to build. Nothing happened. Connor placed her at the end of the bed, and Brent knew it was the best decision of all of their lives.


  Zoe stared up at the three men. Brent was naked like her. Jake wore a pair of briefs, and Connor wore a shirt over some shorts. Her pussy was on fire with need. All three men looked good enough to eat, and their attention was on her. She ran her fingers through her mousy brown hair, wondering what the attraction was with her.

  She was a larger woman with possible cellulite on certain parts of her body.

  Bad thoughts. Knock them dead now, Zoe.

  Throwing caution to the wind, she went onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Connor’s neck. “You’ve finally got me here. What are you going to do with me?” she asked.

  “That’s obvious, baby,” Jake said, removing the remainder of his clothes.

  “We’re going to fuck you,” Brent said, joining her on the bed. His cock stood out, long and thick.

  “Hard.” Connor pulled his shirt over his head. She gazed at his naked chest. Zoe ran her hands down his chest to cover his cock. The shorts he wore obstructed her view.

  “Then you better get naked.”

  Jake and Brent pulled her down to the bed as Connor dispensed with the final items of his clothing. She turned to the right, and Jake caught hold of her head, kissing her lips with his. A moan broke through, which was muffled by his lips. Brent ran a hand down her body and ended cupping her mound.

  She ground herself on his hand, hoping for his palm to rub against her clit. Her arousal had intensified the moment Connor had joined them. Zoe couldn’t believe she was finally giving into her three men.

  Are they mine?

  Shaking off the thought, she gave her attention and thrust up against Brent. The two actions kept her busy while waiting for a third pair of hands. She didn’t have to wait long. The bed dipped, and then his hands were on her legs, opening them wide.

  “I’m going to suck on your pretty pussy,” Connor said. Jake moved from her lips and sat up in bed. Pillows were pushed underneath her back for her to rest on.

  All three of them stared down at her pussy. Connor was eye level while Brent and Jake each ran their hands over her mound. They each took turns touching her clit.

  “Open her lips for me,” Connor said.

  Zoe felt fingers on either side of her pussy lips. They each opened her up for Connor’s tongue. She cried out as Connor didn’t give her time to adjust. His tongue attacked her clit, setting off tiny fires throughout her body.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Jake said. “Her pussy looks so fucking pretty.”

  “What?” Zoe asked.

  “I’ve seen a fair share of pussy, baby. Yours is the prettiest I’ve ever seen.” He moved up her body. His hands left her pussy. She watched him suck the fingers he’d used on her into his mouth. “And the tastiest.”

  She licked her own lips wanting to taste him. Zoe reached
between his legs for his cock. Jake wrapped her hand around his shaft and pumped her hand. She found the pace he liked and stuck to it.

  “You may be satisfied with a hand job. I want to see her lips wrapped around my dick.” Brent knelt on her other side. He cupped her head and presented his cock to her lips. Staring up the length of his body, she opened her lips and took him inside.

  A gasp, a hiss, and the sound of slurping echoed around the room.

  “Her lips are swollen around that thing,” Jake said.

  Brent was frowning as she took him deep. Zoe recalled what Connor had said about them all liking head differently. She pulled up, circling the head with her tongue. Using her free hand, she held him as she ran her tongue along the side and up again.

  His hand came out and began stroking her hair. Zoe kept up her ministrations as Connor fucked her with two fingers.

  She gasped as the penetration widened her pussy. It had been a long time since she last had sex. She wasn’t used to it.

  Connor seemed to know this and eased her through with his fingers and licking her clit.

  Jake fingered her nipples, tweaking the tips into hard points. Everywhere she turned all three men were touching her as she did the same with them.

  “Shit, I’m not going to last,” Brent said.

  “It has barely been five minutes,” Jake said.

  “You haven’t felt her mouth on your dick. I bet you can’t last fucking two. Fuck.” His cock jumped as she sucked the tip. Brent pulled out of her mouth as the first spurt of his release shot out. It hit her chest and spurted on the sheet on the opposite side. Jake dodged Brent’s seed.

  Connor twisted his fingers inside her pussy and began stroking her G-Spot licking her clit at the same time. Brent collapsed against her, cleaning his seed with the edge of the sheet. He kissed her lips.

  Jake pulled away as her orgasm shook her whole body. The mass of sensation was unlike anything she’d ever felt. One moment she was blissful and the next in heaven. Her fingers sank into Connor’s hair pressing her pelvis against his face. Her cries burst out of her like water from a dam.

  After an orgasm, she usually felt sleepy. Now Zoe felt wired. Three men and each wanted to fuck her. Who was going first?


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