The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman

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The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you think you can reward us for our good boy behaviour?” Connor asked.

  “I can do more than reward you,” she said.

  Zoe moved up off the bed and straddled Jake’s waist. He moved into the centre of the bed, his hands on her hips. Brent went behind her, and seconds later her tits fell free from the tight constraints of the bra. She moaned as the cool air breezed over her nipples. Connor came into view and sucked a breast into his mouth.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “A little after seven. Why?” Jake said.

  “Because I don’t want to stop if you’ve got to go to work.”

  “We’ve got a couple of hours, baby.” Brent whispered against her ear. She moaned, turning her head and seeking his lips for a kiss.

  Connor moved to the next nipple, teasing the bud. She wanted all of them inside her body. The intense sensation whirling around was making it hard for her to think. Zoe wanted all of them.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  “We will, baby.” Jake stroked over her clit through her panties. She whimpered feeling the pleasure shoot through her body.

  “No, I want all of you to fuck me, together.”

  All three men paused. Connor let go of her breast with a plop. Brent came round into view, and Jake sat up, his head level with her breasts.

  “Are you sure?” Jake asked.

  “Positive. I want you badly, and I’ve been fantasising about it for months. Please, all of you, fuck me.”

  They seemed frozen into place unsure what to say or do. She chuckled pressing her chest toward Jake. “I’m not going to regret this. Please, take me, and make me your woman.”

  Jake ran his hands up her back cupping her head. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  “I know.”

  She kissed his lips then turned to kiss Connor and Brent with equal enthusiasm.

  Connor cupped her face forcing her to stare at him. “Are you sure you know what you’re asking for?” he asked.


  “Do you really?”

  “Tell me.”

  “You want us all to take you. One of us will be inside your cunt while the other takes your mouth, and then, one of us—”

  “Will be inside my ass.” She cut him off and finished his sentence. “I know, Connor. I want it.”

  “Connor, you can’t take her. You’re too large,” Brent said.

  She couldn’t look away. Zoe felt caught in his gaze.

  “I know. One of you will have the pleasure of her ass.”

  He stroked a thumb along her bottom lip. She licked the tip of his thumb with a moan.

  “You’re going to get fucked,” he said.

  “That is the plan, Connor.”

  She didn’t know what had happened to her. Waking up with three men had left her horny and desperate for a hard fucking. She knew it had to do with the fact that she cared about Brent, Jake, and Connor. There was no other reason for it. They’d done something to the ice inside her, and now she couldn’t stop the way she felt about them.

  Throwing caution to the wind she wrapped her arms around Connor. Jake climbed out from underneath her leaving them plenty of room.

  “Do you want to hurt me?” she asked.

  Zoe remembered the questions she’d asked him yesterday while driving in his truck. He stroked a hand through her hair, cupping her cheek and resting against the pulse at her throat.

  “No, I never want to hurt you, Zoe. You mean too much to me to hurt you.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “I asked someone who knows a great deal about what I feared. I trust his judgement.”

  “Good.” She pressed her lips against his, hoping he’d get the message. “I want you, Connor.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair and pulled on the strands. “I may not want to hurt you, Zoe, but I’m the one still in control.”

  Connor rose up to his full height and then stared down at her. He was larger, bigger, and showing the power he held over her.

  “What do you say, guys? Shall we make her our woman?” he asked.

  He spun her around as if she weighed nothing more than a rag doll. Her heart sped up as she stared at Brent and Jake. Their briefs were gone, and their cocks stood out, long, thick, and proud. Her mouth watered for a taste of each man. She was so turned on.

  “Yes, let’s make her our woman,” Jake said.

  Brent stared at her chest. She watched him lick his lips.

  “Look at them, Zoe. They want you as badly as I do.”

  “You like this? Being in control?”

  “It is how I am, baby.”

  She turned her head to the side so she could look at him. “I like it.”

  “Suck on them, Zoe. Show them how perfect your mouth is.” Zoe didn’t know how Connor knew about the pleasure she gave with her mouth. She knelt in front of Jake and Brent, aware her ass was in the air. Zoe wanted to move so no one saw how big her ass was, but then she decided against it. They’d all loved her ass the other night.

  She started with Brent first. Taking hold of the hard shaft, she covered the head with her lips and sucked him inside.

  His essence exploded on her tongue from his leaking pre-cum. He tasted exquisite and perfect.


  Connor watched her go down on Brent. From the look on the guy’s face he was in a mixture of heaven and hell. They’d been with women plenty of times, and he’d never responded to a woman’s head like that. He spent most of the time looking like he was fighting his orgasm. Brent might think he wasn’t in love with Zoe, but from the look on his face, Connor knew he was.

  Jake wrapped her fingers around his shaft and got her to work his length as she sucked on Brent. Zoe would need to learn to multi-task to keep them all occupied.

  He stared at her full, glorious ass, and the tempting wet cunt glistening at him. She looked so ripe and ready for the tasting. Connor ran a finger through her slit, circling her clit then going down to press one finger inside her sweet pussy. Her moans vibrated up the bed. She didn’t stop what she was doing. He gave her points for that. Connor left her side to grab a tube of lubrication from the drawer.

  They’d stocked the room with everything they’d need the moment they had seen her six months ago.

  By the time he came back she’d moved onto Jake’s cock.

  “Fuck, you weren’t lying. She’s got a fucking perfect mouth.”

  Connor grinned, opening the tube of lubrication and placing a good amount on his index finger.

  He ran a hand down her back, then opened her ass cheeks wide. The puckered hole of her anus glinted up at him. Connor pressed his well lubricated finger to her ass, smearing the lube all over her puckered asshole.

  She moaned around Jake’s cock but kept sucking him.

  “I’m going to press a finger inside you, Zoe. Tap the bed if you want me to stop.”

  “Okay,” she said, pulling off Jake’s cock to speak.

  He pressed the tip of his finger to her ass waiting for her tight ring of muscles to ease. He stroked her back the moved his hand round to her pussy to strum her clit. Her moans eased the pressure around her ass, and his finger slid inside to the knuckle.

  Her whimpers made him pause. She hadn’t hit the bed for him to stop.

  Brent and Jake were taking turns fucking her mouth as he fucked her ass with his finger. He pushed the digit inside then out.

  Within moments she began to thrust back onto his finger.

  When she was comfortable with the one digit, he eased a second finger inside her. “I can’t have her sucking my dick. I’m going to come,” Brent said.

  “Her ass is ready for one of you.”

  Connor moved round to face her. He cupped her chin and brought her face up to his. “I’m going to test your mouth,” he said.

  She licked her lips then kissed him. He held her hair wrapped around his fist and fed his cock into her mouth. Jake and Brent took it in turns to satisfy their woman.
Each man fingered her or licked her pussy. Connor wished he was the one to take her ass first.

  The moment her lips were around his shaft and her hot little mouth was sucking him in, Connor was a goner. Her mouth was amazing. She was hot and wet and sucked like an angel.

  He now knew what his friends were complaining about. There was no way he’d last long enough for the other two.

  “It’s not so easy, is it?” Brent teased.

  He pulled on her hair, easing out of her mouth. “Then stop playing with her and give the lady what she wants.”

  Brent sat on the edge of the bed, and they settled Zoe onto his cock. Her moans echoed off the walls making Connor’s dick ache with the need to sink inside her. She was an addictive woman, and he didn’t know how long he was going to last.

  Jake smeared the lubrication over his dick and slowly eased inside her tight ass. Connor knew how tight she was. With Brent inside her, she’d be tighter still.

  “Fuck.” Jake cursed. Brent moved so that he wouldn’t have Connor’s balls on his head. Connor settled at the head of the bed stroking her hair as she sucked on his cock.

  They were all inside her, joined together.

  She let go of Connor’s cock to cry out as Jake and Brent worked a pace together and thrust inside her. “This feels so good.”

  “Suck my dick, baby.”

  Connor pressed the tip to her lips, and she took him deep, sucking him into her mouth. He thrust inside her watching her mouth open wider to receive him. The sight of her saliva on his cock turned him on further. He knew this first time inside her mouth, he wasn’t going to last. Connor didn’t care.

  She was utterly perfect. The perfect woman for all of them. He’d do everything in his power to keep her safe, to protect her and to love her all the time for the rest of his life.

  All the horrid shit he’d been through would be worth it, if by the end of the day he could lie against Zoe and fall asleep. Tears stung his eyes as the possessiveness swept through him. Fuck, he loved her so much.

  Jake and Brent fucked her hard. Their hands were on her body as they drove inside her. He watched their cocks disappearing into her body. All three were claiming her, and a deep satisfaction overcame Connor. He knew they were all going to stay together. No matter what happened, she was their woman, and they’d protect her to the end.

  Zoe cried out around his shaft. Her climax took her over as she took him down her throat swallowing him. She became mindless, or so it appeared to him.

  Connor closed his eyes as the tears fell down his face. He wiped them away before anyone could see. His orgasm shot through him. He thrust inside her mouth, and his cock jerked. Zoe took his semen and swallowed. Not a drop was spilled.

  Brent and Jake cried out as they each climaxed. All of them collapsed on the bed in resplendent bliss. He’d never been so happy before in his life.

  Suddenly, he felt part of a family. He wasn’t just Jake and Brent’s friend. Connor felt so much more. He was their brother, their friend, and Zoe’s man. He had a place, and no one, not even his parents could take that from him.

  “You guys are going to wear me out,” Zoe said. Her hand lay across his thigh. He stroked the contours of her palm feeling the ridges and smoothness of her skin.

  “We’ll always make sure you get your rest. We’ll take care of you.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked.

  “It’s a lifetime guarantee, Zoe.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  For the next several weeks, life was perfect. Zoe couldn’t complain about a single thing. Brent, Jake, and Connor were all attentive. They hung out at The Dugout and took her back to their place most nights of the week. Sometimes, Connor would drive her back home if she needed the space. A great deal of the time, she wanted to spend time with them. Brent let her sit with him as he typed up his latest story. She asked questions about what he wrote, and he gave her one of his books to read.

  She knew he’d been writing to keep his fantasies in check. Brent was fun-loving and carefree most of the time. She loved spending time with him as he didn’t ask too many questions, and he was always happy to do something else when they got bored.

  Jake took her up to his studio. She did the same with his hobby as she did with Brent. Zoe asked plenty of questions to try to let him know she was interested in everything he did. With Connor she knew she needed to take plenty of walks after watching him. His food was to die for. The melt in your mouth type of food could easily describe his talent. What she also found out was Connor was a bit of a show-off in the kitchen. He loved the attention he got from her. She teased him about it all the time.

  Whenever she asked about his past though, he’d cut her off. His past and parents were a no go area.

  At night, they made love to her in so many different ways. All of her men were insatiable and wanted her every second of the day. Jake took her while she watched him paint. The tender way he made love to her made her heart ache with need to be his completely. Brent drew out her passion. His writing made him insatiable. He would test new positions on her, then go and sit naked at his computer and write.

  Connor was the most forceful of all three. He demanded control at every opportunity. She did as he said, as otherwise he didn’t play. Zoe knew it had to do with his past. It was the only part of him she didn’t understand or know. She’d talked with all three men about growing up with her parents and then the hell of the foster system. It was hard at first. Over time she knew they wouldn’t judge her.

  She walked down the stairs after spending the weekend with all three men. Jake and Brent had left for the morning. Connor was in the kitchen finishing up. It had been a month since she’d decided to stay in Law Castle. She still had her own apartment as there were days she stayed there. Moving in hadn’t come up in conversation, and that she was happy with. Sharing a home was a huge step, and she didn’t know how she would feel about taking such a step so early on in their relationship.

  “Morning, honey. Did you sleep well?” Connor asked.

  She nodded her head, grabbing a cup of coffee from the counter. He was sealing boxes up ready to take to the bakery. His products were the best.

  His broodiness had started to show over the last couple of days. Jake and Brent showed their usual concern but never voiced them. She stared at Connor and felt the underlying tension within him.

  “What did your parents do to you?” she asked. His head shot up as he glared at her.

  “That is none of your concern.”

  The writing on the boxes became erratic as he finished up the packaging.

  “I think it is my concern. You’re not the same, Connor. Something is bothering you, and I want to know what.”

  He threw the box of cookies on the floor. The delicious biscuits lay useless on the floor. “Leave it alone.” Connor stormed out of the room, running up the stairs. Zoe knew she should leave him alone. She couldn’t do it.

  Moving off the chair she followed him up the stairs. He was in his room changing clothes. She noticed how neat his room was. Everything had a place, and nothing appeared dirty or out of place.

  “I’ve got to get to work,” he said.

  “You can talk to me, Connor.”

  “Why? Because you were a foster kid and know all about fucking pain.” She winced at his condescending tone. “There are some things, princess, you don’t need to know or understand.”

  His anger exploded. She squealed as he threw the chest of drawers to the floor. The chaos in the room looked out of place. She covered her ears as he smashed pictures and art work. He was like a crazed animal finally letting loose after being trapped for so long. She noticed he didn’t ruin any of the pictures with Jake and Brent. Everything else was fair game. His bedroom looked like a pit when he was finished.

  “What is this about, Connor? You’re scaring me, and I only want you to talk to me.” Tears were streaming down her face. The pain inside her grew to unbearable proportions. The destruction of his room told her m
ore than he realised. Something had happened when he was younger with his parents. Did they beat him? Hurt him in some way? She didn’t know.

  “You should be fucking scared, Zoe. I’m not ready for this shit. You should learn to keep your nose out of places it doesn’t belong.” He kicked the door closed. She heard him running down the stairs. His anger scared her. She didn’t know why his mood had changed so strongly.

  Seconds later she heard the front door slam closed. Zoe’s whole body shook. The bedroom looked a mess. She picked up the one picture that hadn’t been destroyed. It was a picture of Brent, Jake, and Connor, the same picture Jake had showed her the first morning she’d woken up.

  Not knowing why she did, she turned the picture frame over and opened it, pulling the photo out.

  On the back, in Connor’s writing there was a note. “The summer Connor died.”

  Jake had been right.

  She’d ruined everything. Opening his bedroom door she made her way down the stairs to the hall where the phone lay. She picked it up and dialled Vicki’s number. Vicki answered on the third ring.

  “Will you come and pick me up?”


  Zoe let her friend know where she was then ran back up the stairs. She opened the main bedroom’s closet and took out all of the clothes she’d brought with her. No way was she returning after that.

  They could see her when he was ready.

  Vicki came twenty minutes later. It looked like the younger woman had been crying.

  “Are you all right?” Zoe asked, getting into the car.

  “It has been a really shitty day. You look like crap.”

  “Thanks. Will you drop me off at my apartment and tell Steve I can’t make it to work tonight?”

  “Are you leaving town?”

  “No, I just need some time to think. If I go to The Dugout, they can find me, and I don’t want to be found at the moment.”

  “You know they can just come to your apartment?”

  “It’s in a shitty neighbourhood. They’ll give me my space.”

  “If you think so.”

  Zoe didn’t say anything else. When they got to her apartment she invited Vicki upstairs for a drink. She liked the younger woman. Vicki was a wonderful, loving, endearing friend, and Zoe was pleased to say that after twenty-six years without one, she’d finally found a friend in Vicki.


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