The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman

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The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman Page 13

by Sam Crescent


  Jake stood in the waiting room with Brent, Connor, and Tristan. They were waiting to see if the two women were fine. Zoe had taken a severe hit to the head while Vicki was worse. She’d been pregnant, and the baby had been lost the moment the bullet hit her. Vicki was in surgery.

  Tristan looked like a tortured man.

  The doctor came down the hall. “I’m looking for a relative of Zoe Howard.”

  “That’s us. I’m her fiancé,” Jake said. There was no way they were not getting married. Zoe was their woman, no matter how reluctant she was to admit it.

  “She’s fine. The bang on the head was hard, and she’s got a bad headache and will have for a few days. There is some swelling on her face and bruised ribs, but nothing rest won’t cure. We’re keeping her here overnight just in case. You’re free to go and see her.”

  “What about Vicki Phillips?” Tristan asked, standing up.

  “She’s still in surgery. I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait.”

  Zoe was sitting up in the hospital bed as they walked in. She smiled, which was promising.

  “How do you feel?” Brent asked, taking her hand and kissing it.

  “Like I’ve been ten rounds with a bus and lost. My head hurts, and my whole body aches. The fucking bastard kicked me in the ribs when I was down and out of it. I wish I could knock him around a bit. See how he likes it?”

  “He’s not going anywhere except jail,” Jake said.

  She smiled. “I heard what you guys said before the ambulance came. I want to know if you meant it or if it was down to a spur of the moment thing.”

  “If we meant what?” Connor asked.

  “That you love me. I understand if you don’t. I just want to make sure all the facts are right before I say anything.”

  Jake, Connor, and Brent took seats next to her. They reached out touching her body.

  “I love you so much, Zoe Howard. I’ve never been in love with such a reluctant and independent woman before in my life,” Jake said.

  She chuckled.

  “I didn’t know how I felt until I thought I’d never see you again. I love you, Zoe. There is no way you’re leaving us. I won’t let it happen,” Brent said.

  “You own my heart and soul, Zoe. You understand me, and I was never in doubt of how I felt. I love you completely,” Connor said.

  She reached out to all of them. “And I love you three so much. When I woke up and saw he’d taken me, all I could think about was all of you. I love you all so much, and it scares me. I’ve never felt like this before in all of my life.”

  It was the best news Jake could have hoped for. From the looks of his two friends, it was the same for them.

  “I think you need to tell them, Connor. Now is the best time to put the past to rest,” she said.

  Jake frowned. Connor shut the hospital door, sat down, and began to tell them the truth about his past. All of them cried at the news. It hurt more than anything he ever thought possible. His best friend had been in pain and hurting, and he’d not done anything.

  When they left the hospital room, Jake knew they would all be different. They would never be the same again.

  “How’s Vicki?” Zoe asked.


  Tristan couldn’t stop his hands shaking. They were covered in blood. He’d washed them until they were red raw, but it didn’t stop him from seeing Vicki’s blood on his hands. The doctor came back with good news. He even pointed him in the direction of where she was resting. For a few minutes he stared at his hands knowing he shouldn’t go in there.

  Sweet, innocent Vicki deserved someone better than he was. What had happened between them was his fault. He should never have let it go so far.

  He walked in the room. She was hooked up to a load of tubes. Her face was pale, and the pain in her eyes killed him dead on the spot.

  “How are you?” he asked.


  Tristan took a seat next to her bed. “You didn’t tell me about the baby,” he said.

  “You didn’t tell me about your wife until it was too late.”

  He winced. He was a fucking coward.

  Neither said another word. Tristan stared at her until she fell asleep.

  What have I done?


  Four months later

  Zoe stood with Vicki inside the kitchen and watched Connor pull some more cocktail sausages out of the oven. They were hosting the New Year party. It had been an exciting year. Zoe had never been happier. Bill had been taken away and put in jail for drug dealing and murder. Zoe hoped she never had to hear his name again, let alone see him. The guy had given her the creeps. She stared at her friend seeing the sparkle in her eyes still hadn’t returned. Vicki hadn’t been the same since the incident at The Dugout, and she also no longer worked at the bar. Zoe’s heart went out to the younger woman. She looked so lost. Zoe caught her hand and pulled her close for a hug.

  “It will be a great year, Vicki. You’ll see,” Zoe said.

  “I hope you’re right. I don’t think I could handle another year like this one.”

  “I hear you.” Zoe raised her glass and clinked with Vicki.

  “Ladies, no getting drunk. I don’t want to pry you both out of the bathroom later,” Connor said.

  They both chuckled. Brent wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. “Happy New Year, baby.”

  “It’s not that time yet, Brent.” She snuggled against him watching as Vicki left the kitchen. Tristan was in the sitting room. Zoe saw him watching Vicki. It was so sad to see two people want each other and yet keep each other apart. She didn’t know everything about them together. She only knew that Vicki didn’t trust him anymore.

  Jake pulled her out of Brent’s arms. They were the only people in the kitchen with Connor.

  “You look so good. I can’t wait until everyone goes home and we can have you to ourselves.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she said.

  A giggle burst out of her as Connor pulled her to him. It was like they were playing tug of war with her body.

  “My turn to kiss our woman.”

  They each took it in turns to hold her, dance with her, and kiss her. She felt their love so completely surround her. “I love you,” she said to Connor.

  “I love you, too.” He’d found a therapist to talk to, and his mood swings were lessening in ferocity. It hurt her to see him in pain. She knew Brent and Jake felt guilty for not knowing what was happening to their friend. She loved them all equally and didn’t blame them.

  When the countdown began, Jake, Brent, and Connor each took turns. As the crowd shouted out at the New Year, she saw Vicki leave the house, Tristan staring after her.

  Her only wish for the New Year was that Vicki found some happiness. She knew the younger woman deserved it.

  The people began to leave, and by three they were alone. They left the mess for the morning. Zoe followed them up the stairs to their shared room. They never slept in any other room in the house but this one. She loved it. Waking up surrounded by three gorgeous men never failed to entertain her.

  They pulled her clothes off and took her to the bed. Zoe opened herself up to their rampant need. Their love was spoken in actions rather than words. She closed her eyes as they brought her body to fulfilment over and over again.

  She fell asleep exhausted but with three men wrapped around her. Their love was worth every second of what she’d been through. Losing her parents and being in the foster system had all led her to Law Castle, and that had led her into the arms of three men who would spend the rest of their lives loving her. It was more than she could have ever hoped for. The only thing she ever wanted was to be loved and to have a family of her own. She knew they were planning a special dinner to propose. Zoe had heard them talking the other night when they’d thought she was asleep. It would be the best day of her life as she knew the answer without hesitation. Yes!

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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