Losing It

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Losing It Page 24

by Zaria Garrison

  “What does that have to do with me?” Danté asked.

  Shawn didn’t answer. Instead, he turned to Brenetta for help.

  “We want to help you, Danté. This is nothing new. We’ve always cared about you and Nichole,” she said.

  “So why didn’t you offer to send me to college when I graduated high school? Why are you doing this now?”

  Brenetta smiled and gently took his hand into hers. “Because we knew you’d never go off to college and leave your sister. But she’s in heaven now, and we are taking care of the baby. You took care of Nichole for so long, Danté, and she loved you very much, but it’s time for you to take care of yourself,” she said.

  As he walked into the church, Danté thanked God that he had listened and accepted their offer. Sean had also given him a car. It was nothing fancy, just a used Toyota, but it was clean and ran well. Danté had just completed his freshman year at South Carolina State University. He was studying engineering and sincerely hoped that soon Camille would join him on campus as a student.

  They walked to the front of the church and took their seats. Directly in front of them were Leon, Sharmaine, Jeanna, and Rodney. They looked back and smiled at them as they sat down.

  It had taken Victor almost two months after Keisha’s death to get the attempted murder charges against Sharmaine dropped. Although Keisha had confessed to Sharmaine, there was little evidence linking her to the crime. As executor of Keisha’s estate, Sharmaine was reluctant to allow them access to Keisha’s apartment and belongings. Regardless of what transpired, Sharmaine still loved Keisha and did not want to destroy her memory. She realized, however, that unless she implicated Keisha, she could not clear her own name. Sadly, she had turned everything over to Victor and the police.

  Inside Keisha’s apartment, they found the rat poison, as well as the other drugs she’d used in order to make Sharmaine sick. They had also gained access into her computer, which contained proof that Keisha had recorded and edited the video. Armed with this information, along with verification that Keisha had falsely obtained the gun in Sharmaine’s name, Victor was finally able to get a judge to clear Sharmaine of all charges. After the charges were dropped, the judge released the freeze on her finances. She moved back into her home, and she and Leon began rebuilding their lives. It wasn’t an easy transition, but they were slowly finding their way back to the family they once were.

  After reconciling, Leon and Sharmaine’s first order of business was a press conference, during which they admitted to being the couple in the video. They also let the press and all of Sharmaine’s fans know that she was filmed without her knowledge or consent, with her husband. Realizing that she was actually the victim, her fans rallied behind her in forgiveness.

  They flooded the radio stations and the record company with so many requests that Shawn Reeves had no choice but to immediately re-sign her to Raga Records and re-release her CD. It shot up the charts like a meteor, breaking sales records second only to Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

  In just a few weeks following the christening, Sharmaine was due to begin her nationwide tour. It would be her first tour without Keisha, and she was determined to learn from her mistakes. Instead of having one personal assistant, manager, and publicist, she requested that the record company hire a team of people, each with a different job. She was also insistent that no one was required to work excessive hours. Although the tour was scheduled to last three months, she’d requested that the schedule allow one week off in between shows every two weeks. This would allow anyone who worked on the tour time to relax, rest, and see their families.

  Pearls of Righteousness, the movie she’d completed prior to all of the trouble, had been picked up again by the studio. It was scheduled for release on Christmas, as planned, the same as her other movies. The studio also signed her to an exclusive contract for three additional movies over the next five years. Her career was destined to become even larger and more successful than it had been before.

  Sharmaine still deeply missed her friend. After planning her funeral, she’d buried Keisha in the same plot with her husband and children. Sharmaine took flowers to her grave often, and prayed that she’d somehow finally found peace.

  Also inside the sanctuary, Shawn and Brenetta sat with their baby girl happily squirming in Brenetta’s lap. After watching Nichole die, Brenetta was so grief stricken that initially she was hesitant to take the baby, as Nichole had requested; however, the events finally allowed her to look at her life in perspective. Brenetta had also been shot as a teen, but unlike Nichole, she survived. As she reflected on how fragile life can be, she realized that she had a wonderful husband and a beautiful home. She had family and friends who loved and respected her. For the first time, Brenetta realized she was truly blessed. Her hunger for a child of her own had overshadowed that.

  As they prepared for the christening, she’d told Shawn that she wanted to adopt more children. He was surprised, as she’d always fought him when he’d suggested it in the past. Brenetta explained that she realized that a baby did not have to come from her body for her to fall in love and be a good mother. They agreed that there were plenty of children that could use a good, stable home with loving parents. Both of them looked forward to soon giving their daughter siblings.

  Everyone in the congregation ceased their idle chatter as Bishop Snow entered the sanctuary to begin the service. After greeting everyone, he opened his Bible and began reading aloud from Luke, 18:15 “And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

  He closed the Bible and invited Shawn and Brenetta to the altar with their daughter. He took her into his arms.

  “What name is given to this child?” he asked

  “Shawnetta Nichole Reeves,” they answered in unison.

  Bishop Snow turned to Mrs. Snow, who stood holding a white bowl full of water and a white towel. He dipped his hand into the water and gently sprinkled a few drops on Shawnetta’s head.

  “Shawnetta Nichole Reeves, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

  Shawnetta giggled as he tenderly dried her head then handed her back to Brenetta.

  Bishop Snow then requested that Danté and Sharmaine come forward as Shawnetta’s godparents. He smiled at them. “As godparents of this child, I charge you both with a very important task. Live your lives as an example for this child, so that she may live a godly life. It is your duty to assist her parents in raising her in a godly fashion. Do you accept this charge?”

  They both stated, “We do.”

  Bishop Snow then turned to the congregation. “Many of you here today may not be aware of the circumstances surrounding this wonderful little life. Church, this child was conceived in the midst of an evil act. A wicked man raped a teenage girl and she became pregnant.”

  The congregation gasped in unison. Bishop Snow paused as his congregation processed the information.

  “Wait, church, that’s not the end of this story. That poor teenage girl, while she was alone and pregnant, was gunned down by a crazed drug addict. The bullet went through her arm and pierced her heart, just barely missing her unborn child. This young girl was an innocent bystander who had not done anything wrong. That bullet cut short her life. She gave birth; then she went home to glory.”

  Danté wiped away a tear as Bishop Snow talked about Nichole. He stood silently at the altar next to Sharmaine.

  “Oh, but glory hallelujah, that is still not how the story ends,” Bishop Snow continued. “I know it sounds like a sad story. It sounds like Satan entered her life and turned everything upside down. But don’t you know that God always has a plan? What Satan intended for evil, God turned into good. This beautiful baby girl that you see today has become a blessing in the lives of Brother and Sister Reeves.”

sp; “Amen, Bishop! Hallelujah,” several parishioners shouted out.

  “This child’s life is an example to everyone here today. Her life is an example that sometimes Satan will come into our lives and turn them topsy-turvy. There will be so much drama going on that we begin to think we are losing it. But, church, that’s when God steps in. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Even in the worst of times, God can and will bless you.”

  Danté and Sharmaine began applauding, as they both were witnesses to Bishops Snow’s words. The congregation joined with them, and everyone applauded loudly.

  “I charge all of you today, as well, to live as examples before this child of God. Let your light so shine that she may see the God in each and every one of you. Let the church say amen,” Bishop Snow concluded.

  Brenetta handed Shawnetta to Danté and smiled. Then she turned to look at the entire congregation. Suddenly, she began to sing. “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. They are weak, but he is strong.”

  Shawn looked over at her, stunned. Her voice was not powerful or dramatic. It certainly wasn’t the best he’d ever heard. But she’d managed to stay on key, and Shawn had to admit she actually sounded pretty good. He took her hand into his and began singing along. “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.”

  One by one, the congregation stood, and each of them joined hands or linked arms with their neighbor. In unison, they lifted their voices and all stood singing together. “Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.”

  Readers Group Guide Questions

  1. Losing It is a modern adaption of the story of Job. What are your thoughts on how Sharmaine’s problems compared with those of Job?

  2. Sharmaine is a celebrity falsely accused. Does her story make you take a second look at how quickly we believe rumors about others?

  3. Have you ever been in a situation where you were an outcast among your peers? If so, how does Sharmaine’s situation compare and make you feel?

  4. What were your feelings regarding Leon’s mother not allowing Sharmaine to see or speak to her children?

  5. If you had been one of the parishioners at church when Sharmaine came to sing, knowing only what they knew, do you think you would have stayed or left?

  6. Did you judge Danté as a bad person as soon as he was introduced, the same way Jackson and Leon did, or did you wait to get to know the character and his motives?

  7. Does your local church group sponsor a drug rehabilitation counseling program? If not, do you feel that it’s something that is needed?

  8. Keisha’s griefled her to bitterness and eventually revenge on the person she felt was responsible. Do you think grief counseling could have prevented her from feeling this way?

  9. What emotions did you feel when you discovered Keisha’s motive for harming Sharmaine? Did you feel she was justified or crazy?

  10. Was there a character in this story that you closely identified with? If so, which character and why?

  Coming Soon

  Nobody’s Son

  by Zaria Garrison


  James blinked his eyes trying to focus in the darkness. His abductor had just taken off the blindfold that had been surrounding his face and blocking his vision. It really didn’t matter because all he could see in every direction was blackness. Seated in a hard wooden chair his hands were bound behind his back, and his feet were tied tightly to the chair legs. After untying the blindfold his abductor reached for the ropes, but to James’ disappointment he tightened them making sure that he could barely move.

  “Who are you and what do you want from me?” he screamed into the darkness. His voice echoed then faded into silence.

  His captor had not spoken a word since he’d grabbed him from behind just as he was exiting his condo. James was about to get into his car when he felt a gun poking into his back. Even though he was petrified he didn’t panic. Instead he calmly cooperated while praying that the assailant would take his wallet and leave, but the abductor didn’t want money or Jamesbrand new slate blue Cadillac Escalade. He wanted James and he quickly blindfolded, bound and gagged him, then threw him into the back of a utility van. They drove around for awhile and James began to feel motion sickness. His stomach buckled and he felt nauseous. Finally the van stopped, the door opened and James felt himself being dragged forward with his arms pinned tightly behind his back. He heard a large garage door screech loudly and open and then close behind him, so he assumed he was in some sort of warehouse building. James was unsure how much time had lapsed since then, but he guessed it had been several hours. His body was sore and fatigued and he was beginning to get sleepy, so he imagined it was late in the evening. The rumblings in his stomach also let him know that it was way past dinner time.

  “I’m hungry. Aren’t you at least going to feed me?” he screamed.

  “Later.” A gruff voice said.

  Chapter One

  Three months earlier

  Semaj sighed as he sat in the waiting area of the bakery. His bride to be, Ellen was glowing with excitement as she waited anxiously for the baker to bring out wedding cake samples. Semaj had no idea when he’d proposed six months earlier that his weekends would become consumed with cake tastings, color palettes, wedding invitations and all things bridal. He had been bored to tears when Ellen tried to explain to him the difference between emerald, moss, apple and hunter green, while she was choosing bridesmaids dresses. It took all of his strength to stay awake when she droned on and on about the pros and cons of whether or not to have tulips or roses in her bouquet. Semaj wouldn’t know the difference between Chantilly lace and burlap, but Ellen knew and it mattered greatly when she was choosing her bridal gown. All of the details bored him to tears, but he loved Ellen Winston with all of his heart and thanked God everyday for bringing her into his life.

  Most people, including Semaj considered him a loner. He was raised by his grandparents, who both passed away during Semaj’s senior year in high school. Their sudden deaths left him alone and on his own. He’d managed to work his way through college with a myriad of different part time and odd jobs, which eventually led to his career. While attending college Semaj took a job in the mail room of a local news station. Following graduation he became an intern, a reporter and eventually worked his way up to anchor. He was proud to be one of the most respected and highly paid anchors in the city.

  Feeling bored as they waited for the baker, Semaj pulled out his blackberry and began to check his messages. An unfamiliar name in his email inbox caught his eye just as the bakery owner entered the room with a plate full of assorted cakes.

  “You guys are going to love these samples,” she exclaimed excitedly.

  “I hope you don’t have anything with strawberries in it,” Semaj said. He noticed several pieces of cake that were pink in color sitting on the tray.

  “Your fiancée told me that you are allergic to strawberries, but I included a few for her to taste anyway. Many couples choose to have a different flavor of cake for each layer.”

  “Baby, don’t worry, we will be sure that you don’t get any of the strawberries today or on the wedding day,” Ellen assured him.

  Semaj shook his head as he realized that once again he was only along for the ride and that nothing he thought, felt, or wanted would be taken into consideration. Like an obedient fiancée he took several bites of the chocolate, red velvet, and white chocolate mousse slices of cake without offering an opinion. Almost two hours after they arrived at the bakery Ellen had finally made her choices and they were free to go. She rattled on and on in the car like a monkey in a tree about the flavors, and style she’d chosen while he politely nodded and pretended to be listening. After dropping Ellen at her apartment Semaj drove home, took a long hot shower, then plopped down on his sofa wearing only his boxer short. He turned on the television in search of any sports related programming before finally settling on a high school f
ootball game. Pulling out his blackberry his eyes wandered once again to the unfamiliar email address.

  “Those spam blockers ain’t worth a crap,” he muttered to himself as he debated whether or not to open the e-mail. Finally his curiosity got the best of him and he clicked on it.

  Dear Mr. Brooks,

  I am contacting you regarding a personal matter that is strictly confidential, but could be of financial benefit to both of us. I have information regarding a family member that you have been searching for. Please contact me at 555-4216 so that we can discuss this further.

  Sincerely Gwen Johnston

  At first glance Semaj believed the email to be one of the many he often received from spammers pretending to have money that was left to him by an unknown relative. In the end those types of emails usually ended with a request for a bank account number to transfer money into a foreign account. Semaj felt a chill down his spine and he knew instinctively that this email was different.

  Sometime following Semaj’s birth and before his first birthday, Semaj’s parents split up and he lived alone with his mother in Chicago, IL. He had no memory of her at all because shortly afterwards his mother died in a house fire. An anonymous stranger pulled Semaj from the burning structure while his mother perished inside. As a child, Semaj often questioned his grandmother about both of his parents, but she refused to give him any details. Whenever he’d ask she would scold him about digging up skeletons from the past, and admonish him to let sleeping dogs lie. All he knew of his mother was that her name was Allison, and she was only nineteen years old when she died. He knew nothing at all about his father. Once he’d asked his grandfather to at least tell him his name, and the expletive that passed his Papa’s lips shocked him so much that he never asked again.


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